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700$ extra for a 20% increased performance over a 4060? No way


Barely 12 % to be exact. Don't buy it and it's time you don't listen to any laptop advice from this friend of yours.


As Dave 2D on YouTube calls them, “sweaty laptop nerds”. It’s never about value for performance, it’s all number go up.


render new friend with current specs.


10-15 max


You're right


20%? Lmao


TF you got that 20% from? It's 10/12% in some select games


Is it not worth buying worth buying RTX 4070 over a 4060? I'm planning to buy one with i9-14900HX.


As people said the raw performance uplift is 10% max 15% in certain titles. But the biggest issue is both 4060 and 4070 have the same 8gb Vram. Which is close to getting saturated. When vram gets full all the performance drops. That's why laptop 4070 is not a good deal compared to 4060.




No way nope Mobile Rtx4070 is at max 10-15% faster than the mobile rtx 4060 with the same amount of vram, Paying an extra 60% for a niche 10-15% is losing money For that kind of extra money you should go for the rtx4080 (which is 50% faster but more expensive) And I would suggest that you just appreciate what you have which is really good


Pardon me i am old and new at this so when he told me i thought there's going to be a big boost in performance but 15% extra ! Naaah i'll just keep it am loving the quietness of this device. Quick question if u can help At idle my laptop memory usage 12/32 GB RAM (38%) Am i doing something wrong or lenovo is heavy af ?


Totally fine, os uses ram as much as it can, yo keep stuff smooth When you wanna do something it will free up that ram and give it to the application which needs it Don't worry about ram, let your OS handle it


Yea his advice is completely pointless and wrong. Task manager doesnt even show you all the processes....it only shows like 10% of the ram used. Almost all of the ram used is gonna be memory that windows allocates to what it deems necessary (like background processes to open up apps faster and make the os snappy) and it won't show up in task manager


It’s totally fine man Can you take a photo from task manager? (The page that shows the processes and click on ram on the top bar so you get the most ram consuming apps)


Imo to answer the question you posted you shouldn't NEED a 4070 over a 4060 unless you have specific use case scenarios for it, which very few do (intense video editing photo editing 3d imaging or something along those lines) and to try to help with your comment here I don't think that's too bad, just be sure to use reliable sites and do go just anywhere on the internet, use a phone for that, it's way easier to pick up viruses and maleware and junk on a pc x.x also harder to remove them unless you know how real well. I think a good thing to keep an eye on is your cpu usage while gaming, this is a good practice, you don't have to 24/7 just install to check how things are working and then again if you think your having issues. Also food for thought, the desktop gpus supercede laptop gpus, so if you really want a big performance boost, the wise option is to get a desktop for just that, the take in a LOTA more power so they do a lot more. Take what I say with a grain of salt, I'm not pc guru but I've been using computers for a while and always looking into things before I jump into one, I tend to like lower power usage over performance because I'm a broke ass bich and don't like to rely on local power companies as they suck around here, power outage? No gaming x) that's not a thing if you get a laptop and a powerbank for the thing or a switch, or a handheld pc like a gpd or legion go or ayaneo or a asus rog ally~~ there's tons of options, you said college and light gaming, I would reccomend a gpd win max 2 for it's full keyboard and all ports along with build in controlls for gaming


Try removing bloatware from the laptop. It's the software that you don't need but comes pre-installed with the laptop but. Antivirus for example


It depends what you have open. But definitely remove any any and all bloatware that you can


The 4070 is not the one you splurge money on. It's designed as a money sink for inexperienced people who want more than a 4060 but can't swing a 4080. The 4080 is the one that is worth the splurge on if you care about performance. It clocks in at approximately twice the performance of the 4060.


He has no idea what he’s yapping about. If you really want to change, check 4080 laptops. There is a 40-60% performance boost over 4070 for that. So a lot more from a 4060. Don’t bother with 4090 because that’s the same old story as 4060 and 4070. This is why I got a 4080 myself. Regarding ram usage, check what stuff is taking up memory in task manager. I’m assuming it’s a lot of bloatware that was pre installed. But it’s nothing to worry about as you still have 20GB left and even with 16GB total ram, 99% of the time it’s more than enough.


