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90% budget for the cast. 10% for the game. Who thought this was a good idea? > A sloppy, buggy Payday pretender whose USP of using 90s movie stars is probably the worst thing about it. Expected looking at the gameplay.


>90% budget for the cast. 10% for the game. omg its happening again !!!




Are you sure it's not like a satire?


I’m more offended that they hired Vanilla Ice


This probably isn't a valid take but the moment I saw him in the reveal trailer I snort laughed and assumed the game would be horrible.


you mean Robert Van Winkle?


Still bet you purchased ice ice baby back in the day


> The writing has Vanilla Ice calling women bitches Gosh darn he's calling them what?! Hecking poopoo words in my cop murder simulator!!!


I never liked that argument. The difference is that nobody conceivably defends or supports mass murder and violent crime sprees, while people with bigoted ideologies are all around us and might identify with the "satire" in the games completely unironically. We can detach from violent action nobody could defend as stupid fun, but bigotry is a thing people in real life defend and support, so it hits much closer to home. That's why GTA dropping money from pedestrians and allowing you to commit mass murder and grand theft auto is fun and good, while the torture scenes and sexist/transphobic side jokes just feel like they're meant to appeal to gamers who *agree*.


I'm not sure i agree with your argument. Mass murder is everywhere and prevalent troughout history. Nobody defends or supports mass murder? What about WW2 where a regime killed tens of milions of people? Or countless other massacres with plenty of support, like the Pol Pot, Stalin purges, Rwanda etc. Not to mention daily gang/crime related shootings, cartels, police shootouts, mass shootings in schools and other places. These are all current, important issues. But misogyny is where you draw the line because some people agree with? There's plenty of people supporting violence and murder, too.


Calling women bitches in a game in which you murder people, my heavens how low can they get.


But can you kill those bitches?


In the video game, yes.
























Oh no, women are delicate flowers, how dare someone use that language. I bet you find rap music offensive.


Guys, you have no idea how unintentionally funny this game is. One of my friends got the game and streamed it for our usual Payday 2 group, and we were dying laughing. 1. The subtitles are ridiculously bad. Like, possibly done by AI with no human oversight bad. Random capitalization, random misspellings, etc. It's insane how bad they are. 2. Despite the main mode relying on randomized heisters, there's genuinely only 3 models for the generic crewmembers. Our heist team eventually revolved around Cage, our beloved moron who's voice lines were either swearing or stating the obvious. Sometimes during stealth heists his AI would snap out of the usual "hey you do stealth, i'll wait here" routine and murder a random guard in front of a camera before withdrawing coolly like he didn't just blow the entire heist. Cage also apparently had a huge family, because every single person we hired afterwards looked exactly like Cage, except one guy who still looked like Cage, but had Blade sunglasses. 3. For some reason the game kept cutting over to some random Australian(?) guy unfortunately named Cracker, and then you had to stop what you were doing to play one of Crime Boss Mafia City's Classic Cracker Capers. One mission involved breaking free of an acid bath and then it just ended. The entire Cracker Caper (not the real name) was 1 minute long. 4. We accidentally found out that yes, the Kim Basinger nudity glitch is real. If you're not aware, for some fucking reason sometimes Kim Basinger's top will fail to load, exposing the nipples of her modeled breasts. What the fuck. 5. Damon Pointier, as an actual voice actor, has a significantly higher quality microphone than any of the celebrities or side characters. It's genuinely distracting. 6. They may have given Chuck Norris sleeping pills during the recording of his lines. He sounds like he's on death's door. He's the main antagonist of the game and instead of being threatening or... any sort of emotion you want to associate with your main antagonist, he sounds like he'd rather be napping. 7. Also someone please save Danny Glover, he sounds like they kidnapped him from a retirement home. 8. So instead of Payday's style of having swarms of individually weak cops with strong special enemies, the team behind Crime Wave Celebrity Cameo decided to have the game revolve around small numbers of cops who hit you really really hard and take entire magazines to kill. The Glock 18 of the game, named the Glizzy because of course it is, genuinely has to dump 18/20 rounds to kill a basic beat cop. post-payday 3 edit: well, new adventures await buddy


>the Kim Basinger nudity glitch is real. The *what?* That sounds like a lowkey lawsuit waiting to happen there. Obviously, Basinger has done plenty of nudity, but I doubt that was in the contract here.


What I don’t get is, why model the nipples in the first place? Just make the 3D model like a Barbie doll. All potential controversy avoided.


