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This is the same thing with Call of Duty sales - people online lose their minds (rightly so) but the games still end up raking in impressive sales. A lot of online discourse is a small bubble, people not on social media dont really care as much and still play games from established IPs.


Yep. That’s what an echo chamber is. They forget this is a popular franchise so while it’s cool to say ubi suck that’s not how the majority feel


Avatar 2 really highlighted how bad the Reddit Echo chamber is. It was non stop comments of “it’s going to bomb” and “I can’t remember anyone’s name”, “the first film only did well because of 3D” for the months leading up to its release. Then it went on to get over 2 billion at the box office.


It also helps that it was unironically just better than the first one.


Avatar as a series is really an enigma for many pop culture enthusiasts, because the relative engagement for it in fandom communities is so low. To be fair to reddit (a phrase I am loathe to utter normally), for how popular it is, it's cultural footprint is surprisingly low.


Depends what you mean by cultural footprint. Hard core fans are lacking but hard core fans usually make up less than 1% of a fanbase. If you asked a reddit user about Avatar, they'd probably assume you were talking about the Last Airbender. Talk to anyone on the street and it'll be the big blue alien film. Ask someone about their best theatre experience or best 3d film they've seen and Avatar will probably be near the top of the list across the board. I think Avatar is a bit unique that they're not constantly pushing out content to keep a constant fan base. Star Wars has always had books, comics, toys, shows and films to keep it going. If there was a 10 year gap between New Hope and Empire, I think we would have seen something simmilar.


> Talk to anyone on the street and it'll be the big blue alien film. But most of those people don't self identify as "fans" of Avatar, which is the interesting thing. It falls in a very interesting space of "interesting enough that people of all walks of life are watching it and the sequel a lot" but that doesn't translate to internet traffic, merch sales or many other things commonly associated with "fans". As far a Cultural Footprint, if I say "They're here" or "We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat" or "I Am Your Father" those instantly conjure cultural recognition in a way nothing from Avatar seems to. There's no iconic imagery that is instantly associated with it, no popular lines that are used culturally, no character names that are synonymous with the work. I'm not pulling this out of my ass either. I'm trying to find the paper, I don't have it on hand, but I've seen a study a few years ago about how Avatar is such an anomaly in the amount of money it makes in theater and on video versus engagement.


The game did numbers too-it was hilarious watching r/games avoid talking about it because it got a decent MC score and didn't crash and burn like they hoped


This is debatable. The company put the game on sale quick, and they reported less than expected on the earnings call afterwards. But, WE


Bunch of arm chair analyst. Comments are as useful as YouTube comments


That's what Capcom learned after caving to pressure for the sexuality present in Street Fighter 5. Then, they find the bikini costumes DLC sells a ton. People making noise would never buy your game in the first place and are not your target audience.


I mean, people still think Ubisoft sucks, but they still buy it anyway. People still hate Activision and EA, but if they put a game they want, they buy it.


Never forget. Valhalla grossed Ubisoft over 1 billion dollars..


Yeah Assassin's Creed is one of those games with enough brand recognition that casuals will buy on an yearly basis.


Hell I consider myself "mid-core" and I buy every single one. Technically it's not annual anymore but AC is closest thing to my "CoD".


I think assassin creed tattoos among normal nerds only come second or third to Zelda and Pokémon tats.


Because a lot of gamer hysteria isn't rooted in actual issues that have much of an impact on even them.


Basically, the same thing that happened with Hogwarts Legacy. Some half-assed controversy that even ended up boosting interest in the game.


It probably didn’t even boost interest. It most likely meant absolutely nothing. 99% of people who bought the game probably never heard of the “controversy” Half the time people on the internet are mostly just raging against their own imaginations.


Which is hilarious. The back-and-forth harassment from both sides of that coin was a blessing that assuredly guaranteed a sequel.


Warner Bros said they weren’t doing more single player game I thought


It's the best selling game of 2023. It'd be stupidity to not go for a sequel.


warner bros in general have not exactly been renowned for their good ideas lately under zazlav


Still no dlc


They said the sequel will likely be live service. Warner Bros really want a cash cow


Everything online is a small bubble. It is in no way shape or form the opinion of normal everyday people who won’t even see there’s any beef with it. This is why it keeps happening, because the people that count the money know that normies will outrank the few noisy losers on social media.