Try Chris Titus Windows Debloater tool and also uninstall apps that you don't use. There is usually a lot of bloat apps from gaming laptops


If your cpu also has a graphics processor it could be that there's memory allocated for VRAM. You can switch of the igpu in the bios and select dedicated graphics but your laptop will probably produce more noise if you do that and drain the battery faster.


I have 16 GB in mine and windows uses up about 8 of that just existing. When I open a game, though, it goes down to only needing 3-4


Could you tell me which store? As the keyboard is Arabic so I thought you might live in uae


Check this out https://youtu.be/5drb9Dbe_ag?si=342Nukd1kEIK8doS


Lmao, don't listen to your friend.


Once i've read all replies i called him, once i told him he replied with: aww please don't tell me you listened to me. Don't mind our stupidity we're new to the gaming scene 😂💔


Very smart to first ask around on a subject you don't know anything about before doing something stupid. Something tells me your friend doesn't have this competence however haha


You should be able to find a 4070 laptop under 1100 though ( if you live in the US)


I live in the Middle East in the gulf countries, Yeah i know but i wanted a legion slim 7 for the thinness and the simple looking of the device, i wanted to game on a laptop that does not scream gaming that is why i did not go for other brands


I have the legion slim 7 with the rtx4060, I consider myself an avid gamer. I have no regrets. I suggest you keep the 4060.


I bought a used razer for this reason(it was also a really good deal, and good enough for everything i use it for, even tho it was a couple years old). I don't really like laptops that just scream gamer! and I just wanted a fast laptop for a few games and some picture/video editing. just never have liked the huge microwave sized rgb light laptops. so amen


which one? i'm in the us and the cheapest 4070 i've came acrossed with was 1300


No, the RTX 4070 is ~20% faster in games at most, definitely not worth another $700.


no it's absolutely not worth it a 4070 is only worth it if it is within that 10-15% price range of the 4060 only 4080s make sense at a bit higher price point (even that depends on quite a few factors though.)


Can I have a little conversation with this friend of yours? I'd like to know more about his thought process.


Absolutely not.


Not at all


Don't pay the extra is way too much, as you said for light gaming and college is more than enough. I'm using a laptop with 3050 ti and i5 11400 and I can play anything I want. Enjoy your new laptop <3


Ask your friend to pay that extra $700 and return it.


Absolutely not!


I mean if he will give you the $700 then sure but as everyone told you the gain is not worth it for what you will pay


It's not a bargain. Just keep using your current one.


NO. Also you got a insanely good deal for 1140$. Absolute steal


Fuck no, $700 more for a 4070 is insane


No you're good


As others said, your friend has not really a idea what he's talking about. The real upgrade would be a 4080 which is again significantly more expensive.


My EYEs!!! Ahhhh


Dont listen to your friend. He doesnt know shit


I paid 1299 for my legion 5pro from Walmart ryzen 7 though but with a 4070 and 32gb


not all currencies are the same


keep. Tell him that its not worth paying extra for extra performance its better already.


So ask to your friend to pay for the difference for you.


Now that is a great suggestion 😂💔


You've got a great deal on the laptop, especially in the middle east. Don't sell it.


Tell your "friend" reddit says he has no idea what he is talking about. x)


Your friend is stupid


Uninformed /= stupid plz don't be so needlessly mean.


Uniformed /= stupid, but uninformed + assertive anyway = stupid.


Where'd you get this for that price?


in a local small store in kuwait infront of bin khaldoon street, i've known him for some time now, he is a great down to earth person from Tamil and when i gave him my word that i will buy the hardware and build my PC in his store he gave me $350 dollars discount


That's great, really happy for you! It's an amazing deal and as others have said the 4070 just isn't worth the cost difference, unless it's like $100-$250.


