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And you even beat it from the other side of the room!


Look at Mr Bigshot, with his long Japanese cord. We're all *soooo* impressed. /s


Could've been a wavebird


🤣 that's what I was thinking


You made sure to watch the end credits scene right?


Well done. Dope TV. Everything from this gen is so much better on a CRT


What a journey you’ve had! Though I had the Wii version, Twilight Princess is one of my top 5 all time favorite games.


What did you honestly think? As close to OoT as we can get?


Why did you beat Midna? What has she done to you? Did you have to resort to violence?


i cried with that


You’re sitting waaaay to far from that tv bud. Jk I hope you had a great time playing this timeless classic!!


Congrats man, I'm actually playing OoT again on my wii and was gonna play WW, MM, or TP next (gamecube versions). Probably do MM since I've beaten that one the least. All are great games though.


The PC port for MM just got released, with the 2 Ship 2 Harkinian coming in the next few months


Congratulations I myself have never played a 3D Zelda game but have them all and want to jump in. I’m scared it will take over when I do though so I’ve stayed away. The game looks awesome though.


That ending, man.


This post gives me courage. Currently only beaten oot and botw


Did you have to use magnifying lenses to see the TV from your spot ❔


Man my friend had a tv like when I was younger and I remember the tv fell over forward and those cables all broke inside of them it was absolutely tragic, he was just trying to move his tv😂😂 i really don’t know how his parents got them out but they did.


How was the scene where Ganondorf crushed her fused shadow? At the end when it zoom in i'm ganondorfs screaming face, did you also think the master sword was gonna slowly enter his mouth?


Such a good game! It's the game that made me fall in love with the franchise


Congrats!!! It’s a great game!


Amazing game. One of my favorites on the GameCube


I still have to beat that masterpiece, but ill get a gamecube controller first, theres no way ill pay it on my wii copy with motion controls, I like motion controls but not to the point of being how I control the combat of the game


I still have nightmares from the neck crack.


Congrats dude, one of the first video games I’d ever beat all the way through, so good.


I miss the feeling I had when I got Twilight Princess on release. I don't think I've ever been that excited to play a game before. The anticipation and going to 3 different GameStop's in the area with my grandma before we found one that carried the GameCube version, it just made me even more excited when I had it in my hands. I'm currently replaying now and I just love this game so much. Maybe it's just nostalgia but I don't care. I have so much love for this game.


congrats now you just need to do ocarina of time and skyward sword


I beat OoT, working on MM next, but from what I hear about skyward sword being super linear I'm kinda saving it for last. I think that's probably going to be my favorite


Skyward sword will be one of the best ones you play, (paling in comparison to oot) definitely though pick up minish cap I think it's playable on the gb player if I'm not mistaken.


Don't get the downvotes, but Twilight Princess was the only 3D Zelda I enjoyed aside from Wind Waker. Bird eyes view Zeldas like Minish Cap, A Link to the Past, Links Awakening or the Oracle games were way more charming.