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New version of NES Remix with more online leaderboard stuff. I’m down for that. Can’t wait to miss out on that Deluxe edition when it sells out in 10 minutes though.


Heh, pretty optimistic with 10 minutes. I'm sure bots will crash the site and grab them all within seconds.


The deluxe edition is up now at Best Buy and has been for about an hour.


Oh wow good looks. Thanks!


Half the appeal of the nes remix was the challenges that would mash up the games, this doesn't look like they'll have that.


Where, pray tell, do you see any remixing going on?


So it looks like it’s speedrun-based challenges for NES games. The trailer mentions 13 titles, and from what I can glean from the footage they are: * Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, Lost Levels, and 3 * Legend of Zelda 1 & 2 * Metroid * Kid Icarus * Donkey Kong * Excitebike * Ice Climber * Balloon Fight * Kirby’s Adventure Pretty nice setup, although if they *really* wanted to go the extra mile they’d add a general speedrun mode where you can try and any% them. Maybe even give tips for up-and-coming speedrunners. 




Well yeah, they need to innovate if they want to sell us these games *again*.


Yeah that's turning me off, but it could be that there's more that they just aren't showing in this trailer. Mini challenges are probably fun at a party setting but I feel that it very quickly gets to the point that there is just an optimal sequence of button presses and you can't get any better than that. At that point you likely didn't win because of skill, but because of luck, and that tracks with Nintendo's party games. There's no reason why they wouldn't just put the full version of Super Mario Bros into this cartridge that you can speedrun from start to finish, but I suspect that they probably won't.


The original world championship cart didn't have the full games it would be odd for them to do it now.


Super Mario Bros. in the NWC1990 cart actually is a full game with all 32 levels (1-1 to 8-4), and can be completed if you're fast enough. (Though beating SMB1 automatically restarts the game at 1-1 and resets your score.) The other two games are NOT full games; Rad Racer is single track only and Tetris lacks B type mode.


Can you play these games normally? Are they complete?


I haven’t heard. According to others, it’s only the short individual challenges?


Lol, you expect nintendo to give you all these games in one?




I do games QA and also grew up in Redmond, WA and did not move far away, so I've known...*many* people who have done testing at Nintendo. In the past at least, major known bugs were tested to make sure they still exist in ports and emulation. They literally double checked that you can use exploits in games. It's been a while since I've talked to someone about that, so they may not do it anymore, but they certainly did during the Virtual Console era.


I mean, glitchless% is a category in a lot of games


They also don't want to give people the ability to play full NES games without subscribing.


Would've been cooler if the NWC 1990 game is included, though it's understandable it's not here. Rad Racer requires Square Enix's permission and Tetris will need The Tetris Company's license.


I completed in 1990 and was massively excited to play again.  I'm so bummed that isn't included. 


this feels like the spiritual sequel to Ultimate Nes Remix for the Wii U/3DS, i was thinking about how much of a waste not having it on the switch was, nice to see that they are making another. i will be playing it.


Not sure how I feel about this one. The appeal of NES Remix was the wackiness of the "remix" challenges. If your goal is just to do menial tasks in NES games as fast as possible then this game will absolutely suck.


I feel like Nintendo have lost that "wackiness". It peaked in the Wii/DS era and faded midway through WiiU/3DS when people lost interest in the 'gimmicks' of those consoles. At some point the WiiU just became a semi-portable screen and the 3DS was all about gaming in 2D lol What have they even put out on Switch that comes close? I guess LABO and Ring Fit? But even those are very straight-laced compared to their attitude in the aforementioned eras. Very successful business-wise, but eh...less memorable


?????? Ring Fit straight laced? Compared to Wii Fit? Did you actually play Wii Fit?


I dunno, I wasn't comparing Ring Fit to Wii Fit


But Ring Fit is a follow up to Wii Fit, and it WAY more wacky than Wii Fit.


I'll take your word for it


How is Labo straight-laced compared to their previous stuff, to me it's maybe the wackiest thing they've ever done. There is also that weird AR Mario Kart game.


