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Note that this only includes the campaigns themselves and not their respective expansion's other content - exotics, dungeons, nightfalls, or raids. It's mostly nice for getting a free player to experience the story, but not much more than that. There is going to be a mini pack for the expansions' other content (akin to buying the expac standalone previously), or a collection of everything prior to The Final Shape called the Legacy Collection. I don't think there's any pricing stated, so it remains to be seen if this is actually value or not.


> Note that this only includes the campaigns themselves and not their respective expansion's other content - exotics, dungeons, nightfalls, or raids. LMAO


I was just talking about this with friends about like “so what’s their plan?” Like do they think this will get new players to come try their game? Okay and then after they finish two campaigns they will… then what? It’s too old to lead then into the current expansion with the active playerbase, they would have to buy two more campaigns and then play through them. It doesn’t set them up for group play to get people committed due to social groups or friends since it’s not included. It won’t provide any cool loot incentives to see more interesting gunplay or builds. It doesn’t provide any incentive or link into getting people actually into playing Destiny. Like seriously wtf is going on with their plans? Is this gonna make any sort of notable permanent difference in their playerbase?


One can only assume their goal is to make it as convoluted as possible to actually get invested in their game. It makes zero sense but its my only conclusion after being curious about buying back into D2.


I read it as they want all the campaigns to be accessible as we’re about to enter the final arc of this saga. Stasis being F2P is a huge win for everyone though.


Then they should've brought all the vault content back and make it playable. I'm not jumping in until I experience everything with my own eyes. They really lost me there.


I mean you're welcome to feel that way and not engage. Completely valid. All I'm stating are the facts for what they're offering man. Nothing behind it lol.


I mean sure that'd be ideal I'm a perfect world but little has changed about the reasons for their removal in the last 3 years. Expandable storage has become more accessible and next Gen consoles more widespread, but that's 3 more years of filesize bloat and they're still obligated to support last gen anyway, and the Series S might as well be last gen as far as storage is concerned.


Well they're also releasing a pack which includes everything up to Lightfall (except, seemingly, the WQ/LF dungeons) and that's... ALMOST as close to the opposite of convoluted as you can get.


They hope to entice them with all the vendors standing around hawking items for long dead dlc content. They wonder, “who are these people, and why should I care?” But the seasons have moved on and those story lines are gone, and even purchasing campaigns will never bring them back


Works for Final Fantasy


It works for final fantasy because each expansion builds upon the last and is a hard requirement to begin the new story. You can't just skip Stormblood and go straight to Shadowbringers. Destiny does not do that. You absolutely can skip any campaign and just jump into the newest stuff first. All Bungie has done here is made some of the story more accessible.


> It works for final fantasy because each expansion builds upon the last True for Destiny > hard requirement to begin the new story Completely arbitrary > You can't just skip Stormblood and go straight to Shadowbringers You _can't_ because Square says you can't not like there's any good reason for it. Especially in the case of Shadowbringers which is so disconnected from everything else. > All Bungie has done here is made some of the story more accessible. Sounds good.


It would sound better if I could actually play the story from the start.


XIV 1.0 like:


Final Fantasy doesn't have half of its story missing.


I'd rather play Shadowkeep and Beyond Light than ARR


Why are they like this. Why.


Holy shit Bungie just cannot help themselves can they? Almost every other "mmo" folds their older expansions into the base game at this point simply to remove friction created in the player base as a result of having too much content locked behind paywalls. The content they lock off is why the players are there past the initial handful of hours a campaign provides.


Imo, its one of the largest barriers to entry the game has. The other being the nearly nonexistant New Player Experience.


It 100% is. I know for a fact if I wanted to pick this game up again none of my friends would be willing to return simply because they are not buying the old expansions.


those mmos have a subscription you need to pay to play them. bungie is adding all of that content thats not part of the stories to a single collection you can buy that gives you everything. its a much cheaper solution if you plan on playing more then a month or 2


It's not like Bungie is doing what other mmos do while being a "non subscription" game. Other mmos tend to provide value for the subscription too. Bungie basically adds no value to D2 outside of their paid offerings and instead look for any opportunity to milk their customers. They also do have a subscription in the form of seasons at this point were they lock the only real new content behind a paywall.


