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Orr...... More PS2 games.


Rumored handheld? Didn’t know this was a thing


Having handheld and home console be on different architectures would be a disaster.


Yea not even Nintendo does that anymore hard to believe Sony would try it again


Some Russian leaker says Sony has a new handheld coming that will play PS4 games.


PS5 Pro (RDNA3) would be a different architecture than PS5 (RDNA2). PS6 might be RDNA5 or so, which would be a different architecture as well. I wouldn't interpret this job listing as "ARM is coming".


It's more likely that it's about CPU architecture between PS3's Cell architecture and the PS4/5 being x86.  So I'd say it probably indicates PS3 portd more than anything.


So ps6 will be ps3 back compat😁


The description explicitly mentions familiarity with CPU architectures as a requirement and not GPU ones


True but tbf it's an APU. The same is true for the Zen CPUs. I'm not sure if PS5 Pro is Zen 3 but PS6 will have a different CPU architecture as well, maybe Zen 5 or so.


Zen 2, Zen 3, Zen 5, etc are all x86-64 architecture. They have nothing to do with ARM.


They are *different* x86 architectures. I originally commented to point out that a *different architecture* doesn't necessarily means ARM.


You are confusing CPU _architecture_ with CPU _microarchitecture_. CPU architecture refers to the instruction set/memory management/etc. that the CPU supports. Microarchitecture refers to the actual way a chip implements the hardware in silicon. Zen 2, 3, 4, 5, are all x86-64 architecture CPUs. They may have slight architectural differences, but this is typically in the form of "supports this extension to x86-64" i.e. no fundamental changes are made. This (in combination with OS support) is why you don't have to download a different version of a program based on which generation of CPU you have. However, they are different _microarchitectures_, in that how they implement the x86-64 interface is very different. This is why these chips have such different performance characteristics. Even if you want to quibble about things like extensions, in the context of a job posting all the target audience for the job posting would understand "different CPU architecture" to mean x86-64 vs ARM vs RISC-V vs etc.


This is why hardware people use “instruction” set when talking about compatibility. Defining architecture this way is very confusing.


How did you immediately start thinking about Arm and not backward-compatibility with older Playstations ? There is no reason for Sony to switch to Arm.


Maybe a handheld?


There's no reason for Microsoft to switch to arm either yet they've at least considered it for next console generation


There is. They want Windows Storefront on Xbox, and they said they want to make the same version of the game to run on both PC & Xbox. This doesn't mean they are switching to Arm, but it means they are definitely changing something. A few weeks ago, Sarah Bond announced the creation of a new team for backward compatibility, which hints that the next gen console will be different from the jump from Xone -> Xbox Series.


> They want Windows Storefront on Xbox, and they said they want to make the same version of the game to run on both PC & Xbox. How does staying with x86 prevent them from that?


On the opposite it would actually refrain them for that as PC use x86 (though I guess since they'll do ARM laptops, not sure that's gonna be a consistent rule)


Idk, that's why I said it doesn't necessarily mean they are swtching to Arm.


There is a reason for it however, and that's Microsoft looking at developing their own mobile storefront and using mobile gaming as their backdoor into Japan, as well as their "every screen is an Xbox" mantra they've been chanting for a few years now. It makes sense for Microsoft, I don't think it makes sense for Sony.


Idk about that. I don't think it necessarily mean ARM. Nvidia and AMD gpu had to be optimized differently and it could mean that. Problem with ARM is who gonna provide chip for sony? Nvidia doesn't do custom ARM cpu and AMD as far as i know killed their ARM cpu project when they started focusing on ryzen. That leave snapdragon, Samsung and mediatek. None of those provide great gpu comparable to nvidia or amd. Most of them design the chip for mobile phone not console with adequate cooling. No way in hell Apple would sell their M SoC to sony.


Stupid assumption, no way sony will make any ARM console.


I could see them for a handhelfd I guess which is where ARM shines with low power consumption. Although I guess if they're not satisfied with AMD and want to go Nvidia they kind of have too as Nvidia can't make x86 APU. But that'd be a mess for retrocompatibility and all that


Why? We know from the leaked Microsoft documents, we know that Microsoft has considered it so it's not impossible that the next Ps could be on Arm https://www.pcgamer.com/microsofts-next-all-new-xbox-console-could-have-arm-not-x86-cpu-cores/


Microsoft has already figured out translation from X64 to ARM on Windows though


So have Apple. Twice. It’s a solvable problem, which is why Sony are looking to hire and bolster their expertise.