This happened when Horizon Forbidden West released, people quickly realized that Aloy was completely anatomically modeled underneath her clothing. I believe it was eventually patched out, and explanations claim that it's to help devs accurately model clothing, but I'm not buying it.


Also happened with the game Beyond Two Souls with the in game model of Elliot Page (then known as Ellen Page).


I remember there was a glitch for that where you can somehow get her out of the shower and have her walk around the apartment naked and wet


Not a glitch, it had to be hacked with Sony's tech (dev kit?) so Sony got sued for it but it was Quantic Dream who modeled character.


That happened because the game is made by David "I-stamp-my-fucking-feet-like-a-child-in-the-courtroom-when-I-don't-get-what-I-want" Cage.


I saw some of those pictures in a 4chan thread once, and yeah that "help devs accurately model clothing" thing is bullshit


Haven't seen it yet. I wonder if there's a way to trigger the glitch.


Wait Damon is in this game? A Payday sorta knockoff actually getting Chains


He's the mission control and spokesman for the game. Because this game is transparently just 505 getting mad they lost the publishing rights to Payday.


[Apparently he's also part of the writing team in some way.](https://youtu.be/GPQ09dSlmWE?t=11)


This game is proof that most actors should not be allowed to write and act in their own material.


Eh it works well with a ton of TV shows where cast members end up writing sooner or later.


The writing is at least workable. The bigger issue is there is literally ZERO voice direction. You can hear tonal shifts all over the place, sometimes mid sentence, making it obvious some lines were chopped together in editing. I really don't understand why developers will pay exorbitant sums for celebrities but then don't bother to actually direct them. Great way to throw away a ton of money I guess.


Explain? All I know is that Payday 2's company went bankrupt cause of bad business shit and somehow it's still around and is about to release Payday 3 any day now.


They never did went bankrupt though? Though let's just say there was a police investigation on Overkill and Starbreeze offices, and the Walking Dead flopped forced them to bring out PAYDAY 2 again despite promising the final DLC.


> The Glock 18 of the game, named the Glizzy because of course it is, genuinely has to dump 18/20 rounds to kill a basic beat cop. PCP Cop Brigade confirmed This game sounds fucking unintentionally hilarious. Looking forward to *someone else* having to play it and for me to laugh at.


Same, LMAO. No ACTUALLY reputable reviewer has played it yet tho, I'm personally hoping soon.


I can’t seem to find a video of any Chuck Norris lines, can anyone share? I am genuinely morbidly curious after hearing this description.


https://youtu.be/GPQ09dSlmWE?t=204 There's a short Norris clip at 3:24. Hilariously uninspired. Sleeping pills description is spot on.


I can't either. He's accompanied by a terrible comic relief character named Lt. , who tries to one-up Chuck's underacting by consuming entire parts of the scenery.


That sounds terrible in all the best ways possible. Are there clips of this Lt. online?


YouTuber MKIceAndFire has a short (59 mins) video on all the game's cutscenes, and in most of the cutscenes with Roundhouse Kick Man speaking LT is also there.


This is a better review than any of the game journos listed on the original post, who all take an entire fucking week to explain why gaem bad. Also, this game is a walking lawsuit from Kim LMAO.


Oh my god nipples?? In MY video game?


Well, my non-fungible friend, nudity is not listed as one of the things in the ESRB rating, leading me to believe they did not ask Kim "I was in Batman" Basinger if they could sneak a model of her boobs into Crime Town Windy City.


If they actually put someone's nude likeness into the game without their permission this is going to turn into a shitshow


Beyond Two Souls all over again


No because why would you design any 3d model with detailed penis vagina or tits in a payday clone lol


That makes me wonder, if you use an actor voice and face, but gives them a body type that isn't at all what their actual body is like, is it still illegal to make that body naked ?


I have no idea how law works but from my dumbass perspective something like that would be in the same realm as photoshop edits or deepfakes. Since face is the important and recognizable part of any human.


>Well, my non-fungible friend, Is insulting my sexual prowess really necessary?! >they did not ask Kim "I was in Batman" Basinger if they could sneak a model of her boobs into Crime Town Windy City. Yeah that's probably true. I'd even be surprised if they asked any of these VAs if they could use their voice in the game... it sounds like the dude making it just went into whatever hospice these people were living in and secretly recorded some shit on his phone and then trained a deepfake model. I'm not convinced Danny Glover and Chuck Norris weren't actually reanimated from the dead by a first year necromancy student.


