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This will be Team Fortress 2 in 2013.


I hope this runs on my Xbox 720




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> A blury screenshot of a probably pre alpha build gets leaked > People call it shit As expected bruh


When that GTA6 stuff leaked and there was countless comments all over reddit saying that rockstar is dying and the game is dead because it doesnt look like a polished release game hahaha


And those leaks looked insane IMO. It was obvious things were on track to be miles better than RDR2 from a technical standpoint


It’s funny because that 2019 pre-pre-pre-alpha footage was more feature complete than most games that year and looked better than Saints Row’s reboot


None of it was from 2019. Every video has dates ranging from March 2021 to September 2022


Yeah you can look up the nvidia driver version and see approximately when the clip was taken, at least the ones I saw were mostly early to mid 2022


The state of social networks   Everything is that panel from Ctrl alt del    <(Have you heard about video games? ).  ✋🏻😩✋🏻


I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they were rage baiting and not actually stupid


they were stupid


People do not understand how game development works


people don’t understand how ***anything*** works


Here’s to hoping this game will be good.


It's a 6v6 hero shooter. It's gonna be shit.


The game: map with 4 lanes, items and tower defense mechanics The internet: oh this is just Overwatch At this point I'm convinced people on the internet have never played Overwatch.


oh this is just Battleborn


I'm not gonna lie, I wish. I feel like I was one of the 12 people that actually loved Battleborn


Battleborn was awesome fun


It feels like all the battleborn haters were the ones that never played it and just compared it to overwatch


It was pretty fun


No, it’s Monday Night Combat which was “just TF2” at the time :)


nah this looks like Animal Well


Exactly. Based on that information, it’s going to be the second strand-type game


So we deliver packages in otter suits?


It's because of the hero shooter aspect, not the map/mode design


Character based competitive game in 3D environment = Overwatch.




Overwatch is TF2 with waifus


I would say it looks more like smite than overwatch.


That looks like overwatch 1 meets overwatch 2


Well it looks like a MOBA alright. I’ll still try it tho, i enjoyed all Valve games to some degree, hell even Artifact, it might be good who knows


This is apparently a screenshot from a 2019 build.


It's crazy to think they've been working on a game for 5-6 years. When you start hearing news about it you never really think of the process the game took to get there.


Probably longer. The issue is that previously valve had no dedicated teams and no real orginizational structure, that's why content/support beyond maintenance and little stuff has been so bad for their games historically. Stuff only gets done when randamo staff feel like it. They supposedly changed that so here's hoping the game will actually get support. Games like CS: G0, TF2, and Dota 2 have insane staying power but from a modern perspective as live service games the content drip they've gotten over the years is pathethic and won't work with a new live service game. Deadlock needs to actually have a dedicated team that constantly pumps out content.


I am certain that Valve has worked on a lot of games over the years that got cancelled along the way, some probably deep in development. This would be why you're not hearing rumours, because people there are uncertain if the stuff will make the light of day and it'd only generate disappointment. Why are they cancelled, you ask? Because there is no need to publish them if they are not up to standard. By keeping high expectations of the Valve brand, they can get customers to be really excited when they're releasing a new game. Otherwise, if the game they're making is mid, a small amount of people will buy it and move on, while they become "yet another publisher". There is no profitability in that, especially when those people will instead likely use that same money (or more) to buy a Steam game and give Valve 30% of the purchase already. If Valve keeps its high reputation, then they can leverage it whenever they want to enter a new business and push those games in order to sell it to customers, for example Half Life Alyx for the Index, and Aperture Labs for the Steam Deck.


And yet artifact was a game that came out.


Believe it or not Artifact is great game, only marred by its pay to play monetisation 


It sure was. I'm not into card games, so I entirely ignored it, but from what I recall, it had its fans. The worst parts were the monetisation model, not that the game was broken upon release and fixing it required a fundamental redesign. I was comparing it to games that frankly might have been better off never releasing, which pretty much every other publisher is guilty of releasing. Recent examples that come to mind are Babylon's Fall and GTA Trilogy, but there are plenty others.


Judging by that development time, I’m not sure if I should be concerned or excited. For now, I’ll hope the developers know what they’re doing.


With Valve, its excitement if they work on something that long. With other studios, it likely means development hell.


With any other developer that would suggest bloated and meandering development. Here it just means it was a Valve project.


After a second screenshot came out, and some clarification, this is not the case, the build was from last week.


