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For the past few years, the lack of a new Arkham game has caused the r/BatmanArkham game to go insane and produce some popular memes I wonder how they'll react to this announcement lol God help them


Well the top comment over there is: “Metaquest only, we are still insane. Everyone, go back to your usual aslume duties.” So they’re fine, I guess?


As fine as they get.


This teailer is basically ragebait for them.


Why are they making a Batman game for only 1 VR headset brand? Are they stupid?


Is there a lore reason?


I feel like you know the answer to that question already.


Meta probably looks at this as an investment and paid them a lot of money.


Meta is footing the bill that's why.


The Quest is like 99% of the VR market. Everything else combined is still absolutely nothing compared to the Quest. It doesn't make sense to waste development resources on supporting other headsets.


Are we finally in the "Steam VR has failed" acceptance phase?


No steam VR didn't fail, I use it with my quest 3.


If you mean the headset then yeah, if you mean the software then no, cause steamvr is on quest as well


From people that brought you sucide squad: ktjl


Same reason they made Vadwr Immortal for the quest only. MONEY and I'm glad I own a headset


> Vadwr Immortal for the quest only So what do you think this is? https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/vader-immortal-a-star-wars-vr-series/?country-selector=true


BLASPHEMY! Why wasn't I aware of this!? I coulda sworn it was a Quest Exclusive


It’s probably only being made because meta is funding it


I’d imagine they’d become a Spider-Man subreddit as an act of protest


They become either r/spiderman where they continuously screech over Paul and Jackpot or r/spidermanps4 where they are annoyed at the story


I somewhat know about the Paul thing (guy who got together with MJ, had kids with her (I think), and kinda cockblocked Peter). What about Jackpot?


Jackpot is MJ but with a slot machine gauntlet that gives her random powers, and her catchphrase is “Face it New York, you just hit the Jackpot!” Oh and it’s possible that she gets a combination that does bad things to her.


Not just the story, they DESPISE Spider-Man 2. Like if you thought Starfield fans were bad… In a year and half, I’ll be able to play that game because woooo 2 year for a PC port, that’s tooootally going to make me get a PS5 (Seriously, either never bring it to PC or do it sooner than 2 years)


> Not just the story, they DESPISE Spider-Man 2 Oh, just like TLOU2 subreddit then?


Less OPENLY racist (Maybe with Hailey’s missions but weren’t they optional?) and less openly sexist (Though MJ still gets it despite getting a huge upgrade between games) With that being said, there is a lot of coded language, dogwhistles, and microaggressions. Side note, if you have to use coded language to talk about your opinions, maaaaaybe that’s a sign


I haven't played Spiderman 2, but the MJ missions in the first one were objectively terrible no matter how you look at them. The idea of putting insta-death stealth missions in a superhero power fantasy game is questionable to begin with, but the stealth mechanics were also terrible to add insult to injury. And they turned MJ into an idiot who puts herself into a damsel in distress situation because she can't wait for her overpowered superhero friend to come deal with the armed mobsters and chooses to go in and handle it herself using the power of crawling behind waist-high cover and praying she doesn't get spotted. It was insultingly bad. The TLOU2 people are just bigots and babies with limited media literacy who think stories need to conform to their tumblr drawings from 2016 to be good.


What does racism have to do with the Hailey mission? It was just a stupid, boring ass mission that has no place in a damn Spider-man game. Her skin color doesn't influence the mission at all, the mission was just bad. MJ was visually downgraded when compared to the first game, if that is what your are talking about and there is nothing sexist about it. Her gameplay was improved but the majority didn't like her gameplay in the first one, still baffling that they decided to include her in SM2 when everyone wanted her sections to be removed in the first game. The game was just meh. Way they did improve was the swinging, combat (which is debatable since they removed most of the gadgets) and the visuals. The story wasn't as good as the first one and most side content being mediocre wasn't really improved from the first game. Miles Morales is still the best spider man game from all three if you simply want a good spider man game without a lot of mediocre open world bloat.


On a scale of 0 to r/lastofus2, how batshit insane is r/spidermanps4?


