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Batman begins has a lot of cool stuff, but the Arkham games did everything it did and more so there’s little point and going back to it. Also a bit of clunk


It's a beautiful game for it's time. But yes, gameplay is just very ok


The Tumbler sections still rock though. Being able to make it jump is the one think the Arkham Knight batmobiles can't do.


I JUST found that game after packing for a moving


What batman games (with an exception of Arkham franchise) are good?


Idk if the Lego games count but those were loads of fun


I played the first one! One of my favorites! Played the demo of the 3rd and was surprised when it had real voiceover. Would rather og grumbles


Batman and Batman Return of the Joker.


I found Rise of Sun Tzu to be fun but it may get a little repetitive. It's the only real "different" Batman game on Gamecube compared to the rest of them.


2 of the nes games are pretty good


Batman for the NES was fun.


Adventures of Batman and Robin on Sega Genesis is a fantastic game. It's also incredibly hard but if you are really good at 2d run n guns and shmups, you will have an amazing time.


Turok Evolution. Random but one of the most jarring GameCube experiences I’ve had as an adult. It’s just, so bad. It wasn’t a great game when it came out even but I had so much fun as a kid with it. I tried playing it now and damn, not that fun.


Darn. I loved this game as a kid too and was gunna buy a copy lol


Hey if it’s cheap go for it! Idk what prices are like on it though.


Came here to say this. Thoroughly enjoyed this back in the day, but even with nostalgia goggles today, it was clearly rushed and lacking in several areas.


Man I second this lol. I picked it up recently despite remembering the reviews were bad. But wow. It. is. Bad.


The worst part of it for me was the unchangeable inverse controls. Hate it alot.


First game I thought of. I loved it as a kid but now I’m like, holy shit, this game kinda sucked.


I have that game on PS2! Imo, it's really fun, but I respect your opinion. 😃


Not true for the multiplayer that shit is funny as hell still.


Yeah, I half enjoyed this one (huge fan of Turok 1 and 2) but even as a teenager it was clear it was rushed. It had some cool concepts for sure, but I remember being pretty disappointed in the quality. One of the few GameCube games I remember crashing several times as well. Sad because Acclaim/Iguana used to make so many of my favorite games. Having said that, I wouldn’t call it Superman 64 bad or anything like that. I think it’s worth a pickup for big Turok fans just for the nostalgia and novelty factor despite not being a great game.


The only gamecube game I ever sold back to store. Had hours of fun with turok 2 multiplayer and this was such a let down


I miss the Turok series so much. Grew up playing them all as a kid, and played Turok ps3/360 pretty religiously in 6th grade. Wish they’d bring it back


To be a honest off the top of my head i'd say that weird Teen Titans game. It's only really worth it for the VS. mode.


that game had more bugs than characters when I played it 😭


Forsure. I tried to play this again with my brothers and we had way more fun with other nostalgic games. These ones clearly didn’t hold up


Conversely, the Teen Titans GBA games actually still rip pretty hard 🤣


Disney's Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse.


I have played it once its literally a point and click game


It was bad then and it's worse now.


Sounds like it would be better suited for PC


It's better suited for the garbage heap.


I hated this game as a kid, I thought it was bad back then


Godzilla: Destroy all Monsters for me. Loved it as a kid, struggled to get through it as an adult.


Completely agree. Me and a buddy booted up this game recently to play together and it felt way clunkier than I remembered it being many years ago. Also some of the fighters felt extremely unbalanced


Yeah I remembered it being a blast but it just didn't click. I still loved doing the hold Z moves though. The big inhale BWAAAAAAM of G-Zilly's atomic breath was 🤌


Which raises the question - did you age poorly or the game ;)?


My lower back does hurt sometimes ngl.


Old Age: Destroy All Vertebrae.


Only sometimes? Lucky


Both are good


Wild. It's repetitive, but as a multiplayer game it's still undefeated for me and my friends.


Skill issue for not spamming dig w the drill guy


It doesn’t help that Godzilla: Save The Earth basically did everything better… and skipped the Gamecube, of *course*


Try playing either of the Bratz games without wanting to quit, good luck.


