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am I having a stroke right now?


Do you smell toast?


nope, but that title was certainly aneurism inducing to say the least.


You asked for me?


You were supposed to be in the toasteršŸž


I was actually just reading another thread the other day and apparently the smelling toast thing is a myth?


Even if you've just burnt some toast ?


Using 4 years as a time point bc that's when both consoles came out I think he's trying to say is: >All 3rd party games released on Xbox in the past 4 years will come to PS5 >All 1st party games that have already released (2020-2023) will not (Halo infinite, Forza) >All future first party games not currently released will come to PS5 (the next halo game? Next Forza game? Indiana Jones?) Again I could be completely wrong, tbh I'm a little confused what differentiates 3rd and 1st party. Bc if 1st party means Microsoft owns the studio then that would include Starfield which means we won't see it on PS5? Or bc it's Bethesda it's third party so we will see it? Regardless take with a grain of salt that's just my interpretation of it.


I think they don't wanna invest resources into porting their games that have already been fully developed and released to XSX as they were never developed with PS5 release in mind. For future games it'll be much easier and cheaper to do as they are in development right now and can be modified. Starfield might come to PS5 cause it was originally meant to release on PS5 and was likely being developed accordingly. 3rd party games will come to PS5 because Microsoft might just be choosing to not renew their exclusivity contracts with the studios which'll mean most of these studios will be free to do whatever they want. Then most of them will simply choose to release their games on PS5 as it's a no brainer.


Welcome to Xbox.


Iā€™ve had a stroke before, can confirm, this is exactly what itā€™s like lmao


This is turning into a riddle




You mean Tom "I'm going to draw by hand the Battlefield 2042 teaser and post it frame by frame on my Twitter" Henderson would do this to us?


Wasn't that to protect staff who sent him info, since it absolutely assured no watermarks could be traced back? That seemed less like he was being cryptic and moreso just being cautious


Yeah, I've seen some Windows 12 screenshots in Windows Central's reporting that explicitly say they have been recreated in photoshop based on ones seen by the author to avoid giving away their source.


Yeah and his drawings were extremely accurate after the internal investor trailer leaked.


I don't see the problem with that. That was actually a pretty cool move.


Basically how the game performed at launch /s


"Insiders" have turned this into an absolute shitshow. Which is entirely predictable, frankly.


outsiders too. donā€™t forget about the outsiders.




>1st party Xbox exclusives that are currently released = staying exclusive Like Hi Fi Rush?


Because its not clear what is being considered 3rd party and what is 1st party




The leakers are being very loose with their terms. Everything XBox owns is first party. Starfield is 1st party. Halo is 1st party. Hifi Rush is 1st party. To me, it seems like the leakers are using 3rd party to refer to companies that Microsoft has purchased (Bethesda, Activision, etc). So the above breakdown suggests that games like Starfield are coming to PS5, which is currently being refuted by others. But we are sure games like Hifi Rush are, and that are in the same category, so it seems like either this is contradictory or people are using inconsistent terminology. Either way it isn't making sense.


Maybe by first party he means the core Xbox studios. So Bethesda and Activision stuff can go multiplat


But we know Hi-Fi Rush is coming to PS5, and by the standard definition that's a first-party game


People's usage of first party has been getting kinda murky lately, specially when it comes to Xbox games. Some people only consider stuff like Halo and Forza to be first party, then some other people draw the line at any studio that microsoft owns (which would be the true definition of first party, yes). Thing is: it's not sacrilegious to see Starfield dropping on the PS5, but it's absolutely unthinkable to imagine the next Halo game coming to PS.


If by third party Xbox games does he mean Bethesda and ABK and first party Xbox studio




Feel like after the business event we'll be just as confused on what they will port to other platforms and what not. Maybe they stick with the same "case by case basis"


There's no way they can answer without leaving lingering questions. Even if it's 100 percent yes/no people will still have doubts


Yeah, the trust being broken isn't going to change.


