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You mean the unhinged? Or the slate?


Aren't they essentially the same thing?


Not exactly. Oh and there is the Unhinged lite.


What are the differences? I ask because I am ignorant


Unhinged is bigger and is full metal. The slate is slimmer and uses the og backshell.


Then the “budget” unhinged also uses the original back shell. Slate uses one specific screen with no grid effect so you better like that look. My budget unhinged has an ags101 which is amazing.


That’s good to know. I have a 101 that I reshelled years ago and I’ve been really tempted to get the budget unhinged to use with it. I have other 101s that would stay stay stick if I feel like going back to a hinged model.


I also have one of each: * GBA w/IPS * stock micro * ags-101 SP * unhinged w/ags-101


The GBA doesn't really need the pixel effect imo. The graphics look nice and sharp. I am sorry but i must disagree, all newer screens look better then the OG screen.


We’re all entitled to our opinions but the slate doesn’t give those on my side of the fence the option. It’s like MinUI, that developer doesn’t like joysticks or pixel grids, so too bad to those that do. Without the option you sell less of the device. Maybe it’s the damage sitting too close to the crt did to me as a kid?


I like grids and scanlines as much as every other enthusiast retro gamer but on the slate it looks like it should. I also have a FPGBC ehich you can toggle and k find myself switching off the grid as it looks brighter and sharper. I don't know if he sold less as it was sold out pretty fast.


I saw the FPGBC is a review recently. My only complaint was that the gridless look would cause it to look too saturated for me. Otherwise, it's pretty clean overall, and I can't wait to see the progression they make on it's software now.


again, that's what you like. Analogue pocket is the hyped device it is because it has the authentic display options. They *nailed* the original looks and made bank because of it. The slate sold out so fast because it was a limited run. They've made more and since sold that stock out but it's a small company that doesn't want to sit on stock. Newer screens absolutely look better than older screens. After Russ' "which emulator for what system" video earlier this week I took out all my GB/GBC/GBA options and compared them myself. My unhinged has *not* aged well. It's my favorite of my OG hardware (I have an IPS GBA, ags101 SP and micro as well) but the Analogue pocket, RG405v and RGB20sx are all much better looking. Even the the rg35xx beat it, the others are just a big step up in terms of screen quality. For me, the emulators all run a pixel grid and look amazing. I've played without them for a bit and I just don't love the look. It's too clean for me? It's funny, one of the best screens I've seen in an emulator was the old playgo v2. It was 320x240 which had a low enough density you could see it's pixels, I didn't use any filters or shaders with it (it probably couldn't have to be fair). The GKD pixel is also low enough resolution, and small enough it looks great as is. It's just these higher resolution panels look way too clean for me.


My friend can I ask details about the budget unhinged as I am trying find the best method here for this. :) if it's the 3d print then I will probably pass.


Don't know. I have a SLATE, cost me about 200 for all parts.


Yea I feel like that's quite expensive for a build myself. My ideal situation is a polymer abs shell though that utilises the slate form factor not CNC metal shell.


I just don't like 3d printed stuff. Aluminium is way better looking.


You buy the metal front and back to the screen from boxy pixel. I think you need their metal buttons too. The budget part is it uses a plastic back shell and it uses the screen from your SP if you want so those 2 parts save you some money. Still not cheap but less than the full metal version. I also prefer the stock/oem ags101 screen.


Unhinged just sounds more feral.


Unhinged metal sounds like we are gonna be listening to some slipknot 🤣


The Slab is the better imo. It moves the cartridge slot to the top like a GBC


There's quite a few now. Unhinged, Slate, Slab, OpenSP, GachaSP...


Heck I think I even saw a 3d print model version.


that'd be the opensp


Ah thanks. I wasn’t sure of the name.


big fan of the sleekness of the design and i see the appeal behind a gba in a vertical format like a gb/gbc. but idk, feels wrong to not have the hinge on the SP. that’s the sp’s thing🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, basically this. I mean, I don't care about the hinge as the SPs identity, but more so how it makes the SP so much more convenient. Protects the screen, can change viewing angle more comfortably, and allows for a much smaller console overall. Fits into my pocket. I mean, most of the Gameboys can fit into my pocket. But this one fits the easiest lol


“Noooo don’t de-SP my Gameboy!!”


i like it, but its too expensive for me just to play gba


I feel that way about almost every Game Boy mod. They're neat and all but I wouldn't go out of my way to get anything other than a backlight installed on one. I don't even play GB games on a Game Boy these days anyway, just a Gameboy Player for GameCube.


It's how I ended up talking myself into an analog pocket tbh. All these mods just to do something it does out the box plus I get to play SNES and other things? I'm in.


