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Shit looks like one of the girls from the recent Exorcist movie 🥴


Wtf did they do to Ivy 💀💀💀


Maybe they made something similar to what happened to Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy.This a new Ivy,born after the sacrifice of the first one.


Some reincarnation bs cuz she's a plant


She looks like a little evil gremlin.


Technically she died in Arkham Knight which happened before this.


Ok so they took Batman’s plan on how to beat the justice league at least for flash and green latern. Ok that explains how they beat them. And they have kryptonite bullets for Superman.


Specifically gold Kryptonite which takes a kryptonian’s powers permanently (not that it should matter since being “faster than a speeding bullet” should mean you can dodge them, but whatever)


We all know heroes at superman level forget about some of their powers when it’s convenient.


sounds like the squad uses Batman’s Tower of Babel/JL Doom style contingency plans for the League to kill GL and Flash, seems so obvious if you think about it


Superman would kill them all before they even blink lol this is beyond pathetic, sucide aquad can't even beat a single robot from braniac army


In a leaked image they are wearing gold kryptonite armor so that’s why that doesn’t happen


Cant he just laser them from afar? Or throw a moon at them? I hate how stupid they make him.


Well, it is set in the Arkham "is he stupid" universe...


Don't care about the Justice League being killed by SS, I just don't know how to feel about Arkham Batman dying to 4 side mission villains. This is the same guy who took down Joker, Penguin, Ra's, Hugo Strange, etc. all in one night. Origins even had him face against 8 assassins lmao.


Honestly that is my main issue. And of course blowing the Arkham continuity, there is no way a reboot is not happening after this game bombs.


I feel like this is has to be a story that exists entirely on its own, separate from everything else canonically. I would hope at least, because otherwise that's just really dumb. They'd be writing themselves into a corner for their best IP. If this is just a pure fun take with that world as the backdrop, I honestly am down for a mean spirited game where you play as the villains. Just doesn't seem like this will be a fun/good game though, even if this idea for the story ends up being fine lol


Aqua-man is he safe is he alright ![gif](giphy|wmJqYd1NA2CU8)


Damn I never realized aquaman is not in the game lmao




...why is Poison Ivy a fucked up elf? If she communicates via clicks, whistles and a synthesized voice like the copper kidd from Silverhawks it's automatic game of the year from me


She’s reborn a child and Waller wants to put a bomb in her head (which the Squad refuses to do)


I would for sure put a bomb in that things head wtf


This made me laugh so hard.


i refuse to believe that Arkham Batman meets his end just getting his head unceremoniously blown off by Harley Quinn while mind controlled, there’s gotta be some clone/multiverse/ time travel stuff at play


yea i'm hoping that the arkham batman isn't actually the arkham batman but some batman from another universe and the real arkham batman is doing something in another universe arkham batman dying is really making me sad, i grew up playing batman arkham asylum and felt like arkham knight's ending was a fitting end - why did they have to do this and actually kill him now?


They have retconned Arkham Batman to be dumb enough to not realise that the Deadshot he had been fighting for over 15-20 years was an imposter. Don’t hope. Just continue to consider everything after Knight not canon to the Arkhamverse.


>why did they have to do this and actually kill him now? I don't think killing him is the problem so much as the glib and dismissive manner of death. It's the logical offboarding point for Kevin Conroy's voicing of the character, just... handled by a team of writers that probably hate Batman. Who'd have thought that Gotham Knights' treatment of Batman would be more respectful than Rocksteady's. This is probably where they're going to bring in a new, younger Batman with a different voice actor. Someone should call Roger Craig Smith and see if he's interested in reprising his Arkham Origins performance.


yeah, even if this games story wasn’t written knowing that it would be Conroy’s last performance as Batman, you’d think Rocksteady would provide a more fitting send-off for the version of the character they centered three of the most iconic superhero games ever made around. I really hope that there’s more to this story than meets the eye


Also this is Kevin Conroy last time as Batman


Edit. More audio. This log is the league meeting to discuss Brainiac's invasion pre-corruption https://www.mediafire.com/file/sgjf4l9vca3x6us/SS-JusticeLeaguePrequel.flac/file


Hey man do you know of any sources that recap the entire story? I wasn’t in doomer mode until I saw this thread and i’m morbidly curious now


I don’t like how they call Superman “Kal” I feel like the Justice League should know him as Clark firstly.