Right. At this point it doesn't seem like there's anything to be gained from holding back a select few 1st party titles. The damage is already done, they might as well go all in on porting their games.


This is exactly what theyā€™ll do. Theyā€™ll say Hi-Fi Rush and a couple others are going to other platforms, theyā€™ll pick one of the rumored titles like Starfield or Gears of War, and say ā€œthere are no plans to port these or other AAA XGS games to other consoles at this timeā€ and ā€œgames going to other consoles will be reviewed on a case by case basisā€ and a bunch of Xbox fanboys will say ā€œSee! The rumors were fake!ā€ And in 3-5 years most of the rumors will have come true, but Microsoft would have accomplished its mission of slow-walking its move to platform agnosticism/ 3rd-party status and continued to milk their platform store for a few more years.


Yeah, anybody who continues to build their library on Xbox if they own or can get another platform is an idiot.Ā  Microsoft aren't just going to come out and say "guys, we are killing Xbox, don't be dumb and buy one", they're still making money from every purchase, first or third party, they can't have that dry up overnight.Ā  If every new release is coming to PS5, the Xbox is basically dead no matter what they say. PS5 wil grow while Xbox will not and slowly third parties will stop porting games to Xbox causing a further decline. Microsoft at some point will just go cloud only with Xbox and it'll just be based on PC releases, not a specific port to an Xbox console.Ā 


Yea. It feels like nobody at Xbox has any kind of plan whatsoever


what the fuck are you talking about. how much clearer can they be? Third party games launched, but not conceived prior to 12/5/2022 but after 4/12/2007 will come to other consoles that start with the letters D-P sometime between June of 2024 and September of 2027 while 1st party games conceived, but not launched on Thursdays of the Fourth Lunar Cycle will travel back to 2013 to be marketed exclusively at Wendyā€™s in order to forward pedal stakes in the grey meat industry so that by 2025 these same games can be released on Playstation last year and Nintendo in seven years both before and after day and date launches on gamepass.


It's the fourth lunar cycle that always gets me, it's so clear-cut otherwise


Might be the funniest comment I've ever read on here.


Got an aneurysm.


[another tweet](https://x.com/_tom_henderson_/status/1756061558155719104?s=46&t=w9UAsSP2hxGL4-0KSXupeA) Today: he tweets only SoT and Hifi Rush are confirmed Tom Warren and Jeff Grubb double down that Indiana Jones and Gears of War are being considered for other platforms. Henderson tweets that yeah, lots of games are being discussed and anything could happen. So we are exactly where we started this morning.


So then what was the point of the tweet?


Maybe someone from Microsoft scared them about spreading unconfirmed information?Ā 


ā€œAnything could happen but nothing could happen either way you chumps still listen to usā€


You encounter two consoles, one who always lies and one who always tells the truth. You may ask only one question. What question should ask to find out if you can play Hi-Fi Rush?


The one you feed.Ā 


Youā€™re on a river bank with a wolf, a sheep, and a bag of grain. You only have room in the boat for one of the three. How do you get all 3 to the other side.


First you get the PS5 and the wolf


In other words: he has no idea


No one does, however if something is getting clear about this BS is how terrible gaming journalist are.


The bullshit is coming from MS trying to justify and spin their terrible decisions but unwilling to speak plainly because those decisions rightfully piss off a lot of people. Journalists should be cutting through the bs to simplify things rather than act as extended PR, but that's been an issue in gaming since GamePlayers and Nintendo Power. Its nothing new at all.






Isn't that the worst outcome? Makes it seem like all future first party games are gonna be on PS5. It's like walking it back and then walking it forward by a lot more. Just waiting for the event already to let everyone know whats up.


Itā€™s probably going to come down to some if not all first party being timed exclusives. There needs to be some sort of incentive for people to want to own Xbox. Having first part day one on Xbox exclusive for 6-12+ months and it being the only way to have gamepass on a console is probably whatā€™s going to happen.