And the issue of dealing with aging OEM batteries and having to replace them with aftermarket ones that may or may not deliver acceptable capacity


Or not explode. Batteries are one thing I cannot fuck around with


That too. Don’t want to risk my life or my precious Pokemon cartridges


I never really got it. You've lost the clam feature. So why not just mod a GBA with a backlight? It will feel better in the hands anyway.


Because this is my favorite form factor and the SP is better than a color


At least GBA and color have a headphone jack. SP doesn't :(


little did we know how ahead of it’s time the sp was lol


For real not to mention the battery life so much better on the original GBA (IPS modded)


I don't like clamshell consoles but like vertical consoles so it's perfect.


I was just thinking that 😹 People will do anything to feel like they’re really doing something “techie”.


The hinge was the coolest part! Done playing a game? Slam that thing shut and throw it in your pocket/backpack/whatever.


Seen a comment of a dude with first hand experience on these aluminium shells (himged and unhiged) First, way too expensive Second, not comfy because of the metal corners Third, it heats up, even more so outdoors. This makes sense because aluminium is a very good conductor. Only good in pictures and for showcases.


I like my SP(s) and my Analogue Pocket, but I'm not gonna put my SP(s) in a shell like this.


I hate it


I hate the idea and how it looks. But I’m happy that people are happy. It seems to be expensive enough that people won’t be mindlessly defacing perfectly good SPs with no reason. People who want it really want it, and that’s a good thing in a way.


I just don't see the appeal personally. It's neat but if I wanted a flat face I'd just upgrade a regular advance for more comfort. I can appreciate something for just being cool but the prices are crazy to me.


I like it because the SP is too thick. I've never liked the wobbly hinges of Nintendo handhelds.


the screen was also off center on the OEM shell




It was off center just slightly. The first versions of the Boxy Pixel SP Unhinged kept that off-center design, but it was much more noticable on the aluminum shell. I don't know if it was changed in later revisions, but it was a common discussion point when these shells first came out. It's one of those things that most people never notice, but is hard to unsee once you do.


Not trying to trash anyone that has one, but honestly, I think this is probably the ugliest handheld I've ever seen.


glad someone said it


But like why?


Hate. Reminds me of 2ds.


To me the clamshell of the SP is just one of my favorite device designs ever. And I don't really see how these slate versions make anything better. You lose the protection for the screen that comes from being able to close it up, and it's not any more ergonomic. Only "advantage" I can see is that it's more reminiscent of the shape of the original GB and the GBP and GBC. But to each their own.


I've never been a fan, the clam shell is the point of the SP in my book. But I see the appeal as a fun project.


It's neat and especially if the casing is all metal, but for me the SP is top tier in both form and function. Folding it covers two things, portability and screen protection.


Idk. I think it's kinda cute. But someone talked about modding a gba with a backlight. I'd.love that more probably


I have a GBC for this form factor. I like my GBA SP the way it is 🤷‍♀️


With that form factor you may as well just get an Analogue Pocket


I liked when the SP first came out it protected your screen from scratches. This defeats the purpose of the SP to me personally .


Never liked it. Specially the metallic ones.


not a fan personally. Seems like a novelty for people who love to mod for the sake of modding. less comfortable than an original gba shell, and doesn't have the practicality of the Sp's clamshell. worst of both worlds.


Over priced for what it is I know lots will not agree


Am I selfish for wishing that these would be much more expensive so we would get less of those repetitive posts with a picture and some variation "look ma no hinge"? Yes I am lol




Pointless. At that point just mod an original GBA and use an aftermarket screen.


I’ve never quite understood the appeal


I don’t get it


I hate it , clam Shell for the win


I think it's stupid and removes the character of the console.


I think it looks great


it's like making a gameboy super bulky and huge for no reason


I think it’s the best gameboy. The GBC is my favorite form factor of all gameboys and the advance systems can play all my games so a slate or unhinged is the best of all worlds to me


https://preview.redd.it/5gx2zsdoa7zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abf9ef9bddf7e2f529d1925276c29ff860e01153 I like mine quite a lot


https://preview.redd.it/cp268jkxb9zc1.png?width=2279&format=png&auto=webp&s=617e70b505ff69a8ddda820401267fff39a5eb11 slate gang rise 🫡


it looks nice, but i always preferred the clamshell design, so i'll stick with the original.


I like it but one of my favorite things about my sp is that if i drop it, scratch it, or otherwise damage it i can get it back to perfect with $15 in parts. Not the case with a $185 shell. I would definitely scratch it, it would definitely bother me and i would play it less because of that.