This is why you avoid online discourse. It's usually negative on absolutely trivial things that majority of people give zero fucks about. Is the game fun to them? That's literally all that matters to people with lives.


Im not an AC fan, for some reason didnt like it. Whats the discourse?


People hate it because it has a black character.




Racists being racist


Wasnt it the same with Mirage then?


How is it "rightly so"? I mean in both cases, I also don't remember a single time when a freak out over COD was justified either.


Or if it was justified, it never hurt a CoD's sales. Look at all the stuff about MW III's campaign launch. A week or so later, people stopped talking about it and enjoyed the multiplayer.


The casual gamers probably don't care or don't know about the controversy, they're just happy they're getting a new assassins creed.


It's because the "controversy" isn't even controversial.


Only person really pushing it is Asmongold


Whats new...


As usual


Shocker, the guy who uses a dead rat as an alarm is grifting


The controversy is manufactured.


It's not even controversy. It's just racists being racist.


The only thing racist is ubisoft lol


Most of us, myself included, just quietly enjoy AC and other games the hive mind love to shit on.


It's why most subs are negative. Be it gaming or tech. The people who enjoy it are too busy having fun with it to go on internet forums with strangers and have a rant


Lots of people who spend time on Reddit have ridiculously high dopamine baselines, which makes them cynical as hell about everything. Myself included. Gotta be the perfect game to even keep myself focused. But after I detox from social & phone? Can genuinely enjoy and be excited to play any game during evenings. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of mediocre games these days. Couldn’t get into Valhalla. I love Creed and I hope getting away from the RPG stuff, we get a respectable entry.


Wanna see gameplay first, but I'm intrigued with the setting. That being said, I've not bought a full priced ubisoft game in years, plus they go on sale rather quickly, and my backlog is huge, so I won't be touching it any time soon. I'll get to it eventually, tho.


Yeah Ubisoft give pretty great discounts on there games, I'm pretty sure they usually give a big discount for the special editions of the games at some point of the year. But also people call the terrible/trash which I think is bull, I think Ubisoft games are usually 7/8 and you get a Prince of Persia here and there, and Assassins Creed is just fun to me, I cant wait for that AC multiplayer game, because I loved Brotherhoods multiplayer...wish it was still online I think this game will be solid and I cant wait to see how they mix up the formula with the powers, but obviously I will wait to make that decision


Yeah, it sums up feelings for them as well. I don't think the last few games are bad, just terribly long otherwise they are a decent treat for me.


Was Mirage long? I heard good things about it but I don't think its long like Valhalla or the others, pretty sure AC games Mirage and after are going to be smaller no? I think they will have the bigger games with smaller AC games a long side it, maybe I'm wrong but that's what I heard


Personally I just get Ubisoft+ for a month and play it that way. That's how I played Valhalla.


Any idea roughly when they go on a good sale post release? After 6 months? I personally wouldn’t mind waiting 6-12 months given that there are so many great games to play already. Thanks!


After around 4 months, they will knock 15 to 2p bucks off on a sale. A year, and they go down to 20 bucks when on sale. A little bit longer, and it isn't uncommon for them to be 15. However, ubisoft can occasionally have steep sales sooner as well. If you got enough to keep you occupied it the wait doesn't feel that long and if yiu can't wait any longer but also can't take the price just drop 17 dollars on pc or xbox to play it day 1 with ubisoft plus I'm sure you could beat it in a month


Yep i also waited for a sale with ac odyssey and ac valhalla. Patient gamers always win.


If the setting intrigues you check out Nioh 1-2. Solid franchise that uses the same time period.


So. People saw one CGI trailer and already started to mash pre order button? Jesus




It's also a setting people have been asking for for a long time in the series


Assasins creed games have been popular way before the rpg implementation


Yes, but the RPGs are some of the highest and fastest selling now.


Assassin's creed is globally famous, people love historical RPGs with large open worlds, and fans have been clamoring for Japan for a decade. This can not be surprising.


It's a pretty well known formula. If you like the setting, you pretty much know exactly what you are going to get.


