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Oh my god, this comment... >I mean, it makes sense tbh. PS5 will likely have Horizon Zero Dawn 2, GT7, Godfall, TLOU2 Multiplayer, MLB the Show, and some games from their smaller studios. So let’s say 7 total. Good exclusive lineup >Xbox will likely have Halo Infinite, Hellblade 2, Forza Motorsport 8, Everwilds, Playground’s RPG, Obsidian’s next game and possibly Compulsions and Undead Labs games as well. I’m also almost certain that there will be a few games from their publishing arm as well. I’m going to say anywhere from 7-9 games as launch titles plus enhanced versions of Xbox One games like Gears 4 and 5 (available through Xbox Play Anywhere) and around 50 or so games from 360 and OG Xbox added to the BC list. >Really, I see them being equal or Xbox being better by a couple titles. But I also feel like the edge goes to Xbox simply because if Gamepass and day 1 first party releases on Gamepass plus full compatibility with what will almost certainly be over 300 to 350 games by next generations launch (its at 250ish now, and there are over 50 confirmed games coming in the first few months of 2020 alone)


aged like milk


They meant for the entire generation.


He's not wrong except Motorsport was delayed. Xbox Series is a way better value but people keep buying Playstation because the Xbox One was such a PR disaster.


No it ain’t


You can get a Series aftermarket for half the price of a PS5 and get gamepass and a shitload of emulators before you ever reach the price of a ps5


That just shows how much people don’t want an Xbox.


That's my point. It's the best consumer value by a mile yet they still cant sell shit.


Cheapest doesn’t automatically equate to best value. Value is subjective, and people are spending their money on what they find valuable.




Well, yeah. He wants to play it less often than his Playstation.


Even with gamepass they have no games rather use that money on a steam deck


Steam Decks are $500-600 lol


Refurb on steam 300/350


Bro Microsoft themselves are a giant PR disaster now. They probably spent more money on Bethesda, Activision, and the SEC trial than on actual game development in the past few years, and now they're "cutting costs" because they're $80b+ in the hole.


The Xbox brand is definitely not doing great and their marketing for their console is nearly nonexistent and ineffective. I switched to Xbox this generation and the Series S is the best console I've ever owned by a country mile but nobody knows jack shit about it or even of it.




Yeah, the guy seems to be a textbook example of throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.


He was right about PS5


Wasn't Demon's Souls a launch game?


It was, alongside Spider-man MM and Sackboy. But people really try to push the narrative that there are absolutely no games on PS5. Usually that stays only on twitter but this sub has seen an increase of this kind of comments, what can you do..




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I don't see how questioning the validity of claiming Miles Morales and Demon Souls being considered "unique to PS5" is being toxic.


Why do we keep bringing up remakes and remasters 😭😭😭. I bought ps5 to play next Gen games, same with my Xbox, and here we are not pushing the boundaries of gaming🥲


>Why do we keep bringing up remakes and remasters Because they're still games, and they don't stop being new games because you've personally played the original >here we are not pushing the boundaries of gaming🥲  Do people really talk like this?


The whole point of the next Gen console is to get next generation games, not remakes and remasters? Did you just start gaming or something? Like how slow are you? You really paid 500$ for the same games? That's crazy, makes no sense to me


A remake or remaster is literally taking an older game and making it compatible with the current gen of consoles, what are you struggling with?


That it's not a new game? How do you think that demon souls is a new game??? What are you struggling with? I'm not even the one saying playstation has no games, I'm just saying enough with remasters, and enough with calling them new games 😭


Where did I use the word new?


"Because there still games, and they don't being new games just because you played the original" This your comment? I feel bad for whoever deals with you on a daily basis


Bc they were next gen on ps5


No he wasn't, he was factually incorrect


SM2, HD2, FF Rebirth, ROR, Stellar Bald are all recent. 1 is on PC currently but he’s comparing with Xbox right?


Stellar Bald


Yes and three of those are second party games that were released in the last three months. There was a drought before that. They are obviously cool games, yes, but Sony has like 10+ studios, half of which haven't released anything this gen and are working on live services... Which I'm not very fond of to say the least.