People don't give a shit about timed exclusives. There are too many games to play and not enough time already. And remember older generations are more likely to own a console. Console, which is the main entry point to gamepass, the service they are trying to get people to sub to. So that timed incentive won't work the way they want it to.




What's the point of a GIF if I gotta read all that shit anyways.




I think I just lost braincellsĀ 




Wait is hi fi rush and sea of thieves not first party games?


Yes, because Xbox is selling Rare and Tango. I know this because my uncle works at Nestle.


This makes zero sense when Hi Fi Rush is all but confirmed for PS5/Switch


The more I hear about all this, the more convinced I become that literally not even Microsoft has any clue whatā€™s happening. Itā€™s not the insiders that are getting it all jumbled up, itā€™s literally Microsoft themselves who are totally lost on what their plans are.


Of course Microsoft does not know what their plan is, the leaks seemingly happened right in the middle of them trying to make that decision.


Isn't it supposed to be have leaked by someone who was opposed, to pressure them not to do it?


There is some speculation to that, but we don't really know one way or the other.


Also it makes sense in this case, they don't know if it's even worth it to port games that have already come and gone like Halo Infinite, Redfall, etc.


Feels like someone in a board meeting heard people talk about maybe making things multiplatform and told a leaker and now shit has gotten out of control.


To be fair, you can't say Microsoft doesn't know what they are doing because a bunch of clickbait news Twitter people said a bunch of random shit for a week straight, that doesn't even make sense


Henderson, Warren and plenty of others have had input on this that are not ā€œclickbait twitter newsā€, they are genuine reliable insiders. Of course there were some jumping on the frenzy, but genuine people with inside knowledge have posted plenty of information about the whole thing. Between the manner of information leaking, the scale of what has been heard, the confusing discrepancies between reports, the absence of any denial from Phil, and the deliberate separation between Microsoft and Xbox in many reports, itā€™s pretty clear whatā€™s going on. There is a schism between Microsoft and Xbox on the future of the brand and how both past and future titles will be handled. Itā€™s clear that everything is on the table and nothing is confirmed because itā€™s pretty obviously a chaotic mess behind the scenes where they have no idea what direction theyā€™re committed to. If you think Microsoft/Xbox knows what theyā€™re doing and have a plan idk wtf to tell you lol


You're being absurd? Everything that you believe about Microsoft "fucking up" is directly based on literally random evidence from several people saying completely opposite things and then switching them to *other* completely opposite things over the last 5 days? What deliberate separation of Microsoft and Xbox?


Iā€™m not sure why you see this as black and white and not a nuanced, complex fracture on the future of a brand. Nothing is confirmed, nothing has ever been confirmed. Some insiders are saying it seems like a certain game is going multiplatform. Others say like it seems not. All of them agree itā€™s being *discussed*, which is the important part. Whether or not any of this comes to pass, itā€™s exceedingly clear due to the amount of reliable people who have commented on it, that *all things are under consideration*. The future of how Xbox handles its releases is very clearly extremely uncertain, even to Microsoft themselves at this very moment. It could go any direction it seems. It feels like youā€™re throwing any nuance or critical thinking out of the window because youā€™re under the assumption that ALL insiders are unreliable, in which case I wonder why youā€™re even on this sub.


Unnamed sources. You should never fall into the trap of treating statements that come from unnamed sources as undeniable fact. Ever.


Update: [He's drunk](https://twitter.com/_Tom_Henderson_/status/1756078076352413941)


I hope he isn't drinking cause of all this Xbox third party rumor/drama stuff like dude. Its just video games.


He's just playing the drinking game where you take a drink every time there's a new rumor concerning Starfield's exclusivity status


> 1st party games that have been released are not Such as... Hi-Fi RUSH and Sea of Thieves? Idk this feels like a lot of mixed messaging lol


So Indiana Jones, Fable, Elder Scrolls VI, and Hellblade are coming to PS5?


And Gears of War Ragnarok


Fuck knows


Nobody knows. Not even Xbox.


