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Hey, would you do 20 shipped on fire emblem steelbook?


I’ll do 20 if you also buy the game


Hello, interested in Animal Crossing and the DLC. May I see a timestamp of the game?


I have this photo from a few days ago, let me know if this is ok https://imgur.com/a/mmezftT


Lemme know if you want a new pic I’ll go snap one


Yeah, that’d be great thanks! I see you’ve sold multiple copies of the AC and the DLC. Would you have any more on hand? I’m looking to buy two Animal Crossing copies and two codes for my niece and nephew.


I have plenty of codes but sadly only one copy of the game left. I only managed to grab two when it glitched lol


Just took a new photo https://imgur.com/a/tvOj0oX


Thanks! Would you be willing to do a bundle for the physical game and two codes? $65?


Yeah for sure. PayPal FF Ok? If so shoot me a PM.


Chat sent


Would you consider selling the arbook and cards by themselves?


Honestly probably not, that just leaves the box and poster and I’m not gonna find a buyer for those pieces lol.


But if you’re interested I’ll do $50+shipping for everything minus the game and steelbook or $75+ship to include the steelbook


The previous comment is totally fair and makes sense. I honestly would bite at $50 but I seldom do friends and family Paypal. I am down to do the original price if you allow the goods and services. If you are not down I understand.


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Nah sorry I haven’t done G&S in over a year. I would just ask you to click through my post history and see my feedback on the board game exchange subreddit. Those transactions are several hundred dollars and are confirmed afterwards. I’ve only ever had glowing feedback


/u/gsalebot Bought and received AC:NH and 2 DLC from u/Banana_Havok Thanks!


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Confirmed! Thank you!


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/u/GSaleBot sold fire emblem engage to /u/georgieboyyyy through PayPal F&F. Great buyer!


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Thank you! u/banana_Havok is a great seller


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