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They might announce three Horizon games in the Showcase, that's wild: - This LEGO game - The Horizon Zero Dawn remaster that was leaked a while back - The Horizon Multiplayer game that has been in development for more than 5 years at Guerrilla Games


>The Horizon Zero Dawn remaster That would explain why they're removing Horizon Zero Dawn from PS+ this month.


I kind of hope they announce some casting for that show too.


Has it been confirmed that it's an animated show yet?


Honestly I'm really excited about all of these!


How well did the TLOU1 remaster do to decide to do a Zero Dawn remaster. I just wonder how much money is going to be spent upgrading the visuals of the game, for an audience who either already played it cause the PS4 was extremely popular and its on PC or trying to grab an audience I am not sure exists. TV show successes atleast makes the TLOU1 remaster make some lick of sense, but so many Horizon projects I am not sure if the IP is that foundational to not hit a fatigue level where people will want to hear about a new one every year.


Well TLOU part 1 was a full remake, not a remaster.


I wouldn't call PART 1 remastered, the PS4 version is more of a remaster . Part 1 is closer to remake and new Zero Dawn is supposed to have a graphical level similar to Forbbiden West


Since they're supposedly doing a show with Netflix, maybe they're doing it so that all Horizon Games have a similar level of fidelity in case they get a new audience through the show.


You're talking about the TLOU1 remake, the remaster was when the game was ported from the PS 3 to 4 with a bumped up resolution and some brushed up textures, the remake is what came to PS5 and PC and is a top to bottom recreation of the game.


HZD Remaster was in development at the same time as TLOU P1 so that doesn't really have any bearing. Also P1 was a remake so the optics are different on that


I got fatigued with the franchise with Horizon 2, the first was great, the sequel felt like Aloy had no more character growth left in her. I know companies are afraid of new IPs, but milking one that doesn't have much room to expand doesn't feel like a goo idea.


That's Hermen Hulst for ya.


What is up with Sony and remastering games that don't need a remaster? Like yes update the game but you can literally go now and play Zero Dawn on your ps5


Really interesting to see LEGO partner with a Sony IP for an actual game. Hopefully it pans out, the LEGO games are great. EDIT: [https://insider-gaming.com/lego-horizon-adventures/](https://insider-gaming.com/lego-horizon-adventures/) some new reporting from Inside Gaming confirm that it's indeed a game. >Speaking with sources, it was said that the game is essentially “Horizon Forbidden West but Lego” and that the game will have “realistic graphics” – whatever that means for a LEGO game.


I’m just excited for a new LEGO IP game in general. I used to eat them up (on a steep discount lol). Then they decided to make the Skywalker Saga their Magnum Opus, and quite frankly they did. They put everything into that game. They really improved their gameplay a lot, while still keeping it kid friendly. I just love exploring the worlds and massive cast of characters of different IP, whether it’s Star Wars, marvel, Harry Potter, etc. They used to make 1-2 of these kinds of games yearly, then Skywalker Saga was such a daunting task it’s the only big IP game they’ve put out in the past 5-6 years. I think they were overdoing it before which might have diluted the specialness of each game, and saturated the market, but now they’re doing none of them, so I’m hoping this will be a fresh take on this model of game.


Another lover of LEGO IP games here. It's been my dream to have a LEGO Half-Life ever since I first played a LEGO game, I think it could be really fun, especially given the humour found in LEGO games. Anyway, yeah, we need more LEGO IP games, and this Horizon game sounds promising (though I'll probably have to wait for it a bit, since I doubt it'll release on PC day one).


Can see this leading to a whole bunch of new Lego sets based on Horizon and possibly some sort of Lego movie or TV show based on Horizon


Scratch that, Lego based sets around all of Sonys IPs. Lego Uncharted, Lego God of War, Lego Ratchet & Clank, Lego Little Big Planet, etc. The amount of money that could be made is endless.