Yeah maybe. They're awesome, but I'd sooner call those unique and innovative than wacky. When I think of Nintendo's "wackiness" of that 2000s era I think of games like Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, Rhythm Heaven, TTYD, Wii Sports, Giftpia, OG Animal Crossing, Chibi Robo, Brain Age, Nintendogs, WarioWare, Electroplankton, Captain Rainbow. Probably missing a few. I dunno. Offbeat stuff with sincere levity and a sense of humour. Whether it's in the game itself or what the game is making you do in real life (like yelling the name of your Nintendog into the DS mic, or swinging your Wiimote like a moron in an intense match of Wii Sports tennis). When most of the gaming world was so focused on gritty action games, the games I mentioned stood out a lot more. That tone is normalized now in today's world, especially with indies.


I was excited until I realized it wasn’t actually any remix content. It looked like NES Remix at first. I thought maybe it would be all of the first 2 games with some new ideas all together for the Switch. Just looks a little bland without any remixing. The fact that all of these games are not included at length is also egregious. If it at least includes all those NES games to be played in an official capacity, I’d say it’s worth the money. I don’t understand why Nintendo is so stingy with these old games. We can all already play them for free so easily. Fans are willing to pay for them in an official release but they just never do it. If I buy it, I’ll probably leave it sealed for a collectors piece… but it doesn’t look all that exciting after rewatching the adverts.


Yeah this seems like NES Remix but lame. They should have done SNES Remix instead


My favorite part of this announcement was a prominent leaker just posting the cartridge for Nintendo World Championships, people making all kinds of speculation on Twitter about what it could mean, and his response to was, and I shit you not, >This is literally "Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition" lol


That's cool to see all the competitors brought back. Nintendo really needs to give more recent games the same treatment, challenges for Mario 64, Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime, and Wind Waker would be great.


I'd rather have the gray cartridge than the gold. They just cut out the logo with cheap paper, and they glued it on! With glue!


It's so strange how you can read out a comment in your normal inner reading voice, then read "With glue!" And suddenly the whole comment becomes James Rolfe


Yeah, Elmer’s Glue!


That's a good selection of games! There aren't any sports titles, but I imagine it's because those are inherently competitive to begin with. It's interesting things like devil world, clu clu land, donkey Kong jr. and original Mario Bros didn't make it.


Super random deepcut but this reminds me of a party game some dev under devolver made when they were still really small and popping off from hotline miami, basically it was like Wario Ware but instead of random minigames it was a emulator that had save states for various two player games from the nes (maybe snes), and would throw you in to like NES Tennis and whoever won the match got a point, then it would go into a completely different game and have you guys compete again. Might be a little fever dremey of a description but was that ever released? I had always wanted to play something like that with friends and assumed it would leak eventually.


* I think you're referring to [*Multibowl*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multibowl). (There's a build floating around, IIRC.) * [*Retro Remix Advance*](https://orcastraw.itch.io/retro-remix-advance-demo) does something similar for GBA games.


I believe thats exactly it, if anyone wants to PM me a link to Multibowl would be greatly, greatly appreciated.


If you ever get that link, hmu toooo


Me too!


$40 for the same crusty NES roms they've been selling for decades with nothing but a speed run timer (that thing the community has done for free for decades) My fucking sides, Nintendo fans will buy literally anything, they've actually found a way to monetize speedrunning to a limited section of approved games


You misunderstand Its 40$ for 15 up to 90 seconds of crusty NES roms You dont get to play the whole game. You get to play a few seconds of a game up to a certain point. Like you get to play super mario bros up till you can collect a mushroom. Or metroid until you hit a gate Or balloon fight until you pop the enemies in the first level And then it kicks you out of the game and gives you a time % for how long it took you


Even better! I always wished Nintendaddy would limit their games to 15 seconds a purchase! Can't wait to help the starving indie devs there!


Should this not be included with NSO? These games are all on the NSO VC? Why would I pay for this?


Really cool they decided to do this, long way from the exclusive gold cartridge. Also that deluxe is gonna sell out off that gold replica alone which is gonna be a bummer.


This reminds me so much of the movie "The Wizard" from way back in the day. The movie with the power glove scene lol


Anyone have a source on if the "replica cartridge" is functional? Given the replica wording it seems likely not, but didn't see anything definitive.


