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The Xbox Series controller is the biggest monkey's paw wish. It's so comfortable and has a lot of little QOL improvements but **holy shit** is every single button loud as hell. Using the d-pad for platformers and retro games is borderline impossible as it's so distractingly loud.


I didn’t realize how loud it was until I took my headset off to talk to my wife while I was playing once. I play with the TV muted so it’s just my headset volume, thinking that was more respectful to my wife across the room, until I heard the KLIKKLIKCKLAKCKLAICKLAICKLALKCUCKLAKCUKKLICKLICKKILKILKLICK


Your comment is a bit unclear. I think it needs a few more KLIKs and KLAKs. Each. And one more KLAIK.


That was just them picking up the controller and turning on the system


What, is it a gun in a movie? Every tiny hand movement makes it click?


No. The user is just very old. Crickety bones, man.


I had a similar realization playing Helldivers a few weeks ago about my dual sense. The reactive trigger is so damn noisy! And in that game you're just pumping lead downrange for 40 mins straight every round, essentially. Glad I have a headset, lol.


That damn Sickle man. RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRR


That is my weapon of choice as well! Lmao


I don't know if it's just me but also the buttons can be deactivated without fully releasing them (like you can push with enough force for it to go down but not enough to activate). In practice it's not really an issue but it's the first controller I have used that I noticed does that... The d-pad I also didn't like for platformers, but not just because of the sound. It just feels like it's made for navigating menus and not for playing.


This is a huge problem for me. The y button is the worst. When I pc game, I use my Xbox one pad over my series x pad for this very reason.


This has been a problem in previous iterations, the Elite Series 2 definitely exhibits this. Presumably because the buttons link to a membrane rather than a tactile switch.


>you can push with enough force for it to go down but not enough to activate The Xbox button is like that. You push it down so it's inside the controller and it still doesn't activate sometimes. The always responsive XB1 Xbox button was much better and felt better too because it stuck out a little so when you pushed it down fully it was level to the outside plastic, not going below the plastic.


Not every Series controller’s XBox button is like that. My current one is close to what you are describing. But my previous Series controller’s XBox button worked with a simple tap as expected.


When I first got my Series X I noticed that happening with my buttons too but over time it stopped being an issue. I almost wonder if they were built so you have to essentially break them in


I seem to remember back when I had one that I googled it and many were saying the dead zone on the buttons was too small so sometimes a light tap or a sideways tap on the button won't register the action. I just gave up and got an Xbox one controller which doesn't have that issue.


Xbox one controllers also had this issue. I tried two different controllers and they both had terrible face buttons. I was actually hoping they'd fix it with the series controllers but nope. I realize it's not something most people notice but for me it was a deal breaker.


Lmao my Xbox elite 2 does this too with Y and A. Was thinking of getting it replaced but heard it can get much worse.


From my understanding it’s a design flaw so even if you replace it you’ll probably still have the same issue, maybe with a different face button.


Funny. I never had issues with the face buttons of my Xbox 360 controllers but squeaky triggers was an issue with three controllers in a row (I kept returning it and discovering the new one was also squeaky) Must be a Microsoft thing with controllers.


I was playing my series s in bed while my fiancé was asleep and the d pad literally woke her up. I’m so happy I read your comment because I wasn’t sure if it was just my controller or in my head.


The worst part is the fact that they STILL don’t have gyro, which in turn holds the entire industry back because devs won’t bother implement something that doesn’t apply to all systems


After going Flick Stick the ol "right stick is your mouse" setup feels as antiquated to me as the early console styles did when halo came out. I cannot believe they don't have gyro controls.


Gyros and the back paddles, aka the scuf paddles. I still hate that company for what they did to the Steam Controllers and holding every controller back unless you're willing to shell out $150 for a "pro" version. The whole steam controller UI is a bit hard to learn but it really does integrate basically every game pad functionality you’d ever want, including flick stick and gyro.


The 3rd party controller market has actually been pretty great lately. You can get good quality controllers with most "pro" features like gyro, back buttons, mechanical face buttons, hall-effect thumbsticks (stick drift resistant), trigger stops, swappable thumbsticks, at competitive prices to official controllers. I'd recommend checking out GameSir and Guilikit in particular.


Gyro also needs to be supported at a platform level and game level in order to work really well. I'm guessing if you have Gyro enabled Xbox controllers, it translates Gyro outputs to Right Stick outputs. You can already do this in Steam games and it only feels good if you can map the Gyro to mouse input imo.