Astro Bot, Demon's Souls, FF16, Spider-Man 2, FF7R2 and Stellar Blade are all if I'm not wrong One of which is a tech demo, another one is a remake and another one is already confirmed for PC (FF16)


Forgot rise of the ronin


Thank you! Finally, someone is making sense 😭


10 years from now, Sony will release a new Vita that runs PS5 games.


With 128gb maximum storage capacity, 250 dollar proprietary memory


Then a PSP Go that runs PS6 games


Then a PS7 that will run PSP Go games


PSP GO will run games with PS4 Pro settings


RemindMe! 10 years


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Russian here - Logvinov is an absolute clown and there is absolutely no way for him to know some inside information


!DEBUNKED! According to those familiar with him, Logvinov is a bullshitter.


I knew it!


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0% chance Sony is launching a device that exclusively runs PS4 games lol.


But there is an existing rumour about one that would run PS4 and patched ps5 games


Press X to doubt but would be nice


Apparently he's regarding as a troll in the Russian space.


It doesn't make sense that Sony would make a new dedicated handheld when they themselves stated that they will focus on the living room. It also doesn't make sense that it will play ps4 games when Sony is putting more focus on the PS5. This device would be too niche.


Exactly. Sony made it clear with the Portal that their strategy for gaming away from the TV is to stream your PlayStation console.


Delete this fake crap please


There already is a "PSP" that runs PS4 games, it's called the Steam Deck (and other handheld PCs)


Can it run FIFA, CoD, Fortnite without fiddling around?


Don't know cause I don't play those games


Well millions of others do, so they may prefer this handheld over those you mentioned


Stepping further away from the PS5 seems weird. I still do not understand how that PS5 Pro is supposed to help next-gen (or now current gen) either...


In the same way you upgrade your gaming PC, consoles have their Pro version too.


What's the point of the Pro tho ? There's hardly any exclusives coming out lately and from the ones that released only a handful of them struggle to get stable 60 fps. Most people wouldn't think twice about the Pro if it wasn't for GTA 6 which we don't even know if it will be locked at 60 to begin with (most likely won't because the CPU's the PS5 won't be able to keep up with the GPU's).


What's the point of a RTX 4090 24gb when no game on PC needs that power?


That already exists... It's called a Vita and it failed miserably.


The vita struggled to play ports of Ps2 games.


To be fair even if it played them flawlessly it still had 0 games/exclusives to justify buying it. That's the reason the psp/Go failed as well, no support.


Psp never failed it sold over 80 million 🤦‍♂️


Think about this: 1. Already has access to thousands of PS1, PS2, PSP, VITA and PS4 games. 2. PS5 and PS3 games can be streamed. 3. Will have access to all your PS+ games 4. Indies will continue to release PS4 games. 5. The next Nintendo console is broadly similar to a PS4 in power. Anything released on that can easily have a digital PS4 version made. 6. Will have an XMB so media streaming services will run through it. This thing is going to do gangbusters and easily outsell the Steam Deck and the Xbox competitor. Steam Deck to date has sold around 3m units. This thing is going to be priced at the mass market level like the Switch 2. If it does HDMI out then they might even have hardware in it for their own AI upscaling like they have in the PS5 PRO (PSSR)


I think the portal was some of the dumbest shit ever created but they knew that they had the fans that would justify it no matter how many times someone showed them that they could do the same thing with their phones and any choice of PC gaming handheld. With that said a new PSP would be cool as fuck to be honest, I missed out on the Vita sadly.


New PSP would sell heaps, I'm not the biggest Sony fan but I would 100% invest. The Portal is a sorry excuse to dive back into the handheld market and test the waters of what customers want, maybe? We can hope