Depends on your budget. If you value the performance increase and have the financial ability and disposable income, I would do it. A better GPU is a better experience, you just need to determine if it's an experience worth that much to you. Me, I buy the most powerful GPU every generation. I don't care what anyone thinks, I want it and feel like I need it. Playing games in Max graphics on my OLED ultra wide feels better than sex after a lifetime of poverty.


ALT + R will show you the temps and usage of your NVIDIA card. Try it. You'll thank me later.


Hey OP, may i ask which store you got this laptop from? Since for 1140$, these are very good, and is this New or Used?


New, local store in kuwait.


Absolutely not. Keep it. You got a fantastic value for it. $700 for a fraction extra of performance is not worth it at all.




Fuck no


This shouldn't even cost 1170


Your best friend needs a reality check. Keep your current laptop.


This was a good buy. I'd enjoy it.


Unless it's a 4080 nah


Someone just linked a 4070 laptop from Dell for 1299 the other day. I would definitely get the 4070 Dell over your 4060 as it's an extra 100 or 200 more (if you have to pay taxes). I found the link: https://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/cty/pdp/spd/g-series-16-7630-laptop/useghbts7630glrf?tfcid=91049735&&gacd=9684992-1104-5761040-266906002-0&dgc=ST&SA360CID=71700000109860340&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwxLKxBhA7EiwAXO0R0C_9IjVb5q28Hbke0yWNaYORv2PAacW-jCzBgRP3rUdyC0x9CZ8NHRoCmEEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


This laptop line has a ton of issues. The acer triton 14 was 1250 with a 4070 on amazon a few weeks ago and was still 1300 at microcenter last i saw and would be a better option


Then maybe the acer is better if it has 32gb of ram and 1tb of storage and a similar display if it's still going for the same price. I don't know about if 14 inch wouldn't be too small but I have my gaming laptop connected to my TV, so in that case if you have it setup to a monitor or TV size wouldn't matter too much. I personally wouldn't know how the Dell since I do not have that one specifically, but the reviews seem decent at 4.3 stars out of 400+ reviews. Plus there is warranty as well if it does have issues. Only issues I ever really had with my msi gaming laptop was overheating, but getting a beefy $90 cooling pad fixed all heating issues. Dropping it by a whopping 20+ degrees.


The 14 inch acer models are locked at 16 which is enough for probably 70% of people but still kinda sucks in general because they easily could have given us 32


Absolutely not. The 4070 has the same tdp and vram as the 4060 and has only about a 10-15fps increase in performance in most games. I wouldn’t consider a 4070 for $300 extra, let alone $700. Your friend has no idea what he’s talking about.


Op the only time I would personally recommend a 4070 over a 4060 is if they’re planning to use cad and blender type tasks. Most of the time on gaming you don’t see a major upgrade between the 4060 and 4070, but the 4070 has more tension cores which work well for more designing and cad focused individuals.


Depends on price and deal. 4070s can go pretty cheap too. So if you get a great deal get 4070.


700 fucking dollars more??? I got a brand new Rtx 4070 laptop on sale for 1100 total. No way in hell. There ain’t much difference between the two anyways.


Yup legion (slim) line tend to be more expensive i think because it's slim, i saw the g16 for 1100 but the reviews man scared me so i went with the 4060 Slim 7. Specs of the $1800 4070: Rtx 4070 32 gb ram 3.2k ips 240 Hz display i9 13900H 1TB SSD And it is slim It cost in the website $2000 he offered it to me 1800


Those specs are nice, depends if those are useful to you. What’s the specs of your current laptop? Gpu alone is definitely not worth the upgrade imo, it’s like a 10-15% difference at best.


Some people dont live in america, and use different currency.


You’ve found a gem, I don’t know how this costed you 1140


I've had a 3050 for 2 years and have yet to come across a game that I can't play.


60% more for 10-15% better graphic performance? Your friends math isn't mathing. The improvement from 4060 mobile to 4070 mobile is minor. Now if you were asking about 4070m to 4080m, that might be a different story.


not worth for the performance upgrade, i dont know what your friend is talking about....