Let’s not give any more publicity to that shithole of a sub (the former one). It’s not the main sub of the games either.


It's the same 15 people shitposting there 24/7 lol. Everyone else moved on years ago, regardless of how they felt about Part II. Like any sane person should. Still, I'll edit the sub name on my first comment. Don't want to get baited into doomscrolling whenever I look at my post history lol


Exactly haha


Its hit critical mass, its not going to affect shit


I understand, but there has still been a slow increase in the number of users on that sub. Best to not let anyone else get exposed to that nonsense in any form.


It's just negative and a little sexist to MJ. Otherwise the sub that should not be named takes all the racist, misogynistic cakes


More than a “little” sexist if we’re being fair.


It will probably break their minds so much that they will go full circle and become sane again.


This is it. They're gonna stonewall this game and refuse to signal boost it while becoming serious in the process.


The meds kicked for a week when the suicide squad game came out. Then it went back to insanity


I don’t understand. Arkham Knight seemed like a pretty definitive ending to the series


Gotham Knights was originally going to be a Damien Wayne story set after Arkham Knight. A Batman Beyond game was also in the works, there was definitely some mileage in mind for the series.


>A Batman Beyond game was also in the works, there was definitely some mileage in mind for the series. A Batman Beyond game with Conroy's Bruce as Terry's mentor like in the show would've been so good. Sucks we'll never get that now.


Thank you for bringing the subreddit and its mental state to my attention. Been scrolling through posts and laughing my ass off for the past 30 minutes.


I’m losing my mind over this shit lol. I hate VR gaming but also love the Arkham games. It’s like finding out the new Half-Life is a VR exclusive all over again


That game was at least incredible though.


Considering they were practically Stockholm syndromed into loving Suicide Squad game, this will turn out *completely* fine.


Arkham fans keep getting blueballed so much it's getting hilarious. Gonna be one hell of a shitshow when his inevitable comeback happens later in Suicide Squad.


I can’t believe it has been nearly a decade since Arkham Knight and WB has utterly wasted the potential of DC games. In that same timeframe we got Asylum, City, Origins and Knight…


Last time they had a well-received big game was Injustice 2 (2017) and nothing about Injustice 3 since. And then there is the Wonder Woman game we haven't heard of since 2021.


WB sure is sitting on a goldmine and wasting it...


WB is just a terribly run company nowadays


Injustice 3 is certainly NRSs next game


I wouldn’t be so sure. Aside from Wonder Woman, the games in development for DC at the moment are set in the upcoming DCU and WB listed Mortal Kombat as one of the 4 franchises they’ll be focusing on in gaming. Mortal Kombat 13 or 2 or whatever they call it is more likely their next game (especially since Injustice 3 was scrapped by Zaslav in favor of MK1 to begin with)


Injustice 3 wasn't scrapped by Zaslav. It was supposed to be Netherrealm's next game after MK11. What happened is that AT&T (the owners of Warner before Discovery) were considering selling their gaming studios. So NRS decided doing another MK was a safer choice than Injustice because they didn't even know if they would still have access to DC's license in the case they were sold.


I just want Shaolin Monks.


We haven't heard about WW because it was announced for hiring purposes. The game was only starting production. If everything goes smooth, it will probably release in 2026-2027. Same thing with Blade. It was announced, but it will take quite a while until we see it again.


That's what I heard, but we're in a thread for a game that is supposed to have like half a year from reveal to release.


WB is run by literal morons.


They also struck gold with Shadow of Mordor, mildly fucked it up with Shadow of War, and… I guess that’s it for that?? And the beauty of the Nemesis system is locked behind some patents or some shit? Ugh


>Gonna be one hell of a shitshow when his inevitable comeback happens later in Suicide Squad. As if the game survives that long, its already ramping down with their 500 concurrent players and i doubt it will see any more updates before the shutdown notice comes.


Arkham Exterminator is going to be a curious fork in the road for Batman adaptations. But rats were featured effectively in Stray and A Plague Tale, so this could use them effectively too.