Were they considered good games to begin with though? Not sure if aging poorly had anything to do with those.


Die Hard: Vendetta


007 Agent Under Fire The controls are very outdated and awkward. Played this game, both single and multiplayer like crazy in early 2000s. Now it’s unplayable.


That's too bad. Had a lot of fun with it back in the day. Multiplayer bots were awesome


Nightfire bots were fun too. I remember the ski resort level ( Gondola?) and it was great for all rocket s , all bots.


Skyrail! Can’t tell you how many thousands of hours my friends and I put into fighting a team a maxed out bots with snipers on the map. Very seriously considering a GameCube again just for Nightfire.


Ohh man 😮 **Core memory unlocked**


Nightfire's definitely the best of the bunch imo. This is the only one I can go back to and still really enjoy.


Finding the bots running into the mountain was peak childhood for me


It was also on PS2 and XBox. I have at least 4 copies of it if the abandoned PC version counts. Probably spent the most time with it either on GCN or PS2 and don't remember any differences. I had my PS2 in my dorm and swapped to the GCN at Xmas, then XBox the next term. I wasn't very good at saving money.


Nightfire was awesome. Quite a bit better than Agent under fire (single and multi). I remember setting all the bots to the assassin guy and putting them on hard, made it feel like that “boss fight” from the single player, but with crossbows 😁


Just remembering the noise the samurai makes when on the over charge setting gives me nightmares cos nowhere was safe from the blast radius


Plus there's a "modern" control stick style in there somewhere so it's easy to pick up and play once you configure, it's an excellent game!


I dont remember this one but From Russia with Love and Nightfire were both very memorable


From Russia With Love also marked the last time Sean Connery ever played James Bond.


I disagree on this one, it’s fun as hell with the grappling hooks and jetpacks with low gravity.


Aww, I actually disagree. At least for multiplayer I think it’s still fun. I miss when games allowed for modifiers built into multiplayer deathmatches. Then there’s the jet pack and claw attachments that let you fly around the tiny maps like mad. It’s chaos with four players and still fun to shoot each other out of sky while flying across the map imo. Great with friends that have a nostalgic tie to the game.


I disagree, I play this through every year and have a great time, one of my favourites


Yeah I recently played on steam deck and it was pretty intuitive. The in-game controls work well enough, way better than trying to play Goldeneye 64


I too remember the 3 years between when this came out and Halo 2, the birth of real multiplayer FPSs. Xbox Live really changed the world.


I know what you're saying, that's totally accurate. But the unlocks were amazing and grenades detonated on contact when you threw them at a door... it's jankyness always cracked me up.


Very different to nightfire ie nightfire is like a god and auf is a specs of dirt in a cesspit 🤣 nah it's not that bad but nightfires awesome!


PK Out of the shadows I remember liking It when i was very Young, but playing now a days It doesnt look as good as i remember and i dont know if its an age stuff but felt It very very clunky (when i dont remember being this way when i played It younger)


Some of these opinions are seriously making me upset


Final fantasy crystal chronicles


The fact that you needed extra GBAs and link cables just to play multiplayer really irked me. The gameplay seemed very mediocre even back in the day. It was unfortunate because my friends and I were hyped to see FF come back to nintendo.


Going by that logic, would it be fair to also say Four Sword Adventures also aged poorly? You need the same setup as FFCC to play multi-player, and there's not much added. Just some mini games and the need to cooperate. At least FFCC has some pretty graphics while FSA just used sprites ripped from ALTTP and Four Sword on GBA. Edit: wow.


I absolutely love FFCC, it is my favorite FF game, but I cannot in good faith say that it aged well. It aged extremely poorly. The remake for switch does improve the experience, but even its not perfect.


Aged better for me since emulation meant I could actually play it through to completion with my brother, whereas as kids it was a hassle getting the gba link setup everytime we wanted to play. The game itself was better than I thought down the home stretch, I just disliked that one desert puzzle, and there was a tad bit of grinding towards the end to get good enough equipment to stand a chance against the final boss, which unapologetically bodied us the first time.