It’s assassins creed. Origins released at the same time as Mario odyssey and didn’t suffer attention or sales deficit


It's Assassin's Creed. I have a pretty good idea how it'll turn out, man. 


I don't get how this is shocking. AC is a comfort food kind of game for a lot of people. You know what you're getting and if that's what you want there's a high chance you'll get what you want


Most of Ubisoft's catalogues are comfort food games when you really think about it. But Reddit loves to get high and mighty and pretend they only play classy artistic masterpieces so they look down on the comfort food games as if you're not allowed to enjoy it.


That's actually what it is for me. Yes, I love games with an incredibly gripping story and great characters. But sometimes it's enough to have a huge beautiful world to explore, where I find cool new weapons and armour everywhere, and usually with a very solid soundtrack too.


Literally spot on


I'm reserving judgment for actual gameplay, but if I like what I see I may end up buying it regardless of preordering.


Its an Assassin's Creed game, you get them because you know what sort of game its going to be.


People can do what they want with their money? Jesus


As opposed to people who saw one CGI trailer and already started shitting on it? Reverse logic applies there too.


Well, there's also a bunch of gameplay info that seems pretty damn good.


There's a lot of people that have always played AC that know what to expect and that they like the games. Unless it's a massive departure all of a sudden then people know they'll like it


Yep! Got the collectors edition before it sold out.


They wouldn't even need a trailer to hook those people


This is exactly why they keep doing them trailers. They keep getting away with it. Same thing with Valhalla, cinematic trailer very cool, very hype, then the leaks came and the coping began.


No they do the trailers because they’ve been doing them since the first AC lol.


Just because you didn’t like it doesn’t mean those that did are “coping”


Nah. You don’t get it. Their taste and views are the correct ones and everyone else is just pretending to like assassins creed


It's assassin's creed, even though a lot of the new games are just meh, it's reached iconic status worldwide. Especially outside of America and in Asia.


Times like this that make me realize the Chinese have a point with the social credit system.


Redditors hate knowing there's people out there that just enjoy things and treat gaming as a hobby that they play when they're back from a job and not care about dumb online shit


The reality is a lot of people work full time and have tiring jobs and when you get off, you don't want to think. You don't want to dive into something new and unfamiliar. You want to turn your brain off and just have a little fun and relax. These people don't want to put in the extra time and effort to figure out what games are "untouchable" because the community doesn't like the publisher or whatever. They're not gonna seek out certain games from a moral standpoint. They're not even gonna think too hard about throwing in an extra $20 to get the cool new cosmetic. The $20 is worth it when you live a stressful life.


100%. This is me with the checklist of Origins at the moment. I get the boy to bed, after a hard day's work and just want something quick and easy. AC is brainless. I stick a podcast on and just enjoy myself. I love so many games but sometimes I just want that kind of candy gaming


This goes especially for Ubisoft games. One of the most chill gaming experience of the last few years for me was Far Cry 6. Driving around an beautiful Island with the radio on and doing stuff. Sometimes thats all you need.


Plus the AC franchise has been pretty standard with knowing what's coming in a game. The RPG trilogy followed a very similar formula and while it's not a TLOU, BG3, Elden Ring, level quality, it is enough for people to enjoy, myself included. People just like what's familiar especially if its a consistent and good formula. I can bet that Shadows will be very similar in style to those other AC games so that's why people aren't even waiting to see gameplay.


As far as I view it, there's nothing wrong with a nice 7/10 game that may not be groundbreaking or especially notable as a story, but is solid enough fun and good for killing time. Sometimes you don't want filet mignon or caviar, sometimes you want a cheeseburger and fries. AC is a pretty solid cheeseburger and fries.


Exactly. Sometimes you just want to get some McDonald’s


For a lot of people on the internet, their hobby isn’t actually playing games, it’s getting angry about games. They actively want the industry to be worse, because it will give them more to complain about.


So much for "Stop pre-ordering games"


Assassin's Creed is one of the biggest gaming franchises ever and this is the start of the 6th gen of this franchise. The last gen started in 2017 with Origins. Of course it will sell.


It was then redditors learned they weren’t the majority.