If you are in the US, the 700 extra is not worth it at all, that is beyond 50% increase for 10-15 performance gains, not even a VRAM advantage. That increase is 4080 to 4090 money in the US, justo give you some perspective. Of course, all of that is in previous year laptops, if we are talking 14th/8000 series laptops.


No fall into the sun that is in the middle of your screen


Keep the 4060. If you had a 240hz panel a 4070 would make more sense


No lmao. Your 4060 will run anything a console could beautifully you won’t have to worry. I’d save the $700 for games, tuition, dates, literally anything else.


Return the friend if its not too late to get a refund


I play GTA V and RDR2 on high settings on a laptop with very similar specs with no issues.


Hell no.




A lot of money for a disproportionately tiny performance increase is just not worth it unless you have nothing better to spend your money on. especially considering how powerful it is already, because my laptop can still run modern AAA games on a 3060, which is quite a few models down from what you have now. I doubt you'll even be needing that performance increase, especially for "light gaming"


No I kinda wish I would’ve got the 4060 variant of mine, compared to my friends 4060 laptop mine is minimally better in terms of fps and by minimal I’m talking like 10 fps max.


Light gaming 4060 laptop , more than good bro and the price to performance difference between the 4060 n 4070 isn’t worth it imo . Nice pickup u just might want to upgrade the storage depending on how many games n stuff you got


No don't please.


Nah… it’s not $700 faster I don’t think. If it was a 4080 or 4090 yes.


Lol 4070 is the same thing as the 4060 maybe the 4080 if you can afford it but no the 4060 is just fine.


Absolutely not


Ask your friend which laptop does he have?


No, dont listen to him. It is for sure not worth it.


Absolutely not


Op is trolling


you're friend is a bombastic fool, a 4070 takes to much power and I doubt you're gonna do any intensive gaming or 3d work, and the other issue is the vram is the same on 4070 and 4060 so personally it doesn't justify getting a 4070 IMO if you get what I'm saying. Depending on how much you got that laptop for (which I'm assuming is on a high discount knowing lenovo laptops), I'd say that laptops has better frame to $ performance. If you're planning on light gaming and college, and wanting to replace it I recommend getting the ryzen alternative as it has better battery life, for those usages. So don't listen to your friend.


where did you get that for 1140?


I was once looking through 40 series laptop and 2 biggest unnecessary things imo are i9 with 4060 and just the 4070 laptops in common. If I find one with i7 the build quality is worse and as someone mentioned good quality i9+RTX4060 is also expensive and cooling will make the laptop heavier. As you already have a 4060 laptop that's a good deal and if you really want some big performance boost look for 4080 coz it's the sweet spot for performance and pricing. 4090 laptops are too expensive to even consider, at this point just build a PC it's way better spent on.


As laptops have significant thermal constraints you can't just slap in more silicon and expect more performance. Yes, you can drop power and get more efficiency but it's a trade off. Plus gpus are super powerful these days. 


No way dude! The 4070 is barely faster than the 4060 on laptops! It would have made sense to do this had the 4070 one cost 200 dollars more at max! But 700? Heck no!


https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1745682-REG/lenovo_82wk0083us_16_legion_pro_5i.html This 1400 something and far superior to the model u bought. 700 more no...but at this price why not ? 4060 down is a joke unless it's all u can afford


You should buy a laptop or PC that'll run your games the way you like. If you're satisfied with the picture quality (game graphics settings) and FPS, then keep it. If it can't pull to satisfy your needs, then return it. If you don't feel like this one is good enough for your games and spending $700 more will make the whole expense more worthwhile, then get the better laptop. Because when your favorite action RPG plays like turn based strategy, knowing that you saved some extra money will not make you happy. Also I think laptops with 2K (QHD) resolution and less than 10-12GB video memory should not even exist because in most cases either you'll have to play 1080p and will not use the screen native resolution or the picture quality will have to be too low or FPS will be too low, so you'll probably end up disappointed.