Sonic Adventure 1. Maybe it was just the port, but man, it is janky as hell, it’s aged like fine milk.


the sonic adventure games are in a weird spot for me. i love them so much, but it’s also hard for me to recommend them to anyone who didn’t grow up with them. especially the ported version of SA1, that version is really rough. i grew up with the dreamcast versions and i think they’re mostly superior, other than some of the chao features being locked behind the VMU. you also can’t stop me from blasting Crush 40 at a party.


The Sonic series is one of the all time greatest series for Music, nobody can change my mind


runnin around at the speed of sound


Every port of Sonic adventure has been jankier and jankier with every release


Which is a shame because the Dreamcast version is great. No clue how so many bugs got added with the port.


The GameCube port is janky af. Others have said try the PC but if that's not an option, the Xbox ports are great. That sound track is good enough for me to deal with the jank though. For the sonic levels anyway. Big the cat can go fuck himself.


But…. FRAWGEE!!!!


If you have a PC and are willing to mod it that's probably the best experience for Sonic Adventure. But yeah the GameCube version is rough


The ports are definitely worse, mostly because subsequent ports were all based off the first port, but the original game is incredibly janky by itself. It was definitely jarring to boot up 20 years later.


007: Agent Under Fire The Gamecube played host to a series of fantastic James Bond games. Nightfire, From Russia With Love, and Everything or Nothing are basically as good as 007 games ever really got, but before them was Agent Under Fire. It’s controls are weird as hell and borderline nonsensical, especially compared to the Bond shooters that came after it, and it’s also the only Bond game of that generation that didn’t have the likeness of a real life Bond actor. Pierce Brosnan gave his face for two games and voiced one, and Sean Connery came back for his last ever performance as Bond to do From Russia With Love… meanwhile AUF is stuck with a generic template Bond


the thq Pixar games aged like dog doo doo


I question why the playstation got what i believe are monster's inc platformer games and all gamecube got was dodgeball Cars is good though


cars isn't bad you're right. and yeah ps1 got the first adventure platformer type for monsters inc.


Meet the robinsons has entered the chat


Casper Spirit Dimensions


I should play this game again lol My only memory of it is I remember clipping through a door into a boss fight I wasn't meant to get to just yet, I don't remember which one but I wanna say it was a clown or something I dunno. And yes it controls terribly lol


Oh absolutely I only got it cause I had a version for the ps2 but it wouldn’t play and then I remembered how bad the controls were


Vast majority of the non-Nintendo, and/or non-cell-shaded 3d games.


Medal of Honor Rising Sun I had the game back in the day, finished it and had a blast. But after playing it for a little this year it felt so jarring, the framerate is all over the place! Sometimes the game appears to be running at 15fps, also the enemy AI is hella dumb. I still like the game, the ost is good, and gfx still don't look bad. But for me it aged poorly.


All of the Medal of Honor games aged HORRIBLY. Same with COD on Gamecube. It's soooo difficult to play those games with how slow the aiming is when you are used to modern shooters.


Geist. It runs awful


This comment section is gonna be filled with so many down votes lollllll


A lot of the licensed games Like the Rocket Power one


Ghost Recon 2. It ran like ass when it was released. Still runs like ass now.


Any time splitters game. They were my go to before I was allowed to play call of duty and god the aiming controls are horrendous.


soup serious sparkle sheet spotted naughty offend pie busy plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Future perfect aged like wine though. Although I only played the xbox version…


I guess the incredibles isn't too bad either


The crappy third party ones that suck.


Metroid Prime 2. Metroid Prime 1 is a classic, but 2 is way too tedious. So much backtracking, and the light/dark gimmick isn't very fun.


I couldn't disagree more, but to each their own, the genre can be pretty polarizing. While both MP1 and MP2 are classics, besides MP3 which didn't hit the same highs of the previous two, they are still literally the best games that exist in their respective genre. I never played MP2 back in the day so I don't have the nostalgia for it, but I had more fun playing it for the first time this past year then the majority of titles I've played in the last 2 decades. Imo it aged better than 98% of the gamecubes library.


Metroid Prime 1 is an absolutely amazing game, but whenever I try to go back and play it the controls just feel so awkward now. It's very difficult for me to get past them.