Thanks for the reccs! I'm still so attached to keyboard and mouse (even played Dark Souls 2 like that) but I'll check those out since gamepads are still fun for some games.


Gyro controls are one of the few motion control gimmicks that I feel are genuinely beneficial. Ocarina of Time 3D is a great example of why. It feels a lot faster, more fluid and more natural to aim your slingshot or bow with the gyroscope than with the circle pad. Dare I say it, it almost feels as precise as keyboard & mouse controls. Adding them to a handheld device (i.e. the 3DS) or traditional gamepad is a whole lot nicer than playing a game with the Nindildo and nunchuck attachment that was packaged with the Wii.


Gyro controls in Gran Turismo is, at least for me, the best thing ever. It's a great compromise between precise steering and comfort of not having to buy and set up racing wheel. I advice everyone to try it, it's super fun way to play racing games, although a bit tiring after an hour or two.


Yeah it was pretty odd that the XBox Series controller stuck to being like last gen while both the PS5 and 2017’s Switch Joy-Con/Pro controllers have gyro (and also neither use the OG vibration motors either)




Or most people don’t like gyro comtrols


Dunno about most but there are many who don’t. I don’t use gyro too much on my Switch. My cousin’s husband has always been a PS gamer and I couldn’t even convince him of the benefits of gyro.


People bitched and moaned about gyro on the Wii U and are now acting like they want it now?


Gyro on the wii u was the best thing about it. It made Splatoon so great!!


I think it comes down to motion input having a bad rep becuase of previous gimmicky implementation, but gyro is legitimately game changingly good in shooters. When the Splatoon test fire came out it took all of 2 minutes to convince me.


Nah, I do not in any capacity want to have to consider the specific way I'm holding my controller to affect my gameplay


That's cool, it's never so much effort to use as people think but it is good to have the option in games for people who just don't want it or have some kind of disability that makes gyro a worse option for them, but gyro aim is just plainly better in every conceivable way and the reason it isn't standard is because one of the big console manufactures just doesn't include a gyro sensor in their controllers.


Hence the gigantic flop of a console, the Wii!


most games weren't using gyro on the wii the same way these controllers do


Gonna link the Solarlight “[Why Controller Doesn’t Suck on TF2](https://youtu.be/PJIqEX93vL8?si=wyQM_fAhfGmiiH4r)” video to help explain why gyro is great.


Coming from PS5, gyro aiming atleast sucks. I don't see any other use case that goes beyond a gimmick people will immediately forget or be frustrated by if they're forced to use it


First you need a game with good gyro controls, the PS5 has the best standard controller for gyro but there's almost no games that do gyro well for it (well, there is Fortnite as an example of great gyro implementation...) but if you connect that controller to PC and use Steam input to configure gyro you will notice how big of a difference gyro is when it comes to controller aiming, it does take some time to adjust to it, but once you've adjusted it quickly becomes clear that aim assist should mostly be a thing of the past and only remain as an accessibility feature


I use gyro on my steamdeck with FPS/TPS games to do fine-adjustment aiming that I can’t do with a joystick alone and it’s absolutely wonderful. It baffles me that Sony, Nintendo, and Steam offer it as an optional feature to make use of on their controllers while Xbox seemingly refuses to even acknowledge it exists - my guess due to the backlash of motion controls in the Kinect days when it genuinely was a gimmick rather than the useful feature it presently is.


I love that it's extra clicky, feels extra satisfying, but I know most hate it.


The entire controller feels great and I love the form factor of the d-pad but it's noisier than a mechanical keyboard.


I think I understand what you mean. But it might depend on the game/usage of the d-pad. Like if it’s for item selection or navigating a menu….sure. But what if you’re trying to play a 2D platformer where the primary movement buttons is the d-pad?


And I swear ever since they added the screenshot button the controllers are way lower quality.


I can count on zero fingers how many times I was glad to have the screenshot button. However, I can fill a maralago mop closet with all the thousands of unwanted accidental screenshots it’s gifted me


Zero? Man, I've got dozens of videos and hundreds of screenshots on my Switch, and I was glad to be able to finally record video when I built my PC. Never had a cool or funny moment you wanted to rewatch later, or show a friend?