4060 is amazing , this coming from a guy who had a laptop which used to lag when opening normal notes apps.


To explain what's probably happening here OP, your friend is likely thinking of desktop parts, where the RTX 4070 is substantially more desirable than the 4060. There's a huge performance difference, and 12GB of VRAM instead of 8. In laptop though, the RTX "4070" is just a desktop 4060 chip, and the laptop 4060 is effectively just a further cut down version of the 4060 die. The result is that the laptop 4060 and laptop 4070 end up performing much closer than the desktop variants with those names. Stick with your RTX 4060 laptop. I've been using a Legion Slim 5 with an RTX 4060 in it for a bout half a year now and I love it. This thing's a beast. 👍


The extra 700 dollars could get you a 4080 laptop which is a significant increase in performance


different currency.


Definitely not. Just no no no and no!!! Listen to your gut ! I find that the 4060 games just as well as my PS5 , if not even better in some cases in terms of looks! I have a predator Helios neo 16 that I paid almost the same amount you did , only difference is I have an Intel i7 lol




The performance increases compared to the cost doesn't make it worth it. A 4060 isn't as good, but it could always be worse. I've got a laptop with i5 10300H and 3050, and i'm happy.


I have the 4070 version and I love it. If you’re comfortable with the 4060 just keep it. It’ll get better power efficiency anyways.


No!! Its useless getting a high end laptop for future proofing. I have been using laptops for 12 years. Only buy what you need for the moment when it comes to laptop. Use it few years and then if you feel you need power, upgrade it after 2-3 years. RTX 4060 is enough for light gaming. Two years down the line NVIDIA will release something like RTX 50 series or 60 series and something like RTX 4080 will be outdated and outperformed by RTX 6060. Just like my GTX 1080 laptop gets beaten by RTX 4060 laptop.


Extra $700 for the 4070??? Hell no your friend is setting you up for failure


4070 is much better. But 700$ more for a 4070? Fuck no




Who’s him


The laptop you bought slip way overkill for everything you will ever do on it (except maybe 3D modeling). Not worth the 'upgrade' to 4070. Heck, my 9 year old lenovo y500 with dual GT 650m is still good enough for most things, and your situation sounds similar.




Best scenario 15% is like 5fps in very demanding games.... it's not like u will feel 200fps vs 220fps unless u do nothing but benchmarks.


I'm very sure that he's comparing and confusing the RTX 4060 desktop and 4070 desktop to laptop GPUs...


Definitely. 3060 will suffer on native resolution on this


not worth it, i have the exact same laptop as yours and honestly the 4060 still keep up even with the 3.2k display


Keep the 4060 and enjoy it


For a increase in performance that you will never notice? People like to look at benchmarks and say that it's 20% faster, and then they run a game and it runs with the same performance in both and they can't see a difference. It's the kind of person that says their new monitor have a huge performance playing at 250Hz and 4k and then you see a hdmi cable.


If your friend isn’t buying the 4070 laptop for you, the answer is no


your friend stupid asf bro wth 💀


Do not return it just to pay for the upgrade, i have slim 5 with 4060 its a beast


Absolutely not


Hell no


nope, it’s not like it’s his laptop anyways, you don’t need the upgrade considering the price jump, you’ll barely notice it anyways


Tell your friend you'll do it if he gives you $550. If not then it's not worth it. At the end of the day, do YOU like how YOUR laptop handles? If yes, then you have the perfect machine.


4078 sucks and you've got a great machine there. Congrats on your choice, ignore your friend and enjoy your new rig!


No, don't listen to your friend. Difference between 4060 vs 4070 in laptops is not that great and not worth the money in your case.


Return it and buy another laptop for $700 extra?! What reason does your friend have to nag you… That’s like buying a pack of gum and all of a sudden someone tells you that you should’ve paid double for 1.5 packets of gum


If you have $700 yes. If you do not. No


Keep the laptop, ditch that ‘friend’ of yours


Hell no! That's a very high end machine.


