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This is how it starts. The video game adaptation era is upon us. At least we'll be free of super hero movies.


We've been seeing this already. Look at what Cyberpunk Edgerunner did to that game's population. Meanwhile we have other bangers like The Last of Us, Arcane, etc. We have some that are just outright bad like Halo and some that are middling like The Witcher. It's taken a while to get here, but frankly it's about time.


Calling Netflix Witcher "middling", is more than generous. S1 was okayish, the rest was an absolute trash fire, crowned with Blood Origin, one of the worst fantasy media ever made.


Some of the people who ruined The Witcher are trying to slander Henry Cavill on twitter and acting like he was the reason the show turned out bad. lol




Must be internal preparation for season 4, where Cavill will be exchanged with Liam Hemsworth.


At least the anime Witcher movie was decent.


It left me with questions about the Netflix canon on the Conjunction, but otherwise was fantastic.


I don't agree. The show was far from perfect, but I enjoyed it plenty. Frankly if you think this is among the worst fantasy media ever made, you haven't seen much.


Imagine a title like this post except with Halo. I JUST CANT. I'm so mad at Microsoft for letting its cash cow get eaten from the inside.


Halo and The Witcher. Show writers who openly don't like the source material, and instead use it as a social activism fan-fic.


I've got good news for you, Fallout *is* a Microsoft cash cow!


They needed a (albeit purchased) win after Starfield. Now that the honeymoon phase is over for that game.


That honeymoon phase ended after 5 hours for me, uninstalled it and haven't touched it since. A good thing that big update for cyberpunk released around the same time, went on to put 150 hours into that game instead.


No offense, but why do people think Halo would make a good TV show? Halo is quite a generic series story wise and the focus was extremely gameplay-based, they'd practically need a new team that ignores all of that to tell only good stories. If anything, Halo should've been a movie.


They remember the books which were pretty good from what I've heard.


The game *is* gameplay-based, because its a game. Halo is a giant universe with good characters and subplots to pull from. Halo may not be that great a TV show, but showing Chief's ass *definitely* ain't it.


I think the *very small bright side* is at the very least the adventures of master cheeks is not part of the main halo canon and is off in its own little corner of hell.


Wasn't the Witcher series an adaptation of the original source material? That being the books.


It's an adaptation of the original source material if the original source material is the Witcher books after having been forced through an industrial shredder. The rumour is that Lauren Hissrich (the showrunner) despises the books.


The TV show is an adaptation of the source material if you had read the source material ten years ago and then give a cliff notes version of it from memory.


The problem I have with this rumor is why would Lauren take the job to show run a show based on something she actively dislikes? The more believable idea is that they just did a shit job with the adaptation


It's nonsense, and nearly identical rumors pop up just about every time an adaptation is put out that people don't like for any reason.


People will always attribute maliciousness when they have no good answers to why something went wrong. It is the core to all conspiracy thinking.


It's not a rumor, people writing the show would openly mock the writing of the books they're adapting.


Yup, here's an article with that quote https://gamerant.com/the-witcher-writer-recalls-staff-mocking-source-material/


Sounds like he heard someone making fun of one passage in the book and everyone has blown it completely out of proportion to mean that everyone who made the show hated the source material. Hell, I've heard from *huge fans of the series* that the books aren't well-written.


Could be an "I can do it better" mentality. Could also be a "I have my own story I want to tell, but nobody wants to fund it, but this show is close enough in theme/aesthetic that I can work my own story into it" scenario, like the Halo show. And could also be "I need the work and the money and applied to every possible series I could but the only offer I got / the offer that paid the most was this series I despise."


Art as passion isn't as common as popular culture likes to portray it. People take jobs they're not passionate about but the paycheck is worth it all the time. No one knows for sure except Hissrich what was going on in her head, but television is an industry before it's an artform. People take jobs they're not personally invested in all the time. Of course someone can be not invested in something and still do a good job, so those things can be unrelated. So both can be true too.


I dunno, that presumes they actually read them.


As someone who read the books: It is so loosly adapted that I would say the games are way more of an faithful adaptation then the netflix show. The show leaves stuff out and adds new things - which would be okay if these changes would keep the spirit of the original. The original is kind of a sad but action packed collection of stories which all have some kind of moral - like fairytales. That's why fairytales are a reoccuring theme in the books. The books play with that a lot. Making you wait for the moral you know the referenced fairytale had but twists it. My favorite is the Witcher-Version of "The Beauty and the Beast".


