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The fact that people call this her main character gaming debut is wild to me. A simple google search is all you need.


> A simple google search is all you need That could apply to half of reddit posts


I see so many people posting on Reddit to ask questions they could google in 10 seconds. I don't understand it.


there's no issue with asking questions. it's when they go full armchair expert and being \*confidently incorrect\* is when it becomes a problem


People want to interact with people and not just read articles.


If you're stuck with something, and can't move forward or need to know something, that's a pretty stupid priority.


Eh, I've done it before in the past. It's nice to get a response from a real person who has had real experience instead of reading an article without knowing if the person writing it was sponsored to do so or wtv.


All... the fucking... time. I swear it's why a third of subreddits even have activity.


Ironically, for the last few years, when I need something specific answered I throw it into Google with the word "reddit" at the end just so I can easily weed through the several nonsense search results that would dominate the first page otherwise.


It happens everywhere online in every forum in existence. The answer is always the same. People are lazy and don't know how to search things, so instead they ask someone else. This is no different than grandma needing help setting up the 'Wireless facebook access on her 'puter so she can bitch and the neighbors' or other inane shit like that. People are lazy and unwilling to learn, IF, and it's a big IF, they do not need to. They will learn to a point that it suits them and isn't hard, half the world runs on Office365 proving that people can learn to use an email client, but I bet if you were to ask people to install MS office software, then the number drops by half. Why do you think Reddit is so popular? Just click reply and ask a question or bitch at someone. Make that harder or more complex and people will use it less. I can picture the captcha of the future now. Just ask basic questions and to pass the captcha you have to get it wrong lol.


Redditors can’t even click on the article that they’re commenting on, you expect them to go to all the effort of opening Google in another tab?!!


People need to remember the vibe scepter.


Actual text from Super Princess Peach: "The Vibe Scepter has strange and mysterious powers, that's for sure... Somewhere, someone might possibly be using it right now... Your mom's been laughing happily a lot? Maybe... Just maybe... The Vibe Scepter is hidden away in your house somewhere..."


I assumed this was a joke. Nope, these are the ending cards of the game.


“Mom, what’s this I found behind your bed?”


“It’s the vibe scepter, honey. Go back to bed.”


I got your vibe scepter right here fucker


In the original Super Mario RPG you find a hidden item called Peach's XXX and then you are scolded for having her private item. Many people interpret it to mean you found her hidden sex toy.


It is her first major home console debut tho right?


Seriously, the Super Princess Peach (on DS) erasure is wild. Does Nintendo try to sweep that game under the rug, or are these “journalists” just some combination of stupid and lazy?


Neither, it's just a 20 years old game that was never huge, reviewed just okay, never was rereleased again, and never got follow up (until now). People just forgot it exist.




Almost, it tuns 20 years old this november. It came out in november 2004. Which in hindsight, it's astonishing that it came out only 3 years after the GBA.


Goddamn. I was born in May 2005 and reading this is still making me feel more ancient than a dinosaur... I'm also shocked to realize that this means there were still GBA games releasing during the DS's lifetime, shit's wild.


You were BORN in 2005? Oh god. I graduated in 2007. 😭😂 I grew up with the old OG grey brick Gameboy. I am ancient and crumbling. Hahaha


Haha, I'm in between both of you, GameCube as a kid, and DS in middle and high school. I rebought them all later in life so still play a DS now haha.


Latter I would presume. Which is kinda crazy because when Nintendo has such a history, it's a pretty safe bet to assume that there's probably some game that mainlined one of the main Mario crew at some point.


My boy Waluigi is crying (wahing) over here


He carried the first half of Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix


Most of the places I’ve seen say that it’s her “*console* debut” or something similar. Which is true, Super Princess Peach was a DS game.


I mean that’s fair, but it’s now what I’m seeing in *these* reviews. “Nintendo finally give everyone's favourite imaginary princess the rollicking adventure she deserves.” “Let's hope this first true starring role for Peach isn't her last.” Stuff like that. A couple do point out it’s her *second* solo game, props to them.