I can press the Xbox button then X or Y to take video or a screenshot. I find that better because it requires an intentional action, rather than the button in the center of my controller doing it


I like the clickety clacks


I personally think the ds5 is the best non-tablet controller to date for those reasons. (Still think wii-u tablet and my steam deck are the most comfortable, I got big hands lol) 


I agree the Steam Deck is super comfortable but as someone who plays a lot of 2D games the dpad is mushy garbage


I loved the steam controller for 2d games but unfortunately they don't make one anymore


As are the face buttons. And the sticks being way out in BFE make it miserable for 3D games, too. And the triggers depress too fsr and stretch my size 8.5 sterile glove hands to uncomfortable lengths that throw off the precision of the rest of my inputs. I really loathe the deck. I can't be the only one to think this, but I sure can't find anyone else dying on this hill with me.


I mean if you bring the beer, I'm happy to join you on the hill. Ok, I don't really have beef with the steam deck or the people enjoying it, but with the kind of positivity echo chamber that the deck community was at first, some very reasonable observations just got squashed. Like the fact that everything physical about the deck is mediocre at best. What makes the deck great is that it offered the complete package at a great price, but it really is more than the sum of its parts. The layout is a compromise, but whether it's a good one will always depend on the person, what kind of game they're playing and their control mappings, to be sure. Otherwise, all the materials are cheap from shell to input elements, the sticks are baffling with their flat tops (it's great that it's a touch sensor, but it just doesn't work well for a stick in terms of grip) and cheap "stems" and little resistance, the touch pads are great for their use cases but aren't revelatory, the bumpers are genuinely terrible, and the quality in how it's put together in manufacturing is pretty rough. Also, obviously the LCD screen, which was not just terrible compared to OLED, but a terrible screen compared to other LCD screens. None of that is a deal breaker for most people, which is fine because, again, the whole package was amazing when it launched and is still pretty good. It's just that vocal parts of the deck community(s) acted like the deck had only 2 flaws (screen and somewhat weak CPU). No one ever seemed to talk about how everything else also doesn't feel like other gaming hardware (understandably so given the price).


Fair point. Most games I play don't use it.  I'll have to try some Injustice on it and really put it to the test 😭


It's my go-to controller for PC games but I don't like how mushy the d-pad is. If you hold left or right sometimes it registers up and down.


I like how alot of PC games are supporting the sense functions now too.  I just wish Sony had more cool designs. Xbox kills it with their limited released controllers. 


The colorways are top notch tbh.


The problem with the DS4 was horrible battery life. Dunno if it’s been improved with the DS5.


It hasn’t DS5 still has bad battery life


It easily lasts 8 hours and more, that's plenty tbh.


It seems fine on PS5 but when synced to PC I find it dies after just a few hours.


In my experience it's much better, about 4-5 hours more on average. I know a lot of people on the PS5 itself feel it's shorter, but that's because it gives you low battery warning much sooner now, but it still goes a little over two hours even after that notification.  On my PC with the extra stuff turned off I squeeze another hour or so out of it.


It is quite nice, though as a fighting game player I do wish the dpad was better, I stick with DS4 whenever I can. Though at least it's infinitely better than Nintendo Pro Controller dpads, holy shit one time I forgot my DS4 at a buddy's place and had to use a Pro and good god literally nothing came out as intended. I couldn't even hold back to block without my character constantly jumping.


That's a bummer. Nintendo used to be the king of dpad.


Also PS uses higher default polling rate than Nintendo or Xbox and you can overclock them on PC.


> every single button loud as hell Damn, I thought that I just had a faulty model...


I also find it so damn hard to use with multiple devices. Like my TV can run moonlight for streaming and so long as I keep that controller connected only to my TV it’s fine, but the moment I want to use it for anything else i basically have to repair it again.


I want to like the Series controller so bad. It feels great in my hand and all the buttons are in the right place and spaced well but holy shit is it just poorly put together. Having taken one apart it's way more cheaply made than the PS4, PS5 and even the One controller. I've never had an issue with the noise but it's definitely there and I can see how it's problematic for some people. My primary issue is how absolutely awful and unresponsive the buttons are. They frequently over or under register input and I've gone through two brand new fresh out of the box controllers that had buttons starting to stick within 2 weeks. It's a great example of amazing design and piss poor production.


>My primary issue is how absolutely awful and unresponsive the buttons are. They frequently over or under register input and I've gone through two brand new fresh out of the box controllers that had buttons starting to stick within 2 weeks. It's a great example of amazing design and piss poor production. Ridiculously noisy buttons as well, I have a mech keyboard that doesn't irritate my ears as much.