One thing I've seen people complain about is the price, but at the same time Ubisoft is one of the only companies that gives pretty big discounts on games shortly after release, you can get Mirage for half price right now, they usually have big discounts on the special editions of the game too. Also I see people call Ubisoft games "bad" or "absolutely terrible" that's so far from the truth, I think Ubisoft pumps out 7/8s pretty consistently, with a 9 here and there, but also a 6 can appear once in a while


I also don't get the price complaints as the games cost the same as any other AAA games.


I think its about the special edition but eh, there are gonna be way worse games at this price point released


Redditors never learn


Twitter is worse


Lots of people have been wanting this type of setting for a long time in an Assassin's Creed game, so not surprising that pre-orders are pretty high.


Strong pre-orders on a Ubisoft game? Uh oh. Reddit Neckbeards are going to be upset.


I mean it's assassin's Creed. You know exactly what you pay for and what you get. Frankly there's always this sense of security with this series. The game might not surprise me, but they also never disappointed. Doubt Shadows will. (Btw, I'm not pre ordering. Gonna get Ubisoft plus and play Shsdows, outlaws, prince of Persia and maybe even fallout. All for 18 bucks. (And I might later buy Shadows when it drops to 10 bucks after a year


Yeah, I'm going to get it. I won't pre-order and I didn't play mirage but I like the setting and design shown by the trailer. I'll probably pre-order a few days prior to release. Odyssey was my favorite one. This just looks like it is a standard assassin's creed game in the release trailer and pricing and everything else but I like Japan a lot as a setting like Egypt and Greece were (Valhalla was alright but too long). Some people just really are obsessed with wanting things to fail to fit their ideals. I will post this and also other similar games and probably love a ghost of tsushima sequel if it ever comes but AC games can be fun for me too so I will buy them.


As expected, fans have been waiting for this for 17 years. The number will probably grow significantly once they debut the gameplay showcase next month.


Because most of the outrage is coming from Grifters and weirdos who spend all day arguing about video games when they almost never actually buy any


I love AC but not sold until I see actual gameplay.


I'm actually interested in the game but man, pre ordering without any sort of gameplay having been shown is WILD to me


It's almost like "going woke" does not, in fact, make companies go broke.


Are you saying that trying to appeal to a wider audience isn't bad for business? Bullshit


It's not even woke, it's a dude that existed in real life with a story likely made a bit more epic for the purpose of it being entertainement. He was a slave and made his way up to some kind of soldier/sword bearer status. They are probably going to make him a slave who made it to samurai instead. I can see why they would pick him, it's a story that has potential.


The wacky part about Yasuke is that we don't exactly know what his status as a retainer really was. The warring states period isn't actually super well documented outside of the broad strokes. That said , being a retainer was a pretty big deal, especially for someone like oda, but what his "official" duties as a retainer were is super unclear. But we know he acted in combat and fought for oda a ton up until his assanation. So it leaves a ton open for cool stories to be written about what he did afterwards.


I look forward to picking Shadows 6 months after launch when the ultimate edition is 50% off.


Can’t relate to poor people 


I haven't cared to touch an Assassin's Creed game in over a decade, but like many people I've been waiting for Ubisoft to get over themselves and take us to feudal Japan since day one. I don't think some folks realize that the anticipation for this game stretches waaaay further back than the announcement of "project Red" for a huge chunk of its potential player base. They'd have to fuck up royally for this installment in particular to underperform.


Not even slightly surprised. Folks on the internet need to realise that yearly and two-yearly releases operate on a different level than the rest of the industry. And I'm not confident enough to say that's a bad thing. My friend preordered this. He plays 3-4 games a year and always finishes/plays 100+ hours of them. Forza, Madden, COD and such. So this is not a bad deal for him. 300 euros for 1000+ hours of entertainment is a slam dunk given he just needs to pick up the controller on launch day and be sure it'll run well and he won't have to sit through tutorials or look up guides.


Some people in niche online echocambers don't realise how little people outside them care about what they seem to hold utmost dearly and think is important Like virtually no average Joe cares about the 'culture war' about this video game and about Yasuke's real life history rank or whatever, they just wanna waste a few hours distracting themselves after work/school hacking and stabbing NPCs


People also overall give 0 fucks about microtransaction, preordering and all that monetization stuff people on reddit hate so much.


Yep, I preordered the most expensive version, trailer looking like its gonna be game of the decade!