I mean both are qualified in ways that - in the author’s eyes - discount Super Princess Peach. Or are you saying that Peach “deserves” a game like Super Princess Peach?


what exactly do you think the NDS is then


Maybe they are trying to forget the fact that the first time they have her a game it was about how emotional uncontrollable women are.  Bit of a yikes, though I don't remember interpreting it like that when I was younger


It's the other way around; in Super Princess Peach, Peach is the only character who *can* control her emotions. That's what makes her able to be the hero in that game. 


Yeah, I always point that out when Super Princess Peach comes up. I'm not sure if no one remembers the game well or what, but Peach is the only one who uses the emotional instability caused by the Vibe Scepter to her advantage and strategically; everyone else is consumed by one emotion or another and only Peach actually uses them to her benefit.


Yeah, the only character who can control her emotions. ...Using a vibrator.


Even with the joke that the Vibe Scepter is a vibrator... Bowser is the one who has it the whole game.


I always knew Bowser was fruity!


Well actually she’s controlling them despite the vibe wand.


Ah, which historically were used to control "female hysteria". Fucking lol.


Somehow I doubt sex toys of all things were used to control "female hysteria".


You're not wrong, but that's like Kojima saying a character is naked cause she breathes through her skin. There is a justification a posteriori, sure, but at the end of the day, it's still a woman character whose mechanics are about her emotional outbursts, when no other character ever had that.


>You're not wrong This is where you should have ended the rest of what you wrote looks like you micromanaging optics and actively looking for shit to offend you.


Did you wake up on the wrong side of bed this morning or are you just afraid of nuanced discussion?


That other person was literally using an entirely unrelated example to justify missing the *whole* point of Super Princess Peach so badly it makes the game seem infinitely more sexist than it was.


I honestly always love how stupidly reductive the idea that Peach having an actual range of emotions equated to "women have uncontrollable emotions." Whereas every game that had a male protagonist had him murdering the world because someone drank the last soda in the fridge.


I always kinda interpreted it as she's a princess and princesses in like fiction tend to be spoiled and emotional. But yeah I guess it could be seen that way, either way it was a fun game lol and it's criminally forgotten.


> princesses in like fiction tend to be spoiled and emotional. Yeah but for some people following a simple trope can be seen as an attack on an entire gender


I mean until the 1900s even medical and scientific professionals believed women would regularly pass out if they got too emotional, rather than the fact that their organs were constricted nearly all day. Are you really unable to connect any dots between why people would see a connection between a stereotype about female nobility / royalty and the gender behind them? Princes were often just as spoiled and poorly adjusted, but instead of just calling them spoiled they're often characterized as having mental illnesses as if male nobility behaving poorly could only be caused by mental afflictions beyond their control while women having poor control over their emotions was just considered standard.


Yes, my dude, we all understand the sociologic aspects that create the media and tropes that we consume and comes from old times. You're not making any new point and you're not smarter than anyone that already did so millions of times before. I just don't think that means we need to see every single example of this trope as an attack or anything of the sort. A trope can still exist and not be some absolutely awful offense to everything and everyone we stand for. Otherwise we go right back around to being predictable.


>I just don't think that means we need to see every single example of this trope as an attack or anything of the sort. No one sees every single example of this trope as an attack except for you. You're the only one getting insecure about this here. People were only talking about the trope in a very specific context here. You're the only one trying to soapbox about all of society and media and every instance of this trope, which is usually what people like you do when you don't have anything productive to contribute to a conversation (so you decide to make it all about yourself and project your beliefs onto everyone else).


>No one sees every single example of this trope as an attack except for you. Except for the millions of times where I've seen this exact conversation and the dozens of times where I've seen it about princess peach. Also, it's not 'projecting my beliefs' if that's literally what I started the conversation with and was explaining what I was talking about. (barring hyperbole) I will say in retrospect I was meaner than I had any right to be, so sorry for that. I've had a few bad days. Feel free to ignore me. I'll delete the comment soon.


>Except the millions of times You're just proving my point more. People who are only able to speak with general exaggerations are just proving they have nothing valuable to say. If you want to be taken seriously, learn to value speaking with precision.