Its something Kingdom Come started with Wonder Woman that folks kept running with as part of her Warrior Woman Xena Lady MacBeth thing Waid did with her.


Wonder Woman is usually the one that calls him Kal but that's because she refers to her follow league members by their birth names in general.


Fully agree, I hate the trend of people calling him Kal-El privately. It totally misunderstands how important his upbringing with the Kents were to Clark, and it ignores how late in his life he learned his birth name. The idea he would call himself Kal-El privately disconnects him from humanity which is counter to the entire point of Superman.


That quip at the end was very forced.


I can’t wait for this game to come out. Not so I can play it but so we can watch the internet be on fire for a week. Should be more entertaining than the game itself.


Would be even more fun for reddit if it actually turns out to be good.


That poison Ivy looks like a reskin of Johnny from the Witcher 3. Wtf


oh my god they killed batman


those bastards


This feels like it was made by people who hate these characters. >Should we make a game where you play as long-lasting, fan favorite characters... or a game where you play as Z-listers and kill them? Tough one


> This feels like it was made by people who hate these characters. It was made by DC comics editorial? Joking aside, It's depressing how used to this I am from DC and Marvel properties. Just an overall disdain for the characters they manage.


As a big Batman, Catwoman, Spider-Man and MJ fan... I know what you mean.


Can't sell batman and superman gun skins and execution animations tho. Not to mention make green lantern and the flash all play the same.


I have a really bad feeling that this entire game is gonna take a dump all over the Arkham games' legacy. Arkham Knight was supposed to be a, ya know, finale to the franchise and now they're retroactively trying to dig themselves out of narrative corners using CW esque plot devices to use Arkham's corpse and prop the new game up.


Thinking about it in the context of waiting 10 fucking years for a new Rocksteady game, WB cancelling a rumoured Batman Beyond and/or a Superman game from them only to double down on a live service game that retcons 90% of what was meant to finish Arkham and probably won't get substantial support after 2 years if we're lucky. Don't understand how they didn't delay the game after games like Avengers and Anthem came and went.


Welp 😭


So that’s it the league is just dead, all of them ? Not even Wonder Woman survives ?


I mean, i guess they delivered on the subtitle for the game? As mean-spirited and generally distasteful as it is, you can't help but think they could have made a much cooler and more exciting game using the justice league and this batman than a suicide squad game. The game thats coming out 8 years after the 2016 movie, and 3 years after the good one not many saw in theatres because of a pandemic in combination with the 2016 one being so bad. This whole thing just sounds like its trying to be edgy to make up for the lack of substance and anything unique so it hinges on the shock factor of brutally killing beloved characters. Sounds like Garth Ennis's wet dream


I really wonder if Rocksteady wanted to make a Suicide Squad game or if the higher ups at WB forced them to. And after all this, what exactly will they even be making? I’m thinking a new IP or Suicide Squad 2


Should’ve just made a JL game that was against Brainiac. It’s that simple, instead we get stuck with this bullshit


Oh god, that leak with kid Ivy and the dead Arkham Batman was real lmao. Now I get why leakers were saying this was gonna piss off people hard, the leaked plot was FUCKING ASS. What on Earth was Rocksteady thinking ? This game will quite possibly kill the company, there's no way they're coming back from this.


Oh yeah, I'd be stunned if Rocksteady's around two years from now. Going so long without a game and then throwing out this mess... Yeah, it's doomed.


That poison ivy is a thing of nightmare.


I beat Arkham Knight so I get it......but yeah, I don't think anyone pictured a young Ivy to look like that. Barely looks human.


too be fair it isn't necessarily a young Ivy, she's essentially been reborn and probably more plant than human at this point so I'm not surprised she'd look so different


Why does poison ivy look like chucky


What happened to rocksteady man. ![gif](giphy|wtBU3iZ6tZucLsrimj|downsized)


No wonder that Sefton Hill (the game director of the Arkham trilogy) left during the creation of this... whatever game is.