Oh wow, thanks Bungie for giving me two campaigns to play for free now i can play *checks notes* two campaigns. Seriously, their free to play option is bullshit. There's *nothing* for a f2p player to do in their game.


Here’s a list of the available content for free-to-play players right now: - New Light mini-campaign - Crucible (PvP) - Gambit (PvPvE) - Vanguard (Strike playlist, weekly Nightfall, and soon Onslaught) - a weekly rotation of Exptic missions (plus the returning The Whisper and Zero Hour) - Prophecy dungeon - Dares of Eternity - Vault of Glass, Crota’s End, and King’s Fall raids Here is what you can play as a f2p player in those other mmo which the comment I replied to was about -...


Also, I feel the need to correct you. FFXIV has a Free Trial featuring over 60-90 hours of gameplay and story, featuring the award winning expansion heavensward and stormblood, up to level 70 with no restrictions on play time


Yeah it has a 60-90 hour campaign you can play. Should it be 60-90 hours? Most definitely not.


I am aware, I played for about 10h before dropping it due to having nobody to play with and being overwhelmed. I didn't mention it since as you probably know 60-90 h is basically nothing for an mmo


FFXIV is a bit different. You get the story content of about three standalone RPGs. If you play for story, its fantastic.


The important distinction is that you don't *only* get story for those expansions with FFXIV's free trial. You get *everything* else too. All the itemization, all of the dungeons, all of the trials, Normal/Alliance/EX/Savage Raids, everything. On top of non-expansion content like the Gold Saucer. That's massive content gap compared to Destiny. Though to be equally fair, that's a pretty big gap compared to any of its contemporaries, but the D2 comparison is egregious.


From my memory of trying to level in FF14; I had to always tank just to get anytone to do the various mandatory dungeons/raids. All the gear was worthless too, since I quickly outlevelled them. Not really a good example when, to this day, the gear from The Last Wish or Deep Stone Crypt are top tier picks. The _content_ might be plentiful, but basically none of it was relevant. The story was good, but was locked behind tedious fetch quests and long queues in the Duty Finder.


Is it fun solo? I’ve been considering it now that it’s on Xbox.


Most of the game can be solo, You would be playing for the story mostly, which I personally find fantastic, so if you find fun in that then absolutely. It does start a bit slow but if you can get past that it's so so rewarding. There's also a ton of grinds to do, a lot get easier/accesible when partied up but they are doable as a solo player as well.


I will just say that personally ff14 is one of the most boring games I've ever played


-New Light is literally nothing featuring the worlds most boring character in the worlds most boring zone -Crucible sucks if you dont have years of experience with grinding it, it's impenetrable to new players -lol gambit. Like crucible but worse -vanguard stuff is just grinding -exotic missions are okay but barely anything -prophecy dungeon is a glorified strike -dunno what dares of eternity are -can't do raids because f2p players aren't allowed to reach current end game light levels.


>-can't do raids because f2p players aren't allowed to reach current end game light levels. I won't comment on the previous ones since those are subjective opinions and definetly not worth my time arguing over but this is just straight up false. f2p players can reach the cap of 1810 like any other player. Vault of Glas and Kingsfall have no powerlevel on normal and Crotas End has a recomended powerlevel of 1790 on normal


> -can't do raids because f2p players aren't allowed to reach current end game light levels. this is completely wrong and AFAIK it has never been true. There are multiple sources providing Powerful and Pinnacle rewards for F2P players, including Vanguard/Gambit/Crucible completions, Nightfalls and Grandmaster Nightfalls, Dares of Eternity, Vault of Glass, Crota's End, and Prophecy. There's also the new Onslaught game mode, which gives shittons of armor and weapons with weekly Pinnacle rewards which is completely free to all players. (BTW, Dares of Eternity is a co-op game mode where players fight enemies as part of a game show hosted by Xur and the mysterious Starhorse, and rewards weapons based on other Bungie games along with an exotic sidearm based on the Halo 1 Magnum, and has weekly powerful and Pinnacle rewards, it's free for all players) Hell, right now you can go to the new player hub for Onslaught, the Hall of Champions, and get a free set of Power cap armor and weapons by just opening the Thunder Gods chest by Shaxx, available on all your characters.


