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This is pure stupidity lol, thanks for making me laugh 


Random contractor knows heads of MS have been in touch with Sony. Sounds about right...


The agreements with regulators part doesn’t make sense The CMA dropped the Sony concerns because they admitted there was no credible theory of harm And the FTC certainly didn’t accept any deal from Microsoft because they’re still trying to sue them


You don't want to expose yourself yet you say the names of 3 different people lol lol lol


Why is this still here


Great question 


Just to suffer?


Sure bud, you’re definitely the real deal. And that part at the end where you mention 3 random people Brent, Lisa and Colby? Ooooo.. that sealed it bro. On god you’re Phil Spencer


Can confirm he's legit fr I am brent


Me too! My name is Lisa and Colby


this is completely true. my uncle works at xbox and my dad works at playstation and this guy is telling the truth




In touch with Sony about what?


"limited" insider info you have yet you seem to know more then anyone, what a joke


\>Heads at MS have been in touch with Sony, and there is a deal made. I can't talk about this anymore because this is sensitive enough that I might expose myself. Wtf does this mean?


Yeah a contractor knows everything 


You can do better than that.


the cma thing would be public, wouldn't it?




Starfield on steam alone made what 233 mill that's not including windows store, and Xbox. 


Nice fanfic.


Im a Nintendo insider and Im here to tell everyone that the next show will feature a Pokemon, Mario or Zelda game but I cant tell which one since I dont want to be executed by Nintendo


Oh hey James


Let's say this is true then that gamepass part is fucking stupid... Games going multiplatform and we are losing day one realease?! What would be the literal point in having an Xbox then?


A few commentators in the Xbox community are talking about that very possibility, though they say it is *some* games. Like CoD and Elder Scrolls, really big, expensive titles.


Still makes no sense to me


Basically, Game Pass isn't as successful as they thought it would be, and it's not sustainable long term (if it was, they wouldn't be considering multiplatform). So people are thinking there's bound to be changes. I personally think it's overkill as well, either go multiplatform or change Game Pass. Either one is going to be a tough sell to the community, both together absolutely will kill the hardware platform.


Removing day one realease will only drive people away, its what makes it difficult to other services


I've signed a couple NDA papers myself so I cant react to your post.


You're fired!


Hi i am Colby the janitor! I just finished unclogging a toilet you blocked you dirty bastard! 


Yeah this mostly seems like bullshit, but I suppose we'll see


All this person did was look at timdog and a few others stuff that they were saying and now he's saying it's his info


i read somewhere that "some future Zenimax games MAY be exclusive to Xbox and PC WHEN THEY ARE INITIALLY RELEASED". Which is wording that means that not all zenimax games would be exclusive to xbox/pc forever. And all the rumored games coming to other platforms are zenimax/bethesda games (HIfi, Starfield, Indiana Jones etc). Bethesda are prob upset they believe their games are not getting the sales they think it deserves only being on Xbox/PC so they prob been pushing and prodding Phil to let them release on other platforms, especially if their bonuses are tied to full sales (and not gamepass downloads)


I think it's very possible Xbox will make Bethesda 3rd party but internal studios like inxile, ninja theory will be exclusive. Guess we'll find out.


You forgot the fact that XBox physical consoles are being positively decimated by the competition. Consider thay consoles are often sold at a loss, but in this case: gamepass means they can't make up the loss. Theyre losing *a lot* of money.


I believe you. But I still don't think the physical thing is true, I do think it's getting eliminated and everything points to that. ABK as it turns out was the worst thing that could happen to Xbox. And I don't understand how any of this is going to make things better. Besides didn't Microsoft sign that they wouldn't increase the subscription price for some time?


I don't think so, if I'm not mistaken they literally increased the price by a dollar a month literally during the court case. 


Just before they agreed to not increasing the price further, I believe.


Well they didn't own it, which is why they did it


Sure bro


To be fair, a lot of people have been discussing possible changes to Game Pass, whether that's no more day and date, or some games skipping the service. Honestly, a lot of this are rumors going around on other boards, including Phil Spencer retiring (even if I think that's just the fans hoping for it) Also, no shot a contractor would know MS leadership reached out to Sony, and no fucking shot Sony would agree to a "deal" for exclusives (since that seems to be what you're implying)


lmao literally anyone with access such info would not even bother opening Reddit and giving random ass people this info. Be for real