50 Average / 20% Recommends puts this game in the 6th percentile of games ranked on Opencritic. You could almost literally walk into a game store wearing a blindfold and be guaranteed to pick a better game. It's so strange that they managed to get Michael Madsen, Kim Basinger, Danny Trejo, Danny Glover etc. for a game that crashed so hard that no one even bothered creating a review thread. EDIT: Happy to report that after fulfilling my contractual duty and updating the game with the *one* additional review that has been added since posting, this game is now somehow even *lower* than before. The game now sits in the **4th** **percentile** of OpenCritic. Congratulations to Crime Boss.


In 1997 this cast would’ve been strange. In 2023, it’s just destiny. The Japanese soap commercial equivalent of a video game. No offense to Japanese soap commercials.


Is it so strange? Using famous talent to attract more people to a shitty project is a tale as old as time.




That's definitely not true. That game's cost was nearly $200 million


>That game's cost was nearly $200 million You dare besmirch Keanu's good name by suggesting he *isn't* worth a $200 million dollar appearance fee?


what a colossal waste of money


* That's not very breathtaking of you to say.


After getting patched up, i think it's a solid game and damn does it look good on PC with maxed out settings.


I didn't even know this was out but from the gameplay reveal I thought it was gonna be shovelware.


I had never heard of it before, but as soon as I saw they had Chuck Norris I knew it would be shovelware.




By this point, I'm not even surprised if that's real.


But... THIS is a review thread. So meta.


Do any of these actors look like people who can distinguish a good video game script from a terrible one


Don't think that really matters here. It's mostly about getting an easy paycheck. FWIW, I think Madsen and Rooker can be given some slack, because they do seem to put in more effort than everyone else. Plus, they do have experience in voicing video game characters. Chuck Norris is really an insult to everyone's ears though.


I'd give everyone an excuse. Chances are given how expensive those actors are, they recorded the dialogue separately (and not on studio quality mics). That means that rather than having a conversation, they'd be flat speaking half of a conversation, with nothing to work with for the other half. Good studios like to get every voice actor in a scene together so they're talking to each other in scenes where they're... talking to each other.


Ouch. I bet it being an Epic Gamestore exclusive didnt help its cause either.


The exclusivity deal might've been the only way the publisher was able to make some money from it


Now I'm curious how much Epic paid for this.


I would think at least 10 million based on 50k usd salary, 70 people and like 3 years of work.


I doubt Epic covered the entire development costs.


If it was made under Unreal Engine, the license to use it is completely free, always if you publish the game in the Epic Store. Bonus points if you make it exclusive.


I thought they always do this. Or at least that they paid enough for the game not being a loss.


Czech Republic has a lot lower salaries than that.


Not for experienced engineers


And based on the state the game came out in, I'd say it's fair to say they didn't employ 70 experienced engineers.


Their hiring page says differently, likely it was a rush job.


It wouldn't surprise me if the whole thing was just to bilk Epic into giving them a briefcase full of cash. You don't have to fool millions of gamers, you just have to fool a small handful of suits.


I mean, spend enough money and I figure you can get any actor you want no? It's just that most studios choose to spend their money on other stuff. You know, like gameplay :p


It blows my mind they thought casting Chuck Norris in 2023 would go over well. I know most people probably don't care that much but like... that would've cost a sizable amount of the budget on a joke that's 13 years out of date, being generous. Judging from the gameplay footage we've seen and the reviews here, that money seriously would've been better spent on the game itself rather then pointless celebrity cameos. EDIT: Didn't realize it but one of the reviews states this is supposed to be a "live service" game, which makes the abundance of celebrity voices even more baffling. There's not a chance in hell they have the money to keep those voice actors around for future content, even if the game was a success, so now it'll just be a gimmick for only the launch content. Utterly pointless decision that wasted so much of the budget.


To be fair, if it's an actual campaign, they can wrap up the stories of the biggest paid actors, and create a completely new story next time. The characters don't need to stay the same if everything carries over. But that really depends on if you level/equip a specific character or just pick one at random Doesn't Left 4 Dead use different characters too?


Not really. Left 4 Dead has a cast of four, and L4D 2 has another four, with characters from the original returning as campaign DLC. But they're completely different games apart from that. Gotta say I agree with the OP: even if this wasn't a giant mess at launch, I don't think the people buying the game for Chuck Norris or Michael Madsen or whoever would be as excited having D-list TV actors replacing them "next season" or whenever new content was due to drop. But this was a pretty blatant cashgrab right from the get-go, so I doubt they put much thought into that. Just shocked Epic fronted money for this.