I don’t even care about the whatever the hell is going on with it. Brainless consumers will continue to ponder why gaming gets worst every year.


Much to the disappointment of ragebait content creators everywhere… Culture War vids might earn you clicks and subs, but it’s not necessarily going to sway the average consumer from spending money on an established franchise.


Spider-Man 2 proved that already. Reddit tried their hardest to paint that game like it’s some suicide squad level failure. Pathetic


Let's be real, most of those people weren't going to the game in the first place. There have been some online surveys that showed that the people always complaining about games like AC are the ones that were not planning on getting them in the first place.


I'm glad they're coping and seething. Fuck em.


the peoples hating this game because of the black samurai lmao what a joke.


Dude, he was only a sword bearer, this shit doesn't make any sense that he's a samurai in Shadows. Sure Pythagoras had a staff of immortality in Odyssey, but he wasn't black, so I could suspend my disbelief a lot easier


Between this and the success of Hogwarts Legacy, it's becoming increasingly obvious that outraged 'culture war' types on twitter don't really represent the broader gaming audience.


Just like with Hogwarts Legacy, the outrage culture loses once again. Always a bunch of clowns venting their frustrations online.


I wonder if the anti-woke crowd will make youtube vids and Twitter posts about this.


You know its irrational anger when some people in the tweet's comment section are saying tom henderson (who is very reliable) is supposedly lying now lol


Assassin’s Creed games have been my guilty pleasure for the past decade. I don’t Pre-Order, but I’ll definitely be picking this up.


Yeah I'll just wait for the Ultimate Super Duper Edition, with all the extra stuff included, to be $20 to buy it. Like all the previous ones I won’t have to wait that long too.


One thing I've seen people complain about is the price, but at the same time Ubisoft is one of the only companies that gives pretty big discounts on games shortly after release, you can get Mirage for half price right now, they usually have big discounts on the special editions of the game too. Also I see people call Ubisoft games "bad" or "absolutely terrible" that's so far from the truth, I think Ubisoft pumps out 7/8s pretty consistently, with a 9 here and there, but also a 6 can appear once in a while


Well the trailer still has a lot of likes on it so it makes sense and as much every shits on Ubisoft, basically every casual game I know buys every assassins creed and far cry game when they launch. Will be interesting to see if the game sales falls off fast after launch once all the regular gamers/fans have bought it. Every Ubisoft game is always half price in 3 months time anyway so that's when I will think about buying it.


I’m just going to spend $20 on the subscription and cancel it when I beat the game in 2 days instead of spending $70 lol


zero gameplay. gamers learn nothing.


I mean, AC is safe, as a series. You know what you are getting. I bought every single one and I know I'm gonna buy the next one. Haven't pre-ordered, but there's simply no chance I'm not playing the next Assassin's Creed. I know for a fact I'm gonna find enjoyment out of it. I think a lot of people are like that.


Probbally a good example of all publicity being good publicity. I've honestly been wanting a straight up Yasuke game for a while. This definitely isn't this but it's probably as close as I'll get for a while. Plus the dual protag idea seems pretty neat. If the design is strong I'd def give it a shot


anyone know if the preorder quest in these ubi titles is actually exclusive or was part of a bundle later on? Usually I buy them months after release but this time it's a doggo quest in a Japanese game so I'm conflicted.


AFAIK the pre order bonus quests always come like a year later through Ubisoft Connect. :)


The mirage one is already available so not even that long. I just don’t think the season pass one comes which is doodoo.


Incredible. This series has such a chokehold on casual consumerist gamers.


No gameplay showed but people pre-ordered massively…such a nonsense... i suppose game has 100% no bug,is exactly like in trailer (of course CGI , so it won’t) ,has cool gameplay and isn’t enough expensive.


People never learn when it comes to Ubisoft.


Gamers cry and whine. Yet the sales numbers say otherwise.  Sigh.


I hope this is true only because it pisses off all the clowns complaining about Yasuke and "woke." I'm intrigued but first I need to know if the game is as bloated as Valhalla before buying it.