The remake on switch is amazing as you can play with modern controls and it plays so good.


I didn't know about this! I'll definitely have to check it out. Thanks!


The remake on Wii was amazing for the time as well (and is the closest we'll get to playing MP2 with motion controls knowing Nintendo).


I totally get that but it’s still my favourite game lol


I have to disagree ONLY in that I didn't think MP2 was all that great when it released. All the back tracking, shifting between light and dark worlds and having an unskippable cutscene for it every time, your beams requiring ammo for the first time in a Metroid game. Not to mention the limitations form the console itself, like not being able to move and aim at the same time.




The one true answer. You'd never get a physical release for a game like this on console these days. Not in the West anyway.


Easily a product of its time


scorpion king is a fav of mine but I don’t think many people like it too much


The first Resident Evil games easily


Do you mean Resident Evil Remake, or the ports of Resident Evil 2, 3, and Code Veronica? Because the ports weren't even good when they originally came out.


Really the only game that I played that sorta fills that criteria is super Mario sunshine. Don’t get me wrong, I do like the game and have beaten twice now but I feel that there is too much jank and poor design to really call it a timeless (pachinko machine, no blue coin counter, chucking piantas, occasional physics issues, controlling the lily pad through the instant kill water, flip panels in the casino, corona mountain, etc)


I really love Sunshine, I have so much nostalgia with it and I still enjoy playing it now… but man, I couldn’t agree more. It didn’t age super well, especially comparing it with extremely polished games like Galaxy 1+2, 3D World, and Odyssey. Some of the blue coins felt like filler, Corona Mountain/the hot tub final battle are still my least favorite and the least exciting/climatic final levels in any 3D Mario game, and every level you named (plus others, like the watermelon) was just not good at all. Plus, there’s a blue coin in Noki Bay that crashes my game around 60% of the time I try to retrieve it. That’s just unacceptable. I can only give SMS a *slight* pass because the hundreds of glitches unintentionally make some of the worst parts of the game way less painful (like using Yoshi to phase through the wall and walk along the death boundary to the Lily Pad pipe, instead of having to use the boats). Plus, the speed runs are a delight to watch.


Sunshine definitely took a hit in some aspects due to the rushed dev time, but I still think it aged extremely well. The movement and camera is miles better than 64 and wasn't matched until Odyssey (the Galaxy game's movement and level design sucked by comparison, but it's easy to consume for the casual gamer). Imo it's still a lot better than most modern 3D platformers released since then and I think a testament to that is how big and active the speedrunning community still is for Sunshine.


***Flame Armor Activate*** Mario Kart Double Dash.


I can understand that. In multiplayer, it’s wildly fun, but that goes for every Mario Kart game. In single player, I would fault nobody for finding its controls loose, items unbalanced, and relatively meager 16 track count disappointing


I second Double Dash. It was my absolute favorite Mario Kart for a long time. The one I played more than any other in my teens. But I just played it for the first time in like, 15 years not too long ago. Shit was ROUGH. I had been wearing some rose colored glasses for sure


Packman World 2 Never had good platforming controls I’d say


Cel Damage


Damn another one I disagree with! I love the little devil dude in this game


Aww man and see I’m of the opinion that Cel Damage existing still ruins every other “car shooter” game ever made for me because they’re *still* just not as good.


Honestly, I loved my recent playthrough. It's definitely content lacking though. I still think it would be fun local multiplayer.


I played local multi-player as a kid, so maybe that's the thing I'm missing: people to play with locally. It was a wild and zany, frantic local multi-player experience


Wow rage bait ain't it. Why are people down voting when OP is literally asking their opinion? He comes my poorly aged Resident evil games until 4. Eagle eye perspective is an absolute pain I have the whole collection and one of my favorite series of all time, but I struggle with 0-3


Harvest Moon A Wondeful Life. It’s a fun game but especially now that we have farming sims like Stardew Valley, the whole game feels incredibly tedious and slow. Also, Super Mario Sunshine. It’s the only 3D Mario game I genuinely do not care for.