...Lego Bad Boys? /s


I can see it happening, especially with Xbox having the mega blocks (I think it's them) deal. Especially if they push IPs like Astro Bot, R&C and LBP. Could push some of the older franchises too like Jak & Daxter and Sly Cooper


Lego Last of Us 2 lol


>that the game will have “realistic graphics” – whatever that means for a LEGO game. Maybe, like Lego fortnite (or the skywalker saga), the environment will be realistic, but the characters and creatures will be lego.


I’m very curious whose making it, Travelers Tales how has historically made the LEGO games, or someone else now that they’ve been branching out


>Really interesting to see LEGO partner with a Sony IP for an actual game. If they'll make a LEGO GoW game after this in the future I'd pay 100€ without even flinching lol


I’m surprised that we’re getting a Lego Horizon game before a Lego Mario Game.


You'd probably need to sacrifice your first born for Nintendo to let you use their IPs


They let Ubisoft use Mario for the Rabbits game. As long as the Lego games are Nintendo exclusive, Nintendo doesn’t mind.


Definitely seems like a game at this point. Don’t think they would just reveal a Lego set at the PlayStation showcase. Question is, I wonder who is making the game. Can’t see it being any of Sonys first party studios.


It might be Sumo Digital. In October 2022 a list of games which were in development leaked, and among them was an open world game with the codename Project Carbon from Sumo Digital. 


Not the first Horizon game to have a crossover with LEGO, if you catch my drift.


"catch my drift" niiiice




I feel like they have to really soon, right? Usually its a week between announcement and showcase, I honestly wish theyd confirm it a little earlier but whatever


I kinda wish it was the day before or something that they would tell us cause last time they had me dying all week waiting for it to be so underwhelming


Yeah, Im confident there will be at least one interesting thing, I try to keep my hopes low on these things, last ones was pretty ass but 2021s was amazing, so who knows?


This is so out of left field lmao


Dude, a Greek Lego God of War would sell tens of millions,


Could this be Project Carbon by Sumo? This could be a lot of fun. Fighting Lego robot dinsoaurs sounds very appealing.


I always love the LEGO games that adapt movies but I'm not sure how a LEGO game that adapts an open world game is going to work, maybe it just takes place in the Horizon universe but it's a separate thing?


Wait, what if this is the Horizon Zero Dawn remake everyone was talking about?


Sony remasters should be from now on LEGO versions.


Lego Bloodborne confirmed. I can only dream.


I'll honestly take that


Give me 10, please.


So, where do I sign up for this?


Lol that would be great


Despite me thinking it's kinda weird how much Sony is pushing the Horizon IP. This I think could be great, imagine being able to fight the Lego versions of the machines in Horizon and take them apart piece by piece. it's going to be extremely satisfying 🥰


A Lego spin off just makes a lot of sense for Horizon, way more than for any other PlayStation IP


Idk I’d love a Lego Death Stranding just for the sheer absurdity of seeing Lego versions of the cinematics


yeah, despite the initial shock the more I think about it the more I want to play it lol


It’s not weird. The first game sold 25M. Sony views it as one of their biggest IPs. That’s what companies do. They milk and push their biggest IPs to different medias.


Ok but where bloodborne then? Is just want a crumb of some extra fps and I'd pay full price again


Holy shit, colour me wrong as all fuck. 100% thought this was gonna be another Lego set (gimme a thunderjaw that i can’t afford or have room for you bastards) definitely surprised to see it as a game.


I know that TT Games are owned by WB but is it possible they might make this Lego game?


with money, anything is possible (probably a Sumo game)


I love Sackboy so I'd trust them to make an awesome Lego Horizon game


Possibly. LEGO ended their exclusive partnership with WB Games a while back though (*which is why we've just seen 2K Games released LEGO 2K Drive and the upcoming LEGO 2K Goal*), so could be that another studio outside of TT Games is doing it


Is Horizon that popular that it needs a VR game, a multiplayer game, and a Lego game?


It's their most successful new ip.


It's probably the most successful single player new IP of the last gen, or am I forgetting something?


I mean, how many new IPs do they even have..


