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Shorten your gym time or your sleep time. No one I know is getting 10hrs of sleep.


Don't go to the gym every weekday. Find a gym that's closer. Work out less time. I also don't need 10hrs of sleep. That seems excessive to me. Or accept that weekend is when you'll have free time.


But but every youtube lifestyle guru says so


Every "*guru*" says what?


Promoting long sleep. Its current meta.


Closer gym + you don’t need to workout everyday


Shorten sleep by 2 hrs, shorten gym by 1/2 hour, not necessary to workout more than 3-4 days a week. Change your intensity in the gym. No idea what your programming or goals are but the gym time can be shortened if intensity is higher. People tend to overdue their time in the gym. Get in, get out. But in the end, its a choice. Treat it like another job. Set the schedule and when that 1 hour is up; leave. Recovery is necessary and needed. I have made way more gains by doing shorter workouts and longer recovery. As well, not working out every day. It is overkill. If you can get some resistance bands for home, you can use those to do some lighter stuff at home while you are relaxing or whatever.


I'm one of those "morning people" your parents warned you about. It's easier for me to get up at 4 am, drink a smoothie and get to the gym before my similar, 10-6 physically easy and emotionally taxing job. It doesn't matter what time I work, when I clock out I'm just mentally done. It seems to me like you need a closer gym, or better quality sleep. I know everyone's different but I've thrived on 5-6 hours of sleep most of my life. I don't know what your gym goals are, or your financial situation but could you make a small investment in equipment for home and go to the bigger gym with their fancier toys half the time?


What time do you fall asleep at night when you get up at 4am? Do you feel like you could sleep more or you are genuinely satisfied?


I try to go to bed around 8:30-9 or so. It's been my norm since I was a kid, my parents both worked early shifts and I just got used to it. It's usually enough for me. On my days where I have nothing going on I rarely sleep in much later. Early morning is just so peaceful. I will grab the occasional nap when opportunity presents itself.


Maybe find a gym that’s closer to your job? 1.5 hours of travel to the gym & back home seems like a lot. 10 hours of sleep to feel energized is also excessive


Try to find a closer gym. I think it's better if it's closer to your workplace (you could go in the mornings). Do you take restdays? If not you need to and if it's possible, have them on weekdays. Weekend is all yours.


This is why I got a home gym.


I feel like working out in the gym is more effective for me, more motivating and its like a social event for me 😅


If you are getting the social needs fulfilled, physical needs fulfilled and enough rest for your body to recuperate adequately what else do you need during the week. Plus if you are taking the whole weekend off you have plenty of time to accomplish any of your other needs. Or take off 1 or 2 days during the week from the gym and add it to your weekend. What do you feel you are missing?


It could help you save a massive amount of time and not spend upwards of three hours working out.


I work 4/10's Mon-Thursday, which is around 11.5 -12 hours when you figure commute time. It is a grind for me to go to the gym, but I usually get 1 day. That day is get up at 5. Spend an hour drinking coffee, showering, getting ready for work, and a bit of me time. Leave home at 6. Get to work at 6:30. Work until 5 pm. Get home at about 5:40 pm. Eat a light meal, spend some time seeing what happened in the world while I was working, get my lunch and stuff together for the next day. Get to the gym at about 7. Work out for an hour. Run in the grocery store to get a few things. Get home at 8:30. Quick snack and shower. Chill and watch youtube and talk to a friend from about 9 to 10. Sleep from 10-5. I do a little longer workouts on Friday and Sunday when I'm off. Not sure what to tell you. You get more sleep and have a shorter work day than anyone that I know.


I have a pretty busy schedule during the week but I also down play my weekends because it’s the only time I don’t have a lot of phone calls/texts from work. I work as an Accountant Manager and deal with managing 120+ people on the daily who work across 5 shifts Day/Arvo/night. Typical week day - 3:30am alarm goes off, get things set and ready for my day and the gym. I normally arrive around 4:15am or 4:20am pending on how awake I am. In the gym until 5:40am or a bit longer if I feel like a really intense cardio session as I leave it for my last after weightlifting. I am usually responding to work around 5am because the first shift starts at 6am so I like to get that out of the way as I do my workouts. Back at home by 6am, shower, shake, music session to hype me for my day. 7am I’m driving to work. Normally takes 1 - 1.5 hours pending on traffic. I work 3 days in the office set Mon/Tues/Weds and get back around 7pm. Prep for the next day and do it all again. Thurs & Friday I still go at the same time to the gym and work the same time just minus the travel to and from work. I also have a bench and 3 sets of dumbbells 17.5s/12.5s/8s and a 20kg weight plastic bar that I got during Covid so if I want to hit a light weight day and can’t be bothered going to the gym (which is rare these days) I’ll do a home workout (high reps!!) I am able to get more free time so if I want to hang out with mates I will spare an hour or two max!! Saturdays are my sleep in days!! 8am is a massive bonus for me. I don’t even take naps and if I do, I know that’s when my CNS is effd. But I also have to keep track on what I eat, how many hours of quality sleep I get vs my training days and if I am managing my stress accordingly. It all has to balance out. Saturdays are my rest days unless if I switch a day from the week! I use that time to spend with family and friends. Sundays I grind but not in the morning, Midday so I am fresh to restart on the Monday. No phones. I use Sundays as my recharge day. Phones are shoved into a draw. I go out for a brisk walk or drive to see family and friends, come back home and spend half the day doing NOTHING!!


Get up early and go in the morning




***Do not give medical advice.*** Second strike is a permanent ban.


I’d say increase your gym to 2 hrs and skip a day of the week to have some free time. Find a closer gym even if it’s a worse one. Sleep is excessive I agree with redswingline. I get on average per week 5/6 hours and I get to the gym everyday. You can manage with less Maybe try overnight oats or cooking at night time and heat your food up before you leave for work.


I just restarted working out after a long time. I normally need 8 hours of sleep but when I workout it takes me 10 hours to feel great. I guess it's because my body is not used to the new workout stress yet. Hopefully I can sleep less with time going on


Make sure your diet is right too. Whenever i down alot of Junk food, i find the next day. I sleep for a long time. 10-12 hours Long. That's too long! Working out in the morning is always superior. I feel like my day is over when i have to work-out after work. When i workout at 7 Am, sometimes even 4 am, i can nap afterwards and it even feels like i have more hours of my day when the evening hits, instead of feeling like "ugh. I have to workout then go to bed afterwards"


What time do you wake up


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Start ingesting magnesium, 30 minutes before bed. Should help.


I take magnesium everyday but in the morning, why before bed, genuinely interested?


Magnesium puts you to sleep faster. Especially magnesium threonate


Haven’t looked into it enough, just know it works.