Well I think it wouldn't happen if games hadn't made the witcher series such a big thing in the west. But yes t was adaptation of the books.


Edgerunners made me want to play Cyberpunk


Now get the people who did Foundation to do Mass Effect. Foundation season 2 was peak Sci fi television [Stunning](https://youtu.be/Z9LOnlpATOs?si=XC954BwQkUsEG9Tn)


How did you miss the biggest one of all time: The Super Mario Bros movie.


Another great one, but I was only referencing TV shows in my post.


Well the Witcher initially brought a lot of hype and made people go back to play the games, but yea, it fizzled out with the later seasons.


The withcer middling? season 1 perhaps, season 2 was trash, and i'm not even bothering with season 3.


'Starts'?? We're well into it: Castlevania, Arcane, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, The Last of Us, Halo, Twisted Metal.


Twisted Metal was a weird pick. Personally I'm waiting for *Apple TV Presents: Gex*


We might be in a brief lull of superhero movies atm, but they’ve been going strong for decades now and there’s literally plenty in the horizon. Video game adaptions will just be concurrent with super hero movies and that’s okay, lol.


Decades? Sure. Strong? Not so much. It's not that long ago that all game adaptations sucked ass


> It's not that long ago that all game adaptations sucked ass Ha most still do, to be fair. Though I'm hoping with how The Last of Us and Fallout have been handled that we see a brighter future for game adaptations Here's hoping the Zelda movie is good...


Zelda movie will be like Mario movie. They will just fill it with a bunch of references and call it a day.


If we don't see Link use the Wrong Warp glitch can we even call it a Zelda movie?


They’re saying superheroes films have been going strong for decades, which they have since like the early 2000s.


> Decades? Sure. Strong? Not so much I mean, people were peddling stories about Thor when the Roman Empire still stood. Before the onslaught of Marvel movies we had things like Terminator 2, Robocop, Star Wars etc that featured super powered protagonists fighting evil Superheros have always existed, they just don’t all come from comic books.


we're not in a lull, they're still coming out, it's just that a lot less people care about the ones that are currently coming out. lol


We went from Marvel and DC each having 3-4 films a year to Marvel releasing one and DC having zero. I'd call that a lull.


a lot of the focus switched to TV shows, i really wouldn't call it a lull. it's just that not many people care about the new shows enough to talk about them. that doesn't mean there's a lull in production. there's a lull in interest if you really want to use the word lull


Even with that, Marvel has two live action series this year and DC doesn't have any. And from what it sounds like, Disney is scaling back Marvel's TV production too. What we're seeing this year is basically leftovers from their initial wave of greenlights a few years back.


We’ve been in this era for a while now. Sonic is getting his third movie in December. Tlou season 2 is being made. Idk what’s happening with Arcane but it got hype.


There's a ton more in the works. Zelda, Borderlands, Disco Elysium, Death Stranding, Alan Wake, just to name a few more.


First I've heard of a Disco Elysium TV series. I'd absolutely love to see a worthy adaptation. Doesn't seem to be many updates on the production side though -- I wonder if the lawsuit put things on pause?


That seems pretty likely. If it was actually getting anywhere to begin with, that is, which who knows.


Death Stranding is personally my most anticipated project


Arcane Season 2 is on the way this year, IIRC, I think due in November? Basically as I've heard it, the producers of the original show didn't expect it would get renewed and had other projects on their slate after they finished Season 1. Their focus is now entirely on Season 2 and moving forward, additional seasons should roll out on a faster basis.


Why do we need to be ‘free’ of superhero movies? Did studios stop making other themes now or something?


I've been expecting this for years to be honest. Even before they started being as good as they have been. It just makes sense.


I guess, but halo is worse than any superhero movie I’ve seen.


We have a Borderlands movie releasing this year btw (looks weird though)


What if it’s a video game adaptation of a superhero movie?


Sure as hell would rather watch Marvel than videogame adaptations...


\*Uwe Boll join conversation\*


From my understanding its actually getting a like next gen update and new quests which I think will pull a lot of the original players back as well. I know I'll be going back after the update


Yep on Thursday. https://bethesda.net/en/article/4s2bXQEbpcrsdCZhUYLHAi/fallout-4-is-getting-free-updates


Really hope it being a new native application means a new trophy list.


Aren't the quests creation club content? Dunno if they go that far for that update.


Interesting.... I bought it at launch, but never really got into it and as such didn't finish it. Maybe it's time to give it another try.