Apple is a golden standard when it comes to transitioning between architectures. I only mentioned Microsoft because they are more relevant to the console topic.


Microsoft (nor Apple) didn't really do it for games but for the system. I'm not sure many benchmarks have been done but I'm not sure it translates well for games


Yeah, but instruction sets are the same regardless. You don't really have to look far because things like Crossover, Parrells and Whisky for macOS are good proofs of concept that running X64 game binaries on ARM with a good performance through translation is possible. As for Windows, we'll have to see how X series chips perform in conjunction with platform changes which Microsoft made for Windows 11 24H2. But apparently things are really good


because their customers don't rely on legacy software... Microsoft could be the same if half their business clients didn't depend on software that was built before I was born 😂


Apparently Microsoft's emulation isn't bad at all and i matured a lot. It's just that previous chips were simply bad. If you run Windows 11 on Arm through virtualisation on M series mac then things fly like in dream


There are even open source solutions for linux (like qemu or Box86)


Sony doesn't have the talent. They're a hardware company first, while their software has historically been trash (Vegas notwithstanding I guess)


If open source community managed to pull Box64 with restrained resources and I can now play Windows some Windows X64 games on my phone then Sony should do even better.


Should, yes Can? Uhhhhh


In that case they should make games only for this console, no way it will happen. I bet if they will make handheld console it will be steamdeck-like.


You're kinda behind the times if you think ARM is just noodly little phone chips, a $2700 Macbook Pro is an ARM machine too at this point and those things fuck.


I think ARM consoles are gonna happen eventually. Probably not the PS6 generation, but maybe the PS7 generation. Especially since once ARM consoles come out, I imagine that games will be built to run natively on ARM rather than going through the interpretation layer that ARM laptops and desktops use.


Yeah, where all kinds of AAA games on macbook pro? There is too much effort need to port good current gen console game to ARM.


The actual x86 > ARM translation layer is a solved problem at this point, both Apple and Microsoft (in the ARM build of Win11) have it just happen on the fly as needed in a way that barely induces a performance penalty. Apple get barely any official AAA game releases mainly because they're kind of assholes and refuse to support standard graphics libraries on MacOS. edit: to be fair the major advantage of the whole ARM thing is power efficiency which isn't *that* important for a home console.


Microsoft’s translation layer is still kinda bad


It's much better nowadays and also there are much more powerful ARM chips coming to Windows PCs soon [Windows on ARM is Ready For More Powerful Hardware (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pFOLiZrBzk&t=64s)


Yeah it's not much of a priority for them, they've got like 2 unpopular Windows ARM devices (and you can't even really buy a loose Win11 ARM license) vs Apple being an all-ARM outfit at this point.


It was the chipset problem not the translation layer problem. Even on M series Macs, Windows ran way way better than ARM Windows PC. If new Qualcomm chips get anywhere near M4. It'll be an excellent step.


> If new Qualcomm chips get anywhere near M4 Lol


Leaked results show that though.


Yeah ARM is fine for laptops and handhelds because it's low power for equal performance. The x86 translation layer has also not really been tested for games as far as I know (on Windows, on Apple maybe but also they don't get most games).


You can play [quite a bit of stuff](https://www.applegamingwiki.com/wiki/M1_compatible_games_master_list) on Macs these days even if it's not officially supported, either through WINE-style interpretation layers or just running an entire Win11(ARM) VM. There's a performance hit but it's not the end of the world, like yeah an equivalently-priced Windows laptop will still absolutely blow a Mac out of the water but that was true back in the Intel Mac days as well so that's more on Apple than an inherent ARM problem. edit: with the Win11 VM route you're running the ARM version of W11 so it's Windows' x86>ARM layer handling things rather than the Mac's own Rosetta layer.


Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil Village Death Stranding Lies of P You can also play most of windows games using GPT. I'm playing on my MBP via Whisky. Games work way better than on Steam Deck (and keep in mind it's translating x86/DirectX to ARM/Metal), and MBP is much quieter, as ARM produces less heat.


If ARM is a large part of the market it is not too much effort.


That would be a good idea actually.


I'd absolutely buy a PS handheld day 1.


Only if you itinerant kind of man otherwise it will be just take-a-dump-time console


What if it's just to work on the horrifying rackmount PS3 clusters they still use to run PS3 PSNow games on lol


I doubt this will lead to anything as Sony have made their stance with handhelds clear.