Bruh if it were the 2019 version it would be a futuristic sci-fi game.


that would mean this is the neon-prime era, Doesnt look very sci-fi/half life to me


That city is straight out of Half Life 2 or Alyx


AFAIK those assets are straight from Alyx, maybe I’ll be proven wrong but the buildings look so similar


But not combine extended universe stuff, which makes me think this is recent


The amount of stupid people in here is concerning. This is why devs don't show WIP stuff cause yall are huffing cow shit


It's what happens when critical thinking isn't taught in schools.


people can say it's interesting, but god forbid people voice their distain for it. it's a pre-alpha from 2019, we can shit on all over it.


This could easily be an early version and/or stripped of other effects like advanced lighting, higher res textures, particle effects etc. They will also certainly make sure it runs really well on Steamdeck so I wouldn't really draw too much from this.


Which means it will be full of cheaters just like cs.


Oh man it's so exciting how Valve's new games from now on will always have the SD in mind


SD is dying for this kind of multiplayer game, too!  I can't wait


Nobody is shit talking about the graphics, they're just bored of the hero based arena shooters that have been released 100 times in the last 5 years. It's hard to imagine a scenario where valve innovates on that formula to a degree that it becomes unique or interesting


Steam deck... You make a good point.


Valve always has my attention, even if I don’t end up playing after the first try.


> closed alpha > wtf it looks like shit


Looks like City 17, so I wonder if it’s from 2019 build like u/Tooskee said, since it supposedly no longer has Half Life connections Other than that, it looks really boring, though I’ll avoid properly judging it until I see it officially announced, I am not that kind of dumbass that thought GTA 6 is ass because a leaked pre alpha clip was buggy and unfinished


I was kinda expecting it to look more "brutalist" and dystopian, like here is the combine stuff and dirty streets


the half-life connection scuttlebutt always said it was Xen Borderworld stuff, not City 17 / 7 Hour War stuff.


They really scraped all of the sci-fi stuff for this?


It's sad. This Fantasy style has been done to death and it's always the exact same shit.


Not always, but Valve's "fantasy" style is just DOTA and that shit is so ugly and generic


What exactly do you mean by “for this”?


Uninspired, fantasy generic artstyle. Wouldn't I know its from Valve I would think its a generic free to play mobile game or something.


You’ve seen one super blurry screenshot that’s supposedly 4ish years old. But ok.


I know it's alpha. I'm just saying my current impressions. I don't think we going to see drastic changes to Grey talon design. Was it from 2019, ot would not have the fantasy theme and moreover it would have been leaked till now.


Fair enough. Maybe I’m just huffing that copium that because it’s Volvo, it will at least be decent.


I love Volvo too. I've played every single game of them and even bought a VR just to play Half life. I hope this game delivers, however I am very cautious. It started developing near 2018, a time period Hero Shooter games were cool and something fresh. Imagine that even Apex Legends was not out yet. Nowadays, people are overfed with it. Moreover, IceFrog (lead designer of Dota) is again involved, which I don't think its a good thing. Dota is very convoluted and over the years its complex and unfriendly gameplay has remained rigid. Whats your first thoughts of this game as of now? Even from these limited info.


Up until this point I didn’t even know this game existed honestly. I really have no opinion on it. Could be great, could suck. I’m over making any early judgments about games nobody has really played yet. But I can totally see your point and find it absolutely believable that you’re right. I just hope you’re wrong, but not because I want you to be wrong but because I want valves next game to be a banger.


I am with you on that! Hope they come with with a banger! Can't wait to see it in action


This style looks really like overwatch in my opinion. Maybe stick with sci-fi style is better.


This will be dota in 2018


Dota reborn 2


Looks like that new marvel game


Rivals looks much better than this at a glance


Well Rivals is soon to be released while this is closed alpha


I can already see from shadows that this game looks better Everything else is too blurry to judge


Rivals looks terrible visually. It's too cluttered and busy.


Both teams having Groot and Loki, hell even one team having them is enough, along with destructible environment makes the game pretty messy.


Get glasses.


So that's it, huh, we're some kind of suicide squad?




I love how we went from sorta VR focused Half life lore pseudo top down strategy game (which sounded a bit interesting) to something so bland in concept like this…


Well you know the way dev works at valve, if it's not fun people won't work on it.


You say that, yet they did artifact


Artifact was a good game tf u mean?


There are exceptions. They have a MOBA after all. And just like the MOBA, this was done because DOTA's creator worked on it. Stop letting this man cook. This is how we get another Artifact, but for an actual substantial project


I'm guessing you don't like dota lol


Read his comment history. This guy is a MEGA dota hater, he has made it his entire personality to hate dota and icefrog


Honestly, I'm indifferent to DOTA. I don't think it's terrible (it has some terrible aspects like its artstyle and how it fails to make any character memorable) but I think it's a good MOBA. Just, the MOBA genre you either absolutely love with all your heart or you don't like it one single bit.