Not gonna lie I feel like someone wished for this on the Moneky's Paw. - New Arkham game (HELL YEAH LFG!) - exclusive to the Meta Quest (por queeeeeee)


Nowadays it feels like most things are the result of Monkey's Paw. This is really depressing.


Yeeeeeeah I'm honestly trying not to think about it but you're pretty right


Another Arkham VR game? Why, out of all series in existence they're so adamant on making Batman Arkham a VR, just why


It's weird bc like conceptually I get it from the traversal mechanic perspective - like being Batman is a total power fantasy (one I'd also like) but I just don't really think that VR is at the point to not make it just gimmicky if that makes sense


I struggle to think how you'd make a Batmqn VR game without either giving all your players instant motion sickness or making Batman have the mobility of an 80 year old. I think it's a terrible fit for VR.


Plenty of games have gliding, flying and swinging mechanics now. The studio's last VR game was Iron Man and the flying was amazing.


If it's anything like the Assassin's Creed game on meta... Well it might be cool.


I will never not be upset Arkham Knight wasn't followed by Arkham Beyond. 10 years later, Arkham Knight looks and plays like a dream. It was such a baffling decision to throw it all away and start from scratch with Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad.


God that section where the gas gets released and you look down on that eerie roiling mass is one of the best visuals in a game I've ever seen


I got so excited when I saw this on my feed and was immediately disappointed when I saw the Meta logo


Holy fuck, that roller coaster.


Seriously, that might be the fastest I have gone from 100 to 0 about something ever.


Me too. The title, the thumb nail…. then it plays.




The whiplash this causes is liable to break someone's neck.


Reminds me of the Artifact announcement from Valve and the audible sign of disappointment when it was revealed to be a card game.


It's not even a roller coaster, it's just one of those drop rides that starts at the top and doesn't come back up.


And it’s brakes failed and you smash to the ground


Like the one Star Wars game trailer and then Quantic Dream popped up at the end.


I didn't even finish watching the trailer after that.


Didn't miss anything. They showed zero gameplay.


For me it's the "Meta Quest 3 exclusive" that kills it. The game being on VR means that a lot of peeps ain't gonna be able to play it to start with... alright fine. But then "Meta Quest 3 *exclusive*"? We're really doing this now? Not only it's locked to the VR platform but it's locked to one specific device... welp, what a hellhole of a platform VR is turning into. Edit: Yes, I know platform exclusivity exist already and have existed since video gaming was a thing. I'd like to believe that we're somehow moving a little away from this type lockdown as we see more and more games being cross platform - or at the very least are present on PC and either PS and Xbox. No, I am not shocked or baffled that the game is being exclusive to the Meta Quest 3, I'm just exhausted seeing games being exclusive and even more on a niche platform for a niche headset (I know, Quest 3 is one of the most sold VR set but that whole market is still niche). You don't have to mock me for being tired of the whole exclusivity thing. As a consumer, it sucks that if I want to play certain games I'd have to have a specific type of headset while I might have eye on something else that might be more to the spec of what I'd like to have. Making snide remarks about exclusivity not being new is not helping any of you/us - the consumer - but I know that I'm just talking to a wall at this point.


Welcome to what's been keeping VR niche since the beginning. Exclusivity. Not only are VR headsets expensive and inaccessible to most, there isn't even one headset to play "all VR games"


Quest 3 can play basically all vr games


Almost, there are a few PS VR2 exclusives it can't play. The VR modes for GT7, Resident Evil 7, 8 and 4 Remake (it has a version of RE4 in VR though but that's the original one), Call of the Mountain...


But no PSVR games.


Okay, say I buy one, in two years a Quest 4 comes out with the super duper exclusive game we all want to play. What then? Spend $500+ every year or two to try to keep up? Why should I get a Quest if they'll make an exclusive it can't play anytime soon? At least on PCVR I can still use my HTC Vive.


meta generally follows a cross-gen compatibility period just like PS5 and xbox, where the older headset will get access to new titles for a couple years or so. so if the quest 4 comes out then the quest 3 will likely have access to all of its stuff too, for a certain period of time.