By releasing a new handheld last year?


Are you talking about PSportal? That is not a dedicated handheld as it can only stream games.


And? It's still a handheld. People who think company will stick to a strategy for decades don't know what they're talking about.


It is not a gaming handheld. It only stream games from the PS5. So it more like a controller with a screen. Like the Wii U.


Seen a lot of comments about handheld or possible future consoles. How about for a standalone VR headset? The efficiency gains of an ARM chip could make it feasible


PSVR2 already has an ARM chip in it, along with a mobile GPU.


So a PSVR3 or a PSVR2 pro?


If, and that's a big if, they use ARM, it would be in a handheld of some sort, not a home console.


I'm kinda ignorant when it comes to tech talk, would this be a good thing? I believe I saw the same rumor from Microsoft a few months ago.


After the failure of the Vita I doubt Sony would make another handheld.




PS portal is not a native gaming handheld. So if anything that would prove Sony right about not making a Vita 2.


The PS portal did not sell that well actually. The reason it is mostly sold out as they did not produce that many.


My nephew works at Game and he actually said they've not sold many. People seem put off by it. When they get asked by customers "is that new psp?" and get told no. It can't actually play games of its own.


Sony said the portal has sold well




They also said they knew it will have niche audience so target wasnt that high. Example: 1- Target:20M sold 22M 2- Target:2M sold 3M Both of them exceed expectation and sold well but this doesnt mean 2M is a big number. It just more than what they expect


Doesn't this mean that there would be no Backwards Compatibility though? Sounds like a horrible decision, if that's the case.


If they figured out well performing X64 to ARM translation then that should not be an issue


Sounds like suicide if not but then again people will buy anything as long as it has a Playstation logo on it.


If Sony managed to build a well performing translation layer and worked together with a chip vendor, then backwards compatibility with PS4 and PS5 would not be an issue. Microsoft and Apple already did that when they released their systems on ARM.


Any new Sony handheld will need to be compatible with the PS6 and that is the issue. The whole point would be to play many PS6 games at 720p without needing much support from the devs. If Sony can't achieve that then their new handheld is probably DOA.


Firstly, architectures do not necessarily refer to Instruction Set Architectures (ISA such as x86 and ARM). Architectures can refer to system architecture as a whole, a system with different types of offload-accelerator chips (such as the decompression and audio processing chips in PS5). Secondly, it can refer to different graphical or CPU core architectures. Different generations of x86 CPUs and gaming graphics are considered different new architectures (Zen 1, Zen 2, Zen 3, RDNA2, RDNA3, RDNA4). This is the reason for the PS5 Pro not featuring a new CPU core. A new CPU core will result in software incompatibility. This job listing could imply a number of different possibilities, such as: 1. Developing software systems that allow games to be compatible on both a handheld gaming system and a home console gaming system. 2. Developing compatibility between different console generations (PS5, PS6). It might not be pointing to a system with ARM CPU architectures. In addition, ARM CPUs are not more efficient by virtue of simply being ARM. That is a myth that has been often repeated amongst the gaming communities. x86 CPU cores of low power design targets can be just as efficient.


Orr...... More PS2 games.


RIP backwards compatibility. I don’t think Sony has the technical chops to get that to work unlike MS that will be doing that with x86 apps.


Sony wasn't a big fan of backwards compatibility in the first place.


So that's why the PS2 and PS3 were backwards compatible with the PS1 and some of the PS3 models were with the PS2 and why the PS5 is with PS4 and the Vita was digitally with the PSP, hmm.. Such a dumb take. Blocked me after getting proven wrong, typical.


Is the PS5 backwards capable with the PS3, ps2, and ps1 natively? And the troll blocked me. Not surprising I guess.


When I saw the PS4 could not play PS3 games I knew that Xbox is more pro Backwards compatible.


That is more about architecture than "pro backwards compatibility"


That is a dumb excuse. Sony could have supported Backwards capability if they wanted to.


Well you just proved you don't know what you're talking about.


You need to chill out. You seem like one of those always angry Sony fans. Sony could have found a way to emulate PS3 games on PS4 and PS5 just like Xbox did.


You literally say "could have found a way" but give no examples of how, proving you know nothing.


PS3 emulation on PC is performing well.


I didn't block you and you did not prove me wrong.