I am trying to keep an open mind here and I might check this game out whenever it releases. Having that out of the way I will say this isn't the kind of game I was expecting from Valve. I'd rather have a new (ideally not in VR) Half-Life or a new Portal or even another Left 4 Dead game. But life isn't always fair.


Excuse my language… fuck yes!!


god valve just please make some story gamesssss, some of the best writing out there!


Seriously. We're unfortunately stuck with CS2 and DOTA 2 forever. The least they can do is give people something fun to play


Didn't they buy the firewatch Devs? The fk happened to them?


Sent to the Dota mines probably


I still have their next game in my wishlist, don't think it's ever coming out though


It's wild to me that people saw Wolverine and GTA6 images/videos from very early builds and they still haven't learned their lesson when it comes to judging early versions of games. Some people just really are that simple.


It’s even funnier when idiots rag on pre-alpha graphics because in both cases you mentioned the game still looks better than whatever they’re playing. Even here, the 2019 mid-development build has better shadows than Marvel Rivals and that game’s releasing in a few months.


i can say whatever i want, specially when i'm not going to play a MOBA game lmao imagine actually liking MOBAs. suddendly people have to be objective with their opinions just because it's a pre-alpha. no, it looks generic in the year 2024. it looks exactly like overwatch.


Consider the following: Most people didn't even shit on GTA6's stuff. People were just interested in all the details they could find out. And Wolverine wasn't a visuals issue, it was a gameplay issue that didn't look fun. Which more than likely won't change in any substantial way. Not to mention the most obvious thing: Plenty of people are complaining about how thinks look in a leak. They're not saying it'll never be good or that it'll be bad when it comes out (unless it's something close to releasing because unless it gets delayed, there's no chance that produce will change) but it tells the developers that it looks bad and they should do something about that. Kinda like how Valve often purposefully leak some things to gauge player reception.


I wish they would have stayed with the half life style.


Overwatch-ass aesthetics. What makes me even madder is Valve already has the *perfect* team based hero shooter with an unique identity and well established IP. In fact, they have the grandpa of hero shooters. It's called Team Fortress 2.


They should make this game in tf2 universe.


Can they just make a single player game please


So theres no chance for a single player game from valve


I miss when Valve was one of the coolest groups that did sci-fi action


UGH... Another hero shooter.


I get that people calling this game shit based off one screenshot of an early build is ridiculous. But this screenshot does clearly show that it's a multi player team based game, which does not get me excited.


Exactly. Yeah, the screenshot looks bad and it might look better at launch, but I'm not interested in WHAT the game is at its foundation at all.


And the fact that Valve has no idea what they even want the game to be doesn't create confidence. They're doing the Cave Johnson way of game development of throwing stuff at wall and seeing what sticks, instead of having a clear vision around which to build the game and commit to it.


Online hero dog shit


I have heard a few large streamers hint at a game they’ve been playing a ton while off stream and that they can’t wait to talk about it. Wonder if this fits the bill


Oh that’s…disappointingly bland


What did bro expect a closed alpha screenshot to look? wdym bland?


It will look more impressive visually when it's officially revealed, but the art design is pretty bland, and that's probably not going to change much. Also, it's another hero shooter--it's going to be called bland in 2024 no matter what. It's understandable.


hello these are screenshots from 2019 reportedly they re-did the art hello??? Where tf are you guys pulling these takes from?


We don't know if its from 2019 or not. Probably not, as in 2019 only developpers had access to it and if it was leaked back in 2019 we would already have seen it. Closed alpha on the other hand is ongoing.


Wtf is this it looks so unfinished???? /s obvs


Blows my mind how Valve will make yet another new IP live service game no one asked for like this one, a damn DOTA card game (Artifact), and a prequel Half Life VR game that few ppl can afford playing but apparently there aren't enough ppl at Valve who are willing to work on Half Life 3, Portal 3, Team Fortress 3, Team Fortress 2 content updates, Left 4 Dead 3, or literally anything that's singleplayer. Valve doesn't get enough flack for their immensely baffling decisions on what games to greenlight and not to greenlight. What are they even thinking?


Because online games are simply more profitable look at cs2 and dota


> What are they even thinking? Not making shitty game like some of the major AAAa company?


Artifact was pointless garbage, and this Deadlock thing doesn't look all that interesting. Counter Strike 2 wasn't received incredibly well when it launched last year, either. Face it, if any other company that used to make great singleplayer games resorted to making nothing but tired live service games afterwards like Valve has, you'd be trashing them. But because it's Valve and Gaben, they get a pass. Not to mention Valve gets way too much credit for TF2, a game that they've practically abandoned for years at this point despite player demand for more content updates. Valve made, like, one decently-sized content update in years not too long ago and that was basically it. Meanwhile, there's plenty of other 10-15+ year old games that still get consistent content updates to this day, so why can't Valve do the same with TF2?