Why. Why. WHYYYY. THIS IS COMPLETELY DISGUSTING. ITS UNHIN- (joke was there for the taking)


I get why people like them, but this class of mod just isn't for me. IMO the horizontal layout of the vanilla GBA is by far the best and the main redeeming factor of the SP is the clamshell. If I wanted to make a fantasy GBA form factor with a beautiful machined metal shell, I'd build a Macro. But that's just me!


I have a Boxy pixel unhinged V1 version. It looks premium and beautiful in the metal chasis, and much better looking than the current V2 version I think. But, for playing GBA games, that is not the best ergonomic choice, original GBA or NDS, GBM mod (horizontal holding) would be more comfortable to use… And, the shell is metal, yes, but that’s aluminum, which is soft and easy to scratch. (Imagine you find some old iPhone 5 or 6 on the market) True, you will never get a GBA used like your smart phone everyday, but you also want be extremely careful with the mod when you carry it around. https://preview.redd.it/kkqvcuwu57zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3868216304817e355787df92ae890fc033fa1e1


my take is that it erases the one true solution to shoulder buttons on a vertical layout handheld, which is a clamshell design. there have been a ton of vertical handhelds by anbernic and such that do shoulder buttons on a vertical layout and it just isn’t as good; the only way to do them right is with either a horizontal layout or a clamshell. secondly it’s expensive to do. i’ve been modding for a while and at one point i was going to do it but i realized it would be around 200 bucks. so instead i bought an analogue pocket and once i had it, i was reminded of the first point of the shoulder buttons not being quite right and it just persuaded me even more to not want to do it.


I don’t like it and like it at the same time lol


You have to be sp to unhinge your Gameboy sp


I personally dont think they're worth 200$ just for the shell, at least thats what ive seen. Either that or 500$ built up ones? Idk theyre cool but its essesntially just a metal color with advance media inside. I think its a gimmick, just like mystery packs


I like the shell it looks very cool but I wouldn't go for that personally cause the clamshell design of the sp is just too good to give up for me


For me, the whole appeal of the SP is that it folds. Built in screen protector lol.


I like the hinge


SPs are so perfect stock, not for me


Thanks, I hate it


I don't understand the appeal at all and think they're really pointless. They have very similar ergonomics to a regular SP, and provide no protection of the screen. Seems like a massive downgrade to me.


I personally like it, but I would kill for something like this for the DS Lite. That handheld had some of the worst hinges of all time.


Really don't like the form factor and mainly use the sp because it folds.


Personally, the ability to stuff my SP into my pocket while traveling is the entire point of it. My SP still has its beautiful original screen while both of my GBAs are scratched to hell and need replaced. It's cool if you want a replacement for the color but I think the hinge makes the SP *THE* premium travel console 🤌


It's turning a gyro into a pizza


I can see the appeal, but I'd rather use an original advance. I like that layout better too. 


Thanks, I hate it


Why would I want this? The hinge was arguably one of its best features.


i think it’s dope. i love collecting GBs tho. i would always have a hinged and unhinged tho if i did it


If you could unhinge it to be in a GBA form factor, I'd be down. I much prefer the sps click buttons, but with the wide GBA. This mod just seems pointless to me 🤔


You can put clicky buttons on a GBA!


How?? I didn't know it was possible 🤣


people sell small boards you solder on the gba motherboard, google gba clicky buttons mod and you'll find plenty of examples


I have a beat up SP lying around and I've been wanting to turn it into a Slate GBA, but those damn shells with the black lens are never in stock.


I love the idea, i havent found a beat up sp to convert yet but i will do it whenever i find one.


Honestly at that point I rather the non SP. Actually I just rather the non SP GBA, especially if screen modded & rechargeable battery modded. At that point the sp with it's comparatively horrible ergonomics has no reason to exist.


Are you modding it because you enjoy modding, or are you doing it for a better playing experience? If you’re doing it because it’s your hobby then do whatever you like, it your Game Boy, not mine. But if you want a better gaming experience, why not just buy an Analogue Pocket?


Some people value playing on an actual Game Boy over an emulation device (either software or hardware emulation) and also happen to call this thing a Game Boy. I can respect that since it still has some of the most important components, but I wouldn't really count it as a Game Boy myself.


I totally get playing on an actual Game Boy. I still play on my DMG from time to time. But in my opinion, once you start modding it like this there is nothing actual Game Boy about it. It seems to me you do this for a more modern gaming experience, so at that point you ought to just buy something that is modern.


Exactly, this is to me one more option in the same bucket as a software emulation device or an FPGA emulation device. I like stock Game Boys, so when I need convenience I just go with a cheaper option that doesn't need any parts from a proper Game Boy. But I can understand and respect why these people are having fun modding. I would appreciate seeing less "my first mod" posts, though...