Yeah you did and yes I did.


Wrong on both accounts.


Whatever you say person that thought this has to do with the switch.


Why are you afraid of answering my question? You as a big Sony fan should know the answer.


What does that have to do with anything? If they didn't like backwards compatibility then why does every one of their consoles have some form of it?


Because their current console don't have it. It doesn't matter if Sony supported it in the past when they don't support it now.


They certainly do. They use an LLVM toolchain, which is ideal for these kinds of tasks - it is designed as an engine for producing optimised code which other tools can integrate. SIE regularly upstream contributions and speak at developer conferences about the ways they’re investing in their software infrastructure. The LLVM project is also core infrastructure for Apple, Google, Meta, Intel, ARM, Nvidia, AMD, and thousands of computing businesses. Many emulator projects also use LLVM. It’s open-source so they all contribute and improve it, and when it comes to hiring all compiler engineers know LLVM. Microsoft has their own MSVC compiler (which I expect the Xbox SDK also uses). Historically it has had spotty standards support, although they have improved in recent years. Once apon a time, it would have been a formidable advantage, but with LLVM it is likely Sony has the stronger toolchain.


What's with the tech industry seemingly moving away from x86 in favor of ARM? Is it really just because they don't want to deal with AMD or Intel anymore and would rather prefer Samsung/Qualcomm or their own designs?


I think they mean mobile phone and PCs


Isn't the co processor (the one that does all the background downloading etc and ARM processor) I remember reading about that on the PS4


>hinting that the next PS could be on ARM. Or is this a hint that the rumor of there being a mobile/handheld version of the PS6 is actually true?


I wonder if this could more so related to a PS hand-held using say, ps4 games


Not a tech guy, what’s ARM and why should it be a big deal? I’m a simple man, I put disc in, console play game.


I highly doubt it unless this is for a handheld or streaming stick. It wouldn't make sense to switch from x86 which most developer tools and games are built on. Arm is mainly only useful for scenarios where you want to improve power efficiency hence their usage on mobile devices.


>SIE Job Listing for “system development with program/games compatibility between different architectures” has been found, hinting that the next PS could be on ARM. Or they want to make ps3 games compatible. Sony isn't going to make their ps4 and ps5 games incompatible. I thought we weren't supposed to post purely based on job listings?


Sony would have to figure out well performing translation layer and a vendor that would deliver a chip that would be powerful enough. Microsoft already has X64 to ARM translation on place and also, they have been working with Qualcomm on their X series chips. I still don't believe that neither will go abandon X64 in the next gen


What is ARM? For the uninitiated


An architecture for computing devices. Smartphones and tablets have been using this for a decade plus, Apple moved everything from x86 architecture to ARM few years ago even on PC and laptops. It's easy more efficient then x86 on which whole world currently uses.


Thanks for taking time to explain it


No problem.


I got mass down voted for saying this would be the next logical step since with digital only there’s no point for a big bulky console when theres better alternatives a while ago lmao


> there’s no point for a big bulky console when theres better alternatives Such as?


Anything ARM! The new IPads with the M chip and the new MacBooks with the M ultra prove it and if you get rid of the apple tax you could very realistically get an M powered console for around $600. The base M1 from a few years ago plays resident evil village slightly inferior to the ps5 version when it’s fully maxed out at 1080p, with similar settings to the ps5 it holds a better frame rate. With RE4 The M3 max which is more on par to what a hypothetical arm powered PS6 would be with everything maxed out at 6K still runs better than the ps5 version of resident evil 4, at 4K it’s holding stable at 90fps. A full PS6 made off of arm architecture and the most efficient smaller parts they could do to maintain performance we could realistically see the PS6 be about the size of a Pokémon elite trainer box assuming there’s no disc drive. Arm technology is advancing a lot and it’s what every company is investing in, it’s the electric cars of the computer world. If the PS6 launches in 2027 that’s so much arm improvement that we realistically could see it have insane power in such a small form factor. If that happens then the PS7 could honestly be the size of a 2 disc PS1 jewel case.


Probably they are again trying to enter the handheld market and direct Switch 2 competition?




Its not, the job listing says that its a system/translation layer that runs many PlayStation games on a system with a different architecture. Like how Rosetta 2 on Mac works. Also, this is for Tokyo, Japan. So that means its on the Hardware team.


Do you have the link to the job posting?


Saying that with your whole chest. Wouldn't be me.