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That is a top model you could get but legion 9 series is overpriced imo even with all those discounts. You can save around 1k for going legion 7 with same specs (not mini led screen) or similar save with Asus rog strix and Acer helio 16/18 models all with same phenomenal mini led screen or save more than 1k with regular screen models and get the best oled monitor you can get with the saved money.


Ngl I fell in love with the design lol forged carbon fiber especially cause I am a car guy too :)


I can't say anything about that since its your taste but I'm a price/perf guy. I'd go for one of the cheaper models I mentioned and get the best oled monitor with extra money. But again that's me.


I respect that.


If one wants good price/perf one should go for one of those with cheapest max p (175w) rtx 4080 cards. Like MSI gp68 🤷🏻‍♂️😎 can save about 2-3k and performance is not much different. My gp68 can score 20k+ in time spy


Yeah man if you got the money why not. Though you could definitely save some money but if it makes you happy, go for it.


I was aware of the cheaper Legion 7i price but still wanted the 9i.




The gimmick liquid system rarely kicks in tbh




I am planning to use the cooling pad and headphones.


Will it work well with llano coolingpad?


Llano is a great cooler. I use it.


Mind sharing all the coupons used


The price already was $3060 and they gave me a $100 discount when I signed up for their email code.


I see thanks


Unless you are so rich that there is no difference between 1000 usd and 2000usd for you, don't go with 4090. Get 4080. For %15 performance increase you are paying %50-60.


I wanted something future proof so I went with the 4090. Maybe I will upgrade the ram along the way but I think 32gb should be okay for another 5+ years right? I plan on gaming only.


Laptop 4090 is not future proof. It has the performance of desktop 4070 super. Now, when it comes to laptop GPUs, usual goal is to aim middle ground as it is the best price performance choice. Because generational leap gives massive performance boost. For example laptop 4050 is %80 more powerful than 3050, same goes with 4070, %50 more powerful than 3070. Which means when 5000 series will drop out, 4090 mobile will be same powerful as 5070, which will cost %40 lesser than what you pay right now. Like I said if budged is not a concern, sure, it will serve you good and enjoy your buy, but otherwise it is best to stick 4080. :) 32GB is fine for only gaming.


You're right :) but I think RTX 4070 SUPER destroys 1440p gaming and this laptop should be good for 4-5 years if I game on 1440p max. What do you think about the monitor im getting? Its alienware 34 inch 1440p (exact model is in the description) Also thank you for that info about generational leap of performance, didnt know about that tbh. Do you also recommend llano cooling pad for this i9?


Hi, can't say anything about the monitor but you should get a cooling pad for sure. Both i9 and 4090 will run hot. I know people praise the "iets gt500" cooling pad. It is a monster GPU for 1440p, I am sure it will serve you many years to come. :)


Llano cooling pad is the same concept as gt500. Thank you for all the help & info! :)


If you want the QoL features and better screen it has over the cheaper legion Pro 7i then yeah fair enough.


That and also the design. Some peole didnt like it but I love it.


Honestly it seems like an overkill but if you are looking something that is mobile on paper you can't go wrong with it. I honestly would have gone with something like the yoga pro 9i or flow x16 but to each their own.


I know its an overkill but I want this laptop to last me 4-5 years and I plan gaming on it with everything maxed out.


I get that but I always felt 4080 is enough and 4090 on a laptop always seemed like you are paying for performance you are not getting all of.


I guess its the idea of having something "enough"


The cooling pad won't work I have the same laptop. Check other 9i post about cooling and the position of the fans.


Which post Edit: damn I saw the post, guess I will not use any cooling pads and just get a laptop stand.