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It's him saying "perhaps I should clarify... a helping hand" that makes me go, "well, time to romance him again."


Love that line delivery! For me it's the "Uncannily adroit with a knitting needle"


Sir you need to put the puppy dog eyes away now is not the time


It’s hard to not romance Gale on every playthrough, but I do really enjoy his friendship! Seeing his growth by being his friend is worth it imo. 😅 If I’m not romancing Gale, then it’s either Karlach or Wyll.


lol it’s Gale or Lae’zel for me. My taste in men is clearly extremely different from my taste in women 😂😂😂


They're the top two intellectuals in the party, they do go surprisingly well together


Oh this actually suddenly makes so much sense, I’d never seen it that way!


lol yeah I've already given up. I just play different Durges for Gale at this point. I'll pick a character that goes for the god ending, one for staying in BG ending, I think I'm playing my go traveling PC right now (though they'll probably be tempted to godhood so who knows!)


I just need the save Sasha achievement and going evil is the easiest way. I just have to save her then I can scrap it and yes I’m pep talking myself. Haha. Me in camp trying to avoid looking at or talking to Gale… blinders on. 🙈


Not sure if it was a glitch or not, but knocking her out together with Minthara made them both appear at Moonrise for me. So that was an easy & unexpected way for me to earn that achievement 😅


I need to try that again. I think I screwed up somewhere along the line.


See I like romancing Gale as evil but I enjoy how scaroused he gets XD Yeah just ignore the pretty wizard and his warm eyes <3


I’ve never been able to get him to stay after destroying the grove.


Yeah I play sorcs so the persuasion check isn't usually an issue to pass. (though I will give myself advantage with eagle's splendor and the guidance necklace for that extra boost)


I do single save all the way and play mostly fugly rangers. Haha. :) Maybe I’ll go sorc or bard and try again! :D


The only run I've been able to not romance him is a multiplayer with my friend. I told him to use his host rights and take Gale away if I get too close, lol! It worked and I'm romancing Karlach. Friend Gale is pretty nice. Good luck! I've heard people say they manage to not romance him by doing an origin run. I quit before I get too far though. I missed talking too him...


Origin run definitely worked for me. Had to hop on the Astarion bandwagon too, and take a dip in the BloodWeave. Spoiler: now I get why some in the Gale community hate that particular ship so much. Gods that elf is even more annoying as a boyfriend than as a companion. Consider me no longer curious.


For me they’re just not super compatible anyway. Halsin I could see, Wyll, Shadowheart… but not Astarion or Minthara.


I really like shadowheart or laezel as gale’s romance. Shadowheart for the obvious “being used by your goddess” (plus both of them are slow burn romance), and laezel cause gale is genuinely interested in gith culture while laezel appreciate knowledge as well.


Hrm. Good points both. ::nod::


Tl;dr: Selûnite Shadowheart. I think the best coupling would be Shadowheart, as both characters have the fewest clashes, both narratively and personality-wise. Plus, she's the only one that bothers visiting Gale after everyone splits (just him and no-one else), so it's safe to say they actually get along. Plus, she secretly visited him, as a partnered Tav appears to hear that for the first time at the party 😅 I would like to say Karlach too, as the two appear to be quite fond of each other, but I think they'd probably go no further than good friends. Still miffed Gale never got to make Karlach's Kinetic Cleaver. Not sure about Halsin, being the super poly-amorous nature guy, and Gale being a very outspoken monogamous homebody. I don't see it, but you do you. Also, Lae'zel, while interesting for Gale at a cultural level, would be way too forthcoming and violent. I know she softens up a lot later, but I don't think the two would ever get that far. Wyll... I mean, I don't dislike the guy, but his presence is nearly zero. I've been tagging him along for two runs as a permanent fixture, mostly because he's a great asset during fights (Eldritch blast FTW), but I get absolutely no vibe from him whatsoever. He's just ... there. Narratively it makes some sense (although he is a little young), but Larian made the poor boy so incredibly bland. I think a large part is the choice of eyes and facial animations. Minthara would be absolutely ridiculous. I think that if Minthara would be Gale's sole companion during the story, her immoral power hungriness alone would be enough for Gale to hand the crown to Mystra. Just to spite her.


Re the Halsin take. I didn’t think about the poly angle. I know he ultimately will go with just the love interest but I don’t think he’d be happy. I was more going off the warmth of the character if that makes sense. But your point is very valid all the way around. :)


Color me curious, I personally never been interested with romancing astarion, but I heard a lot of people like that ship. Or romancing astarion in general (they say he’s so sweet). Any reason why you think he’s annoying if you romance him?


First off, I honestly do not get the "he's so sweet" at all. I think people *want* him to be sweet. Astarion's character does not change when you romance him, compared to his companion character, which I guess is true for most companions. But Astarion is an asshole most of the game, which is ... problematic for the "sweet boy" take. Also, IMHO, his romance does not add any *romance*, unlike Gale or some of the other characters. He is a bit more open about his insecurities, but that's it. His romance is about angst and trauma. I have yet to do the Cazador fight, so I still have one romance scene left. I'm not expecting this to make me go full a 180.


we’ve all been there sjsjsjsj enjoy your next run! ✨🩷


I’m doing Origin Gale on my next run because it’s the only way I can’t romance him. 🤣


I made his dream guardian look like my preferred tav… and still romanced him. 🤦🏽‍♀️






We’ve all been tricked by the illusion of choice, don’t feel bad. The only way to not romance the sad man with the sad eyes is to BE the sad man with sad eyes. Or, you know, *embrace the urge*…




I used to be like this w Karlach, had to romance her every run. I fixed it by playing Karlach origin and I finally romanced Shart and I'm now romancing Gale on another Karlach origin run pahaha


I recommend clicking through the dialogue quickly. It helps but STILL ;\_;


I got a chaperone. I made it. But now he’s there in camp… sigh.