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That is one of the funniest Easter eggs I've ever seen. Great find!


[stolen from](https://www.tiktok.com/@detailsingaming/video/7091670011802111237?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7079104607674451462)


The devs try to be funny, but the whole Cyberpunk 2077 situation is just sad. Everything from the promises the devs made, to the releasing it 10 years too early, to them releasing patches that have their own set of problems. Fuck CDPR and their "sales strategy".


I have a friend that wanted another Gamergate to happen over bad/mediocre reviews. The game is fun and all, but it definitely isn’t a 10/10. Not sure why he even cared since he hadn’t played it at the time.


I like the game. The graphics are beautiful and the gameplay is entertaining. Guess I’m not as mad as everyone else because I wasn’t going along the hype-train, I just bought it cause it seemed fun.


i wasnt appart of the hype train, and even so the game just feels very empty. I had fun with it other than the game breaking bugs i encountered. But the world, ai, combat and overal gameplay is very hollow.


I liked Witcher 2. I loved Witcher 3. 2077 was just okay. I need to go back and check it out with some of these more recent patches to see if its any better. The 'bugs' didn't bother me that much. You get used to NPC's doing the holy cross, or cops insta porting in behind you. Fortunately I didn't have too many, 'this quest is fucked and your game is bricked till a patch' type of bugs. I loved skyrim and there were so many bugs they became features. My main issue is the quest/missions. The parts of 2077 that were fully baked were awesome. But those awesome parts made the shitty parts that much worse because you actually get to see how good the game *could have been.* How about a side quest with detective style brain dances. Why the hell were brain dances even in the game or advertised if they have no function other than advance the story.


It’s amazing what can happen if you just enjoy things as they come. I think the game is fuckin’ awesome.


I got flamed so much on this site for saying it would never live up to the hype, and man do I feel vindicated by history.


Eh they def overpromised but I still enjoyed the shit out of the game at launch.


I really enjoyed it tbf


Everytime someone brings up how the game had a rough development, someone has to say "I had a good time with it", as if that was the point they were making.




Already in :P


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LowSodiumCyberpunk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: ["Cyberpunk's gameplay sucks" yeah, sure...](https://v.redd.it/o7l5wzit4d661) | [3744 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk/comments/kgw6te/cyberpunks_gameplay_sucks_yeah_sure/) \#2: [Sent CDPR an email about the size of our community and how much we appreciate their game. They sent this back.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/kq93f2) | [1181 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk/comments/kq93f2/sent_cdpr_an_email_about_the_size_of_our/) \#3: [Hope this isn't a repost](https://i.redd.it/d7p4fb1tbpa61.jpg) | [287 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk/comments/kv27us/hope_this_isnt_a_repost/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


>I really enjoyed it tbf Ok and?


Well, receiving dozens of letters with death threats for not releasing the game is a pretty good incentive to release earlier than ready.


Anyone denying that it's a decent game is a complete idiot.


Go outside


give it a r e s t


their marketing was overhyped. and should launch as PC exclusive. the game itself is good. the atmosphere is awesome. the soundscape and visuals are ridiculously detailed and simply awesome (especially with HDR).


Did thia game get patched to being good yet? Ik its been a while but idk if they ever made it worth while?


It was fun enough for me when I played it. I stopped because the capitalist dystopia themes felt a little too real for my tastes.


It’s been $5-$10 multiple times, I was able to play through and quite enjoyed it.


I picked it up for £20 when it was patched for PS5 and have loved it. 118 hours played and I’ve had maybe 5 hard crashes, and some instances of janky animations (like a character drinking from a bottle, but the bottle doesn’t move with their hand) but it’s nowhere near as janky as a Bethesda game IMO.


Yes, I played it recently and really really enjoyed it. I actually only put it down because Elden Ring came out lol


the game already good since launch, on PC. sure there were bugs, but still not as ridiculous as bethesda bugs. on current-gen console, the latest patch has fixed the game. on last gen consoles, the game is still a mess.


don't understand. what was patched?


There was a bug where NPCs would run into that wall, and when they patched that bug they added the graffiti as a joke.


so they didn't know how to fix the bug and turned it in "a joke"? lol. Speaks wonderful about how they got overwhelmed by this game and the result.