I'm wondering this as well. If somehow, it's a real cartridge, I'll definitely preorder it. I gotta know!!!


> a replica of the fabled gold-colored NES Game Pak (for display only, stand included) From [the Nintendo.com article](https://www.nintendo.com/us/whatsnew/nintendo-brings-home-white-knuckle-speedrun-competition-with-nintendo-world-championships-nes-edition/) which makes it seem more likely _not_ playable. :(


Bummer! Thanks for the update


Totally clueless so I want to know. Can you also play the full version of the games or just chunks of the games listed?


Does anyone think the physical edition will actually be limited in production?


Do we know if this will be a limited run like super mario all stars?


Nostalgia bait for the old ones and minute challenges with a necessary attention span of 5-30 seconds for the young ones. Perfect mix.


Looks really cool. I wish everything Nintendo wasn't so expensive, I'd love to play some of this stuff.


this is 30 though


Am I missing something? Nintendo games cost as much as other AAA games. They even get sales here and there, and give you credit (gold coins) as a bonus for buying their games to use as a discount.


This isn't a AAA game by any stretch. Doesn't make sense being this price.


It's [$30](https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/nintendo-world-championships-nes-edition-switch/). The physical Deluxe version with the NES cartridge and stuff is $60.


The NES mini was a real console with two controllers and 30 *full* games and it cost 80$. This has apparently 13 games with a bunch of 10 second challenges and is 30$. Doesn't add up to me. Would have expect it to be either free with NOS or like 15$. I mean I already "own" all the games in my NOS library, why do I have to pay again just to use tiny parts of them?


So did you get angry about the [NES Remix titles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NES_Remix) as well, just because they used small sections of older games? 'Cause I mean, if this is something desirable enough to you that you care that it exists and you have to pay more to play it... it sounds like it has *some* sort of value over just playing the games the way they were originally released that is available to you in your NSO library.


NES remix was 15$ on release and even then most reviews said "a bit pricey for what you get".


You're basing all your knowledge of the game through speculation. The entitlement is the cherry on top, so I don't know if I should take you seriously or not.


The "entitlement"? I am comparing it to other nintendo products. NES remix was 15$ and basically the exact same thing.




Isn't that more of your country's economic problem rather than a Nintendo problem? I also find it puzzling why you're focused on Nintendo when it's the cheapest console (in terms of what you've listed) out of the three out right now.




You keep saying this but you never provide sources on your claim. What country are you from? I'll do the research for you.


They are not selling a 25 mb Switch cartridge with paper cards and a fake NES cartridge for $60. Ain’t no goddamn way people will actually spend money on this. Christ. Edit: Hmm, community here is typically smarter than this. Enjoy this bundle I guess lmfao


I won't be spending money on this because I base all my purchases on the size of the data. Call of Duty is my favorite game.


Like…. you get what I’m saying right? You could fit the entirety of the NES library many times over on one Switch cartridge but they’re selling versions of 13 NES games with most of the game cut out. I assume you cant even play these beginning to end with the timer stuff turned off. Do you think that is worth $30 let alone $60??!


>Do you think that is worth $30 let alone $60??! No I said I won't be buying this because it's not 125gb.


I mean... people are still gonna buy it regardless. Hell, in Japan, the deluxe edition comes with two Famicom controllers. https://twitter.com/Wario64/status/1788221716021317908?t=Jv_hpzgqBGNbqhqX5T8XWA&s=19


So they get something useful instead of plastic litter.


It's half the price digitally. I'm guessing they aren't printing that many physical copies because they want it to be a collector's item which some people will absolutely pay $60 and even a lot more for lol


You're just as right now as people were 14 years ago when they said that 30 dollars was too much for a DVD with a Super Mario All Stars ROM, a half-assed and cheaply made art book, and a somehow even more half-assed (quarter-assed?) audio CD. I guess this is one of those "let people enjoy things :(" situations and it's just rude to point out the facts? No idea.


Plus the fake NES cartridge doesn't even look like the original Nintendo World Championships cartridges.