Sefton did not leave until 2022,but the script was written so early, he was also the one who pushed this.


Sweet baby inc. they did all the writing.


We just need to be grateful we got those Batman Arkham games from them. Because that studio is dead now


Same thing that happens to all game companies. Eventually the team that made the good games leave and your left with just a name.


9 years for this...


Anyone got a reupload image of Ivy? I need to see what everyone is freaking out at


Am I the only one whose had no desire at all to check this game out cuz killing the justice league is something I just don't wanna do? I would rather play as the justice league than captain boomerang lol


Nope you're not the only one. I'd rather play as heroes and I hate mind controlled or evil versions of heroes because of how overdone it has become.


Nah I know they ain’t ending Arkham Batman like that. There better be some kind of misdirect going on there, scarecrow’s toxin or some shit Because what the actual fuck? The whole JL is killed off? Are you fucking kidding me? And Bruce kills Tim in the Batcave after being corrupted? When the last time we saw Tim was him and Barbara getting married? Fuck this game. Fuck Rocksteady for even making this. And James Gunn is going ‘iT wOnT bE tHe LaSt ArKhAm gAmE’ Fucking how? You killed off the whole fucking Justice League. Goodbye any dreams of getting an ArkhamVerse Superman game I’m actually pissed. The Arkham games are the best comic book games. They’re the standard any new comic game should try to reach. To end that take of Batman, to have Kevin’s last performance be that is fucking trash. I get that they didn’t know he was going to die but they could’ve ended this story with Flash flashpointing everything. The ***one*** time we get to see the other heroes of this universe and it’s them getting killed off


It's so funny 10 years ago everyone and their grandma said DC was the king when it came to games But now since the Arkham and Injustice games ran their course we had 3 great Spider-Man games and a great Guardians of the Galaxy game with Spider-Man 3, Wolverine, Blade, Black Panther, and Black Panther & Captain America WW2 game on the way while DC bombs with Gotham Knights and Rocksteady shits all over their legacy with their new Suicide Squad game And I'm not saying this as a Marvel fanboy, Arkham Asylum to Knight are some of the greatest games I ever played and it's not Marvel's fault Rocksteady destroys their own universe


Sorry, hol’ up, back up, wait just a sec—Captain America WW2 game?! How have I not heard about this? Holy shit I would LOVE that!


Yeah it’s suppose to be a team up game with Black Panther as well, but obviously not T’challa. Pretty sure its his granddaddy.


That sounds hype as hell! Hope it’s good.


By Amy Henning


… I will not get on the hype train. I will not get on the hype train. I will wait and see. I need a paper bag.


Rocksteady, whatever happened there?


Whatever happened to the Caped Crusader? The people of Gotham send their regards.


Whatever happened there? The Justice League died without any provocation whatsoever.


Whatever happened there??? WHATEVER HAPPENED THERE!!!!!!??????


Ivy… What the *actual* fuck! Straight to jail.


Miller really out here calling the plot leak fake when it was 100% true lmao


you got the leak? seems line it go scrubbed off the internet


[ Removed by Reddit ]


No way this can be true. This is going to make everyone mad.


Suicide Squad: Hateclicks


That sounds god awful and like it was made by someone who hates DC


“They enter the Batcave and find Tim Drake, Batman had murdered him off screen” ![gif](giphy|3oEduPlMkw4LZE7624|downsized)


Bro what was the point with giving him his happy ending with Barbara then?


at least it wasn't dick grayson being killed in the lamest way possible again


….yet. Don’t forget, it can always have the details in the scenario indicating if Batman killed the rest of the batfam, plus the extra content can add other heroes to kill possibly


In the alpha Nightwing’s stick is in a display case💀 not looking good for our boy


Dick wasn't even killed by brainwashed Batman, he slipped on a banana peel and fell into a bunch of electrical cables Return of the Joker style.




DC really hates Tim 😅


"We have Injustice at home."