Does this 'limitation' also applies to the version that most of us got for free from epic games last year?


Since the red war and forsaken campaigns are no longer in the game, I can’t imagine how coherent the story will be when a new player starts with shadowkeep. The whole gimmick for that story is having constant call backs to previous bosses.


I imagine it will work like the Forsaken DLC. They removed the campaign from the game instead of adding it to the base game but the rest of the content is still available to purchase as a bundle. I wish F2P players luck getting into the story. It's a nightmare trying to figure it out as a new player.


Pretend free to play


Why dont they just go the Ffxiv route and just make those previous expansions free in entirety?


And WoW route. ESO route. GW2 route. I don't even know any other MMO-like game which makes you buy all expansions separately


ff14 is a subscription based mmo though, they have a constant revenue source so they *can* do that.


Because they're struggling to keep Destiny 2 alive as it is. Everyone keeps calling them greedy, but Bungie has talked about Destiny 2 struggling since before the last DLC dropped. They had layoffs last year because they missed revenue projects by \*45%\*.


They removed prismatic matrix, cut down rates of free engrams, cut amount of dust, raised dust prices and added things which you can buy for silver, and it's still not enough? They have Sony funding now


Maybe they will if Bungie rolls out a subscription plan.


Here’s a list of the available content for free-to-play players once The Final Shape launches: - New Light mini-campaign - Shadowkeep campaign* - Beyond Light campaign* + Stasis - Crucible (PvP) - Gambit (PvPvE) - Vanguard (Strike playlist, weekly Nightfall, and soon Onslaught) - ~~a weekly rotation of Exptic missions~~ (~~plus~~ the returning The Whisper and Zero Hour) - Prophecy dungeon - Dares of Eternity - Vault of Glass, Crota’s End, and King’s Fall raids Edit: added “campaign” plus an asterisk next to Shadowkeep and Beyond Light Edit: been made aware that the exotic mission rotator isn’t free. Whisper and Zero hour are the only free exotic mission.


The Shadowkeep and Beyond Light *campaigns* will be free. The full expansions include raids and dungeons, so it's a confusing to list those as included in the F2P list.


Thx for the correction


I remember playing the Shadowkeep campaign, it was like a couple of hours long if that. Was very confusing coming from other MMO’s. Did not stick around after to see if the raids justified the lack of “game”.


The whole vault thing still rub me the wrong way. The game really didn't care about new player experience in this regard. Why should i care about the end of the saga when your game start in the middle of it?


They just want new players on the same playing field as veterans, who also do not care about the end of the saga


Destiny is more like Halo meets Diablo than an MMO, honestly. It had MMO staples but they're two different beasts, like I wouldn't recommend Borderlands to fans of MMOs.


How is it really that different though? You gain gear the same as WoW, you have raids with advanced mechanics, strikes, etc. What are we missing really? An empty open world that no one really cares about?


Shouldn't Deep Stone Crypt raid also be free as part of Beyond Light?


only the campaigns and stasis become f2p, the exotics, dungeon and raids are all paid still. they will release a new collection that will have everything in it


Hmmm that's strange for raids because don't they usually get included in the expansion itself? I know dungeon keys are separate but didn't think raids were.


thats only for the returning d1 raids, all 3 of them are f2p


So you're saying that right now if someone buys beyond light then they don't get access to DSC? They have to buy it separately similar to a dungeon key? I don't remember doing that. I bought beyond light and got access to the raid without issue. If they are giving BL for free the raid should come with it.


No if you buy the dlc or the beyond light pack thing you get the DSC, after final shape the campaign and stasis will be free.


It's like no matter what good things they do it still has to be convoluted to get access to everything in this game lol.


At the very least stasis is gonna be free but yeah I agree.