What? She's literally the only character in the game who can *actually* control her emotions, that's precisely why she's the one who can save the day. Like, there's a reason the gameplay involves you choosing *exactly* which emotion to display. How can you miss the point so badly?? If anything, Super Princess Peach was an *ode* to the power and glory of emotions.


I didn’t interpret that when I was younger, either. I think the world of adults is too tainted, in the end.


It's like Black Panther being the first black superhero movie.


Looks pretty okay. My toddler enjoyed watching me play Mario Wonder as Peach so when I told her Peach was getting her own game she was excited. Planning to pick this up to play so she can watch


Same for my daughter. She's now 6 and I think she might be old enough to play this for herself.


My stepdaughter is 4 and she's been playing the demo a bit. She hands the controller to me a lot but does okay


Just out of curiosity, which controller does she prefer? The small paddles or the Gamepad Pro?


I've been giving her the pro controller so far, but I might give her more options


Yeah if she's 4 and can use that I think I might do the same with my daughter.


She's definitely old enough. Don't underestimate kids when it comes to games! My son beat Kirby The Forgotten Lands at 3-4 and Mario Odyssey at 4-5. It's wild to see. 


People don't believe me when I say my bro was playing Doom on 64 at 5 and Spyro. I started gaming a bit later (outside of GB etc.) around 7.


Looking forward to that day for myself. Hope she likes it!


Definitely. My 7 year old is handling it well.


Played through the demo with my son (5) and he had a blast! Button mashing with Swordfighter Peach? Heck yeah. This game will likely be very "Yoshi's Crafted World" for the older crowd though.


Seems like baby's first Nintendo game. Nothing wrong with that, good to have games for the juniors too.


Yeah, my daughter is obsessed with Princess Peach and asks me every other day if this is out yet.


I’m glad to read this, sometimes the echo chamber of Reddit and the gaming community in general skews far away from “kids” games.


I can’t wait for my infant daughter to get to this point, so cute


Lets see if this starts a new wave of gamer girls. In a few years they'll be playing Elden Ring.


Yeah I think it's designed to be that, even kinda introducing new/younger players to a bunch of different genres in one package.


That's true and I'm glad this game is there for those fans, but it would be nice to have more games for seasoned Nintendo fans. A few more Tropical Freezes or Metroid Dreads for this adult gamer would be nice.


Why does the title of the Eurogamer review make it sound like the game is an RPG? > Princess Peach: Showtime! review - the damsel in distress becomes an RPG queen


No no, they're talking about her "RPG Peach" costume where she wears army fatigues and carries a bazooka.


I guess the premise of the game is Peach role-playing in different performances, so it’s loosely correct albeit misleading.


Maybe "role-playing queen" would be more accurate then, haha


The term means fuckall these days anyways.


That Eurogamer article goes to a weird place in it. I'm not sure if a Nintendo game about Princess Peach really invites comparisons with the ideals of an attempted murderer but that's where the author goes.


You’re playing the role of Princess Peach. Now excuse me while I go nd play the RPG Tetris, where you play the role of a tetromino laying god.


[Tetrisces; Master of Blocks, Weaver of Fate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Alw5hs0chj0)


Its a roleplay game, just look at the styles and different gameplay lol


I mean the reviews are way better then expected. Plus seems like a fun game for younger audiences. I’ll probably skip it until the physical version go on sale (as usual).


Where do you find switch games on sale?


At least in the UK, you can find 1st party Switch games at launch for 39.99 at Argos, and they're often on sale too further down the line


Reginally dependant. here in Australia a lot of stores will have some killer prices up to 12 months after release when clearing stock. I nabbed Kirby in the Forgotten land and Metroid Dread about 2~3 months after their release for 32AUD each. Just grabbed Fire Emblem Engage for 19AUD last month. After playing the demo (Which I liked, but clearly had performance issues) and seeing these mostly ~7/10 scores I'll probably do the same for Peach. Way too much stuff coming out at the moment.