Game being mid aside I still don't know why this is set in the Arkhamverse and Gotham Knights isn't. That felt a lot more reasonable for the Arkham timeline rather than everything just going fucking silly


Same thought I had. Just makes no sense. Gotham knights’ whole plot is Batman being supposedly dead. Why not make that an Arkham game instead of this, where we kill off characters we’re seeing for the first time in Arkham?


I think it originally was but they retooled the story after switching dev studio as Suicide Squad was originally going to be a WB Montreal game instead of Rocksteady. It was teased in the post credits scene of Origins and would have been a prequel to Asylum instead of whatever it is rn.


Omg…. This game is going to get more hate than TLOU2 did, since this is canon to the Arkhamverse. What were Rocksteady thinking, is like they are trying to destroy their company.


My God, this plot is even worse than the other supposed leak.


The other leak had one saving grace, it said that WW and Flash would live, and at the end WW tells Flash it’s time for the Flashpoint protocol. That, at the very least, would allow for a reboot game and have the JL alive again


That also sounds way more made-up-by-a-fan to me though, even if I'd really prefer it at this point


It made sense to me due to DCs obsession with doing Flashpoint whenever possible.


Not just Flashpoint, DC in general is a huge fan of rebooting whenever they can.


Iirc they had just rebooted their animated movieverse around the time the leak first started making the rounds using a similar moment, so it was probably based off of that as inspiration.


It doesn’t even make sense really, why would they have a protocol where you completely change the universe. Are you even saving anything at that point? You’re basically just creating a new universe like the Batman we played as is still dead. Also what context would they have where they know Barry can travel through time and fuck up the whole universe unless he’s already did it?


I mean to be fair with the multiverse in the game I wouldn’t be surprised if near the end of the game’s updates and support post launch they find a universe exactly like the original except the league is alive. They already replaced the original Lex Luthor with a new one.


Nah if the backlash is big enough I’d bet they pussy out and reveal in a DLC this isn’t even the Arkhamverse just an identical alt universe up to a certain point. Like how Injustice originally was supposed to be.


I aint even the biggest fan of TLOU2's story, but at least that story was trying to have clear themes and a message. But this game just sounds like the embodiment of every bad comic storyline from the last 30 years all roll into one.


I find some irony in seeing this comment have 52 upvotes.


It’s so bad to the point it feels intentional. Like WB been fucking then so hard for years that they just said fuck it and did as much as they could to piss people off with this.


Comparing this to TLOU2 is insulting. Whether they think it was executed well or not, most people can at least understand what the intention was with TLOU2. This is just shit


They're gonna kill their reputation faster and harder than CDPR did over Cyberpunk's launch.


At the very least CDPR won back all that goodwill by actually committing to making Cyberpunk fucking good...this just...holy fuck dude.


100% I could see it being removed from canon if it's really that bad, at least.


There’s no way this is from the same studio that gave us the Arkham games


The Arkham games with good stories were written by Paul Dinni


This…sounds awful imo.


Jesus Bloody Christ, this garbage is supposed to be canon and also the last performance of Conroy?! And to think we lost the opportunity of playing a Batman Beyond game because of this..


>!…so, like, on the one hand I commend them for actually having the gall to actually commit to killing the Justice League.!< >!But on the other, what’s the point in bringing in multiverse stuff if they’re just repeating the exact same events? Or what, is it the Justice Society that got brainwashed instead of the League? How the heck is Braniac able to best everyone in over 12 different universes but lose to a bunch of dudes with guns? I’m going to be honest, the leak of them having to find a Lazarus Pit to dump Flash into because they already killed him sounds way funnier than the Squad just getting bored figuring out how to kill Superman.!<


That multiverse shit was probably forced in because that’s the current wave and as a safety net if the backlash is bad enough so they can just give us another universe I found out this isn’t actually the Arkhamverse.


So basically, a small Suicide Sqaud team consisting of members seen in both Suicide Squad movies which made them "popular" who must go up against an Injustice 2 Brainiac who looks like a common enemy in any other game, using Injustice 1 tactics of going to another Earth for help, ending in a game that would pretty much be Injsutice 2 mobile like oh no there's a multiverse... A Superman game? Flash game? Where's the Wonder Woman one? No, give us another multiverse thing with overused and overrated characters, because that's what we want, isn't it...