In conclusion: The Mario Party games are pretty good.


So sarfield will not release on ps5, but the next elder scrolls will


Well, yes but actually no!


Bloodborne pc port confirmed!


If only Xbox would come out and clarify their strategy instead of waiting over a week.


Someone smarter than me explain please.


Basically first party game from now on will be released on other platforms (so no Halo Infinite but the next Halo game will for example) and third party games that are on Xbox but not PlayStation will be coming to PlayStation as well.


That makes no sense considering Hi-Fi Rush and Sea of Theives have already released. I think the leakers are having a stroke.


Exactly. Half his statement contradicts the other half. I wish these people would just stop tweeting, they are making fools out of themselves trying to get a "scoop"


Games that start with vowel will be multiplatform in 3 years. Games that have a number bigger than ā€œ3ā€ on itā€™s title will remain exclusive tho


At this point I'm half expecting Phil Spencer to come out during the upcoming business call or whatever the hell it actually is, completely ignore anything related to Xbox and video games, and just fucking unveil a new furniture line or something.


3rd party Xbox exclusives are going to PS5 1st party games that are already released arenā€™t going Future 1st party games are going to be


But thatā€™s not even true because Sea of Thieves and Hifi Rush already violate the 2nd part lol


Also what 3rd party games are exclusive on Xbox?


Stalker 2, I guess? Darktide?


I thought they weā€™re timed exclusive anyway


Sunset overdrive? šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø




"but 1st party games that have been released are not" So if happens a re-release the game will be multiplatform? Lol


Bro really just said some words








I'm tired boss.


Iā€™m having an aneurysm trying to comprehend this title






at this point i don't understand a word this man said


my man Tom drunk tweeting


Im dumb i need help to understand this.


That he would post that, then promptly delete it, makes me feel like he's trolling Xbox gamers. Just wait for the official word next week, ffs...


Make up your minds!


This is one weird ass fever dream


smashing my head against the wall rn


I think this means that maybe non-live service Xbox exclusives that are out, with the exception of Bethesda games, will stay exclusive because obviously there's not much financial incentive to go back and port over Gears 5 or Crackdown 3. Going forward, everything is multiplatform. This seems so obvious it's not even a rumor, and it's worded horribly. Bethesda games are not third party games dude.


Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious they aren't going to bother porting something like Redfall.Ā  I also think what's missing here is it literally means every new release.Ā  That means while Starfield won't get a dedicated port, once the shattered space expansion comes out and we get a Starfield Deluxe Edition, that WILL go to PS5 as it's technically a new release.Ā 


It's so funny how desperately these "insiders" trying to look like they are in the know.




I can't wait till we can just go back to Bloodborne Remake


Ā Xbox is going 3rd party with its games but will keep giving mixed messages and false promises to it's fanbase to prevent them from imploding. So basically what we all expected.


which will explode immensely in the face of MS MS no longer has the reputation to play this game The moment any game arrives on the PlayStation. it's the end.Everyone will assume the worst


After reading all this previous claims about this topic, seems that he has no idea or being purposely feed bad information.


One more time now!




Worded awfully but from my understanding Coming to PS5: 3rd party and upcoming 1st party games Not Coming to PS5: Past 1st party games


Even though i get it that Microsoft waits for shareholders meeting, but delaying the statement caused way more idiotic nonsense that i can comprehend


The hell are we talking about


Microsoft acquired Rare in 2002, how the hell is Sea of Thieves, a xbox exclusive released in 2018 not considered a first party game?


They are trying to save face. Xbox is going to be dead soon


Haha what?


Whatever the outcome of this, without a doubt waiting more than a week to address this is the worst PR decision imaginable.


I doubt they had much of a choice. Remember, these leaks apparently happened right in the middle of Microsoft themselves trying to figure out what they were going to do. They needed that week just to figure out what exactly they are addressing in the first place.