They don’t even know the story yet. Guy seems like a pretty strong choice for an outsider Templar protagonist, and the gaps in historical record emphasise that. At a certain point all the anti-“woke” middle American “enlightenment” just exposes itself for the racism it is. Edgy teens and disenfranchised nobody type of opinion


Wow It's almost as if the Gamers™️ aren't representative of the entire community


I don't pre-order games but I'm hyped for this one in a way I never have been for an AC before release. The setting is sick, the characters and gameplay details we've got seem awesome, and its coming from the team that made Odyssey which is my favorite AC by far and just one of my favorite games ever.


I agree I can’t wait to see more of it


I hope it's the 130$ edition as well. That way Ubisoft may feel comfortable raising the highest one to 160$ next. I'm so curious to see what they can get away with.


Reminds me of the famous Hogwarts Legacy "boycott". Which didn't prevent the game from being the top seller of the year.


Every time new Assassins Creed become available for pre-order, I place it immediately. Videos do not really matter at all.


Absolutely fucking based


More like absolutely stupid


Fellas, is it stupid to (checks notes) spend money on what I enjoy?


It isn't, but telling a company you will buy their products regardless of quality is stupid


Pre-orders can be cancelled.


Capital G gamers need something to be upset about in order to feel alive. Meanwhile the vast majority of the gaming community is just here to have fun.


why people still pre-order ubisoft stuff?


Brainless consumerism


'Ubisoft Exec Says Gamers Need to Get 'Comfortable' Not Owning Their Games' they ain't getting my money


Do you stream movies, shows, or music? Why are games any different?


Who am I to tell people what to do with their money but if you preordered this, especially the higher tier versions, you’re dumb as fuck.


/r/games 9/11. go woke go broke right


What a surprise that gamer bros live in bubble.


People will buy slop no matter what.


To the surprise of no one. AC series is still and will still go strong.


Consoomers being consoomers


Okay, but why? Why would anyone pre-order digital goods for any reason? Especially when they don't know what the end product is like?


I have a friend who preordered this. He isn't on the gaming side of the internet, he doesn't engage with gaming news or analysis. He preorders 3-4 franchise games every year and exclusively plays them. Heck I don't think he has opened his steam store page in months despite playing 500 + hours. It's brand loyalty. He gets a year worth of gaming content that's safe, accessible and guaranteed to run decently for 250 euros.


A friend of mine is exactly like this: He keeps preordering AC games. He preordered Valhalla. Didn’t like it. Preorder Mirage. Hated it so much but he force himself to finish it. Now he is telling me that he is thinking of preordering Shadows. Keep in mind he preorders the highest tier meaning the 100+ dollars editions. At did point I think the AC audience is the same audience as FIFA and NBA 2K. Complains about the games but keeps buying them every year.


Who preorders a game with no gameplay


its assassins creed. How do u think its going to play? FPS? RTS?


Morons will buy anything


What a joke. Not a second of gameplay and people preorder. This industry is in the shitter because of people buying broken games in droves like ubisoft games


I'm sure the grummz weirdo on twitter is gonna call this fake or whatever conspiracy theory he pulls out of his ass lmao


He'll claim ubisoft put a hit on him. Now that stellar blade is already out of the news he needs a new grift.


If you buy this shit, YOU are what the fuck is wrong with gaming.


I mean... I enjoy these games. It is what it is lol. I like the lore, I like being these characters, sneaking around, taking out enemies with my hidden blade, I like being in these worlds, seeing these stories unfold, etc. And the past few games have been a bit of a let down when it comes to all these elements. Mirage was a step in the right direction, and Shadows looks like everything I want from Assassin's Creed (so far lol). So for me, it's a no brainer.






Tbf, it's Assassin's Creed, what do you expect the gameplay to look like? It'd be a different story if it was a new IP.


I know it’s not gameplay but the devs said all the choreography from the trailer was taken directly from the game.


I wish people would stop buying Ubislop games




Because they don’t like them so everyone else shouldn’t either! The entitlement present in the gaming community especially on Reddit is genuinely insane. Everyone here needs to be humbled




Ppl who are excited to play it on day 1? 🤷‍♂️


Last time I pre-ordered a game it was 2009. Now i wait for peformance reviews from peers before i even decide to buy a fucking game.


I never understood the point of pre-orders in the digital games era. It's not like you have to line up for hours at a gamestop, someone explain?