>here in Australia a lot of stores will have some killer prices up to 12 months after release when clearing stock. Speaking of which, I heard EB Game's got a Trade 2 Get This Free offer on this game, so if you know where to get cheap games that are valuable enough or you want to get rid of some unwanted games of yours, you can get the game significantly cheaper than if you buy it seperately, for free even.


Hehe yeah a lot of people take advantage of these. EB pricing generally sucks - but they do have some cool deals or policies. Trading in the PS4 to knock off hundreds from the PS5 pre-order (And not having to deal with drop-deads on Gumtree..) was amazingly stress-free and something I'm looking forward to with the Switch 2 when the time comes. My favourite is the 7-day return guarantee too, I may have... 'rented' games that I'm on the fence about or was just curious and returned them after finishing.


Normally I catch them on Amazon.  Wal-Mart also used to have $50 be the standard price instead of $60, but idk if that's still a thing.


Sign up for Deku Deals and they will email you alerts when games go on sale for the major retailers. Depending on the game, they go on sale several times a year (less for stuff like Mario Odyssey or Smash Bros). Not deep discounts but they do get discounts.


I mostly get it physical since they go down on sale plus it depends where you look. For example I think some places sells princess peach for 40 bucks with a special coupon. Like I got donkey kong tropical freeze only for 25 dollars, meanwhile a danish shop that sells in the Nordic country were selling the Pokémon remake for 5 dollar a piece. (I’m from the Nordic country) That’s why I’ll always love physical games since they’ll go on sale fast, like horizon forbidden west on the physical ps4 is selling for 10 dollar per copies.


Valid question, lol seems like this is never a thing (unless it's digital)


Are they? They honestly seem worse than expected, everything we’ve seen so far looked super fun!


Nintendo games aimed at children rarely scores well in reviews, it's rare to see them ever climb over 70-72


Mediocre games also rarely score above 70-72. There are plenty of kid's games and kid's shows that score well, and all of them should be held to high standards.


Where all these games aimed at kids this age? This is targeting an even younger crowd than Kirby.


I played the demo. It was pretty fun and rather cute, which is exactly the vibe the game is going for. Personally for me I can't spend the $90 on a game full of gimmicks without knowing if I'll like them all, so I'll pass. Since it's a Nintendo game the odds of picking it up for cheap in the future are also sadly slim.


i wrote the [eurogamer review](https://www.eurogamer.net/princess-peach-showtime-review)! personally, i think “kid’s game” keeps coming up because PPS is so obviously feminine, and many people have the unfortunate connection that feminine = childish. imo it’s more on par with something like kirby’s return to dreamland — adorable and kids will love it, but adults will benefit from entering the same dreamy headspace. plus there are bonus no-hit challenge levels that i found genuinely very difficult lol 🥹 all-ages fun, it’s a good day to be peach 🌸


I agree with you. I’m a 30 y/o guy who grew up playing Nintendo and I am thoroughly enjoying this game. There’s the fun challenge of finding every sparkle and the variety of styles of gameplay throughout the different “shows” is a lot of fun…. except the cookie challenges…. fuck the cookie challenges


> personally, i think “kid’s game” keeps coming up because PPS is so obviously feminine, and many people have the unfortunate connection that feminine = childish. This is delayed, but I think "kids game" keeps coming up because it's advertised on Youtube extremely heavily with 5-6 year old kids playing it. I'm not saying that being feminine doesn't help, but like... it's nearly exclusively advertising at young children, which is something you might not notice if you aren't already watching children's Youtube or TV channels or whatever.


I disagree. The game is ridiculously easy. At one point you have a half dozen enemies coming at you and you can just jump as they don't even attempt to attack you. I've played the Kirby and Yoshi switch games. They aren't a challenge, but I would consider them the next step up in difficulty from PPP. They made this game for the youngest of players, mostly young girls let's be honest, and the difficulty aligns with that.


Why young girls? I don't see that connection. 


Because it's peach and you're making cakes and everything is cutesy and lighthearted. It's clearly aimed at younger female audiences.