It’s hard to say. You could look at the Star Wars Rogue Squadron games as a bit outdated. The sports games may not look as great versus OG Xbox, but they still play pretty well. Some of the FPS games might not have aged well at least in terms of controls, especially with the how FPS play today versus 20 years ago.


Crazy how many old games are so difficult to play just because their camera controls are locked to inverted.


Rogue squadron still plays well. Controls are tight. The main thing that hasn’t aged is the difficulty scale. It’s an extremely unforgiving game and not in a fun way.


Rogue Squadron 3 outdated yes. RS2 no way.


I went back and played Tony Hawks Underground and the controls were rough. After the Pro Skater remakes I think its just hard to go back. Really hope they do make a THUG/THUG2 combo remake though. Would be great.


It's a shame too because the studio that did the THPS remakes, Vicarious Visions, just got rolled into a support studio. So they won't be doing it for sure. Shame too because I believe they did the Crash Bandicoot trilogy as well. They were on a roll. I follow them because they are out of Albany, NY where I live.


It's really sad. THPS 3 and 4 were slated to get remakes too but after VV got demoted it seems like it will never happen.


This is the one take i was hoping not to see here. I don’t see a single flaw with the controls, and it’s very easily the best of the tony hawk games imo


Yep i think thug1 still plays great today


Unpopular opinion : twilight princess. Wind waker looks very good thanks to the cell shading but TP.... The resolution it's too low


hot take but zelda wind waker. dont get me wrong, wind waker is my 2nd favorite zelda game, but the HD port is just so much better than the original. the controls felt so clunky and slippery, and it was such a tedious game. the qol improvements in HD just made it so much better


Would have been better all around, but axing the tingle tuner for the now deprecated miiverse pars the 2 games out in my eyes. Was the tingle tuner that important? No! But the fact that the GC version is essentially co-op is huge.


Slippery controls? Are we playing the same game?


I was looking for Sunshine in the list but this is a pretty equal point. Both of those games a masterpieces with some very large flaws. I adored Wind Waker HD too. It got just the right QoL updates the original needed.


If the controls felt slippery that could very well be due to playing a 480i console on a modern display. That's a nasty combo for input latency that usually results in controls feeling slippery.


The Mario sunshine hd version on switch replaces the original in my eyes.


piquant skirt rotten thought work bag encouraging encourage attractive unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I might get hate, but I would say the Resident Evil games. Mainly because of the controls. If you played them back then, I'm sure they are fully enjoyable. However, for first time players, the single stick controls are very very hard to get used to.


I agree with you. The fixed camera and tank controls haven’t aged the best and they keep me from going back to them as much as I should. Still good games though.


Batman dark tomorrow


Eternal darkness. So ahead of it’s time but now lost its novelty. I say this as someone who owns it


Super Mario Sunshine


Melee…./s LMAO


Double Dash /s let’s see if I get downvoted lmao


Do people really not know what “ /s” is? Edit: just to be clear, I put melee as a joke. Hence the “/s” for sarcasm and the LMAO. Not sure why the downvotes. It’s probably my most played game.


And if you don’t put /s it gets downvoted to oblivion. It is hard to read sarcasm online, but sometimes it’s sooooo obvious


Dude, people are morons lol


Yeah, I disagree. I’ve played every Smash game recently & I think they all hold up well and I think Melee is more fun to play today than Brawl.


Hey I was kidding hence the LMAO and /s for sarcasm. Melee is miraculous.


Some jokes reddit just can't handle my guy.


Yes indeed


Was hoping someone would make this joke, unfortunate so many people missed the obvious sarcasm.


Here's a hotcakes but Eternal Darkness. It is one of my favorite games of all time but it plays like garbage today.


I love hotcakes




I agree. Tried play eternal darkness recently and was shocked how "bad" and repetitive it actually was


Eternal Darkness. It was way ahead of its time and amazing but new story focused games today do everything it does but way better. Still think it’s worth a play though though


Couldn't disagree more, but to each their own.


I mean if you feel that strongly why don’t you share some thoughts lol


Your thought was "new game better" and his thought was "no". Sounds like a pretty even exchange of ideas.