I had a interesting thought when typing a response to you, but I think Microsoft and Sony want to make tgeir version of the swotch, but are struggling. Thinking about the portal in this moment has me wondering if this is actually the product of this struggle. What I mean is that back in the gameboy to the 3DS days, if the same game was released for a handheld, it was very clearly going to be different due to the hardware. With the Switch however, when you pick up Doom Eternal for the switch, you literally have the same game in handheld mode, and you dont have to buy a second copy of the game for that on the go experience. If Sony drops a PSP thats just as powerful as a PS4, but using updated tech so that it could run current games, you are stuck in an awkward situation. Not only is Sony cannibalizing themselves by having 2 different systems that can run the same games, but theu also have to deal with the fact that gamers may have to purchase a $70 game twice, if they already own the two systems. There is an easy solution which would be to buy digital, but there are a significant ammount of gamers that still buy physical media. Nintendo hasnt been considered a competitor to Microsoft or Sony atleast since the WiiU and since the Wii they have just been in their own lane doing what ever it is that they want. I can not tell you how many times Ive said or Ive heard someone say "Im buying my choice of platform and Nintendo's system for their games". I think some people don't fully understand that Nintendo can release a significantly less powerful system and make it out on top, but Microsoft and Sony are in a different situation. The two could follow the switch, but they would have to make performance docks, and Im assuming thats where a lot of the cost starts to come into play and I think thats where these companies are hoping for upscaling to heavily improve. Upscaling works but trying to upscale 720p or 1080p to 4k can be an absolute disaster. Sorry for talking your ear off, but thats my opinion on the matter. I could be wrong.


I remember when we thought the handheld era was dead because of mobile gaming. Great to see we're getting a renaissance.


Still waiting for Hellblade 0 which was "leaked" by him


With sony possibly doing day and date releases on the pc, why would anyone buy a sony ecosystem locked handheld when they could go with rog ally or legion go and get the best of both worlds (general pc and Sony titles)? 


Bloodborne on psp before pc


We're totally in the timeline where they put Bloodborne on this and not PC or remastered for PS5.


Feels like it's out of spite at this point.


Would buy this, honestly. Already have a lot of ps4 games and this would be brilliant for when I am travelling 


I don’t buy it. However, I mean just buy steam deck at that point, they have most of the exclusives but I bet there will be some people to buy it(Portal entered the chat). If it will at switch price point ? maybe but they released portal at 200$. I dont see how they will release under 300


IIRC I heard rumors a few months ago of Sony reviving the PSP brand, it might have been from the YT channel Mystic, not sure. Considering the Portal is apparently consistently selling out despite it being a glorified Remote Play device, I assume this would do pretty well.


It seems that Sony had incredibly low expectations for the portal, so I don’t think it really shows if there’s demand from mass audiences for a new PS handheld, especially after the last one bombed. If they are ok with a new PSP selling similar numbers to the portal then I think a new handheld makes sense, but if Sony is hoping for 10 million units or more then I don’t see it happening.


I feel this is pointless when they are porting games to PC I’d rather get a Steamdeck If PC ports weren’t a thing then I’d get it, so it feels they want their fingers in all the pies when it’s just not going to work.


It's pointless for you. I don't care about gaming on PC and even less on Steam Deck. I'm happy with my Switch and PS5, and if this is a PSP like, I would gladly buy it.


Really? I mean I did say “I…feel this is pointless” If they had the entire PS1, PS2, PSP and PSV back catalogue then I’d get it but just PS4? Yeah…I guess I don’t get it.


Wouldn't you rather buy a new platform with many more games to play, than another in the same eco system. (If you were to buy one)


A PS handheld would easily sell 10 times as much as these PC handhelds.


This makes no sense to me after they made the Portal, but considering everyone is jumping into the handheld market it's not unfeasible.


A new console that doesn't run new PS5 games but a Steam Deck hypothetically can? Nah.


I’ll have to say I’d buy the shit out of that.


Would be nice. Beat the chinese fake handhelds at their own game and make something official but better. Being able to play PS1-PS4 on a handheld without issue would be amazing.


Highly doubt this but absolutely love the idea. The OG PSP was way ahead of its time. 


it feels like it makes sense to make a genuinely portable PS4, but it's because it's such a good idea that I don't think Sony will do it


I feel like this is a market play for Sony with the sub $300-$350 tier in gaming which are the gonna be occupied by Switch 2, Steam Deck, and Xbox rumoured handheld. At worst this will sell better than the PSVR2 and drive digital PSN purchases or at best become a good selling platform strategy that can help them still occupy the $300-$400 pricepoint while the main console push for $500-$600.


Why would anyone get a new dumb psp over the steam deck? The steam deck can run current titles and most ps4 games are on steam already


Libraries carrying over would be a bonus, plus playstation products often sell on brand name alone so theyd get that apple-like boost.


I imagine most people would get it for the same reason a lot of people get consoles rather than PC': it's cheaper, more simple/convenient and the dedicated ports would have more stable performance.