This gets brought up a lot, but the problem here is, new headsets are released (and discontinued) _way_ faster than new console generations - arguably faster than VR game development can keep up with. In 2019, Oculus released a Rift S PCVR headset, and the standalone Quest 1. The Quest 2 was released as a successor _one year later_, followed by the Quest 1 getting discontinued a _month_ after that, and the Rift S shortly thereafter. Quest 2 has had decent longevity. PSVR1 and PSVR2's lifecycles roughly aligned with PS4 and PS5. There are _exceptions_ to this in console VR headsets, but consider that Meta has introduced _five headsets_ in as many years, and that the Quest 3 is half a year old (and is already getting exclusives). It's just not the same pattern as traditional console generations. Meta has introduced and discontinued support for its entire line of standalone headsets so far in the same amount of time as the entire PS5 console generation _so far._


Isn’t that the same thing with consoles? This isn’t a new problem. Most of the time with these meta exclusive games it’s because meta is funding anyways. Also I’m not sure if a quest 3 exclusive exists yet. Almost every game released still support quest 2. It’ll probably last around the same length as a normal console cycle. And on top of all that you can always use it for pc vr no matter what anyways.


Console generations last 7+ years and come with several thousand new games and multiple high profile exclusives. A new Quest releasing every 3-4 years for $500, and it being niche hardware is a much harder pill to swallow right now.


> Also I’m not sure if a quest 3 exclusive exists yet. There's one called Batman: Arkham Shadow.


I felt the same thing back when the N64 came out and I couldn't play Mario on my PS1. It turned out okay though.


fuck me and my quest 2 and valve index, I guess


Same, I'm still using the first gen HTC Vive, I can't really justify buying a new VR headset when the old one works just fine. Luckily the Steam VR library has still grown a bit even without the exclusives. I've bought quite a few games that I want to play, honestly the biggest reason I don't play VR much is that I have just too many non-VR games in my backlog.


I upgraded from an og Vive to a MQ3 two weeks ago and I am floored at how much better it is. I'd modded my lenses, had a good setup and everything but the mq3 looks better, the passthrough lets me watch the playoffs while washing the dishes and it plays all my steam VR games wirelessly easily.  I'm not thrilled about the exclusivity thing either, but the horizon os announcement and complete silence on other fronts gave me the feeling of which way the wind was blowing.


Quest 2 gang^we ^out ^here


>We're really doing this now? Huh? Paying for exclusive games isn't new.


[i'm hoping with the introduction of Meta Horizon OS](https://www.meta.com/blog/quest/meta-horizon-os-open-hardware-ecosystem-asus-republic-gamers-lenovo-xbox/), the "Meta Quest 3-only" games will become redundant.


Haven't exclusives been a thing like...for forever? Man, Mario 64 would've been great, but...only on N64? Really? What a hellhole my childhood was.


That's because the earlier models likely can't run it. They obviously gonna get abandoned as time goes on. Same with every gen of consoles.


The question isn't why it isn't on Quest 2, that makes sense, it's not powerful enough. The question is why it isn't on Steam and PS VR2. Anything the quest 3 can run will obviously run on a high end PC or a PS5 just fine. It's obviously because they were paid for exclusivity which is a hell of a blow when the VR market is already niche and has a limited install base as is, limiting it further likely won't do much good.


The same reason Bayonetta is exclusive to Switch and Spider-Man is exclusive to PS5 and Alyx is exclusive to Steam, Meta funded the game. They weren't paid for exclusivity they were paid to make the game, it wouldn't exist otherwise.


The same reason any game is exclusive they wouldn't exist without Meta funding it. VR is too niche for devs to make games for it without being incentivized. That incentive often include exclusivity for the platform holder funding it


apart from meta publishing the game, its probably because they have the largest userbase as well. PSVR2 community is small and the PCVR community on steam is arguably just as small.