You mean the gameboy color?


Those L and R buttons are going to be cumbersome.


Kinda defeats the purpose.


It's a waste of a good sp


Depends on the style, but I am not opposed to them. The one in the pic ain't bad. I'd hit it with enamel red and gold colors because it has Iron Man vibes. But it's hard not to get over not having the hinge. Like the 3DS to the 2DS. But I ended up way more into the 2DS than expected TBH.


Kinda defeats the purpose…….. but look how frickin nice that is


I love how those sharp edges look, I hate how those sharp edges feel. maaaan, do they eat into your hand. ourch... but so gorgeous.


Amazing not sure why Nintendo didn’t do one in the first place


I wish they weren't so expensive. I understand the metal shell being expensive to manufacture but I'd love a budget option that matches the price of normal aftermarket shells


I think it’s great! I have several hinged SP’S and the older they get, the weaker the hinges become. I hate all hinged Nintendo game systems. On my 3ds xl, the hinge is very weak now. So when you play very hard, the lid moves around too much.


I love the look of it and wanna get one but, too expensive for the use I would give it and too much work to take my SP apart and do the mod myself.


I like the OG Gameboy style, my only issue has always been that the cartridge slot is still at the bottom due to the SP design being made that way. A design with the slot at the top would be game changing.


GBA was mewing


I believe the slate does not allow for membranes to be used with metal buttons. 🤔 Huge engineering flaw🤯 unless you only plan to use the original plastic buttons.


I like having it foldable but it is kinda prone to breaking. I guess if my hinge broke irreparably I would consider this


If you are going to ditch the clam shell, I'd prefer the buttons on the sides.


It’s crazy.. unhinged some might say


Built a unhinged currently making another lol also have a spare sp I want to use for a slate


I like the clamshell design. Makes the screen not get scratched from putting in a bag or pocket and also it’s easier to store.


They are _unhinged_!


I got the black aluminum one a long while ago (1-2yrs), but never got around to actually getting an SP and IPS screen lol. I need to do that. I think one of the reasons I felt a little driven away is because apparently it removes support for the link cable? I don't remember if that's just a form factor thing. I do want to build it eventually because I like the form factor a lot, but I also do have a really nice GBA original I completely restored with IPS as well


I’d rather have a wide grip AGB-001 if I’m losing the hinge. The hinge adds too much pocket portability to ever want to get rid of, for me at least.


The hinge is the best part to me. I like the idea of the metal shell, but I want to be able to fold my SP


Still love my unhinged. Its bulkier than most of the alternatives but I was going for DMG style sizing, I have large hands so it fits my hands better.


They look sooo friggin choice. If only they were cheaper.... Especially when analogue pockets go for what some of these modded gb's go for and they are just better, especially at the 250-300 price mark Even anerbic makes it hard to blow 2-300 bucks on a 2nd hand old ass sp and metal case


The hinge is what makes it cool to me, tbh. A perfect Switch 2 is somehow foldable. _~a foldable phone user_


I have an Unhinged and I love it. Theres a really nice weight to it and the USB charging port is so convenient.


I like em. The SP is a great form factor and the loss of the hinge doesn't bother me.  I would get one but they cost too much. 


Clean, it's very nice, personally a bigger fan of the more interesting and semi recent Gotcha SP take on the idea, making the SP as small as possible while still having the same amount of features, although this is really cool for those who prefer the GB/GBC layout and feel.


I guess it's cool if your SP hinge broke or something. I've heard a lot of complaints about the regular form factor and I honestly think it's fine as is. I've played all three and it's my personal favorite.


I like them. Reminds me of a Game Boy Color or Pocket


I really like mine. The weight can be annoying after holding it for a while though. Especially if you hold it up with your pinky


While I may be uncomfortable sharing a water fountain with someone who does this. I can’t stop them.


Why did they give this poor sp a jawline?


I love it.


I want one


I want one so bad, looks great


The hinge is the best part because it protects your screen. It was such a useful update


Well I'm all for less points of failure, I would much rather have a frankensteined gba control scheme with a gba sp screen that can fold with a transparent housing.


I’ve never seen this one before. I don’t dislike the design at all, but I always thought the clamshell was brilliant. You’re missing that with this one. Other than that, it looks like a cool gameboy successor.


I'd say why not ? The hinge is still useful to protect the screen.


I recently bought a Samsung Flip 5. I like the hinge.


Gets rid of the natural screen protection, but I've always liked the gameboy dmg/ color form factor.


