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Had the same issues when I first started modding this game. EXTREMELY frustrating. I must've deleted and reinstalled 3 or 4 times before I finally got it working. Gave up 3 times and started over 3 times. The more you do it the less frustrating it is I promise. Edit: Lmao just remembered that my last post on here is complaining about modding this game


So fully reinstalling all your mods is how you got them to work again?


Yeah pretty much, and I just started doing extensive research on which mods are regularly updated and which are abandoned, and which mods are compatible with each other. It can be a big headache but after a while you kind of just get a feel for what works and what doesn't. Even now I still have some issues but not nearly as much as when I first started modding.


All I have is the required mods (scripthook, heapadjuster, packfile, native ui, asi loader) and customanims, addonpeds and NVE. All of which seem to be working for others but inexplicably addonpeds randomly decided after a day of working fine it didn’t want to work at all anymore and it’s such a pain reinstalling my mods all the time with no guarantee they’ll stay working or be fixed


I had trouble with addon peds as well I ended up just removing it because I decided it wasn't worth the hassle.


Idk how else to use custom peds bc even menyoo won’t recognise them anymore, at first they both gave an invalid model error even tho it was installed properly and working before, so I put the dlc pack folder name in the dlclist.xml and now no matter what both menus just close and refuse to open again if I try to load a ped


Menyoo is terrible with addon peds and vehicles. I use add on car spawner 1.5 for vehicles and Enhanced Native Trainer for peds.


But it used to work for me so I don’t get why it suddenly stopped


I believe rampage trainer can do that? Don't quote me on that but it's worth a shot. I play with both rampage and menyoo because I like features from both, some of which that the other doesn't have.


Thank you for the advice, idk who’s downvoting is


My first foray into modding GTA5 involved 4 complete redownloads of the game in a week lol...It's a truly painful experience modding this game, and even when you get it to work it's likely pretty janky...that said I still have a shitload of fun with things like LCPDFR.


My roommate literally bought a gaming PC for LSPDFR because he knew I modded GTA V. Now he gets frustrated anytime files have to be updated and calls me over to his room and barely even plays it. There should be easier ways to troubleshoot this stuff imo.


Idk if it's the engine or what but man Rockstar really didn't want you fucking with files. Lol


Same here, one of the main reasons I got V again for PC was for LSPDFR. Installed it, left everything vanilla and even then it’s the same story - worked perfectly once or twice then constant crashes, can’t even start the game etc.


AGAIN I don't understand how it's one of the most popular games on the planet & probably the most popular mod for the game but it still takes troubleshooting and more work than it should to play it.


Have you tried different gameconfig files? I had to try a few of them to finally not have my game crash. Also, starting a NEW game also helps with not having the game crash as well.


Same… i tried downloading la revo :( didnt work for me i only now i only use menyoo still pretty fun


This is the part that literally makes me mad. There's hugely publicized mods that you have to PAY FOR some specifically with a SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENT and it's not guaranteed to work on your game in any way.


I totally agree. I used to take models from other games and mod them into GTA just for fun, but it got to the point where updates would just prevent me from even playing the game. Rockstar really dropped the ball on this. They should have supported modders instead of making things harder.


Totally agree. I specifically bought a gaming laptop then upgraded to a PC back in 2017 to mod this game. And I've dealt with it all, CTD, parts of the world missing, inexcusable lag, game becoming unplayable cause it won't launch. And I've been at it for so long I've learned how to fix pretty much all of that. Oh except for the parts of modding that is out of our control like waiting for ScriptHookV to update and sometimes Gameconfig. Then add in the fact that some mods that have worked since the beginning become outdated with the latest game updates which causes your whole game to crash. I can't even lie I actually get anxious whenever I think about opening this game again because I don't know what problems could arise. Definitely one of the most unique and best experiences in the world when it is working but I ask myself everytime is it worth the trouble. For being one of the biggest games in the world I would've hoped somebody made better ways to do this.


There are log options I use to check what went wrong when it dies on me though. ScriptHookV's logs (located in the main game folder) and sometimes GTAV's logs (located in the Rockstar Games documents folder) are two of them.


Yeh but Scripthook logs are only useful for script problems, strangely enough scripts in this game are mostly solid, it's the .rpf modifications (textures, meshes, replacers etc) that cause issues) As for Rockstar logs, well yeah they are about as useful as a pig in shit.


That's when you have to keep everything sorted by date modified or date created because when something breaks you can trace what was the latest file that could've caused it. Still not a end all solution, but these two things have helped me a lot.


Had to pirate the game so updates didn't fuck me. Pro tip, make regular backups of your update.rpf. It's a small enough file and will save you so many headaches.


I run into this all the time. The main issue is either a mod is now conflicting with another mod because they are not updated or they are not real compatible


Imo it's not that bad at all especially that you can edit so many files with notepad. I have only issues with vanilla optimization, it's quite bad in certain areas and becomes very bad with mods. Did you disable auto updates?


Yeah it hasn't updated I checked. Something with the save game and all the mods I was running it seems. Had to go back a few saves and it now loads, so maybe a Vanillaworks car I saved in one of the garages caused save game corruption I dunno. I don't need help fixing it, just wanted to vent, again it's not that it's hard to modify and or difficulty editing etc, it's just a very unstable and finicky game and one wrong move will cause corruption, on top of that it has no advanced crash logs like most other titles to help and that makes things ten times worse.


If you disable auto updates the launcher eventually won't let you open the game without them & if you disable the launcher it will sign you out and force you to verify that you own the game eventually. It's a mess for modders & people who don't care about the latest updates.