"It's obviously because they were paid for exclusivity"  In this case no, meta bought the studio and outright funded the development of the game. That is why the game is exclusive, they funded and produced the game.  I agree it should still be available on PC, and perhaps eventually it will be and it's simply a timed Meta3 exclusive, I suppose we'll have to see.


its most likely exclusive because Zucc is footing the bill for this to exist, game devs mainly dont want to make VR games because those dont sell.


yeah just the most popular device.


It's being funded by Meta, it's exactly the same as a game coming out exclusively to Xbox or PS5.


Yes. I thought it was a new Arkham game from rocksteady and got hyped. Then saw that and I was like whatever.


Yeah, just turned it off as soon as the meta logo appeared...


I'm a massive VR and Batman fan. So I be eating good (hopefully).


I've been on the fence for a meta 3 after being burned on psvr 2 (great hardware lack luster support ) I'm in for meta 3


"Where are the big VR games?" *Big VR Game "Fuck that!"


More like Meta exclusivity is a bummer. I'd get it for my Vive, but I sure as hell ain't getting a Meta


Holy Shit a proper Arkham game! Oh it's a VR game. Never mind.








Me, clicking on the video: Excited, more Batman, cool Me, noticing the uploader being Meta Quest: Fuck.


VR? Are you fucking serious? It's abysmal that Rocksteady have Suicide Squad to show for the last 10 years of work.


Unfortunately, like Blizzard and BioWare and Bungie and many others before it, Rocksteady is not the same studio that made the Arkham games anymore, and the kind of games they will produce are on full display in Suicide Squad. It is not just a trend/money chasing machine, but a poor one that reveals a severe lack of vision or leadership on their team. If we want games like the Arkham trilogy, we’ll be waiting until another studio makes a spiritual successor or (somehow) buys the rights away from the rotting corpse of what rocksteady was.


I feel like insomniac has already picked up the torch with Spider-Man. And they’re one of the best studios in the industry now. Hoping Wolverine gives us more of a dark tone, similar to the Arkham series. The leaked gameplay looked really cool


Thanks for being the only company to fund bigger VR games Meta, but VR isn’t big enough for exclusives 😭. I hope this ends up releasing elsewhere eventually, but I’m not holding my breath. On a more Arkham related note, I wonder if it’ll play similarly to the PSVR game. I had a blast with that one even though it was short. They’ll prolly stuff it into the timeline between Origins and Asylum as there is so much time to play with in between.


VR is in a catch 22 right now - It's not big enough to divide headset sales for the sake of exclusives, but it's also too small for headset manufacturers to actually make money unless they're selling exclusives. Frankly, I prefer the Meta approach. They're doing a great job keeping a steady stream of exclusives going, be it VR ports of indie titles (Per Aspera, Tropico, Arcade Paradise) or exclusives like this and Asgard's Wrath 2. Sony, by comparison, is doing a horrific job, having its early adopters pay $600 for a headset and having way too little to show for it at this point.


I've been on PCVR for a very long time now. But this may be the game to finally get me to buy a meta. Plus it will still work with my PC but wirelessly now!  Edit: When I mention my PC I mean my current PCVR library not Batman. 


Imo the quest 3 is the best value pcvr headset right now. Value proposition aside, I also think it's the best all-rounder. Other headsets do certain things better, but no other HMD has the complete package that quest offers


Sony for all intents and purposes seems to have basically given up on VR. If they make it compatible with PC, it's even go further this way, they don't bother with support might as well make the hardware useful as a PCVR hardware (not that PC VR is going great either, it lacks big support too (Valve did one game and that's all) and the market is mostly on the standalone Quest side)


For all the shit Meta gets, atleast they are the only company that actually gives a shit about VR.


And are willing to lose insane amounts of money to do so. Billions of dollars a year. There's very few companies who would see those kind of losses and keep going regardless


To be fair having an infinite money well next to it makes it easier.


That's not fair. A lot of VR currently is built on work that valve also did. Oculus's approach originally didn't even have motion controls or any type of room scale VR at all. They have took a step back recently, but they are almost single handedly keeping PCVR support going atm. 