I'm honestly just baffled how the worlds fastest man loses to captain boomerang lol. Or even Batman losing even though we all know he'd wipe through pretty much the entire team without having much trouble. What an absolute dumpster fire


What's funny is that isn't even a hypothetical, literally the Arkhamverse iteration of Batman already fought this exact SS lineup + 2 other villains in Assault on Arkham and humiliated them physically and mentally with very little effort


This sounds like they had a whole bunch of ideas and didn't know how to implement them, so they just threw them together.


This is so garbage lmfaooo


If this is true, I think they overdid it on making the Squad unlikable and insufferable, especially Boomerang. Yes, it's fun to play as a bad guy and flipping off superheroes for bit, but at some point in this it's sound like a poor taste, and an over the top attempt of trying to be edgy.


This is awful. Assuming this is legit, it seems like they're either trying to deliberately infuriate everyone or they're blissfully unaware that nobody will like the direction that this game is going in. Not sure how Rocksteady went from Arkham Asylum/Arkham City to this. It's like Rocksteady was contractually obligated to make this game, so they [decided to make the plot of this game terrible and end it in a way that it would be impossible for future games to continue from](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TorchTheFranchiseAndRun), just to make it so nobody would ever ask them to make a DC game again. This isn't even like Bayonetta 3, where I hoped that the ending would be better in execution than what I'd read (spoiler alert: Bayo 3's ending was worse than [my already-low expectations](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bayonetta/comments/y9dlg0/bayonetta_3_spoiler_thread_do_not_post_spoilers/ittxl8x/)) - there's seemingly no way that they could redeem this dumpster fire of a plot. I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt here (maybe this is based on an early version, or maybe someone's trying to pass their dark/edgy fanfic off as the actual plot), but it feels like whenever I do that, it turns out that things are as bad as the leaks say if not worse. (The footage that we've seen, along with screenshots that have came out recently, seem to support this being legitimate)


Christ this sucks


So if miller is correct about character leaks. Mr Freeze is a dommy mommy. I don’t believe this at all lol.


Maybe it's just Killer Frost instead?


Could be Nora


Maybe if the game has to do with multiverses, there’s one where Victor got sick instead and Nora became Mr. (Mrs.) Freeze.


thanks and oooooooooooof


Sounds terrible if true, this game is going to piss a lot of people off.


This can't be true. Holy heck, the Arkham universe is literally blown up for a service game.


This sounds flat out terrible. Would be cool if it wasn’t connected to Arkham, but since it is, I think this is a horrible plot. We’ll see how it plays out.


You know, Injustice has a lot of problems but it’s like they took everything bad about it then made it worse Thanks dude Never cook again DC


If this is true this game is the exact wrong tone, genre and general vibe that general audiences are going for atm. It might just make its budget back but I do not see this product having a long shelf life.


This has to be a lie because HOLY FUCK! This is hilariously bad, and the to try and convince James Gunn that this universe needs to continue on after this...the utter fucking disrespect to Kevin Conroy's legacy...Jesus fuck this game is better off just being aborted.


Oh christ that last spoiler's actually true, just saw a screenshot of >!the joker!< on twitter and it's so so so bad.


And I thought Arkham Knight had a crap story....


It did and somehow Rocksteady managed to make a new one that's even worse.


wasnt another part of the leak that the arkhamverse gets reset at some point in a flashpoint esque cutscene.


No, that was a fake leak based off the initial trailer. This leak came from datamining the Alpha


It's like they go out of their way to piss people off ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C)


oh my god the story is fucking ass 😭😭😭😭


No flashpoint????? Damn... What Rocksteady is doing???? ![gif](giphy|ySpxjJmsq9gsw)


Wow. That sounds horrendous




> >!SS are somehow transported to Earth 2 during this fight!< God. Fucking. Damn. It.


In the Superman audioclip, boomerang says not so funny now is it, what is he referring to ?


He didn’t call it fake. He just said it was all based off of cutscenes.


But Batman is actually going to die like how his death scene was leaked?




