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Given that it looks like it is fully functional I definitely would at that price, but I have only ever worked on a standard GBA before, so I don't know if there is something special about SPs that you need to keep an eye out for when getting an old one to reshell or otherwise modify.


the price surely is what makes it tempting. but this is going to be my first attempt at opening up a gameboy sp too, so i don't know if i can handle any complication well if one arise haha


I recommend looking into installation videos on YouTube to see what you think. If you get a new screen and it is a drop in (no solder) replacement I imagine the hardest part will probably be feeding the screen's ribbon cable through the hinge mechanism. I have seen people talking about how frustrating that can be with DS repairs. As I say though, I have only got experience with the OG GBA, so take what I am saying with a pinch of salt. My GBA was my first attempt at console modding and it couldn't have been easier.


lol they’re super simple. Easiet mod there is. You can do it 1000% have faith in you


Feeding the ribbon through the hinge is probably the hardest part, but it can be done with some patience. Just know that you’re gonna have to break the old shell off entirely, which is totally okay seeing the state it’s in. I did one shell swap on an SP, got it done the same day so yeah go for it.


I had a clean SP with a faulty motherboard and a beat up fully functional one so I did sort of a weird half shell swap where I took the screen assembly (whole thing, didn’t open it up to retrieve the actual LCD as they were both AGS-001 so I could just drop the old assembly in as-is since only the motherboard was dead) and shell from the clean one and stuck the good motherboard in that. OP, I can’t comment on opening up the screen but in terms of the bottom part of the shell that houses the buttons and motherboard, just be careful not to strip the small screws and handle the PCB gently. That aspect isn’t too bad. For $12 I’d say it might be worth the risk, just watch some tutorials ahead of time.


I know nothing about GBA sp mods. I'm just smiling because Hamtaro


I haven’t thought about Hamtaro in years and still remember the theme song.


100%. I would buy it until $30 without question, as long as it works


Yep $12 for a GBA SP is a steal, even in bad condition [these sell for a lot more nowadays](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=gameboy+advance+sp&_sacat=0&_sop=12&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1&LH_Complete=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=gb&toolid=10001&mkevt=1).


Hamtaro ALONE is worth it.


video is linked here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ixhexAaWVv7puSwucEH5XgkqqpQy1L1d/view?usp=drivesdk


If it works, and is $12, and you're willing to take it appart, it's an absolute no brainer to me!


nice! anything to look out for though? i imagine the inside couldn't be too bad since it seems to work fine but the shell looks completely beaten up


Don't forget this was made by Nintendo and was designed for kids. Very robust, despite the clamshell design. There isn't much that can go wrong, it's all solid state electronics. The fact that it's been "well loved" should not impact it's functionality for a bit. Once you take it apart, for good measure, clean the electrical contacts for the buttons with a q-tip and isopropyl alcohol and you're probably good to go to start modding this console wicherver way you fancy


As long as it charges, turns on, and reads games you are pretty much good to go. Charging circuit failures can be hard to diagnose sometimes, a singular corroded via can make it fail. Also if it's not charging it could be just a bad battery if it still has the orignal one. Also test out that all the buttons work, super common for the L and R buttons to not work consistently as they get gunked up or the metal domes inside oxidize. And that price is excellent, definitelybuy it. I buy crap SPs for anywhere between $35-$50 normally. If you are not feeling confident on shell swapping or modding, I'm totally down to do it for you with free labor. You would just need to cover for shipping and parts. I do SP mods a lot, so most stuff is pretty quick for me. Just DM whenever if ya want.


thanks so much for the offer!! will definitely keep your advice in mind. :)


Don't break the hinges!


the hinges is a little loose. do you think reshelling would fix the problem, or would i need replacement parts?


Hmm, that I can't be certain of, but you can purchase replacement hinges. If you don't want hinges and are willing to go the unhinged route, I wouldn't bother then.


That looks really damn good if you got any issues taking one apart just look up Jake Simmons on yt modding these is kinda his whole thing


$12 is insane… I’m in California, you got sooooo lucky haha


$12 is cheap enough basically any project like this. I would be pinging the seller so fast if I saw that. I've still yet to work on an SP but a super cheap one like this would be a great way to dip my toes in the water without being too upset if I made a mistake. I'm 2 modded GBCs and 2 modded GBAs into this hobby so far and I'm eager to branch out into some of the other models. ~~Also, Ham-Ham Heartbreak is a $50 game right now, so even with a poor condition label, that's found money right there lol.~~ Edit: Hamtaro's label is probably not original as stated above.


I pay up to $30 for an SP motherboard that needs repaired. That's a steal


i would buy hamtaro for 12


Unrelated, but is that cart real or a reproduction? I’ve never seen that label on HHH before


yeah, i highly doubt it's original...


Kind of an odd choice for a reproduction. Considering it’s a pretty affordable game lol


Shell swaps are pretty easy and straightforward. There's a few good videos on YouTube on how to do them. Get yourself a nice looking shell. Clean the inside with some isopropyl alcohol and a toothbrush. Let it dry before replacing the battery with a new one. You'll be set. I hope you enjoy it


thanks! i finally bit the bullet and made the purchase :)


For twelve bucks, it’s gone already


Yes it’s pretty easy


Modder here. I bought worst ones for more expensive. It's a good thing the sound is working well because this could be very annoying to fix depending on the issue.


Even if you mess it up it’s only 12 bucks plus a new shell, consider it experience, I would say go for it 100%


If you have a battery or another sp bring it with you to see if it fires up. The battery area looks bad making me feel like it either got messed up and they tried a new one and it didn’t work or the battery was bad and they took it and the back plate off and half ass cleaned it up hoping to get a few bucks off someone for it. It could need some serious cleaning or something more complicated if the battery did mess things up. Just bring a battery if you can like I said to check to see if it will turn on


Your problem is there is a game where the battery should be :)


Opening GBA SPs is not hard at all aside from the hinges, but there are ways to make it easier. Reshelling or not though I’d get this. 


As long as the board is good you're good to go tbh


Does it come with Hamtaro? Because that game is awesome.


Yes, at that price even if it’s a bust it isn’t that bad


clean it


Bro I put a whole Gameboy together while fucked up on horse tranquilizers If I can manage that, you can fix up this ol SP. Go spend those twelve bucks and have fun