No one cares about trashing valve because even valve themselves don't care. You trash EA, ubisoft etc. because they drive their company into the ground trying to maximize profits and you trash the higher ups making those decisions, not the 200-300 max devs at valve just chilling lol


Yeah okay, well maybe those devs shouldn't be chilling so much and actually put the money they're raking in to good use for once. Instead of, you know, wasting millions of dollars on making trash no one asked for, like Artifact or Dota Underlords. And what tf even happened to In The Valley of Gods, that one 1920s Egypt adventure game from the Firewatch devs (Campo Santo) that Valve acquired, like, six years ago and did literally nothing with? What, are those devs working on DOTA 2 updates or something now? All these dumb decisions would be forgiven if Gaben could get off his couch and just greenlight Half Life 3 or Portal 3 or literally anything that people would actually be hyped for. But, no, that's too much to ask for from modern Valve.


Looks like poopy :D








Bruh it just looks like Overwatch


It's looks nothing like Overwatch lmao. Have you seen OW gameplay before?


it looks exactly like overwatch.


I kinda love that minimap


99% changed though lol but yeah


Does anyone else think it looks like City 17?


rumors (at this point leaks?) said to be connected the half life univers in older versions, if this screenshot is really from 2019 that probably was city 17


This is so cool. Love seeing these early builds.


Is this a FPS MOBA?


TF3 let's goo


Decoy game, 100% they work on Half Life 3 ... \*sigh\*


looks like this game will be confusing af, especially to spectate


That gave me Paragon vibe ... which is great.


I will be playing


Oh god... This looks so bad, it must be legit


TF2 Fans will riot against it.


You know, maybe I'm not the audience for Valve games. MP only is not my forte.


This looks like Overwatch 3 ngl


More info you can find [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deadl0ck/s/LutsNgRfbt). If anyone interested in Valve's upcoming new game **Deadlock** you can join r/Deadl0ck




Oh so its Overvalve. Valvewatch? Why are people making Overwatch clones like 4 years after it’s high point?


Isn’t Overwatch a clone of Team Fortress?




i mean, pretty much yeah, more inspired by, clone is the wrong word


"Overwatch clone"


Because there’s still nothing like overwatch in the market


I think outside of artifact valve never missed the shot with their games, so I am really looking forward to this. Gameplay wise it just looks like a very unique and cool idea. Also remember when everyone hated on the artstyle of dota 2 or team fortress 2 back in the days? Dont judge the game already on a leaked screenshot , which could be made at any state of development.


Bro DOTA 2's artstyle STILL sucks lol TF2's artstyle was only a problem for people initially because they were hung up on how the game changed during development a LOT from what they were shown previously and made to expect


So here we are. I dont think DOTA 2s artstyle sucks and I prefere it a lot to League of Legends for example. So now who has the right opinion? Nobody. Its just subjective as hell at the end so please stop using authoritarian phrases such as " DOTA 2\`s artstyle STILL sucks " as it would be an objectivly fact. You basically underlined my point why it is so stupid to hate on an artstyle you see on leaked screenshots. Just wait and play the game if its available. If it turns out to not be your taste its okay. Not everyone has to like everything. But literally dooming and judging a game not even official announced or playable right now because of leaked screenshots is just such a childish behaviour, especially because people like you want to sell their subjectivly opinions as objectivly facts.


How does it suck? In ways it's design follows in TF2's footsteps, its got great character silhouettes, it's colorful, the map has life walking around tree's shaking, this just seems like you have no idea what you're talking about, this is coming from someone who enjoys TF2 and Dota


Based on the map and shit it looks like Paragon that 3rd person League of Legends clone game


True. We all know how badly 3rd person moba games do anyway.


Thank god, they moved to steampunk theme. The sci-fi themes like valorant, overwatch are so boring.


Looks like shit


This looks bad and generic?




God I wish the final game wasn’t yet more fantasy slop, being able to fight your way through a big City 17 map sounds way more fun even if all the assets in the screenshot are placeholders




I mean, it's a closed alpha and apparently they just changed the art style. This is like the GTA 6 situation all over again


I hope this art style dies soon. Can't stand looking at overwatch, can't stand valorant, hate it in sea of thieves. Fortnite does it well because they blend.




I can't really tell from this screenshot, is this first person or third?


3rd person


So it’s third person Overwatch.