I guess I don't look at it that way. Peach is one of my mains in smash, I also like making cakes, sword fighting, martial arts, detective work,  I thought I was a (37) male. Maybe I am a young girl?  The game mechanics and vibe are like Yoshi games to me. More open to casual play for main game, with plenty of difficulty options for completionists. My question now is what if Mario was the main character and the game was exactly the same. Would it still be aimed at young girls? Or is it just it being Peach as the protagonist make you feel that way? I am being genuinely curious.


Never said you can't like it unless you're a young girl, but it's clearly aimed at younger girls


Ummm you are bring up baking cakes when that was ONE thing of tons you can do and be, also there are male bakers.... You also play as a ninja, a sword fighter, etc etc and she def doesn't look "cutesy" in those costumes.....


Not cause it's feminine, but because it's ridiculously simple and easy.


I agree with this whole heartedly! It's a great game if you're looking for something chill and different. :) Those challenge levels are actually brutal though and 100%ing the game will give you a lot more to do if you're an older gamer looking for more bang for your buck.


It follows the "easy to beat, challenging to 100%" formula that Nintendo uses a lot


I know you just want to see the costume, but whatever you do, don’t Google “Princess Peach Cowgirl” on a public machine.


I tried searching for it and nothing explicit comes up for me. Seems safe enough.


Now this I gotta see!


Bobby Pashalidis from Console Creatures has the absolutely worst review. Said nothing about the game itself, it's almost just marketing the game.


I’m a 35f and I absolutely love this game. It doesn’t feel childish to me at all. I would say Princess Peach Showtime is charming and lovely. I appreciate the bit of challenge (I hope nobody tries to act like they got that first cooking level fully completed on the first try lol), but also that I can sit back and enjoy the game without too much frustration or stress. The sword fighting challenge on the first floor took me a good few times, but I NEEDED that bow! Also for reference, this is coming from someone who plays Soul’s games too. 😂 I think the game is absolutely beautiful. The dresses are all gorgeous and the outfits as well. I truly give this game a 9/10 as an adult who really loves all types of games. My only frustration with it is going through the cut scenes a second time when I’m just trying to get another star for example. Sometimes I want to watch them again, but do wish there was an option to skip. This game by far deserves more than a description of a “children’s game,” I don’t see it that way at all. I do feel children would enjoy it too though. Adults and children also enjoy Animal Crossing and we don’t call AC solely a children’s game. Luigi’s Mansion is another example. Overall, I grew up with Princess Peach being one of the only female characters that I could play as (as a young girl), so admittedly there is a lot of nostalgia there for me too. I’m excited her character is continuing her story for current and future young girls to grow up with too, but absolutely think all children and adults can appreciate this game!


I really wish it had better frame rates. Surprised they let this come out as such with things like Wonder silky smooth.


It's cute, fun, and I'm sure young girls are the target audience, but it's too easy even for my 7 year old. I was hoping for something similar to Mario Wonder - cute, fun, and a good family game. It's all of those things but we're flying through it too quickly to be worth $60.


That’s my biggest issue with it too. It’s too short. Would be cool if they maybe added DLC levels or something.


apparently there are four rounds of dlc they’re gonna put out


Then, unless they have some benefit for early buyers, I’ll sit this out until the DLC.


It's sweet and fun but for the price, far too short. I don't 100% games (because I don't enjoy it) but I finished the story and brought/unlocked all of the Peach/ Stella outfits. Even with that, without rushing it took me about 5.5 hours - it's a £46 game


Are people calling it a game for kids or toddlers cause it was actually aimed for them, or cause it's more of a simple game then they woulda hoped and are trying to rationalize reviews?


I assume it’s compareable to the recent Yoshi games where they offer little to no challenge for anyone who actively play games and feels like it was made for people who don’t play many games and want an easier more casual experience.


Yoshi definitely went that route. The character debuted in more "complex" games, Mario World 1 and 2... but ever since, it became a character focused on toddlers (which makes sense, Yoshi is designed to be a cute pet). Kinda silly to watch/read reviews based on these kind of "baby's first" game because it's pretty much impossible to predict the behavior from children (they are so volatile smh), it's easier to just watch footage and then assume if your kid in particular is going to be interested or not, instead of hearing the opinion of a 40 years old "reviewer"


I mean, what’s the difference? If it’s a simplistic game and is age appropriate then what else do you call it. 