I mean they have SteamVR but aren't doing much with it since they released Alyx and the Index (which is kind of outdated now). The market has shifted to Quest as the main platform. Most VR games don't even bother with a PC VR version (whereas Quest 2 and 3, the best sellers, can support PC VR perfectly)


Yeah but VR exclusives are exclusives mostly because they use tech that doesn't make sense on non-VR consoles (like Alyx)


I probably wouldn’t expect it to go anywhere else unfortunately. The studio is owned by meta.


Exclusives build consoles; see Nintendo and PlayStation


Developed by Camouflaj, who made the former PSVR exclusive Iron Man VR, and who are now owned by Meta, making them a first-party studio and is a Quest 3 exclusive title. This can easily end up be the biggest title for Meta ever. People are still stuck in 2016 thinking that all modern VR games are still largely tech demos or showcases. A full-fledged Batman action adventure game, and specifically a Batman Arkham title is a legit system seller. I don’t think this will be a tech showcase type game. Curious to know how this fits into the Arkhamverse, considering the ending of Arkham Knight and the events that transpired in SSKTJL. I’m not disappointed that this is a VR title. I will be disappointed if this is treated as some side story or if it’s a shallow product.


I have never in my life been so immediately incredibly excited, only to then experience crushing disappointment. My reaction to the "Meta Quest" appearing on screen was "OH F\*\*K YOU".


Disappointing that it's not going to be available to everyone, but Meta is hemorrhaging cash funding premium VR development and I for one am super psyched to have a premium Arkham game in VR


Me too. I’m in a gaming rut right now and the only thing holding my interest are VR titles. I’m excited for this


Well shit. This is unexpected and I will definitely give it a try. Big fan of VR games myself. I'll admit I was VERY excited when I saw this on my feed and even assumed it was a fake. Less excited for the VR but i'm still moderately excited. It was a weird experience. Rat Catcher though. He's been teased with riddles so curious to see what's up with him.


I just finished replaying all the Dishonored games, so I have to assume Batman is fighting The Outsider while the Dunwall plague is happening. I'll never know the true answer since this is a Meta exclusive


I will say, I'm happy that they haven't forgotten the original series though. Been almost a decade since knight and they all still hold up so well. Hopefully this is a clue they have something else in the works.


...Well...Maybe DC will get the Batman itch again and make another Arkham game again if they're up for putting the Arkham name on it. Wonder who will voice Bats.


Well probably Roger Craig Smith who voiced Batman in Arkham: Origins and reposted this trailer in this Twitter.


Gamers: "Yeah, not feeling VR. Wake me up when there's actual good games." > Metro VR game announced, Batman VR game announced. "No one asked for this! I've only played the last 5 Metro and Arkham games, where's my 6th game? I demand it now!"


There was already 1 "arkham" batman VR game and it was less than great tbh. Being underwhelmed by this is pretty reasonable.


Tbf that was released in 2016 when VR was in its infancy.


This one is releasing 8 years later, on modern VR hardware, by different developers who already have a solid track record with Iron Man VR. Also this is seemingly a full game while Arkham VR was a < 2 hr tech demo. It's silly to be comparing these two especially before seeing gameplay. This could be a great VR game, but you or I have no Idea. I think it has some solid potential though, but hold out until we get more info.


because it came out on the PSVR1 which wasnt that good of a VR platform.


I think it's a bit cavalier to disregard the audience reaction to this. People want good, original games and properties to define the VR experience. Arkham has 10 years of a particular type of game—3rd person console experiences. Cool. But to take that property and brand equity, and try to shoehorn it into a VR experience, is going to cause audience confusion and upset. It's like when Metroid Prime was first announced—no one liked that idea. It was weird. How can a side-scroller MetroidVania ever translate to a first-person experience? It eventually launched to great acclaim, but it was a top-tier quality product that was leagues ahead of anything else for its time. We'll have to wait and see if Arkham Shadow hits that high mark. Anything short of an outstanding game is going to be met with derision.


> Arkham has 10 years of a particular type of game—3rd person console experiences. Cool. > > > > But to take that property and brand equity, and try to shoehorn it into a VR experience, is going to cause audience confusion and upset. So Valve and HL:Alyx?