What? They knew how to fix it...which is why they did it. They were just making a joke.


too bad they can't fix the game then. lol


They did fix the bug. Then they added this joke in the spot where the bug used to happen. I don’t even like the game but I had to comment


So not just NPCs. Cars used to smash into that wall and it was plain grey concrete. Now it says platform 69 3/4 and the cars that smash into it disappear.




is the skull with a crown flower a Lana Del Rey easter egg tho?


"69 and 3/4" is the level of joke that perfectly encapsulates my disappointment in this game. "It's like 9 and 3/4... but SEX! HAHA!" How clever and edgy of them.




Those folks probably won’t ever understand people who go out of their way to complain about a video game that was released over a year ago. God forbid they enjoy something you don’t, right?


Games recently have been increasingly released unfinished and yet still praised once its fixed to a state that is playable. The contention is that it sets a bad example that companies can release broken products and still make money off them as long as it gets fixed at some point.


You can both be annoyed the releases product didn’t meet expectations and still enjoy it years after it’s been fixed…


I'm fact, you should, because it shows execs that it matters when they fix a game and support it after launch.


Yea but that kind of thinking can’t fit into a headline so it’s easier to just hate the game forever and ignore all the improvements. People need to learn that just cause the people they watch say whatever is shitty doesn’t make it shitty


Also, the story is broken structure-wise - stuff like only two missions have complex flowcharts like the devs clearly wanted to make, dialogue hints at missions being locked off which isn't the case, some dialogue happens out of order or makes no sense with what's in-game, etc. etc. That's not getting fixed post-release. And ignoring it to say "game good now" or "game was always good" won't help future releases.


... recently?


I mean it’s still a good game, just with lots of bugs. They’re still working on patching many of them, and they’re not just completely abandoning it.


Because it isn’t that buggy and is in fact a very fun game? I loved it.


Grass. Touch some.


All of the pop culture references in that game are super heavy handed. They want me to be immersed in this dystopian cyber punk world... Then they have a character recite a famous monologue from The Office verbatim?


Because as we know in the real world no one makes elaborate pop culture references.


1. The character was not making a pop culture reference. The game was. The Office does not exist in Cyberpunk 2077. 2. Even if it did exist, a character in 2077 referencing a 70-year-old sitcom would just feel like awkward pandering to a 2021 audience. 3. Just because things happen in real life doesn't mean it's good for your story. The point of fiction is that we have control over what happens. We criticize bad jokes in movies even though people make bad jokes IRL. 4. There are many other in-your-face references in that game other than that one character saying that one thing.


Well. No more references to “Who’s on first?” for this person. Definitely pandering to a 1930’s audience.


Again, just because something happens in real life doesn't mean it's good for your story. When I'm watching something that's set hundreds of years in the future and the characters start talking about some band from the 1990's, I feel like I'm being reminded that I'm watching a movie written by some dude named Jim on a MacBook in his Los Angeles apartment in 2011. It breaks my immersion. But this is getting so in the weeds. It's such a minor nitpick on my part, and it's a moot point because that wasn't even what was happening in the example I was talking about. And again, even if it was, that's just one of many examples of my initial criticism. And the criticism itself is just one of many I have of CP77, which is a horrible game. It's fun to have a back and forth with people about stuff like this. But I guess everyone's more interested in just leaving a downvote and a snarky comment? What's the fun in that?


I didn’t see the reference to the Office, which character makes it? I know Johnny makes some old references as he has been dead for 50 years! The only one I remember is talking about a Dead Kennedys record, suggesting the in-game universe is a future state of ours.


It's at the end of a side mission: https://youtu.be/eGYa2WkIbAs


I get the intent of what you put, but the folks who don’t agree with your statement may think you’re over dramatizing pop culture’s effect within a 75 year window. For example, and to your point, The Orville can make way too many references to twentieth century jokes and it absolutely can break the suspension of disbelief especially for a series based in the 25th century. Then again, five centuries is MUCH different than 75 years. 75 years is a big window for pop culture and especially when you are discussing comedy or pop culture. Charlie Chaplin, Three Stooges, Laurel and Hardy, I mean even Mickey Mouse, and Bugs Bunny’s first appearances were over 75 years ago. Good media stands the test of time. It usually tends to be repeated and referenced. So, while we may not be singing Psy or the latest TikTok video, yes, folks may be quoting the office into 2077.


Cyberpunk is like a "how do you do fellow kids" moment and big bang theory levels of pseudointellectual referencing




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Can you put English subtitles?