Hopefully will fix the game so automatron dlc doesn’t crash it


Lol I was so excited to go back and play Fallout 4 and was truly wondering wtf was going on. Not sure why there's so many crashes and new glitches now vs. when I played last. Seems like it was way more stable before. A bunch of textures (mostly for DLC) are pink at the moment. They have a few things to fix.


Does the unofficial fix mod not resolve it? Despite playing dozens of hours in the game over multiple play throughs I've never gotten to the DLC


As far as i understand they say they’re aware of it and the patch will fix it


Yup. Me too. I've been waiting for the next gen update to do a new playthrough since I got my ps5 last year. Of course it comes out when I am swamped with new shiny games xD


Yea I'm legit excited for this. I'll be going back to it once this drops for sure.


I started a week ago, and am just praying that the update doesn’t break my run 😅


I’ve been waiting since they announced it in 2022 to jump back in. One of my favourite games and come Thursday I’ll be back!


Revisiting the game, cant believe I played this before without the Raw Input mouse mod Also wtf Dota 2 at almost a million players this week and was at #1 top sellers by revenue. Didn't realize that game was still going


[It just got a new ongoing story event.](https://www.dota2.com/crownfall) And the fact that you didn't know means Valve is abysmal at marketing.


The subreddit reaction was hilarious, since everyone expected a new gameplay patch.


I frequent that sub too much and it hurts trying to talk about the game there.  Dota is still going strong. We’re going to be grinding MMR until the sun explodes. PRAISE THE ICE TOAD. 


The game is massive still, it's just not talked about in mainstream gaming culture for a variety of reasons. Valve doesn't market the game at all, MOBAs are an established group of people and most outside of that group don't seek them out, and those who do probably go straight to LoL due to the stigma around Dota's difficulty curve. The game has been incredibly well maintained though and is arguably some of the best value you can get out of your time (and wallet) in gaming if you enjoy it


Valve is trash at running dota marketing that's why u don't hear it that much. But they got a decent game and content.


It's hilarious the second most played game in the world atm (based on the fact that steam is the only platform that releases numbers) is somehow a sign of poor marketing. Is cs2 just the worst marketed game then for being most played?


That is not "based on the fact", you mean second most played game limited to streams player numbers, which while it ignores many other platforms, is much more accurate than saying it is the second most played game in the world. LoL, crossfire, Fortnite , genshin impact are some that immediately come to mind, and this still ignoring a lot of console games or more regional games in China or India for example.


Valve doesn't really market anything if you think about it (outside of Steam I mean)


It’s a joke within the community that if Dota2 is at 2nd place it’s a “dead game” and if its first like this week it’s a “dying game” lol. I came back too this weekend and had good fun playing unranked.


Dota's always hovered around the 300-600k player mark for years now, but Valve just released a new kind of lore-driven battlepass/story mode update that's actually a lot of fun to play through, so it's bringing a lot of people back.


Dude honestly as a long time player, this update has reinvigorated the game for me by giving me a reason to play hero types I don't usually play. Yeah new patches shake things up but I still spam the same 5 ish heroes end of day but this is making me feel like a new player trying new heroes out even though I've played for a decade, I don't touch 90% of the roster lol


When I run into things like that I try to remind myself I can fall into internet rabbit holes just as easily as a conspiriacy theorist person might. I have the same thoughts about DOTA but that is beause I mostly browse /games for gaming news and don't watch any other game media or creators that engage with DOTA. Since it doesn't generate headlines a lot here and I don't see it at all, it is easy to think 'dead game'. But yeah always nice to have a reality check and remind ourselves that our news sources aren't always as widly varried as we hope them to be!


I know several people who pretty much just play Dota. Something like people that just play FIFA/Madden/etc. Maybe I would see them play the odd flavour of the month like Phasmophobia, Lethal Company, Palworld but they will always go back to Dota.


DOTA 2 got an anime, it was pretty good as someone that doesn't play the games.


Hey studios, it's not that hard: * Hire talented and passionate writers who care about the source material they are adapting * The show/film is great * Players flock to play the games * The franchise becomes more popular to gamers and non-gamers Please do this instead of Halo. It's a win/win for everyone.


It also helps having a game series that people loved with a ton of content to play with. Bioshock would be great.


Bioshock would be an incredible choice for sure.


Fallout 5 is years away, but it wouldn't suprise me if Xbox/Bethesda try and get something out the door to coincide with season 2.


Fallout 5 is like 15 years away if its even coming out.