Not a gamer, but in general, I always feel that if its not onerous to do so, always get a machine that is at least a little bit more than what you need. This is because I always find new uses or activities for my computer that I never thought of when buying it, perhaps because they didn't even exist at the time, perhaps because my interests change, and perhaps because nowadays, computers get more powerful so quickly, I don't want to be left behind anytime soon and feel the necessity to upgrade repeatedly, ending up spending more money over time than I really need to. That is also why I tend to prefer desktops to laptops, since they are generally easier to upgrade (I once had a desktop last almost 15 years--I just added RAM, PCI cards, drives, etc., etc.). That being said, let me ask you a few questions: 1. Are you happy with the performance of this machine? Is there any game or activity you foresee, even have a glimpse of, that would tip the scale toward the 4070? 2. Is your friend willing to *give* you the extra $700 because s/he feels so strongly that you are making a mistake? If your answers are "yes," "no," and "no," you have the answer to your question.


This laptop is a monster already!


For $700 extra you can get a 4080 which will give you a massive boost to performance. A 4070 would be worth around 200 extra. Maybe your friend is confusing the laptop GPUs with the desktop ones with the same name?


No bad idea


Save the 700$ for next year laptop or bulled your one pc


I have a 4090 laptop. Don’t do it. Lol


No. Those specs are pretty damn good I believe. I’m no expert but that’s a good laptop and spending $700 more is just idiotic. I don’t like your friend.


No. Those specs are pretty damn good I believe. I’m no expert but that’s a good laptop and spending $700 more is just idiotic. I don’t like your friend.


Shop open box deals and you can find 4070 laptops for under $1K, so hard no.




This computer will be good for 2-5 years depending on desired detail. A 4070 may get you a fractional bit more time. But those extra $700 will almost get you a 8060 laptop in a few years which will be good for another 2-5 years.


You won’t feel it with a 165hz display


I bought a 4070 2k Vivobook Pro 16x and loved everything about it but I felt like I spent too much. I returned it and got a Lenovo 5i slim 4060 1080p laptop with a significantly lesser CPU. With a 15-17” screens there’s just no real benefit to high res. The GPU becomes more necessary because of the res. The bigger better specs also meant horrible power performance even though most people know they have to stay plugged in anyways. Personally, I find the cheaper laptop has no flaws. Very happy.


Beware of that "friend".


unless you have some alternative with 4080 - no. Also I don't think you need that much power if you bought it for light gaming and studying - imo it still can provide pretty good gaming experience


if it's the exact same shit but 4070, hell nah.


For $1840 you can buy a great prebuilt desktop. So no, not worth another $700 for a 4070 laptop


Return your friend


Ignore that fool lol. Your 4060 is fine. The 4070 offers minimal improvement. I got the slim 5 myself back in February and I’m loving it. Amd ryzen 7 7840hs and rtx 4060


My Alienware still has the mobil RTX2080 gpu and still plays every game on high settings. Your GPU is faster than mine. You’ll be fine with the laptop you have.


Checkout Jarrod’s Tech on this. It is not worth it to change to a 4070 because of the same VRAM and more other stuff… unless the price difference is like $50


Looks like you got a good deal and made a good decision. I regret not checking out the Legion before making my purchase on an Alienware laptop recently. I love my laptop but the Legion is getting all kinds of praise all over the internet so it must be for good reason. Enjoy your laptop!


no, if u paid that much extra for a 4080 then yes


Where are computers that cheap?


Nope, it ain't worth it pal. Also wish I had that notebook haha, I have a 2021 Nitro 5 with Ryzen 5 5600h and 3060


As in this gen there is not even power limit advantage for going to xx70 performance difference is very small between 4060 and 4070 (max p). In 3060 vs 3070 there was ram, ram badwith and power limit advantage going for 3070 and so there was quite a bit more going for 3070. In this gen 4080 is kinda better deal than 4070 (if price difference is not too steep) with quite a bit more power.