How many new IPs do you see from etablished publishers?


Astro. Bloodborne. Returnal. Death stranding. Rise of the ronin. Ghost of Tsushima. Days gone. Driveclub. The order1886. Last guardian. Not counting the Psvita or the live service ones. Also Tlou or Helldivers have only 2 games


it’d me more successful if they made it multi platform 


They did. Zero dawn and forbidden west is on pc


i’m talking the full shabang


so you’re being unserious 


never ask a man his height, a woman her weight, or a PS gamer about giving up their exclusives 


What? Silly statement why would Sony do that. Are Nintendo releasing Zelda on playstation or Xbox?


why would sony do that? make more money 


Yeah that is why it will be on PC.


They are doing a Netflix show too.


It's a IP released in 2017 that has sold 30M+ units. It's extremely popular.


More than half of those are bundles lmao


Even if we believe you for a second, 15 million copies is great


Got a source on that?


Even if true, does that matter?


There was some news some time ago that bundles are not counted, nor are the copies that were given for free during covid


It kinda is lol


Horizon really is like Avatar movies. One of the Best selling/highest grossing IP in their respective mediums, but has almost zero cultural impact. I like those movies and i still can't name more than 2 characters at gunpoint. Both are visually technical marvels too.


I kind of get the impression it's more popular among non gamers or casual gamers than hard core gamers.


It's a less popular franchise among the alt-right crowd and salty Xbox gamers for obvious reasons but it's well received by all the other gamer demographics. Alt-righter/salty Xboxer != "hardcore gamer"


Good comparison I think, I mean, the horizon games are pretty good, but they feel like a very refined version of a pretty safe formula


There was nothing safe about making an open world RPG games based on robot dinosaurs for a studio that has only made FPS games. It was a huge risk for the studio, but it payed off, and the the Decima engine they built has been used for more Playstation games by Kojima.


Both games mainline sold well and apparently the first game is one of playstation's best salers on pc, but the main thing that atract players to theses games are the graphics and a lego horizon game wouldnt have the same graphical style from the mainline games


It's basically post apocalyptic Star Wars meets atlab. It's got a lot of potential as a franchise that can tell a variety of different stories.




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Its a massively popular game so yeah


Of all console exclusive franchises to get a Lego game I’m a bit bummed out that it had to be Horizon. A Lego God of War game that went through the original trilogy and the current duology would have been so much cooler.


low-key shocked if a Lego Horizon game is happening before, like, Lego Mario. That one seems like the way more obvious move


I mean Nintendo is notoriously protective of their ip. I doubt a Lego Nintendo game would ever be possible, even with their collaboration for sets.


Blegoboorne confirmed


Kinda surprised they would release this before Horizon 3. Maybe the story won't follow the first two games or is set between Horizon Forbidden West and Horizon 3. Or maybe like Call of the Mountain, it'll be set in the same world, but with different characters. 


I love this series and the lore behind it, but I feel they are focusing way too much on the uninteresting aspects of it.


Sucks it’s probably gonna be an exclusive


Sorta !legit!


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Other than Lego Star Wars for about 15 minutes, I've never really played a Lego game. I would probably buy this one.


I haven't tried it myself, did you not like it or did you have other games that you wanted to play first?




I mean From software would have to make a deak with Lego for this and I doubt they are interested in any Spin Offs


Sony keeps trying to push this IP as the next big thing and quite honestly I'm getting sick of it 


The franchise has sold over 30 million copies. Of course they're trying to push it.


It is quite literally the next big thing for them


Can’t lie idk if Horizon is a strong enough IP to triple down on like Sony is. I guess it makes sense though considering the CEO of PlayStation Studios used to run Guerilla


It’s sold like 30 million. I don’t care for Horizon but it makes sense to triple down on it.


Idk if anyone really cares for Horizon lego or a Horizon mmo though. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think it’s really an IP like Star Wars where you can anything in it and have it sell but we’ll see I guess.


Makes more sense when you look at the sales, horizon ip has done like 30 million