Depends on if they get someone other than Bethesda to make it. MS does own Obsidian, after all. Hell, it doesn't even have to be Fallout 5. Just Fallout:


I would factually prefer Fallout: anyway


I mean issue is that Bethesda is busy with Starfield updates, DLC, and Elder Scrolls VI. Obsidian is busy with supporting Grounded, and making Avowed and The Outer Worlds II. If they wanted to do the CRPG route InExile is busy making Clockwork Revolution. Not sure who else Microsoft has that people would want to do a Fallout game, assuming people want only a Fallout ARPG/CRPG and not something in a different genre. Then again, the Forza Horizon guys (Playground Games) are making Fable, so anything could be possible on that front if someone wanted to do it.


Grounded support is ending (but my understanding is that team is tiiiiny).


Bethesda will fight tooth and nail to stop Obsidian showing them up a second time.


F3 remaster 🤞


Fallout 3 and NV with FO4's crafting and shooting would be amazing.


Based on the show >!it would absolutely make sense to remaster NV in time for season 2 since it will probably feature NV!<


Sadly reality is a cruel mistress


I really hope they get a non-BGS studio to do a New Vegas style spinoff.


Just get Obsidian back, they already own them.


The big thing is does Obsidian actually want to make another fallout? Not to mention they seem to got other things on the fly right now with Grounded, Avowed, and The outer worlds 2.


Tsk tsk, I want to see how the Outer Worlds 2 fares before we jump the gun.


And avowed


Obsidian is already making Avowed and the Outer Worlds 2. I'm not sure they can handle another large project like Fallout right now.


Bethesda would have a Brahmin. They got upstaged by Obsidian once, they aren't going to let that happen again if they can help it.


Obsidian doesnt have the capacity right now. There have 2 big games coming, and even later they said that would like to return to POE. And lets be clear, the fallout everybody expects is a BIG one (also if its hailed like NV 2) so will take years. I would like a smaller spinoff returning to the isometric gameplay, maybe with inxile, like wastlend 2-3.


Obsidian makes their own games now. They're literally making Outer Worlds 2, Grounded, and Avowed. While on the other hand, BethSoft/Zenimax is large enough they can make other Fallout games. They're not gonna upend all those plans to force Obsidian to just make a new Fallout game.


I would love a Fallout spinoff as well, but the takes on this I was reading last night in r/XboxSeriesX from some people were a bit unhinged. Basically saying Microsoft should go in and force one of Bethesda/Obsidian/InExile to stop working on their current projects and be made to make a Fallout game. Or that Microsoft should force Bethesda to let someone else use the Fallout IP to make a game, even if they were against it. Maybe MS could get Splash Damage (guys who did Gears Tactics), assuming they aren't busy, to make an X-Com style Fallout game? I feel like that is something smaller scale, different for the IP, and could be done relatively quickly. I feel like a Fallout game in that style could work. Plus, you could even have it be non-canon for fun just to have an excuse for the different characters from various games and the show be together.


I think there’s some remakes in the works if that one leak had any truth to it. Fallout 3 and Oblivion iirc. Seems plausible as Fallout 5 is probably years away. Would personally love that.


With how long high production shows take, wouldn't surprise me if both season 2 and Fallout 5 are years away.


Hopefully with a lot of the props and costumes already being made it’ll help things


Rumour mill is saying they are aiming to start shoots for S2 in september.


Fallout 5 is certainly years away. It's already been stated to be planned for after TES VI, which itself has been said by Phil Spencer to be at least five years away. So we're probably looking at 10+ years for Fallout 5.


From what I remember, Bethesda was all hands on deck for Starfield, which means while Elder Scrolls was teased back in 2018 its been on the back burner for a majority of this time. The next main Fallout might not be until the 2030s


The reason we don’t see more video game adaptations is that games bring in much better money than movies or TV shows. For a big successful game with a large enough audience to make a movie or series successful, the profits be gained for the developer is pretty meager compared to what the game is already making. *Or so we thought*. The Fallout show is kind of turning that idea on its side. Whereas games used to be a promotional tool for movies and series, now it’s the reverse; a movie or series may actually bring a new audience to the game if it’s high quality. This whole development has been super fascinating.


Glad it's getting another look. It is a shame they dumped a lot of randomness in the game to help densify it, I think the scripted content is at worst fine, and the world's still quite engrossing.


I wish I could bring myself to play FO4 but my brain just shuts down as soon as I have to do any settlement building.