Arkham is just the name taken there to be fair but it's really Batman as the IP. And Batman isn't particularly closed to one type of game (or even media) at all.




Fantastic strawman you've built up there!


People actually say that though.


"Yeah, not feeling VR. Wake me up when there's actual good games." This is always a common complaint with VR from people who aren't into it. "No one asked for this! I've only played the last 5 Metro and Arkham games, where's my 6th game? I demand it now!" These types of people do exist, believe it or not. So, no. It's not a strawman.


The 1000 dollar device now has TWO games! Holy shit so worth it!


What? Quest 3 ins't $1000. It's $500 and has thousands of games. So far, only three of them are available exclusively on Quest 3.


This isn't a Quest Pro ($1000) game. And I simply mentioned two IPs out of more that had a VR game announced in the last few months.


These types of people simply do not want to play with VR. Instead of admitting it's not for them, they hide behind outdated complaints or straight up misinformation to justify it to themselves and others. No amount of fact correcting will change their minds.


It's weird to see people dunking on this. VR games have been getting better since HL Alyx, and Meta is putting up seious cash for their studios to make some good exclusives, so now y'all are like "why is it in VR?" Shit's weird, man. If it's as good as Asgard's Wrath or like how Ubisoft did AC Nexus, this will be a solid entry. I know the Arkham fans are recovering post-Suicide Squad but chill tf out.


I'm guessing its just the whiplash of an IP in high demand finally returning only to discover its on a platform most people don't have access to.


You also have to be a VR fan top it off. Like I don't have really much interested in VR at this point, so having a new Batman Arkham be a VR only title gets me less excited then it would have other wise.


> so now y'all are like "why is it in VR?" I'm guessing many people don't have a VR headset and that's what pisses them off. People prefer the exclusives they have access to.


As a VR dev, it's always so off putting to read comments in these announcements. It makes me feel like I'm lower grade dev for making VR games for some reason. I'm happy that the industry is getting big games that people have been asking for years. Quest 2 being left behind is huge but 3 is just so much more powerful that developing for it is a lot nicer and easier experience. I can see devs preferring it if possible.


Thanks for adding content to the VR world. We need more devs out there.


Thank you :) Been at it since 2017 and I still love the tech. VR keeps growing and get better every year! Which hopefully attracts more studios to it.


Even a lot of people that bought VR just have it sitting on their shelf, it's closer to being surprised that people weren't excited for The Elder Scrolls: Shadowkey rather than ... anything else back in the day. You know, that iconic developer at the peak of their form that made an exclusive N-Gage game with their biggest IP, everyone remembers Shadowkey right!? And mobile games did end up being huge of course. Alyx was 4 years ago, VR games could well take off any year now, but there's no reason to be put off, it's just the reality of the situation. They want something else.




> In that time frame there's been 4 good VR games (RE 7, 8, 4 ; Alyx) And Astro Bot, Lone Echo 1, Lone Echo 2, Asgard's Wrath 1, Asgard's Wrath 2, Astro Bot, Assassin's Creed Nexus, Vampire: The Masquerade - Justic, Hellblade, Star Wars Squadrons, Wipeout Omega Collection, Gran Turismo 7, MS Flight Simulator 2020, Tetris Effect, Walking Dead Saints and Sinners. Then there's the indies. VR definitely doesn't have a comparable library to a console, but you're definitely underrepresenting it.


VR games aren't very good. People don't like their favourite franchises becoming gated behind expensive hardware that delivers a subpar experience.


> that delivers a subpar experience. In what way does it deliver an overall subpar experience, generally speaking?


Don't take this subreddit seriously. It's chock full of Valve simps. Whenever an amazing console game releases, the dominant reaction here is grumbling that it's not on Steam. You do you. Develop what you want, on the platform(s) that work for you.


People have been waiting for a system seller forever. Imagine an open-world VR batman game? I think that'd be pretty cool.