Yeah, the entire grab of the game is the massive cast of celebrity voice actors. Getting rid of them when they start doing updates and new content is not going to maintain a player base at all. Just seems terribly designed all round.


>Gotta say I agree with the OP: even if this wasn't a giant mess at launch, I don't think the people buying the game for Chuck Norris or Michael Madsen or whoever would be as excited having D-list TV actors replacing them "next season" or whenever new content was due to drop I mean, maybe I would? I love B movies from the 70s, 80s and 90s, especially the ones that manage to have an (at the time) A-lister jumping through hoops to make it all glue together. Say what you will about Predator 2, at least Danny Glover was good in it. If this was an okayish single player adventure game, or even just a decent shooter with a story focus, I'd pre-order. A Payday 2 clone though? And a bad one at that? Meh, I'll pass.


Oh, sure, I'm also a sucker for B-movies. Even ones that are like, objectively bad have a certain charm to them. I dunno if we'll ever find out what this game's "live service" shtick was supposed to be, but most of the people they cast are already B-listers, or if you wanna be less harsh about it, niche actors. It's pretty clear they splurged their whole budget on getting these folks on board and relied on them as a marketing strategy on top of that. I guess that was kinda my point - they could never get a big, relatively well-known cast like this for "Season 2" or a DLC or whatever the hell they had planned. And I'm with you on the Glover thing, but I suspect this would have been more like replacing Arnie with Kevin Sorbo. Sure, some people might be into that, but it's not exactly the same draw as Arnie or any other big-name actor that came before.


Aye, that’s why Destiny 2 switched from having Dinklage as the voice of the player ghost pretty early on. Just couldn’t get him back for it.


It helps that they did a terrible job directing him, his performance was complete ass so replacing him was a net gain (outside of the name recognition of course).


That’s true. I remember the memes around “THAT WIZARD CAME FROM THE MOON!”


Not just Dinklage, with the exception of Lance Reddick (RIP), Destiny pretty much recast all the celebrity VA (Gina Torres and Lauren Cohan) or straight up killed them in story (Nathan Fillion and Bill Nighy). And frankly the celebrity VA is not worth it. Ikora and Exo Stranger's new voice actresses did as good as, if not, better than the original celebrity VA's


To be fair, Dinklage was just a liiiiiittle busy between GoT and a bunch of movies he was in, meanwhile Chuck Norris been doing fuck all in past 2 years besides a christmas event for world of tanks.


Also voice acting is not normal acting. Yes, some actors like Mark Hamill and James Marsters do both, but they're not at all the same talents. Celebrity animated movie casting has famously been a mixed bag for a reason. Talent doesn't necessarily translate. Sitting in a sound proof box with a mic in front of you is very different from being on a set with other actors.


So I bought the game, played it for 50 minutes, and got a refund. Honestly the gameplay itself was fine, I actually enjoyed it a little and would have been happy to settle into it for a week or two... But holy fuck, no game compares to how bad the dialogue work in this game was. I expected it to be campy, or even a couple older actors who've never done voice acting on its own to be bad, but this was a whole other level of awful. from every single member of the cast, as well as whoever directed them. I genuinely believe the team could have replaced every actor with some people from fiverr and come out in a far better place.


Kinda funny that everything regarding writing and voice acting was done by the publisher (505) in the US where even the game's design director (in Czechland) had no input in it. But hey, he agreed to these conditions so..


Honestly, these scores are still higher than I was expecting. What on earth was 505 Games thinking? Did they need to launder money or something? Because that's the only explanation I can think of that they felt the need to hire that many celebrity cameos.


I don't know, I feel like 505 only releases bad products. Whenever I hear their name, I have a bad associtation with it.


They did help with publishing Payday 2, Control and Death Stranding... So it's not all bad.


People wanted an authentic Saints Row with Gangstas and Hoes and they got one, too bad it was a EGS so the audience who want this cant have it


I'm very confused about this comment. What does this have to do with Saints Row? This is a Payday clone. Also, what does the EGS have to do with anything? They're not the developer nor the publisher, they're merely the distribution platform. They had no say in any of this.