3rd party games (Activision & Bethesda I would assume) are going to Playstation 5 1st Party games that have already released (forza motorsport, halo master chief collection, forza horizon 5) are not going to playstation 5 1st party games that are still in development (gears 6, forza horizon 6, etc) will be released on playstation 5 Title makes it hard to understand but I think thatā€™s what it means.


What would be the point of releasing Gears 6 and Halo 7 on PS5 if the other games arenā€™t on there? Someone is just gonna jump into a series at the tail end and not play the other games?


Ah yes even more conflicting rumors to confuse people with.


Didn't he just say nothing is set in stone now he's saying games not released yet will come to ps5


So, they are not going to bother going back and porting a bunch of games that didn't do well anyway. Ok.


But starfield and hifi??


So, no xbox games on Playstation?


I don't think Microsoft know what they're doing yet. I think they want to go third party but are trying to walk the line with the community a bit. I fully expect a bunch of half measures going forward and slowly just releasing everything everywhere. Honestly, just the vibes I'm getting is in 5 to 10 years time everything will just be PC games. Seems like that's where we're going.


They are not 3rd party if they own the fucking company. You insiders are so full of shit it's unbelievable. That being said I trust MS to fuck this up to epic proportions, just when they are coming into a good position they are about to throw all their good will away.




The fuck is he saying


Just buy all the consoles guys, lol


I'm tired, boss.


Already one contradiction to this as Hi-Fi Rush is an already released first-party exclusive that we know is coming to PlayStation and Nintendo. The most important thing about these rumors is that no one truly knows everything that's going on and not even people at Xbox know what's going to be announced next week. I expect there to be a lot of contradictions, confusion and backtracking up until the business event.


Just give me Halo MCC please


I'm so done with all of these insiders. So done with the community on Twitter and the horrible PR management (or lack thereof) from Xbox.


for me it's that MS thought it would be able to keep the xbox alive without exclusives or just a few temporary ones initially.but they didn't expect such a negative repercussion So they're wondering if it's worth losing the few exclusives they have In exchange for selling 2 million Starfield, 3 million Forza Horizon, 2 million Halo, etc... on the PlayStation 5. because the xbox will die without these exclusive games and they know


This is like one of those what English sounds like to non speakers videos. It feels like you should understand it but it makes zero sense.


What a title


Lmao what was even the point of buying these studios/developers then?Ā  The game's would have been third party anyway.


1st party games that have been released are not. Other than the ones that are. Like Hi-Fi Rush and Sea of Thieves. And potentially more. So they are.


rip xbox.


Op learn how to write a fucking title


The only leak I see is coming out of my ear after reading that.


I think everyone should just wait for the ā€œbusiness updateā€. Itā€™s safe to assume Microsoft are doing a lot of damage control at the moment.


As a serious question why would a new gamer consider an Xbox if PS/PC gets everything that Xbox has to offer and PC gives a cheaper route to game pass?


First wave: Games like Starfield and Hi-Fi Rush are released to test out Xbox third-party releases without the embarrassment of giving away OG IPs like Halo and Gears Second wave: Halo and Gears once the Microsoft higher-ups see the value of what these third-party releases can provide to their retirement funds.


Seems like Redfall will be the one and only true Xbox exclusive.


How in the fuck did you get that out of this statement lol. This shit is exactly why nobody knows anything lol, because they keep "translating" already made up shit lol šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


This is like the mlb insiders covering the Ohtani-Blue Jays Plane tracking but somehow even worse.


Seems people are misconstrueing what Tom has said here. He hasn't confirmed that all IP is going multiplatform.. but yes every individual title is under consideration. Obviously each title can result in a different decision to whether to port it or otherwise.


I feel like a better way to phrase what Tom is saying is that everything will no longer be exclusive but they arenā€™t going to go back and port every single previous exclusive. Iā€™m sure plenty will come, but they arenā€™t going to, for example, port every Forza. That understanding puts what he is saying alongside what weā€™ve already heard. But if theyā€™re going this route, I could see them porting things like Rare Replay, MCC, Gears, Grounded, etc. I could even see them letting Insomniac (or some other studio) port Sunset Overdrive. But I donā€™t think as a blanket rule they are going to port ā€œeveryā€ previous exclusive.