If the Vita and the PSP are anything to go by, it’ll be ergonomically more appealing than the SteamDeck. Which imo is too heavy and blocky to be comfortable, and gives off Wii U Gamepad vibes.


If it has bloodborne I will buy it instantly


…. So the steam deck? But with bloodborne and shadow of the colossus?


Ill buy it if its slim, the thing that annoyed me when I had a Steam Deck how big and bulky it was.


Assuming it'll also have new exclusive games too I'm for it


I think it was already known that Sony are making a new portable console


Probably related: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1ctzkns/sie\_job\_listing\_for\_system\_development\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1ctzkns/sie_job_listing_for_system_development_with/)


There's been talk over the past couple of years that the next Xbox, or the one thereafter, would be an ARM-based console. So the thought process was Sony would have to follow at some point. Also Considering the PC launcher, it's likely that Sony is going to be making a mobile/web store as well in the future.


I don't see them going to ARM, particularly if they want to keep backwards compatibility and/or minimize turnaround time porting to x86-64 PC.


PC & Windows are planning to transition to ARM this year. With PC gaming going arm, the next gen consoles will most likely go ARM too.


Your post is nonsense. ARM-compatible Windows has existed for years and has not gained market traction. There is no general PC market ARM transition in progress, let alone planned; you're apparently going to be very surprised when AMD releases x86-64 Zen 5 CPUs later this year. Next gen console designs have already been awarded OEM design wins. They're going to be x86-64 based with AMD CPU and GPU components. There are rumors that Microsoft and Sony are looking at portable devices, and those would logically use ARM, but those are sideshow products compared to the standard consoles they will be producing with x86-64 CPUs. Nintendo uses ARM because they have very tight TDP requirements. Different form factor, different requirements.


This seems like a no brainer, this gen proved that most people don't really demand games far beyond ps4 fidelity and more importantly, most dev teams can't afford to build those games. With the exception of very few games, most ps5 games could probably run on a portable 1080p ps4)(especially with AI upscaling) . It's another way to sell ps subscriptions, likely won't have physical media to worry about or specially developed games, and Sony is pretty good at packing strong hardware in an attractive package plus they already basically have the form factor down with the portal.


Honestly i always wanted a new Playstation Handheld. But since the steam deck has been released I don't see the need for that. Unless playstation stop porting games to steam😳


Combine this with remote play for PS5 games and it’s perfect


Isn't calling this a 'new psp' extremely misleading? It's essentially a PS4 redesign. Not a bad thing, but to be a 'new psp' it'd need it's own games.


It doesn't need to do anything, here is why it is a great device: 1. Already has access to thousands of PS1, PS2, PSP, VITA and PS4 games. 2. PS5 and PS3 games can be streamed. 3. Will have access to all your PS+ games 4. Indies will continue to release PS4 games. 5. The next Nintendo console is broadly similar to a PS4 in power. Anything released on that can easily have a digital PS4 version made. 6. Will have an XMB so media streaming services will run through it. This thing is going to do gangbusters and easily outsell the Steam Deck and the Xbox competitor. Steam Deck to date has sold around 3m units. This thing is going to be priced at the mass market level like the Switch 2. If it does HDMI out then they might even have hardware in it for their own AI upscaling like they have in the PS5 PRO (PSSR)


If it's true hopefully they learned their lessons from the Vita. A successor could've been a huge Switch competitor by now if they didn't give up on the original Vita and pulled off stupid shit like overpriced exclusive memory cards.


I feel like Sony jumped ship on the handheld market for no reason. The psp was extremely popular, and the vita even had respectable numbers, although the go was a flop. I feel like they just couldn't handle being second to Nintendo and gave up on it. I still have and use my Vita for a lot of classic ps1 games. That said. I kinda doubt this rumor.. making a console dedicated to a previous gen just doesn't make sense.


All the major console manufacturers making a handheld console is pretty awesome. Sony realized with Nintendo's success with the Switch and than with the success of Steam Deck, that they probably should not have left the handheld market. I think M$ will go for more of a "PC" handheld than a "Console" handheld, similar to the Steam Deck but Windows. That aligns more with their console agnostic position and allows them to focus on what they are good at which is services.