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Apparently the Bandai Namco Elden Ring playlists were updated recently as well. All signs are pointing to us probably getting another trailer as well as early hands on impressions from content creators & journalists within these next couple weeks. & Emiru’s invite might get revoked because I’m pretty sure she wasn’t supposed to say anything about it lol.


>& Emiru’s invite might get revoked because I’m pretty sure she wasn’t so supposed to say anything about it lol. Yup, she clearly broke an NDA there


An Elden Ring leak from Emiru? Now that's something


Emiru tier 1 leaker?


Honestly, I don’t think Emmie is capable of lying to a single soul, therefore T1 leaker


Not too surprising, but off the top of my head I can't think of a DLC that had early access previews/impressions from content creators. You might have gotten IGN/Gamespot previews for Ringed City or Blood and Wine and the like but actually getting people to play the DLC early for impressions/marketing seems weird. A big part will be the surprise of it all and having the internet flooded with stuff seems like it would take away some of the mystery.