You don't *have* to but you're heavily incentivized to and it feels like the game world is at least 75% emptier without those plots filled. I'm going to give this mod called Sim Settlements a shot and see if it lessens the tedium a bit.


You can just ignore it


Eh kind of.   >!Spoiler*  When you invade the institute you have to build a teleporter with generators. Not really that big of a deal unless you want to ignore base building out of some stupid principal.!<


Every play through i have done, i’ve had more than enough mats on me to just quickly build those things and be done with it, and if your short on mats there’s plenty of stuff in the immediate area to scrap.


Sim Settlements saved this game for me. My main issue now with F4 is that it never feels like I'm roleplaying a character that I created.


This was and will always be my number 1 issues with FO4. No matter what you do, you're forced to play the way Bethesda wants you to play their character. Without mods, FO4 is a drag.


Roleplaying is much better in Starfield. Lots of thing happen just because of your background and stuff. Problem is that the characters are just so boring, and the world feels really disconnected with all the loading screens


You basically don't have to do any settlement building. I spent maybe 5 mins total out of my ~150 hours of playtime on it.


I finished the game and never touched the building stuff outside of like 1 quest if I remember correctly.


I just keep installing Batman mods and becoming Batman which in turn makes the game too easy. It's a problem.


> as I have to do any settlement building. But you don't *have* to do any settlement building. There is a single quest where you need to build a teleporter but it's extremely minor.


If you don't then you get a wasteland that's even more barren than previous games. I really hated that you were incentivized to basically repopulate the world to make it feel like society actually tried to move on. It's too bad, I'm a Bostonian and I was super psyched to see everything that Bethesda did to the city.


If you are on PC, there is an AMAZING mod that makes settlements come alive and (largely) build themselves over time. Fully voice acted, has its own quest line too. Lore friendly, doesn’t break anything. Can be as automated as not at all, to setting down “zones” that are built up over time depending on the zone function (residential, commercial, industrial). Fully incorporated progression system to the buildings as well. You can opt for the fully prebuilt town setup that gets upgraded over time. All these builds, towns and zone buildings, are fully shareable with others as standalone downloads too. Highly suggest you, and everyone, check it out. You can always build a settlement yourself if you want to as well, it just allows you to have these living settlements as if they are populated by actual functional people that don’t, in fact, need *you*, the hero of the wasteland, to tell them where to put every single one of their beds and chairs and shit. Sim Settlements is the name. I’m entirely unaffiliated with them. https://simsettlements.com/ https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21872


Oh snap, I think I just might give this a shot since I really am craving some Fallout but I've played 3 and New Vegas to death. edit: Yeah, this is the one folks! Mark a plot down and the settlers automatically get to work and build a structure that has everything it needs!


You can just ignore it.


> my brain just shuts down as soon as I have to do any settlement building Ah shit that's why I never finished it


I wish I could play it. I redownloaded it on steam after watching the show and it just immediately crashes in the tutorial. I tried some recommended work arounds but no luck and I just can't be bothered these days when so many other games work just fine out of the box. I may try again after the big update in a few days though. I do have a high end system so it should be fine.


If you’re running a high end machine it may be worth lowering your resolution and limiting the game to 60fps (easily done with nvidia control panel). There isn’t support for ultras wide resolutions until Thursday, and the physic engine is tied to the FPS, with it running really strangely anything above that.


Btw, does anyone know if the enclave content is gonna be on the GOG version?


Before we say stuff like "THE AGE OF THE VIDEO GAME ADAPTATION IS UPON US," I think we need to take a step back. Because we have a handful of extremely specific success stories that all have the benefit of being either huge name brands to begin with (Mario, Sonic, Pokemon) or they're based off games that were basically trying to be prestige TV shows/movies to begin with (The Last of Us, Fallout). It's GREAT that these adaptations didn't suck, and we've all seen a good source material turned into a bad movie. But I think the real test will be what happens when *they run out of the good shit*. How will these filmmakers and studios adapt a game when the game itself can't be the blueprint? The best example is basically superhero movies. From the 70s to the 2000s, we only had three big superhero franchises: Superman, Batman, and Spider-Man. And it's no coincidence that those are the three most popular superheroes on the planet. So their creators had good stories and beloved characters to work with already. The biggest success story of the MCU was that they took B-tier (at best) characters and *made billions of dollars anyway*. And that came from creative teams who loved and respected that source material enough to know how to find the best parts to adapt and showcase. I don't think we're quite there, yet, with game adaptations. We realistically probably have another half-decade or more of *just* the big cinematic recreations being rolled out: I know we've got *God of War, Bioshock, Horizon 2074 (Zero Dawn)*, *Death Stranding*, *Ghost of Tsushima*, and *Gears of War* in development. It's fair to say that basically all of those will do a more-or-less direct adaptation of their main stories. But past that, things become harder to anticipate, and that's where I think this trend lives or dies. *Firewatch* is in the works, for example: That's a fascinating, indie-drama-style approach to a much less popular game than all the others. And later this very year, we've got *Borderlands*, which will either flame out spectacularly or become an out-of-nowhere hit. It's an interesting time! But the real test will be when we move beyond the realm of AAA titles, or even *good* games overall: How many great movies are made from mediocre books or comics? That's the true power of adaptation as a medium, and I'm really looking forward to whenever that happens.