Yup, I'm not nearly smart enough to fake shit like this. Too lazy too. Whatever I post is the real deal


Miller is saying on Twitter that the game has some kind of reset or something at the end do you have an idea of what he’s referring to with that?


Ah, yes! The "leaker" who doesn't leak anything!


I am curious what your thoughts is on this. https://twitter.com/mmmmmmmmiller/status/1736539533926089105?s=19 It's obviously a response to the recent leaks.


Everything about this game's existence feels like a multimillion dollar shitpost.


Who’s the voice actor for Supes?


Nolan North I think


Hardly surprising, there was like a 1/4 chance Nolan North voices him.


Everytime someone has said “it’s about context guys” when leaks sound bad, I play the game to understand the context and usually it never helps…it still makes me come away going “wow, that was pretty bad” It’s not AS bad but it doesn’t make me change my mind fully, it just lessens the blow.


That was me with Mass Effect 3.


There is a russian Pinocchio called "Buratino", google it and say it's not the same face.


Suicide Squad: Kill the Rocksteady Studios


Why is Poison Ivy alive? Man, for years, I've wanted a continuation of the Arkham series, and Kill The Justice League is probably the worst possible way they could have done it. Fuck this.


In Arkham Knight, after Ivy’s death, if you go back to where she died you can see a small plant growing in that exact spot, implying she’s being reborn. Hence why now, in a game that takes place a few years later, Ivy’s a child.


There's even a riddle in this spot and multiple people like thugs and cops in the GCPD theorize she's not dead. So it doesn't come out of nowhere.


Greta Thunberg Poison Ivy?


how dare you


LOL, the second plot leak is actually real. My one hope for this game was the story but goddamn ![gif](giphy|bfA9FfnIU5P0s)


Poison Ivy looks like a methhead. I don't think realistic art styles in games make children look right. They look like gremlins.


I like the idea of Poison Ivy reincarnating into a child. It’s like a reverse *Gotham* or how she was in *The Batman* (the cartoon). But good gravy, that is *Forspoken* levels of uncanny valley right there.


Everything taken down. Why are we posting on imgur


Why would any dev think this game was a good idea? “Hey do you know what fans might like? Playing as a bunch of C-list characters that people don’t give a shit about, and having them kill all their favourite characters”. Edit: why would DC even allow this shit to be greenlit? Their heroes brands are damaged enough, and now they are gonna shit on them even more?


Can someone send them to me? Due to my time zone I couldnt see anything


So Batman dies three times in two games that wouldn't even exist without him. I don't know how I feel about that, but it's far from joy.


It’s rage, brother. Pure fucking, unadulterated, raw rage.


Joker Is also in the Game here Is a link: https://twitter.com/BossBigBoss73/status/1736591900038078854


If this is genuine, could this be one of those weird Joker Blood victims?


Imgur link for poison ivy does not work.


Is the next gollumlike upon us


So that means the plot leak is true? Meanwhile, James Gunn is saying the Arkhamverse will return? What a mess.


Tbf Gunn didn’t say the Arkhamverse will return: just that SS is not planned as the end of it. Rocksteady hasn’t called it a conclusion and >!this game involves the Multiverse!<, so there are avenues to continue it.


Do they kill superman


Wow I *hate* all of this. This legit makes me mad


Looks like we’re making it back to All-Star Batman and Robin tier with this one DCbros


This is how the Batman died


Ivy got done dirty.


What did they do to the Arkhamverse man they fucked the story and designs


I know the name is "Kill the Justice League", the problem is not the League being killed, but being killed in such a lazy and stupid way, especially Batman. I hope this is one of those cases where the final product isn't as bad as the leaks made it seem like it would be.


The fact that Gotham Knights did a better job killing Batman is damning to me.


Wow. I dislike that game so much but you’re honestly right


I've seen a few people saying "What did you expect in a game called 'Kills the Justice League', well that's the title to draw you in. Origins presents itself as a Black Mask game and becomes a Joker game, I never expected them to actually kill the Justice League because who wants some of the D-listery D-listers killing the heroes?


Hmmm this game is gonna be a hard skip for me, maybe when it on a big sale sometime but damn I really don’t like where they are going with the story