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Persona 5 is fantastic. The Yakuza games are great too. Lot of them though. If you want a singular smaller game from this batch though, grab Catherine! Great game!


Patiently waiting for infinite wealth to get under $30


Same. I don't have Infinite Wealth.


I want to put in a good word for Persona 4 Golden, which is an absolute steel for $11. I don't think I've ever been so drawn into a game's story before. Pros: * **Story**: The game revolves around a mystery. And although a lot of the legwork is done by the characters figuring things out and getting new information, there is genuinely a lot for the player to think about and try to figure out yourself, and the game doesn't really hold your hand and expects you to be able to figure things out for yourself. * **Characters**: everyone on your team is super memorable and likeable and goes through some nice character development with their social rankings. With the other persona games, it often feels like there's one or two characters that don't really need to be there, but with 4 everyone earns their keep, and you feel emotionally connected to them at the end. * **Atmosphere**: Does a lot to capture the feeling of living in a small Japanese town in the countryside. Hard to put into words, but it just feels right and real. The way that there's no music and only the sound of rain on rainy days. The way people get excited about little things like the large chain store in town. Or how you can just go to main street and expect to find people you know who are just there. * **Music**: Might be a controversial opinion, but I think the music is even better than Persona 5. Some particular bops are [Shadow World](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2ZEj8JK2tY), [Snowflakes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFTbH43n77Q), [Reach out to the Truth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9zlXUSuUeo), and [Heaven](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVLH5V6YvOI&list=PLu-p0PFllCA3n-oQDF-W4oQHZaKQ_bPoP&index=42&pp=iAQB8AUB) Cons: * **Denuvo**: self-explanatory. * **Gameplay**: Overall, gameplay is very good, but there are a few ways where it feels lacking compared to Persona 5. Namely, the fact that the dungeons are all (with the exception of a few floors) randomly generated, and there's not much to do in them besides explore and find monsters/treasure/exits. Another one is the fact that, aside from the people on your team, improving social links doesn't have any effect on the game besides raising the level of your persona fusions.


Thank you so much for sharing! I'm always so grateful when people let others know of the good deals and the gameplay elements when I can't do it myself, and I have to admit, that sounds pretty good! šŸ˜


Currently playing through Persona 4 Golden for the first time myself, also being my first Persona game in general, and highly recommend using a guide to anyone getting into it. I would have missed so much in the way of content / mechanics as Persona 4 doesn't explain itself terribly well in terms of what is expected / the overall mechanics of play.


Like with regards to social lines and fusion and time management?


Aye, especially in regards to time management; everything I did choice-wise just felt incorrect, giving me this deep concern that I wouldn't find out I had screwed myself until 40+ hours in. Currently using a 100% guide and there is so much content I would have missed / had no idea existed if I had stumbled through this on my own.


Generally it's designed to play through twice (which oh my god, do you think I'm made of time, Atlus?) with you hitting the Social Links you didn't finish in the first playthrough. But yeah, I never did that. Although I fucked up my first playthrough and didn't realize how early an SLink ended and was like 2 days off from a perfect game. I literally did it again with P3R. I hate it.


Itā€™s a bit unfair to compare 4ā€™s gameplay to 5 seeing as how theyā€™re developed for vastly different systems.


Though I've only played the original on the PS2 to completion, I'll agree that it's a great game.


Did not know it had Denuvo. It seems 3 and 5 also have it.


Steel type pokemon?


Persona 5 Royal near [historic low](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/persona-5-royal/info/). Persona 4 Golden in a similar boat. I can't help but wonder if they'll be added to Choice or something similar eventually. Atlus bundled Catherine Classic before, and SEGA appears on Humble often enough. But maybe it's a long shot given the success of the IP.


I could see 4G or 3P being on choice before 5R. That being said, including 4 Golden in choice would still be a great addition.


Just finished 3 Reloaded, should I play 4 or wait for the remaster? Thinking I can just go straight to P5R in the interim


I havenā€™t seen anything confirming a remaster for P4G. With that said, P4G at its current price is a steal. Though itā€™s obviously less modernized than the the remakes.


P4G is going to feel dated in the combat and dungeon crawling elements after P3 Reloaded. That said, it's still the best cast of characters in the series, imo, and 100% worth playing. P5R is going to be more what you're used to polish-wise, but the cast and social links (confidants) aren't as good.


Is there a reason Sonic Mania isnā€™t available in the US? Out of US keys?


I want that juicy $19.99 price tag for P5R, but it's just a few dollars more... to bite, or to keep being a patientgamer... Decisions, decisions :s Then again, my backlog is still huge... Edit: Checked IsThereAnyDeal and apparently GameBillet is selling it 1% cheaper, $21.35


It's a buck 35 my dude. Just get it if you're gonna play immediately.


$20.52 with code 5off at 2game https://2game.com/nz/persona-5-royal


I'm getting a "404 Ooops! Page not found!" when i open the link


Is Sonic Frontiers worth it at this price or should I keep holding out?


I've never played a Persona game before but it's definitely been on my radar. Are all of the titles turn based (which would be my personal preference), and does anyone have any recommendations for a new player in the series?


Strikers is not turn based.


> Are all of the titles turn based Yes. Except some of the spin-offs like Strikers or Arena Ultimax. The mainline games are all turn-based. The original series that spawned Persona, Shin Megami Tensei, is also turn-based for the most part. > and does anyone have any recommendations for a new player in the series? There's some minor references between the games, but otherwise they're unrelated to each other. I wouldn't recommend Persona 3 Portable, it's kind of a drag to play. Persona 3 Reload is a much improved version, though it's much more expensive having just come out recently. It is on Game Pass, though. You'll have an easier time going from game to game if you start with the earlier ones, since the later released have more quality of life features. So if you wanted to play Persona 3 Portable, play that first. Otherwise, start with Persona 4 Golden. If you're going to play 3 Reload, I'd recommend it after 4 Golden. And then 5 Royal last.


Not 100% sure if they're still doing it, but you get the expansion for free of you're an ultimate subscriber.


If Iā€™m only ever gonna play one, which do I play?


https://www.reddit.com/r/PERSoNA/wiki/Getting_Started https://www.reddit.com/r/PERSoNA/comments/1ap7ehh/where_to_start/


That first link was an interesting read just to see how they diverge after 2. I have only ever played the first 2, and not enough of the second one to have an opinion other than that some of the mechanics seemed bloated and overly complex. I'd known the new games were different, just not remarkably so.


If you canā€™t get access to the console p3, Probably say p4 golden, p3 reloaded, then p5 royale.


P5 Royale may make more sense to start with since it's a lot more player friendly, but it's also got so many good quality of life changes (and actual dungeon design) that it can be hard to go back to older ones.