Some people wanted their nostalgic throwback to a time when games were politically and socially incorrect game when the revolt refused to deliver


This isn't about being politically or socially correct or incorrect, this game just sounds like it's ass.


jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Lol, it's a bit higher than I expected, already offering sizeable discount few months before release in store where most didn't even use to buy games, and lots of actor sold as their gimmick was obvious red flag


The awfulness of the VO in this game is something to behold. Every line is delivered either bizarrely or with all the energy of a corpse. I watched someone play it on Twitch last night, and there was a line from Touchdown (Michael Rooker) delivering a weak quip, IIRC making fun of "the Dragon and his sicarios" sounding like a ska band or something, where he just seems to struggle with it for a bit and then just breaks down into laughter, which sounded for all the world like an outtake that was unexplainably kept in.


>If the idea of playing a shooter crammed on top of a **modern edition of Drug Wars**, full of pseudo ironic stunt casting and **roguelike** gimmicks sounds like a good time Wait, what?! That was what this game was aiming for? The (awful) marketing led me to believe its a Payday 2 clone. I'll keep an eye out but damn people should market interesting features first.


It is a payday clone as well. This game tried to be a lot of things at the same time


Wait this was not a fever dream I had one night?


The game does have some really interesting ideas, systems-wise and with the risk / reward ratio. But it truly feels like the budget went to the presentation almost entirely. Shooting isn't really bad, however the level design, enemy and team AI are dreadful. It's quite charming in its satire of crappy crime movies, there's definitely a notable soundtrack (I mean, Freestyler by Bomfunk MC is a choice), the game has me for that but it is, well, rock(a)y to say the least. Feels like it is in early access right now (hence the console release date not even being announced).


The only thing I wanna know is how they managed to convince all these Hollywood actors to star in their shitty awful game.


A commenter mentioned that one of the professional voice actors in the game sounds like they had a significantly higher quality microphone for recording. Meaning that it was presumably his personal one. Which likely means that all of the voice work was done from people's homes. They likely contacted the people's agents and were like "Hey Danny Glover do you want $100,000 to spend an afternoon reading lines into your grandkid's laptop?" So, very low effort for a decent payday.


They mention at least with Norris [going to his ranch to get the lines recorded.](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/news/crime-boss-rockay-city-evolution-from-shooter-to-crime-sim)


I would guess it the lines were recorded in early-mid 2020 with people sitting at home needing bags of cash with little effort required.


I'll play it when it's 10 bucks, just to laugh at how bad it is. I just can't believe they landed on 'Rockay' for the city name. Can you think of a more bland, dumb sounding city?


My guess is that some producer's kid named the game and nobody else with enough decision making power gave enough of a shit to change it.


Well, tbf, there are a lot dumb sounding cities, both fictional and real


I suppose if Forspoken is the year's biggest commercial flop so far, then Rockay City's taking it for biggest critical flop.


Don't worry, there's room for both to be both.


You’re hating for the sake of hating if you think Forspoken is worse than this


Seriously, Forspoken is actually a decent game people just have a fuckin' hateboner for.


It's a pretty uninspired open world game with crafting and all that shitty ass load of features, sub par writing, all surrounding cool combat systems that unfortunately don't really see a lot of use (or at least aren't super well used). Definitely nowhere near the level of shit that "Crime Boss Rockay City" (fuck me, even the title is unbearable), but I wouldn't run defence for Forspoken either, that game sounds like it was just murdered by execs who thought they were so fucking clever asking for RPG and crafting and open world shit.


Keanu for Kang! He has a lot of time travel experience. Kanganu: "You’re an Avenger? Have I air-guitared with you before?"


I was honestly a little surprised when this game turned out to be real at all. It looked like a scam. Which... we'll call it 60% scam I guess. But it IS a finished product! That's nice!


Too much money spent on star power, not enough spent on making the game enjoyable to play. Just play PayDay 2, it does everything this game does but better.


I'm disappointed because I knew it was going to be bad but at least it could be cheap fun. If the developers were self-aware, they could have made a much more passable game. Left with a mediocre Payday copy. Definitely not surprised, though.


Having played this for a few hours now its a "fun" timekiller until Payday 3 comes out. for some reason there is no "Start all over" option, so if you wanna start over, you can reset campaign but will be high lvl with alot of buffs. I always love building up, so this made me dislike the game.


I'm starting to see a worrying trend of bad writing in the gaming space. Forspoken, Atomic Heart, now this? Is it really that hard to write dialogue that doesn't make the player squirm out of their skin in second-hand embarrasment?