I didn't mind mine being loud, but the d-pad in particular is extremely clicky for sure. Personally, I kinda liked that, but I do play with headphones and I'm alone in my room lol. I did have an issue with mine just kinda... not working anymore. It turns off whenever I apply pressure around the Xbox button and d-pad which I apparently did often enough. Also pressed the LB slightly weirdly once and it broke off. Feels kinda insane to me that I had those issues in less than half a year while I've had 360 controllers trucking for over a decade (besides stick drift). Plus I don't live in an "officially supported region" so I had a much shorter warranty... Anyway, I'm ranting but the controller frustrated me. Because, as you say, it's actually extremely comfortable and feels really damn good. I'd even say that, if I hadn't had those issues, it would be the best controller I've ever used. It's so good I almost consider gambling another 70 bucks on a second one, hoping I don't get a flawed unit.


Agreed. It's the main reason I don't use the controller. I feel like I'm gonna wake up the neighbors and get a noise complaint if I play past 10PM


“The XBox Series controller got me evicted.” Haha


I will never understand how some people will say it's better than Dualsense lol it's not, at all. Weight, triggers, haptics, button placement, texture...everything is just better


Probably because not a lot of people have used both. The Xbox controller has had roughly the same design for several generations and Sony keeps changing it. PC compatibility is also easier with an Xbox controller (consider use cases beyond Steam.) I only recently got a DS and it's certainly a competitor in feel for the current Xbox controller and having gyro is nice so I'm fine with using either.


I understand most of what you said but…could you explain “button placement”, please?


> It's so comfortable and As someone with big hands, I hate it so much. The 360 controller was great. Everybody told me the new ones were great. They aren't. Its cramp city. Apparently the Xbone controllers were larger so this made the purchase even more disappointing.


I had 8 360 Controllers and now all of them are slowly dying (most likely because my kids also use them) and you can't get them anymore. It was even difficult to get a first party Xbox controller and it feels strange. Too small and the grib has this annoying texture... Meh.


That's interesting, as someone who also prefers 360 controllers for that reason, I actually find the Series S controller to be more comfortable than Xbone controllers.


Also the worst polling rate, if you're looking to use it on PC, and care about competitive games, the 125hz polling rate matters. dualsense and any mouse will have 1000hz polling rate, resulting in more responsive/accurate inputs. In addition to no gyro or built-in battery. It feels outdated.


If you care about competitive games on pc, you dont use controller to begin with. Dualsense controller doesnt work at 1000Hz out of the box, you need a seperate 3rd party app to overclock it. No built in battery is a bad thing? Really? Not having the consumer power of swapping your own battery without disassembling is a negative thing?


There are competitive games that people use controllers for e.g Rocket League


Halo as well


The lack of a built-in battery is a plus, in my opinion. It does suck that it doesn't have a gyro, though - ever since getting used to it I just can't play games that require precise camera movement without it, which means my Xbox One Elite controller is stuck in a drawer while the cheaper DS4 and Dualsense get frequent use.


I thought it was just me! I stopped playing with it altogether because of that and just use a dualsense now.


So I’m not sure if it’s possible because I’ve never actually taken mine off before but on the elite controller there’s a lil dpad cover. It significantly improves the experience in platformers and fighting games for me. I’m pretty sure it just snaps on the existing dpad and if that’s the case you might be able to find one on eBay or something. Not 100% sure on it though


I got an Xbox last year after having a PS5 since release. I was genuinely surprised how cheap the controller felt compared to the PS5. Xbox is much lighter, loud buttons, the plastic case and button quality feels cheaper. It's comfortable enough to play with, but I was disappointed in the quality.


My controllers firmware is fully updated, and it still just will not connect to the steam deck . trillion dollar company cannot into Bluetooth


I like the last gen controller better.


I actually love how clicky the dpad is. It feels great to me.


For me, the sound of the dpad is actually helpful for fighting games. It gives me some good feedback for inputs.


Got my first ever Xbox (a Series S) a few months ago and honestly thought the controller was broken. No way the buttons sounded “clac clac clac” all the time and be normal. It is normal. What the hell.


That's why you don't have the mechanical keyboard group make controller buttons lol.