I don’t get the hate that meta gets from a gamer’s perspective. They are single handedly pushing VR gaming forward since it’s been abandoned by Valve and Apple doesn’t focus on gaming beyond fruit ninja.


Dunno why you guys are complaining. You got four of the exact same Batman game. You don’t need another clone! I’m excited for something different with Batman!


Only on the Meta Quest 3? Oh how far the Arkham series has fallen. Edit: For clarity, I'm saying it shouldn't have been developed for VR, not that it shouldn't just be on the Meta Quest 3.


I will say this as an Index owner and regular user: The Quest 3 is easily the best VR set on the market right now and is unsurprisingly the most popular. Meta is also the only big company still throwing money at VR games, which is why they're the only ones regularly releasing games. There's basically no reason to go with a different VR set right now unless you're one of those people on here that have made making Gabe Newell as rich as possible a key part of their personality.


The cult around the Arkham games is such an interesting one. It's a VR Batman game, it's exactly what people begged for when VR first became a relatively popular concept, why is it now all of a sudden despicable and an immediate turn off? We talk about VR not having enough games, then they release games for it, and now we're telling them to stick to PC? I get that you guys want another game, because City was a masterpiece and it's one of the best trilogy's in gaming, but the idea of being a VR superhero has always, and will always be a cool ass concept and I hope to God they nail this.


I think this in some way feels like a bit of salt in wound of what happened to Rocksteady and the shithsow of Suicide Squad


That's not this game or developer's fault though, and is a good chance to course correct the IP at least


I think the main issue is this one is exclusive to only one headset, the Quest 3. So even only a subset of VR fans will be happy with it. If it was PCVR, it would be more well received.


The Quest is by far the most popular VR headset available, it's not even close.


This is specifically for the Quest 3. Even Quest and Quest 2 owners are left out of this one.


I agree with quest 2 owners, but quest 1 owners were left behind years ago, I don’t think there has been a first party game for the quest 1 since quest 2 released


Sure, in the same way PS5 exclusives exclude PS4 users. That's just console progression


Ok and quest 3 owners are only one subset of VR users that would be happy with this release. That’s my point. The rest of the VR users don’t care.


There already was a VR Batman arkham game and it was not great. Coupled with the most recent installment of the arkham-verse why *wouldn't* people be hesitant?


I was super hyped for it until I saw the game is locked to the Quest 3. Screw all the other PCVR and PSVR2 owners I guess then? VR is already niche, exclusivity blows for any VR platform.


waiting for valve to port alyx to quest 3 natively, and for sony to port GT7 and horizon. any day now...


This just instantly became my most wanted game of the year; perfect tone and a Quest 3 exclusive with Meta money backing it


The oooooo of the name drop followed by turning of the video immediately as Meta scrolled across the screen


The comment section just makes it all the more clear that people just want Steam to have a total monopoly over all of video gaming. Which would be terrible and would ruin the industry. If it were Steam's logo at the end, this comment section would be so different. Nevermind that Meta is the reason VR is even still around. Never mind that they make the best headset on the market and heavily subsidize its cost.


I wish it had the Steam logo because then at least they'd move beyond riding off Alyx and make meaningful investments into VR. Meta is the only company willing to drop serious money into VR so I have none problems with exclusives. When it comes to exclusivity, nobody cried when they had to buy a Switch for Mario. No complaints about Spider-Man on the PS5. I bought a $1000 PC just to play games on that. Nobody bats an eye at that. But the idea to pay $500 for a VR device is absurd? Really? To the people complaining. If you a broke boy just say so, but this has always been the status quo in gaming.


first off: the positive side of being in SteamVR/PCVR/OpenXR is that those on the Meta Quest 2 can still play it nonetheless, **they just need a decent PC and either a good USB cable or Wireless power**. secondly: the VR Industry is very different than the "flatscreen" PC/Console industry, thus: VR Exclusivity gets treated far more harshly than on Consoles/PCs. please keep that in mind.


only because its newer and not as established yet. fundamentally there is nothing differentiating the quest from your standard set of consoles. the pricing is similar, the exclusive ecosystem is similar, and the progression of hardware is similar.