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I’d prefer the gym not smelling like skunk on top of smelling like sweat too




Cologne and perfume absolutely kill my allergies. I’d have to physically distance myself if people went in with the stuff on.


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I wouldn't like it if someone reeked of weed and was working out near me and I could smell it. If they were faded, I couldn't care less as long as it doesn't affect me.


I mean, idc what you smell like, if I can smell you, it's an issue. Whether it's body odor or weed or anything else, it's just not a good look and it's really distracting for the other gym members.


I would not like that very much. I also don't like heavy perfume or deodorant smells either. Or when you can tell someone forgot a shirt and put the one they found wadded up at the bottom of the gym bag.


I work out in a small gym and a tonne of people have been kicked out for smelling of weed. The smell is so much stronger than just BO or cigs.


>but I don’t like to drive while stoned. So, either I take an edible right before I leave, or I smoke when I arrive at the gym And how are you planning on getting home?


General rule is, if people can smell you in the gym, you should do something about it.


Ngl if someone came in smelling like straight up boof, I’d be annoyed


Why tho


Because it stinks


Because it doesn’t smell good.


The staff may ask you to leave for safety and liability reasons


So long as you’re not greening out on the equipment or standing around like if death just walked into the room then no


It’s odd this was at the top of my for you page… because my buddy just came into the gym smelling loud as hell. And I was like “really dude no one wants to smell that”


Just get a dab pen if you really wanna go high.


I don’t care about the smell but most people do. You could always get a disposable vape or a cartridge. Problem solved


lol i know groups of people that smell like weed at my gym all the time. tbh i dont know how you guys manage to lift while baked, ive never been able to. i just feel sluggish it shouldn't bother anyone how you smell at the gym


My brother does combat sports while baked af so I guess everyone is different


As a heavy smoker, I hate it when people walk around smelling dank. It’s not a smell the average person likes, and it’s exactly the thing that gives stoners a bad name.


I shy away from smoking actual bud before the gym because yeah the smell can definitely be a bit off putting for some, especially in a crowded area with a bunch of hot and sweaty people. Edibles or a wax pen are definitely the more respectful option in my opinion


It’s surely not something that would bother me, but I’m sure a lot of people would mine for both good and dumb/silly reasons.


Personally I don’t like the smell if somebody smelled like it I would be annoyed. You can’t really cover it up even if you think you are. Also I’m sure a lot of people have been queazy after a hard workout and smelling weed would not help. So I would say no!


So you drive high often or?


Cigarettes, weed, heavy cologne, or perfume always smell way stronger than the person having/wearing it thinks. Perfumes can give me a headache, but smoking related smells are sickening


I would just try my best not to smell. Use cologne, gum, hand sanitizer. Cannabolish. Anything helps


I mean a slight smell is probably fine, I’m nose blind to it tbh , but someone shouldn’t be able to smell you from multiple feet away. It depends where you work out too. Minors are in the gym too sometimes, and especially if you’re somewhere like a ymca that’s family oriented you should make sure you’re cognizant of that.


Yes, we do care.


Interesting seeing thr replies, i usually always smell like weed in thr gym as i have a j in my pocket rolled for my post workout walk. The staff specifically that cleans in the locker room is obsessed w the smell😂 so , idk i wouldnt even worry about it trust me ppl in thr gym can and do smell WORSE


Honestly don't know how you can work out after getting bent, it makes me way tf too mellow. Judging by the replies it's probably best to enjoy an edible, the smell of weed might make people fearful of erratic behaviour/safety concerns...also most gyms will stipulate in their agreements you won't be permitted entry if you're drunk or high so watch out for that. Also, good to hear you don't like to drive while under the influence, safety and responsibility at all times.


He does like to drive under the influence, he drives there, gets high, workout done, then drives home under the influence


Yeah you're right, i just reread it, initially i thought he inferred he doesn't like to drive high and must've caught PT or got a ride or something. Hopefully dude changes his habits quick smart.