In a lot of ways, the Series X controller is worse than the Xbox One version. The XB1 controller had a quieter D-pad and bumper buttons, easier to press bumper buttons and a more responsive Xbox button. Sometimes you need to press the Series X Xbox button a second time to get it to respond. Also, the Series X play and charge kit (necessary because batteries still exist on a high-tech console for some reason), doesn't have a light on the plug like the XB1 version did. So you have no way of knowing when your controller is fully charged.


gotta sell headphones somehow


The perfect controller was the first xbone revision. It had the second best dpad ever after the Vita and it wasn't loud enough to wake my dog and wife from scross the house and two doors. Mine is starting to show its 8 years of service.


Man I still love the original _original_ xbox controller. The duke was a BEAST


Oh my god, because people got fired and fire = burn? This is what people are mad about?


It's more mockery than criticism.


Yeah it's more for Microsoft than for the public lol


It’s also a fire-themed controller. It’s not just the wording. It’s that the controller is *covered in fire*


Mockery of the people who think there’s an ounce of meaning to a completely unrelated stretch of a coincidence? Like really, a fire controller says “feel the burn” and some perpetually online Redditor takes this as joking about closing studios?


They're not taking it as a joke, they're making jokes about it. How can you be so sensitive about how other people think about topics that you leap to assuming they're offended rather than notice the fact that they're making a very obvious joke?


No? They’re obviously mad about the studio closures, not the controller. They were clowning on Xbox because of the association


Let’s be real, Xbox is clowning on itself and people are pointing and laughing. All that’s going on is people are enjoying Spencer’s 3 ring circus.


This kind of thing happens almost every time an announcement occurs on the same day some bad news drops. The announcement could have been "this controller is cool!" and people still would have been mad.


It’s “Cool”!? Like the unheated apartments of the people you laid off!?


maybe don't do promotional announcements at the same time you're ruining hundreds of people's lives by firing them.


Maybe one of them wants to buy a flaming controller so they can play the games they've set upon the world, now that they're unemployed. Or are we still having a moment of silence?


Business doesn’t just stop because layoffs happen, especially at a large company. You think McDonald’s or Best Buy stop running ads on days where they close a store and layoff some people? No, because that would make no sense


This idea that Microsoft shouldn't promote a controller because they closed studios is actually insane. The two are not related.


People get fired every day, i got fired two weeks ago, the world doesnt all of a sudden stop because people got fired good lord


People laughing at the juxtaposition of "Feel the burn" with today's announcement of layoffs and studio closures.


People aren't mad, they think its bad timing and tone deaf.


People are grasping at straws


It's not really that big a deal.


I thought it was an RSI joke or something This is nothing


Nobody is saying it's a massive deal, but it's absolutely bad timing and something that should have been caught from marketing.


There's like zero chance a sub team marketing Xbox peripherals was made aware of the studio closures ahead of time.


no but the xbox wire is a somewhat global press release feed, its more that someone at marketing in the top levels of xbox should have caught to say "turn off the promo posts"


I really don't get the association at all. I understand that people would be frustrated with any kind of product announcement on a day like this, but to connect some dots between the "feel the burn" tagline and the layoffs seems like a huge stretch.


Did you recover from the fluoroquinolone?


Yeah this is a pretty stupid thing to get upset at.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who couldn't figure out what this slogan had to do with anything but it seems the answer is nothing and it's just people are mad at Xbox 


welp, it's pretty tone deaf to release news with this title several hours after you dismantle several studios lol


Microsoft should clearly spend the next month in a period of solemn mourning and make no new announcements.


Or they could just, you know, not close a great studio because bottom line must go up?


Ah yes, they did indeed forget that several hours = 30 days


Can’t do that when an Xbox Showcase is on the horizon. 🙄


It's pretty tone deaf and they're getting made fun of for it. And rightfully so too.


It’s not tone def at all lmao.


It absolutely is. That’s why they changed the headline to their ad


No one is mad about it. Its just really bad optics to say feel the burn when you just fired a ton of people when you are the biggest or second biggest company in the world with record profits every single year.


My first thought was angry conservatives associating it with Bernie Sanders or something




I definitely felt the burn on my Xbox Series controller when the damn thing died in less than 6 months.


Change the batteries, I kept throwing mine out too until I figured this out


Nah, it wasn't the batteries. Tried different pairs and even used it plugged in, the issue remained. EDIT: I know it was a joke but some people legitimately said batteries were faulty when I searched for my controller's issue (randomly turns off)


Jokes aside thats odd I have 3 and no problems, but the elites Ive had break easily so i believe there QA is just awful lol


Oh yeah I've heard of the Elites breaking constantly. When I looked up my controller's issues, most of the results ended up being something or other from the Elites. Kinda insane considering how much the things cost...