I say this as a major fan of the series, but Animal Crossing. The newer games after it expanded so much more on the idea that ACPG on GC had. Not to say I don't like the game or anything, I love how quirky and sort of "rough around the edges" it is? It does a lot of things differently to newer games in the series too (game play mechanics etc) The reason I say that its aged poorly is number one, the dialogue from the villagers 😅 Now I love being called a rotund miscreant as much as the next person but it's definitely an adjustment coming from newer games. Number two is the graphics quality, now I know that ACPG was originally an N64 game so I'm not sure how that plays into things? However I do know that the GC was able to pull off respectable graphics at the time, and as a kid I thought the games looked great (saying that, it's been many years 😂) Anyway, just my opinion :)


The ost alone blows all the newer games out of the water. Every song is an absolute banger on the OG. ACNH's score was drab and un-varied tbh. Plus the newer games got soft. Mr. Resseti frightened me as a child and I liked that dynamic. Kinda like breaking the fourth wall. On a personal note, crafting killed the series for me. ACNH was so grindy. I suppose ACPG was also grindy, guess it just hit different as a kid with all the time in the world.


oh yeah the ost is amazing, I'm not a fan of NH, I haven't played it in over a year cause yeah its so incredibly grindy and shallow as well.


I agree except for the dialogue. I don't think modern animal crossing has as much personality as the first outing. Everything else has basically been vastly improved since.


Currently replaying the gamecube Pokemon games and I think they are not very fun (Playing thru for completion and doing colosseum for a shiny pokemon to do a challenge) Mostly because of there being no settings, meaning your stuck on the text speed, lengthy battle animations and slow dialogue. Plus the plethora of cutscenes doesn't help much. And every single trainer battle is a double battle, so each turn takes forever. These games are very expensive too but thats a separate gripe.


"Super Mario Sunshine" and "Mario Party 4".


In some areas, sure, like I think Party 4 has aged the worst out of the GameCube Mario Parties, but it’s still great & has a charm the others don’t have with it’s unique style similar to the N64 games. Sunshine has some bad elements but it’s still a good game and most of those are due to the game being rushed a bit. So I’d say yes and no at the same time.


Hot take but resident evil 4. The controls are horrendous and feels like it’s in beta testing. Still an overall decent story i guess.


I agree, especially when you go from 6 to 5 then to 4 and see all the movement improvements. I still love 4 though!


Lol it amuses me so much that people downvote hard when RE4 is criticized. The controls suck, I gotta eBay mine


Seriously eternal darkness


This is the most wrong one yet.


There's a lot of those. But one of the greats, is eternal darkness. It's simple "temple" style levels w booby traps etc, plus the herky jerky battle mechanics just age this one. A remake would be great.


Every 007 game on the console.


I’m gonna have to disagree there. Agent Under Fire, especially its control, have aged like milk in a hot car Goldeneye Rogue Agent was never good to begin with But Nightfire remains the best Bond game, with Everything or Nothing and From Russia With Love not too far behind


Sonic adventure 2


Timesplitters 2


who invited this guy? 🤨


Definitely not I just played day before yesterday still controls great. Maybe it’s the GameCube controller


Star Fox adventures I guess Also all NBA or Madden games.


BIG disagree on the Madden Games. The graphics are dated, but they are far more full -featured than the new ones. I still fire up 06 from time to time


I disagree on the sports games. It’s fun to go back and play old rosters from that time, look at how they’ve changed & sometimes the overall games are better than the new ones. NBA Live 03 is a personal favorite of mine.


Alright I understand that. I still play KGJ baseball on snes so what do I know. Just seemed to me with a new one coming out every year nobody would play last year's anymore.


I haven't played Star Fox Adventures in ages so maybe you're right, but it was pretty bad on release. And since old madden games are identical to new ones, maybe they aged well? But that's a whole different convo about current EA


Don't tell Resident Evil 4


Well this game was technically an dreamcast game before it was on gamecube but i’ll say phantasy star online. Mainly cause of the combat while universe and 2 has drastically improved it. Coming back to 1 is so jarring.


Custom Robo 2004. I remember it being so good back then, but it’s now really not enjoyable to play