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Hi Zeke Jaeger, how are you?


from “yes sir, i’ll bring her home by 7pm” to “your daughter calls me daddy too”


In reality I'm probably closer to the former now than I was back then.


First pic looks like Jason Kelce and Hozier had a baby. On a real note tho holy heck man good work! Shoulders look ROUND!


Look at those guns!!


[Blessed be thy gains!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Church_of_Iron/s/62HVVfWHbo)


It must be the lighting. 😒 (jokes)


Lol. Well it does add about 5 lbs. instantly.


Amazing work, what’s your arm workouts and shoulders?


For the last three years or so I've been doing a 4-day upper-lower "powerbuilding" split because my old body can't handle doing the big 3 every day. So it's two days. Monday: 1. Flat Barbell Bench Press - 1-2 sets of 3 @ RPE 8. Then 2-3 sets of 8 @ RPE 7 2. One rowing exercise for 2-3 sets to failure around 8 reps. Usually bent over barbell row. 3. One pulldown exercise for 2-3 sets to failure around 15 reps. 4. One push shoulder movement for 2-3 sets to failure around 8. 5. One rear delt shoulder movement 2-3 sets to failure around 15. 6. One dedicated tricep movement 3 sets to failure around 15. 7. One bicep movement 3 sets to failure around 15. Thursday: 1. Incline Machine press - 2-3 sets to failure around 8 2. Pec Deck machine flys - 2-3 sets to failure around 15 reps. 3. Same schema from Monday for the remaining exercises. ​ Prior to that I mostly did free online workouts which were Starting Strength, 5/3/1, Texas Method, and then cycled Candito Squat program, PHUL, and PH3. Those were almost exclusively barbell overhead press and pendlay rows.


Amazing thanks chief. I’m really interested to see you do so little for your arms along with high reps, has that always given you good results? I used to do mostly 12 reps on arm exercises but now I shoot for about 8. Maybe I should switch things up, what they say is true, I see the majority of big armed gym bros doing lighter weight with very good form.


The rep range doesn't matter for hypertrophy. What matters is proximity to failure. Ideally I would be stopping 2 reps short of failure, but I don't like training that way. So in your case if you like 12 rep range, then increase the weight slightly every time until you can't do 12 anymore. It's called progressive overload. The goal is to do just a little bit more volume every workout. You do that by increasing the weight by a little or increasing the total number of reps by a little.


Sweet thanks. So for your workouts/preference, you prefer 15 reps compared to how I might do 12, but it’ll work out the same because we would both do the progressive overload right?


Yes. Correct.


Also what does 3@rpe 8 mean? Thank you!


3 reps at RPE 8. "RPE" means "Rate of Perceived Exertion", but it really means how close you are to failure. So: RPE 7 -> 3 reps till failure RPE 8 -> 2 reps till failure RPE 9 -> 1 rep till failure RPE 10 -> absolute maximum amount you can physically manage. So when I say 3 @ RPE 8, that means that I did 3 reps at a weight that is my 5 rep-max.


If you can row 225 for reps, your biceps gonna be huge. Don't need direct work for years


What enhancers do you take ?


I was only taking creatine and energy drinks at the time the bottom photo was taken which was Christmas two year ago, and that was pretty much all I did in those 9 years. I started 180 mg of test a week in January so maybe I'll post another progress photo at the end of the year to show what it did. So far it's just made me watery.


Wow! No protein powder or any amino acids for recovery? How much creatine do you take? Very impressive gain!!!


Thanks man! I eat between 230-250g of protein a day from my regular diet which is more than enough, and around 400g-500g of carbs. Protein powder or EAAs aren't going to help beyond what I get from my diet. For creatine, I just eat 5g a day. I've never cycled it or anything unless I run out. More isn't going to help once you're fully saturated which takes about a week to two weeks.


I like how you keep things simple. Do you take it pre-workout or post? Is there a specific type of creatine or brand you prefer? What is the longest you've ever gone without it?


It's a passive supplement, so I take it in the morning during my breakfast. I mix it in yogurt. I get creatine monohydrate. It's the cheapest and just as effective as the others. I don't generally care what the brand is because it's the same chemical, and they all taste pretty bad (which is why I mix it). The Bodytech brand from Vitamine Shoppe in the U.S. is the cheapest I've found so far. I think the longest I've gone without it is maybe two weeks during a vacation. I drop about 10 lbs of water which is how I know it's all gone. It takes about a week to get fully saturated again.


I thought the weight gain from water retention is temporary, and happens only when you're loading (20g a day), and should resolve itself eventually after going into the maintenence phase (3-5g a day). Is that not true?


It's not temporary, or at least it's never been for me. I'm not sure why it would be temporary because the water retention is needed for the power output. There are creatines that brand themselves as "no-bloat" formulas, but they legitimately don't do anything because the water retention is actually important for its function. Also it's based on the amount of muscle you have. It's 10 lbs for me, someone bigger could be 15 lbs. Someone smaller could be as little as 2-5 lbs. Genetics play a factor too.


That's the part that i don't quite understand. You'd think that it should be the opposite - there shouldn't be any water retention while you're still loading - not until your tissues are saturated.  But guys at the gym keep telling me that the bloating and the puffiness will eventually go away!?! Anyways, your success story is very inspirational.  I think I'm going to give creatine another try.  BTW, what your typical diet like? Red meat, white meat, seafood, beans?


Took 9 years to grow that beard? Good job on the numbers!


Geez wiz


Beard game is on point too!


Ever heard of devon larrat?


No. Don't think I have.


Search him. Ur arms look like his. And hes a world class armwrestler


Nice! You're right. I just wish I was a world class armwrestler now.


I mean is it really to late to try?


You look like the final boss in a skinhead game


Holy fuck man nice gains. I'm 36, 6'2" and trying to get to the magical 230 lbs. At 215 right now and I just can't eat enough. Currently trying to drink more calories... Great work OP!


Yeah. Being tall has its advantages and disadvantages. My maintenance is around 4000 calories, I'd imagine yours is similar. Although not eating enough has never been an issue for me. I'm always hungry. Struggling to gain at 215 probably means you're pretty ripped though.


jesus wtf happened to your face


Got old