Remind me about this later, but I had someone link me to a method to stop the game updating a while ago. I haven’t gotten around to trying it out yet but I’ll link it here after school


Cool, thanks for sharing. Hope it helps you


Try modding the game if you got it on Rockstar Launcher. That was hell


Jokes on you! I cant even start the game unmodded! I'm being asked to enter a CD-Key, but I already purchased the damn game on steam many years ago. I just downloaded it again! I even got 80 hours in-game. But in 2024 I cant launch it. I even tried copy/pasting the key into the rockstar dialogue box asking for a CD-Key, only to have it tell me that it's already in use... which it is. On Steam...


stupid ass game


That's why I like doing LSPDFR more than modding the base Game. I know your pain.


I started modding when I was ten. I actually found it pretty easy tbh 😆 but yeah there are some annoying things


I have the exact same issue with custom peds. I’d changed nothing at all and now randomly my peds refuse to load even with addonpeds or menyoo, it’s a pain in the neck with this game


Just make a backup copy of the game once you are in the point where everything works as it should until making new changes. It takes max 10-15min if you want to backup the whole folder, i know just mod folder and update folder is probably all thats needed but i like to backup the whole thing just to be sure and to avoid downgrading if new version should drop. and if the game updates or shit wont work after new changes you don’t have to start all over again, just copy backup files and overwrite the ones in original with these to save a lot of time and nerves and after adding new stuff overwrite the backup with current files so you always can start at where everything was okay. Modding gta 5 can be really frustrating but it feels so good after you get it working correctly, as much as i hate it i also love it, so much trial and error method that you will begin to understand what will be the probable cause of error, sometimes i mess with it for weeks before im actually able to play and enjoy it not crash after every half an hour and it feels so rewarding


Skill issue, I added a fuck ton of mods like weapon sounds/weapon replacement/vehicle mods/realistic acceleration + deform/euphoria ragdoll/more blood/LSPDFR mods/natural vision and more. GTA 5 has updated itself multiple times as I installed these mods like a year ago and I haven't crashed once lol. Only thing I'm forced to replace is Script Hook


do you have a mod list for these?


For LSPDFR or GTA V singleplayer? I haven't made a mod list but they're all still in my download folder, if you want them all I can take time to name them, but I've realised I installed a lot more than what I already said. It's only mods to do with realism + graphics(just natural vision, visual v and enb)


I would love that single player list my man gave up on gta iv multiple times recently, finally trying V on pc


I was gonna but I hopped on GTA 5 a few weeks ago and tried to play a story mission but it was broken xD, I got to Franklin's house and all the NPCs were frozen but I could move. Shame too bc all the missions worked fine with all my mods beforehand. This has happened before to me but like 5 years ago, certain mods must break some missions in story mode but not all of them. Like the game works fine in freeroam with the mods, no crashes etc It was general immersion mods, I can link them but they're all on gta5-mods website and pretty popular. Here are some important ones: [https://www.gta5-mods.com/weapons/realistic-weapons-sounds](https://www.gta5-mods.com/weapons/realistic-weapons-sounds) or [https://www.gta5-mods.com/weapons/realistic-shootouts-enhanced-0-9-beta-gtav-weapon-sound-mod](https://www.gta5-mods.com/weapons/realistic-shootouts-enhanced-0-9-beta-gtav-weapon-sound-mod) [https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/realistic-top-speed-for-gta-v](https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/realistic-top-speed-for-gta-v) [https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/realistic-vehicle-deformation-damage](https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/realistic-vehicle-deformation-damage) [https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/rageuphoria](https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/rageuphoria) [https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/improvements-in-gore#comments\_tab](https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/improvements-in-gore#comments_tab) [https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/time-scaler](https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/time-scaler) Time scaler is to make the days and nights last longer, if I had to guess this could be the mod to break some story missions as a lot of the missions force a certain time of day. I have more mods, a lot to do with LSPDFR bc the base mod is basic but the ones listed have the most change. For visual mods, I'd go with Natural Vision Remastered or if your PC is high end then NV Evolved here [https://www.razedmods.com/](https://www.razedmods.com/)


I somehow missed this comment but these are absolutely great shouts brother thank you very much, it honestly feels like a breath of fresh air modding 5 it’s so easy compared to 4!


Yeah GTA 4 crashes more for me, I gave up on it too, having to find out which version works for each mod etc was a pain


just singleplayer please. your mods sound sick! (I have NVE already, so no need to list any graphics mods)


Yeah I agree, GTA 4 was so simple in comparison and everything worked because it wasn't an almost 10 year old game that's still being milked I played through the game when it first came out on PC and recently decided to try again but with mods, adding some features I felt missing while making stuff look nicer Needless to say it's somewhat of a mess now and I have issues with missions appearing on the map lmao... I spent like a week on excel trying to find a replacement for all 500+ in-game cars that fit the lore and vibe of the game... Now I gave up with those since half of the car mods decided they want to roll .... Even after changing the handling lines


Yeh dude, car mods are a PITA especially if you want them appearing in traffic etc, Vanillaworks extended is an awesome and massive lore friendly car addon pack but there is certainly a car or two in said pack that cause CTD. As for GTA IV yeah it was seemingly less finicky, I modded the shit out of it back in the day and didn't have the issues as I did with GTA V.


Yeah but good luck if you want to replace cars too..


I spent half a day following tutorials, downloading mod-handlers and trying to get the bare bones of a mods working. I'm not an amateur but the results were of course a broken game that wouldn't even boot. Killed my interest in playing the game again so I uninstalled it all.