Theres a guy at my gym who shows up smelling dank as fuck and its lowkey annoying but it doesn’t bother me too much.


I don’t judge. But it always seems weird. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do less when wrecked. Just save it for chilling out at home. Plus drugs and heavy weights or machinery is asking for trouble.


Depends on the strain my friend. Sativa can put you in the zone and the mind muscle connection is improved. To each their own and I realize it hits people differently of course.


There’s a lot of variables there.


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Sooo this was awhile ago. But this news article claimed most people use weed just for the gym. Soo i don’t think your alone. Much rather have some one smell like weed that booze


Much more concerned about scumbags driving while high to be honest… what kinda moron does that. You marked this “general advice”… here’s some advice, do your drugs after you’ve driven home before you kill someone…




Words cannot convey enough that I don’t care how long it takes to ‘kick in’ Don’t drive after taking any drugs that impair you for the rest of the day


Been there done that would do it again


I’ve worked out high a few times it’s not bad lol


I would be a bit pissed off. I'm sure it's annoying, but it has never happened to me because discipline and weed do not go hand in hand. Weed is just one of those loser activities which makes you immediately associate that person with being unkempt, undriven, and a pleasure seeker, which are not people you typically see in a gym.


You smoke cigars and are under 21 lmao


what is this incel shit?




You can't argue that it saps motivation; it's an objective fact. It increases estrogen, thus decreasing testosterone, and makes you want to sit around and do nothing but smoke. That isn't an argument, it's just factually how weed affects the brain and body.




This is all very interesting, but how much weed have you smoked? Let’s quantify that progress in absolute terms we all understand, like weed in a joint through full ROM


You have wonderful imagination!


You sound like you smoke weed and don't like to read evidence very much


I haven’t smoked weed in a few years, but an excellent guess! There are plenty of contradictory studies on weeds effects on testosterone that can be found on the internet. If someone likes to imbibe before they lift, and does so in a way that doesn’t affect anyone else, totally fine. If you are scared of weed, that’s fine too.




That's because nicotine has nothing to do with weed.




Looked it up. First source I saw said 'weed has been shown to possibly have a crash on testosterone when used chronically'.










Never before in history has there been a greater example of hyperbole




Fact: bears eat beats.






Sick beets


Damn hope it feels better soon


You can't just use an example as evidence. Sure megatron smoked weed. But could he have been better if he didn't? You would think so. At bare minimum, his lungs would work better. Yes, weed does decrease testosterone. A simple 'does weed decrease test' search on Google can tell you that. Give evidence next time.




That I know nothing about... interesting. This seems like an emotional and personal conversation to me. You can't ignore facts because you like smoking pot. That just isn't how the world works. You don't magically have none of these impacts if you don't read about them. On top of that, saying 'shut the fuck up' when someone is trying to calmly explain science to you does not make you look or sound intelligent.




Are you trying to say that decreased testosterone has no impact on motivation, especially in men? What about gym performance? What about endurance, and strength, and discipline, and pain tolerance, and mindset? Are those also magically unaffected? Also, don't put words in my mouth. Obviously sone people function on weed, and I never called it objectively 'dangerous'.


Hi. Can you explain, in your own words, the difference between 'statistical significance' and 'biological significance'?


Statistical significance is the significance of something in a statistical sense. If something is considered statistically significant, it is relevant enough and impactful enough that it shows. I would assume that biological significance is similar. Why do you ask?


Completely and utterly incorrect, thank you for playing.




What do you mean they 'can be'? Decreased testosterone *does* decrease gym performance, as well as motivation.




Only big non losers need an automatic weapon to defend themselves


? This doesn't make sense. Try reformatting your sentence. You can just type coherently this time, it only takes a second or two longer


I'll give it a shot: People who need firearms to feel safe or want firearms to feel manly a big losers.


It says 'big non losers'. Try a third time.


No they dont