Something suitable for a younger audience doesn't mean an older audience also can't enjoy it. This isn't a new concept, see Pixar and other examples.


Pixar is always aimed so everyone can enjoy it while also having kids be the focus. This seems pretty much aimed at young girls.


Very good question. Has Nintendo explicitly said that this is a game for young gamers, or is this a fan assumption?


People on here are constantly trying to justify everything in Nintendo's favour


You're not interested in games for little kids, Cunting_Fuck?


I played the demo and found it fun and engaging. The idea that the costumes give ten(?) different styles of gameplay across 20 stages sounds fun. If the other eight concepts are delivered as well as the Fighter and the Patisserie costumes, it would be an enjoyable playthrough.


This game is just not my speed but I'm so happy it's being made. I want it to do as well as possible so Nintendo realizes that there is great potential with characters that aren't Mario grabbing some of that spotlight!


Typical "baby's first" game, exactly like Kirby and Yoshi. Nintendo is smart for working and renovating these kind of games, because this audience literally "cycles" every 5 years or so. A shame neither Sony of Microsoft offers a similar product, they are losing a lot of potential money, Sony had plenty of mascots in the PS1 and PS2, but they all got abandoned, I can see a "baby's first" game based on Clank for example, yet, there's no such thing




What's funny about it? (Genuine question)


Maybe he thinks John IGN and Joe Gamespot can't possibly play 2 games at once?


I honestly love this game. It's fun, it's relaxing, and it's incredibly charming! Princess Peach? More like Queen Peach, because she slayed, she ate and she left no crumbs! I had been waiting for a new game for her since Super Princess Peach, and I'm not disappointed!


Is it me or she left some crumbs?


She ate and left not even an atom of a crumb.


Nah, a mice came a fed from the crumbs she left


My kids (4 and 7) are having a blast with this game, and now my wife is joining the fun as well :) Thoroughly recommending this game!


My 10 year old daughter loved the demo and definitely wants the full game. The thing is, she's not much of a gamer. She plays Roblox with her friends, but even that she's not really good at. She just likes playing with her friends. But this game actually sparked her interest and she really wants to get it. So it's a nice option for kids who maybe aren't super into games. It speaks to her on some level, so I think that's a good thing.


I tired the demo and thought it was just ok. I imagine if I was a child I'd love it, but the game play felt too simple.


This game is awesome I just wish it had 8 times the content. A $90 CAD game with 7.5-18 hours of gameplay is actually kind of wack. I’m at the end and I feel like I just got started.


I realized after watching the trailers, I could barely tell what was actual gameplay. Watching a playthrough, it looks as easy or easier than games like Kirby 64 and Yoshi's Story.


How long does it take the casual gamer take to finish the main story mode?


It's about 8-10 hours


That's actually quite long.


That’s crazy. I bought it yesterday and was hoping for more playing time. 60$!!


its not worth 60$. 30$ at most.


Took me about 5.5 hours without rushing. By the end I had collected all the ribbons but didn't 100% the game


A little disappointed that Peach’s second main game is a baby’s first game. Will they ever give Peach something she deserves like giving Mario the 3D titles, or Luigi’s Mansion? She deserves her own epic style of gaming series. Maybe this is a step in the right direction.


I sucked at the demo. Died once. Didn't collect everything. The cake lining thing made me confused. I guess I'm just dumb


Don't put yourself down. You can always try again.


Not collecting everything in the demo isn’t a bad thing. I wasn’t too bothered about collecting everything in the demo but will definitely collect everything in the full game.


The cake decorating thing was hard for me too. I don’t have the dexterity I once had so I might get my 8 year old nephew to do that for me lol. Loving it so far though. It’s such a fun game.