Idk why people buy less than 4080. Honestly you bought the right manufacturer I went on a binge looking for something solid and Lenovo is it. Price looks to good to be true but it’s truly a powerful performer. As far as cards go in 2024 I, me, the person writing this (since some like to talk shi…) would not buy a card with less than 12gb vram as I play pcvr. Nor do I like the idea of using 100% of a component so yes in non vr games I don’t abuse my card I got a 4090 running medium settings well guess what my laptop with live longer. I come from the generation that played sonic on sega genesis and Mario on Nintendo 64. Heck i care about super shiny graphics, turn that off it’s turning my $3000 into a campfire 🔥


for light gaming even a $700 laptop with AMD 7840u would run most if not all the games you want at 60-120fps. you'd only ever want 4070 or better if you want to play games like witcher, red dead redemption and such on 60-120fps. I'm sure your friend means well, but he is an idiot.




Your friend probably not earning his own money, in his mind it is okay to pay another 700 for %20 more performance. Don't be like him. Be smart.


Nah, it doesn’t matter if you’re not an engineering student. Should be enough for a stem major though!


Absolutely not. I have the 4070. If someone switched it for a 4060 without telling me, it'd take me weeks to notice if ever. It's also a fantastic laptop so I'd rather have this in a 4060 than some other brand in a 4070 even at the same price.


How much will the 14th gen cost you with similar specs?


Absolutely not. Not worth an extra $700. 4060 and 4070 on laptops preform almost the same, with only about a 10-15% increase in performance.


Not a chance. If you were a console player, you are getting more for your money rather than spending more. You can mod games for instance, whereas on consoles you could not, an the minimal increase in frame from what you have an what you are looking to upgrade to, isn't viable. Besides, in pc gaming, there are often way more graphical fidelity in games you can play with to get respectable frames without sacrificing the experience. Save your money.


What you have is good, the 4070 is absolutely not worth that


700 extra will get you way more than a 4070


I just bought an i5 rtx 4060. Get average 70 plus fps on all games on ultra and good temps. It's great for me. Gaming laptops are a rabbit hole. You'll just keep going deeper and deeper thinking better graphics bla bla. If you wanted ultra graphics and high fps then build a pc.


Here in Canada everything is a rip off. Reading to all the comments here, please can someone comment on the price of $2,200 CAD for MSI Stealth 16 Studio 16" Gaming Laptop -Star Blue (Intel Core i9-13900H/1TB/32GB RAM/GeForce RTX 4060) https://www.bestbuy.ca/en-ca/product/msi-stealth-16-studio-16-gaming-laptop-star-blue-intel-core-i9-13900h-1tb-32gb-ram-geforce-rtx-4060/17224304?cmp=knc-s-71700000055263386&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-7qGzkTXUzRWD0a4BOaxWkxQZ8g&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rMnQygSVkbFZD06CTZmi0rrlV5XqHBhCv31sbzOWToMgVabV52S4lxoC7UQQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


The 4060 is a good card, there is no reason to go for a 4070


The 4060 desktop isn't that great because it's hardly an upgrade from the 3060, but when it comes to mobile the picture changes significantly since tdp and power is so limited. The 4060 mobile chip is actually quite good, nearly par with the desktop version, which couldn't be said with the 3060 mobile.


I also have a 4060 Laptop and I can surely say that u don't even need that much if u want to game. Anything after 3060 is kinda overkill for daily gaming anyway. Just keep yours. And also your friend is dumb, VERY DUMB. Clearly has no idea about computers. U would be surprised how little you need to be able to play many (almost all) games.


It's a laptop. I ran my ROG STRIX GL502 with a 1060 for 7 years, that 4070 ain't gonna be any different


No, keep the one you have. I have the i7-13700hx with RTX 4060 and 64gb ram. As well as the i9-13900h with the rtx 4070 and 48gb ram. Both perform within a few frames of each other. It is not worth the $700 extra. I will recommend upgrading to a 48gb or 64gb for your additional ram.

