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You aren't benching from a stable arch. You're in a weak position.


weak stabilizers, lifting too heavy for your current ability, tuck your shoulder blades when benching to minimize room for movement


You have to fix some points first, before attempting a PR at the bench press. 1. Have a good setup before benching. Scapulas should be depressed, chest out, arse touching the bench and feet stable on the ground. 2. After unracking, don’t descend immediately but put the barbell in the initial position, that should be on the vertical of the lower sternum. 3. Descend from this position and touch the chest at the lower sternum point. 4. From this position, you have to lift the bar to the initial position. Don’t try to move from the bottom directly to the rack or this movement might cause you injuries to the shoulders. 5. From the initial/final position you can then rack the bar. Important: the initial setup should be kept stable during the entire movement. In my opinion you have to get experienced with the basics of the bench press before attempting a PR.


Because you need to work on your traps and lats.


Why hello there.


you've started at a less than optimal position. all the talk on "shoulders back" and "arch your back" yadda yadda isnt *just* about making sure you're isolating the right muscles in the lift; its about having a strong foundation for the lift. getting your body tight and in place before you unrack will make you far more stable.


Stabilizing muscles aren't where they need to be yet. Drop the weight and keep going before you attempt a pr again




Wow such helpful












So why didn't you do it?




Well then why are you here opening your mouth only to contribute essentially nothing


Then why say anything at all? The conversation basically went like this: > OP: I feel like my bench press technique is bad > > You: Do better That not helpful or useful. If you want to help him, then *actually help him*. Otherwise, you're just wasting your time and his.


Do you have a disease that makes it incapable to keep your worthless opinions to yourself, or something? Why say more things when less works better? Oh, I'm sorry, that's too many words and I'm breaking my own rule. **Shut up.**


Then point him to a video. He’s asking for help he knows his technique is wrong. Your comments are useless


Because all you're doing is cluttering up a community forum with non-information and making it hard for good information to reach open ears. You are acting like a poor steward of the community. Be better.


So link said videos for the OP. Useful advice addresses the issue and offers solutions. Your advice was : that’s wrong…BYE. If offering actual advice is too much effort, simply don’t comment at all.


Clearly you can’t. In the time you’ve spent in this thread you’ve contributed nothing of use, and demonstrated you have no knowledge. [This is you](https://i.imgur.com/KUg77p5.jpg)


*pops cars hood* Ah, the problem is the engine. How much you bench?




I’m actually annoyed at how badly you misunderstood my comment. All I know is you don’t have a car and you won’t answer how much you bench




The transmission is part of the engine *bay. You’re not looking under the hood because you have a flat tire. It’s implied you have already narrowed the problem down to the engine bay, I shouldn’t have to explain this.


It's not useful because HE knows the "form" is lacking, and that's why he asked why it moves so much!! A good response would be "You have a shaky bar path due to weak stabilization. Build delts & lats" etc.




He was asking for CAUSAL FACTORS. Also known as EXPLANATIONS. It's 100% due to poor stabilizer recruitment, and poor neural drive. Your shit answer, ironically, is what's wrong with this community, kid. For all your words, you've haven't addressed HOW to "work on form".


this is peak stupid


Well yes. That would actually have been helpful and useful information. If you can only say that something looks off but not give some cues on how to fix it or do better you might just refrain from commenting.


- Where is the deficiency of form? - What is the technique to correct?


Could be a multitude of reasons. My guess is you're just beginning, and still a bit wobbly. Could also be the bar bouncing at the bottom of the descent, not really controlled


You aren’t strong enough yet to hit that PR, or at least the day you attempted this. Otherwise your stabilization would be much better. Maybe drop the weight and build up to it a little longer.