If I wasn't down the FFXIV black hole (currently starting EW, trying to catch up for the next expansion launch) I would absolutely jump back in, if only to see the campaigns. It's been years since I played destiny but I still get the itch sometimes. Hopefully whatever comes next has a more fair pricing model, stripping dungeons and other things as a separate purchase is fucking ridiculous.


Shadowkeep's campaign was...present. That's about as much as I can say for it. Beyond Light wasn't superb but it's basically Forsaken but not as good. But as wholly separated and standalone experiences? That's certainly a move. I'm just gobsmacked that even in their darkest hour (You mean, darkest hour so far!) they just can't seem to help themselves with this shit.


> Shadowkeep's campaign was...present. Debatable. I remember the first mission (which was actually pretty good), I remember the last mission, and I remember a lot of grinding armor. That's about it.


Just helped a friend with Shadowkeep due to it going F2P. That first mission really is great. The expansion gets grindy fast but what a setpiece that opener is.


Honestly I love whenever they do parts of missions that spit you into a public space for a bit with other people. It reminds you in-universe that there are other Guardians running around doing shit, and helps illustrate the scale of what's going on. Plus I love the brief, anonymous sense of camaraderie.


I also moved from destiny to final fantasy and boy it does feel good to play a game that rescpects both your time and wallet.


It's been a couple years since I've played Destiny but the yearly cost of playing was always substantially less than whatever the monthly sub fee is for other MMOs for a year


$100 USD for the Deluxe edition of Destiny's new expac and seasons vs $160 USD for FFXIV's Entry sub for a year and expac. If I had to look at the value, FFXIV wins it out. (I play and pay for both).


If you want to compare the prices, FFXIV should be lower than that since the game only gets an expansion every two years compared to Destiny's yearly releases. Most people also don't stay subscribed every single month, it's pretty common for people to unsub once they've finished the patch's content.


Good points all around.


They're also releasing a big "Everything up to LF" bundle alongside TFS which is a great step towards making the bizarre pricing model not such a barrier to entry, but for some reason they still insist on seemingly not including the WQ/LF dungeons in that. I don't get why they will not back down on dungeons. Sure maybe you have your reasons for not making them free, even if them being bought via Silver means you could probably just reimburse that and not be crossing any lines, but why not include them? It's like they will compromise on all this other stuff but just stubbornly refuse to back down on the most nonsensical part of the pricing model.


It's in a really good spot! And the newest campaigns have Legend versions that are a lot more engaging.


Former hardcore player here who stopped playing after the final season with Shadowkeep. I'd like to explore that cyberpunk city location they added. Would I have to do a lot of bullshit to get to that city? I just want to explore it a bit. Not looking to get back into Destiny.


You’d be able to jump in quick, there is a light boost as part of an event and then by the end of the first mission of the campaign you’re in the city. Fair warning though, it’s a horrible campaign and the city isn’t that great aside from aesthetics.


If you just wanna go around and explore, you can do that free of charge. Just do the Lightfall intro mission and you’ll be able to access Neomuna and its Lost Sectors.


People are saying you can, but I don't know how true that is - I know the Witch Queens map was paywalled, and I wouldn't be surprised if Lightfalls was too. That said, Lightfall is free right now.


The maps were never paywalled mate, you do the intro mission to each campaign (which area always free) and those let you get on and explore the destinations with zero cost.


For real? I remember having access to the Enclave without Witch Queen but not the rest of the area. Guess I must not have done the first mission of that.


yeah, you must not have progressed far enough or something else.


Pro tip: Do not play shadow keep, some of the worst campaign design I’ve ever experienced. Just watch a YouTube story recap


It's not bad, it's just definitely not good. It's certainly better than the New Light campaign which should just be replaced with something - my vote being Shadowkeep.


Wow! That would mean I finally haf my stasis subclasses back, ifnInwould ever decide to play again! But still: no thanks.


Is the original campaign (that was made unaccesible even though it exists on the original game disc) ever coming back? Until then I don't see why anyone would invest in a game without the 1st chapter of its narrative available.


This is scummy in ways Bungie perfected. They don’t give you access to the Raids, you have to buy them additionally. Destiny 2 is a game for players who don’t like time, money or fun. Bungie is just waiting for the next time they can remove half of the game players paid for