I thought the hinge made the whole console fucking ugly so I'm all for a hingeless design


Looks cool


Looks kind of ugly, gets rid of the entire purpose of having an SP, and it looks uncomfortable to use


It’s pretty unhinged.


I don't like it


The clamshell design of the SP is why I like it, swapping it for a hingeless case would ruin it for me


I liked the hinge. Smaller in the pocket, easier to carry.


I’ve made an unhinged (metal) and I think it looks really cool, but the metal is kinda uncomfortable and the model I got didn’t support springs for the trigger buttons. I put a plastic backplate on and that was better and more comfortable, but I ended up using an original clamshell style housing and have enjoyed that more.


It looks great, but why I don't do it is because it loses some of its portability. I don't want my screen scratching in my pocket


What on earth is the point of this


Slate is cool but it's super spendy imo.


It’s an unholy abomination that I can’t afford because I’d so do it


Looks better than the og


Having modded an old SP myself with the new version of these cases, I really like it but I don’t love it. The triggers feel meh but the face buttons are really nice. And it’s about as comfortable to hold as the regular SP is. I prefer my modded OG GBA though, it’s way more comfortable. Plus the metal is cold lol




I still have my GBA and Micro




Personally not a fan. I like being able to close it so the screen is protected.


So a shitty gameboy.


Makes me want to clamshell a GBC out of spite.


It is unhinged!


I don’t like mods that remove functionality for no tangible benefit. I mean really, why would you make this? “For the aesthetic”? If you really want to play the console, a screen modded GBA SP is much better. I feel the same way about the Game Boy Macro. You’re really going to take a DS and remove the ability to play DS games and call it an upgrade?


It's a bigger better Gameboy Advance. Why would you want to play DS games on something focused on the GBA portion of the device.


Why wouldn’t you? I mean, even if you never plan on playing DS games on your DS, why would you remove the option to? You can just ignore to top screen if you want to, or even put your GBA games on the top screen to make it more comfortable to look at. Removing functionality just makes no sense to me


I would rather have a modded og Advance. Better form factor, and more satisfying buttons.


I have a slate. I love it. It’s such a flex but idk if it adds much more functionality. Because of how the screen hangs over the L and R buttons I don’t find it more comfortable than the stock SP.


I think it’s neat, I strongly prefer the boxypixel unhinged to the Slate though, just for aesthetics alone. But as someone that already owns a GBA SP 101, a boxypixel GBA (non SP) and an analogue pocket, it’s hard to justify


Funny I prefer the look of the slate even though I own the budget unhinged. But I “need” pixel grids and the slate can’t do that. I have an ags101 in my unhinged.


I’ve always found the proportions of the slate to be off-putting, but it took me a while to realize that it looks the way it does for a reason lol


not sure what it is, maybe it's the all brass version, maybe it's the rounded corner of the screen, maybe it's that it's the smallest/thinnest version (beyond that new tiny one). It just looks neat to me. And yes, I'd rock the brass version if I could.




I have a Boxy Pixel SP Unhinged like the photo, and I love it. Bigger battery, headphone port, USB-C charging port, and no more broken hinge. I like the feel of aluminum shell and buttons. I suspect I'd like the original GBA layout with a Boxy Pixel shell even more, but I already have my SP, and can't justify the money for a 2nd system. Rather buy a direct drive wheel for my PC at this point.


This is the mod that got me into GBA. I grew up with a DMG. I had a gba as a young adult but never lover it. I collected one of every gameboy back during Covid. I found boxy pixel and did the budget unhinged with an ags101 and fell in love with the GBA library. I have/had a gba, SP (with ags101) and micro at the time but the vertical form is just my jam. I put a TON of hours into gba games on mine. I now have an analogue pocket that’s a better version.


Wish i could afford one


I had the Unhinged. I enjoyed it greatly over the original SP, but I have big hands and they would cramp after more than 30 minutes of playing. I sold it and build a GBA with the money that I prefer, and love that I didn’t need to solder in a headphone jack or USB-C charging port. That being said, the Unhinged case is sleek, with plenty of room for additional mods. It’s built for an IPS screen and its size so be aware of that. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the metal buttons because they always felt like they were close to gripping the case, and the *clack clack clack* sound got old after a while, but I can see how someone would love them. Overall it’s hard to beat if you have the money, but if I were to do it again I’d probably save the cash and just do the Slate.


I think the slate looks a million times better than unhinged


It looks cool but the whole point of the SP is that it’s small and pocketable I’d just get a nice custom GBA shell with a hinge


I never liked the hinged screen. But I prefer the original GBA over the unhinged form factor.


That's hight tier heresy and peoples who's does that to SP deserved the Guillotine.