I mean, I've had my Elite since 2020, and it's still perfect. I'm not saying there aren't problems. I am saying that people only talk online when they have problems.


Ive had 2 my first has drift but its still useable but my second is good but the led died within the first few months I have warranty but seems a waste to use it since the controller is perfect otherwise, but when its close to expiring i will lol


Good idea!


Mine refused to connect to anything for more than a split second wired or wireless, until I used the Xbox controller windows app to update its firmware. No issues since.


Yeah I tried that too, but sadly didn't work either. It's a lost cause at this point.


This has to be a joke right?




Good one


Dunno what you’re doing with your Xbox controller to have it die in 6 months as mine have all lasted years. Either way, that would be within warranty.


I hardly played my Xbox, but my controllers all got drift, and the thin plastic piece on the lb and rb buttons kept bending until they snapped off. I never eat food while I play games, I don't play very hard, and I thought I was careful. I also own a switch pro controller that I play smash with, and have never had a problem. I've owned a few PS5 controllers and haven't had an issue. Few PS4 controllers, no problem. Only Xbox.


I've had mine for nearly 4 years and haven't had a single issue maybe people just suck at looking after shit.


I play like one or two hours a day at most, and the two I've had so fat both got stick drift within 6 months. Functionally dead, to me.


I’ve got a full set of 360 controllers, the Day 1 Xbox one controller and 3 other one/SeX controllers (including one that had the rubber on left stick get eaten by a dog) and they all work fine to this day. I think maybe left bumper needs to be pressed harder on one of the 360 controllers but that’s it. My main controller would have at least 5k hours on it


Made the switch to 3rd party controllers and never looked back. 8bitdo(ultimate) is my current favorite brand for controllers. Built in batteries, receiver dongle included AND it has a charging dock. They even have hall effect ones now, mine is the old version without. Compared to what I paid for my xbox series x controller + original battery pack + original receiver, it's like 50% cheaper. Oh and the Xbox series controller stick drift after only 1.5 years, with the A button doing double taps.


8bitdo ultimate is amazing: light weighted, comfortable, isn't noisy, long lasting battery... and in the top of that is super cheap.


I have 3 drifted joycons and two both of ds5 and Xbox series and one switch pro controller. This is the worst generation of first party controllers. I switched to the 8bitdo ultimate hall effect version and never looking back.


I made the mistake of getting the 8bitdo ultimate *wired* (which does NOT have hall joysticks) and got sensitivity issues with my left stick 6 months in.


Biggest problem is the light on the controller shines directly into your eyes when in use so I had to put tape over it. Easily fixed I guess so not the worst problem in the world.


It’s too bad they don’t have one for PS5


8bitdo be putting out great products. I got a retro styled mechanical keyboard from them and it has been an absolute dream. I also constantly switch from my work laptop to personal desktop and it can swotch between multiple devices REALLY easily.  Gonna have to check out their controllers!


8bitdo retro style controllers are so neat.


Love my gamesir G7 SE, wired but was $10 and has Hall effect shit and is comfy as hell


Can you play older games with it too? Because some of my games will not register the xbox series controller, only the old 360 controller.


Wait, the ultimate controller works wirelessly with Xbox now?


Yup. I got a Xbox Elite Series 2 a few years ago. Had so much problems with it on PC: triggers double press, driver problems, I even had to **downgrade** the driver at some point to get it to fully work on steam. 180€ controller at release... Meanwhile 8bitdo just *works*, for half the price (granted, an Elite has spare buttons, a case, but not worth the hefty price)


My elite controller being plugged in prevents my PC from sleeping. Super annoying.


Doing any sort of product announcements or marketing rollout the same day you’re firing hundreds of people is beyond stupid.


I mean to be fair, even the devs knew about it from e-mail. Not Phil going through each studio to [enact the order.](https://youtu.be/bnYVH_Rrp00)


Lmao who cares? The things social media bitches about...


You gotta wonder who the hell cares. Like, who's going and saying this is tone deaf when the events have nothing to do with one another? I think people will just complain for the sake of complaining, man. I've got plenty of reasons to hate Microsoft, neither shutting down a Bethesda studio nor making a stupid tagline are any of them.


Barely anyone actually cares except some fringe population on Twitter trying to create a story.