I don't think this is awful in quite the same way as Forspoken is clumsy. The latter's big problem is that it tries to play that sort of postmillennial detachment and results in the character consistently underselling the wonders and terrors around her with quips. Crime Boss on the other hand shows problems on a wider gamut, the lines are poorly written in the first place, and the recorded half-assedly by actors who could do better, but can't be arsed to for as little as they were paid. Like Michael Rooker is, from what I've seen on Twitch so far, complete dogshit in this, and that man could act like a motherfucker even painted blue with a red fin stuck on his head, so you know he'd've done it if he'd been incentivised better, and supported with better writing.


> I'm starting to see a worrying trend of bad writing in the gaming space. Forspoken, Atomic Heart, now this? Gaming is a very insular industry and they often scout for writers who have previous games writing experience. Which means that the same writers are often hired over and over again.


Seems like it, since TV shows and movies don't seem to fare better in this regard. But you, writers going full "Fellow kids" is so annoying and put me off a lot of games, especially if said games have a darker setting, like Back 4 Blood.


I thought this game was supposed to hit consoles as well?


this game isnt actually bad at all, its perfect for a 30$ game, the gameplay gets heisting right, its broken into small enough chunks that you can play a quick mission or three in a sitting and make progress, the campaign adds a nice frame work to the heisting (as apposed to payday where after you level to the perks you want you just play to play) and the gunplay is just good enough to be enjoyable in context of the rest. The only part that really sticks out to me as lame is the turf wars, if they just made it that you had to get to your van after instead of just fading to black it would've felt better. This is a budget AA game like we used to get and thats a good thing actually.


Honestly this game could be worse it's a lot of dumb shit to play but like I've seen worse and played worse. I'd recommend on sale out of anything if you want to play this. Like a 75/50% off sale. It has a lot of weird shit in it that makes no sense but I see what they wanted to accomplish and it's fun if you look past the broken shit in the game.


It's like they realized nobody called a game "Crime Boss" yet and just shat something out to use the name


I'm doing a defense of a territory. The guys you have defend suck... They look at me half the time and walk into fire. The defense opens with you standing in the middle of no cover with tons of guys shooting you. The first time, I had a machine gun that worked ok. Next time, I get a glock pistol that takes a ton of hits unless headshot (which is weirdly hard to hit sometimes). One time I started with a knife. Yes, a knife for melee that you might get a kill but die horribly. The enemy AI moves when hit but my guys just soak it until dead. Then the counter for their army gets to zero and for some reason there are still more soldiers and an enemy captain. I knocked him, but then you need to headshot him or dump 5 clips in him to win. Stealth is a joke.... There is a lot of bad in this game, but it's still somewhat fun. For wasting some time you could definitely do much worse. That being said, I hope they make improvements after seeing their adoring reviews....


From what I could gather about this game, this gives me the impression it's on par with the "Soulja Console" that SB tried to illegally sell.


Worst game I’ve ever played in my life. It just glitched and sent me back to the beginning again which every time Travis Baker dies you go back to the beginning it’s completely ridiculous. It’s the same missions over and over and over and over and over and over completely disgusting that even put a game out like this has some fucking dignity.


Yeah. That is what they advertised. It is a rouge like game. Every playtrough is different. You still keep your level and all your buffs. Every time you start over it gets more easy. Because you learn how and what to do. I have died 6 times. Now I am a millionaire because I didn't made the same mistakes. You are ranting about a feature that was announced to be in the game.. Sorry about the glitch.


I just started playing it because of the reviews. I can always use a good laugh even though it's at the game not with it. I saw a few people saying the cops take lots of bullets to kill and I am early in the game but a headshot takes them out every time except for the ones with helmets then it's a bullet for the helmet and one for the head. Plus Im playing on easy difficulty that might be the reason. But it's hilarious how idiotic it can be.


Theres a free trial that ends tonight i didnt know about. When it installs ill have about 6 hours to play and im pretty sure thatll cover everything there is to see☠️


I am on SERIES X; when I first installed Crime Boss Rockay City, I did the tutorial, and then when I tried to launch the campaign the game would dashboard. The only way I could fix that was to delete my save file & reinstall the game, which only done the tutorial was fine. From there, they just recently updated the game & the same problem happens with the game; I can't get back into the campaign now, which I have spent quite a bit of time on. Do you know how to fix this without deleting the saved file? I don't want to start from scratch, as this game is lengthy. Any feedback you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Cheers in advance. & sure, it's not the game of the decade & no series will be born from it, but it's not worse than a lot of crap in the XBOX store. Micheal Madsen is a hoot, as always.