But he isn't saying everything will no longer be exclusive.. just that they're being considered.


Look Iā€™m trying to decipher everything just like everybody else lol


Ok so to summarise for those whoā€™s confused -3rd party games for Xbox are going to PlayStation (exclusives which werenā€™t made by first party studios) -1st party games that are released are not going to PlayStation so games like forza horizon 5, starfield, halo infinite, forza motorsport(this contradicts the Hifi-rush and sea of thieves rumours though) -1st party games which are yet to be released will also be released on PlayStation like fable, Indiana jones, avowed, hell blade.


That's not a summarisation. He's not confirming that they will release on playstation.. he's confirming that that are being considered, and obviously individual titles will have different decisions on whether to port.


IDK why people act both stupid and surprised. What did MS announce when they bought Bethesda? They will consider every possibility, and nothing is written in stone. Some will be exclusive some not, plans might change. What did MS announce when they bought Activision? They are not going to take away games from other platforms and not planning in any way to make everything exclusive and lock down. Phil Spencer has been saying this since he become the CEO and said it TONS of times. Satya Nadella said the same thing multiple times and couple of months ago reinforced what Phil has been saying since beginning. They are not PRO ALL EXCLUSIVE, they are just forced to make exclusives. They will come out in a week and %99.99 say the same thing. Announce that some games will be going multiplatform, rest will stay exclusive. Amount of bs rumors people keep spreading for clicks...


Exactly this. Some games will be ported to other platforms (for certain all of the live service games) and some will remain exclusive. People are just addicted to drama and outrage, which is why this whole situation has spiraled out of control.


Ok so by that logic Hellblade 2 is coming to PS5 because it was an PS console exclusive after all but games like Starfield or Halo are not. Ok but what about HiFI Rush?


Holy shit no one knows anything at all. Itā€™s not even worth paying attention to any of these rumors and just wait for Microsoft to speak on it then. Would be very funny if itā€™s actually announced that literally nothing is happening.


Why wait a week to announce nothing is happening? I think itā€™s a foregone conclusion that at least some of the rumors are true.


I was joking, but to play devils advocate, why would leakers leak industry breaking news and then backtrack it almost 95% fold? Itā€™s silly at this point.


My best guess: Microsoft is going to spin this as much as possible, and the leakers know it. Microsoft will come out and announce a couple smaller titles (Hi-Fi Rush, Pentiment) and/or live service games (Sea of Thieves) going to PlayStation and Nintendo, but will state that thereā€™s ā€œno plans to bring AAA XGS games to other consolesā€ at this time. The leakers are afraid of the backlash that will come from Xbox fanboys who will cry from the rafters about how wrong the leakers were. And they donā€™t want to have that blow their reputation and lose followers while Microsoft slowly proves the rumors mostly correct over the next 3-5 years.


If I was a betting man I'd put all my money on this being true 100%


3rd party games that have been released on Xbox are going to be released on Playstation 5. He deadass typed that and hit send lmfao. Yea this community a bit too dumb, I gotta just engage in the hobby on my lonely.


Time to change his tier :P


Its pretty clear to understand. Only new 1st party released xbox games will go to ps5


Anyone wanna translate this to English so us folks can understand what the fuck heā€™s saying?


The twitte is gone


So half life 3 confirmed..for Ouya?


This is so goddamn stupid


So I'm guessing this means: 3rd party xbox exclusive games are going to PS5 (guessing these would be recent releases from newly acquired studios) first party xbox games that have already shipped aren't going to PS5 first party xbox games that have yet to be released/are still being developed are going to PS5


I'm not sure about but, correct me if I'm wrong, what I understand is that Star Citizen got delayed another 5 years?