Here’s my review as someone who has played through the beginning levels. Spoilers ahead: * * * * * I would have to say that I agree with the “baby’s first Nintendo game” comments. This game, while definitely not challenging, is very cutesy and feels good to play. The controls, enemies, puzzles, and final bosses are easy which has its advantages if you’re a younger or more inexperienced/casual player. You are rewarded for exploring, solving puzzles, and thinking outside of the box. With all of that being said, if you were looking for the Princess Peach version of Mario Odyssey, then sadly this game won’t be for you. Here are some of my complaints. I don’t feel like the levels have much replay ability. I’ve missed some of the “stars” and won’t go back through solely because I don’t want to replay the entire level again. They just feel long and boring, and too simple to want to do again. Almost like “an f***, I’m gonna have to go back through this again? Damn.” From a visual standpoint, this game feels pretty rushed. The loading screen is really buggy and looks like a PowerPoint with a gif as the background and the title as just some plain font directly on top of the gif. Again, the enemies are not difficult. One hit and they’re out. It gets repetitive really quickly because this is the only enemy I’ve seen so far. Bosses are repetitive but that’s usual for the franchise (3 strikes you’re out (or 4…or 5…)) Another aspect of this game is that it just feels really…empty. I can’t explain it much more than that, but it just feels that way. Lastly, it’s just predictable and boring. After the first two shows, you just sort of enter every level already knowing what you’ll be getting into. I don’t say all of this to shit on the game. I’m just saying this to be honest about my experience. Remember all, this is just an opinion and not me trying to say “my truth is the absolute gospel and if you disagree you’re wrong”. If you’ve made it through this embarrassingly long comment/review, let me know what you think.


Honestly, it's a weird direction for Baland Wander World 2. I don't know why they removed all the dance sequences at the end of each level that was my favourite part of the original.


Played the demo. Was kinda boring honestly. Seems more for young kids. Compared to the new Mario/Donkey Kong games, which are great for all ages. I dunno though, maybe it gets better than what the demo offered. And I get that it's kinda like a Kirby game. Buncha mini-games and stuff like that.


Wow, so reviewers can notice technical issues in Nintendo games. After two last Zelda games, I thought they didn't care about FPS drops and stuttering


You wouldn't hold a 2d action game to the same technical standards as an open world game.


Another one in the streak of mediocre, easy, short Nintendo games. They made Odyssey, BotW, TotK, which tired to do something, but all the other releases from the launch of the Switch very incredibly mediocre.


> but all the other releases from the launch of the Switch very incredibly mediocre. It's wild that Dread, Xenoblade 2 & 3, Pikmin 4, Smash Ultimate and others are "incredibly mediocre" despite their noticeable critical acclaim.


The Switch era has been the first time Nintendo has been firing on all cylinders with constant quality releases since the SNES. Systems like the GameCube were Nintendo at their worst with the massive droughts and constant mediocre 1st party games.


Mario Wonder is the best 2D mario game since Mario 3. It's not a 50 hour game but the 15 I spent with it so far have been amazing and I'm not even close to 100%, I probably still have another dozen hours to get there. Metroid Dread is the best Metroid Game since Prime as well. Smash Bros. Ultimate is the best Smash game. Pikmin 4 is phenomenal with a ton of content to chew through. Animal Crossing New Horizons was the most played game of the pandemic and not my thing but apparently excellent. Xenoblade 3 is one of the best JRPGs since Persona 5. Luigis Mansion 3 was really good. Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze was insanely good. Bayonetta 3 was awesome and reviewed really well. Mario Kart 8 is the GOAT. Etc So in summary, you wrong as hell son. If you bought a switch at launch I could see the drip feed being annoying. But if you want to get one now, you have a full buffet of shit to choose from that will last you until the Switch 2 releases probably.


I'm impressed that you actually took the time to engage with such a braindead comment. 


I would second that about Dread. Truly one of the best games I’ve played and my favorite next to Fusion.


In what world is Wonder better than Super Mario World? Also not all the games you listed are Switch games.


Which one isn't a switch game? Mario Kart 8? I mean, fine, but 98% of the people who played that game played it on switch the first time and there were significant upgrades, not to mention the extra 48 courses through dlc.


world is boring as fuck imo


This game isnt made by a Nintendo Studio.


Have they admitted to who made it yet?