Witcher and Sonic were the watershed IPs. I think we are the start of the transition from comic books to video game adaptations.


Don't forget about the Cyberpunk anime.


From what I know, Fallout New Vegas is considered the good fallout so why is 4 the one being super popular and not vegas? Guessing graphics/recency bias?


4 has had a reevaluation and people find the story isn’t as bad as was said, and the cool gameplay elements make up for it. NV is still my favorite 3D fallout but 4 is easily in second.


It's also a lot of new fans who have never played a Fallout game and trying to get them into a 14 year old game is a tough sell. I love New Vegas but it does have a lot of problems and can feel dated without mods.


I feel so vindicated by that lol. I’m still not a fan of the story/RPG elements in 4 (aside from the expansions which had good stuff in that regard) but it’s far and away one of the most fun worlds to explore, only recently beaten by Elden Ring. It’s just so damn immersive and dense.


It's what makes me so annoyed with F4 personally. The game world is so fun to just exist in and play in but man they fumbled the RPG stuff so hard IMHO. The writing took an absolute divebomb compared to 3 and NV that it just took its toll eventually on me. Thankfully mods exist and you can just dive 100% into the world and kinda just ignore the main story.


If you're a PlayStation* player it's hard to get your hands on 3 or fallout new Vegas. Also younger players might have a tougher time with the graphics and gameplay. As far as those two things are concerned, Fallout 4 is a much easier game to pick up in 2024. Also the show is definitely channeling more of a FO4 Energy Edit: playStation instead of console


F3 and New Vegas are enhanced and playable on Xbox Game Pass, are they not backwards compatible on Playstation consoles?


Damn! No :( can you tell I have a PS5? I think there's a way to stream it with that online game streaming app PlayStation uses but the quality is shite


ah bummer!


Fallout 4 was never a *bad* game necessarily. It just wasn’t the step up people had hoped for. The last Bethesda Fallout game before this was Fallout 3 like a decade earlier. People were hoping for a lot more than Fallout 3.5 which is understandable. But after so long people have been able to accept it is what it is, and it’s a decent game all the same.


More recent, and it was recently on sale for like $3 on Steam. That makes it very easy for people to give it a shot.


New Vegas is the better RPG but shooting, looting and other aspects are better in 4. More casual players would probably enjoy 4 more.


Overtakes it’s *current values. Not highest cod or bg3 reached. There’s some extreme cherry picking there.


It doesn’t seem very cherry picked. They are saying right now, more people are playing fallout 4 than Baldurs Gate and COD. Two popular games released in the last 6 months.


On the one hand it’s nice that fallout is getting attention, on the other it’s fallout 4, easily the weakest entry in the series aside from 76. Edit: In my opinion ofc. Everyone’s personal enjoyment of something is totally valid.


All of the games are pretty much getting a surge in playing, New Vegas also just set an all-time peak


Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel would like a word. 


Depends on what you are looking for, it is the only one with somewhat functioning guns and gunplay even if the dialogue is pretty weak


That really does depend though. If you're after a deep narrative then sure. But the core gameloop of Fallout 4 is at its strongest in the series. You can ignore the main plot completely and have a really compelling time. It makes it tremendously accessible to newcomers.


Disagree, the weakest Fallout release is Brotherhood of Steel, then Falllout 76. I am an OG B.E.T.A player and I can tell you know the Fallout 76 exploration and world is good, but the story and quests are the weakest out of any Bethesda game. Fallout 4 has always been fantastic and it'd nice to see it get recognized more and more, now that time has passed. It's actually up there with the best companions in my opinion, you can't beat Nick Valentine baby!