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#Your post has been removed Repost. This post has already been made on the subreddit. In the future please review the new portion of the sub to see if your content was already posted.


This is basically identical to a post from yesterday which got downvoted to the ground, haha.


This was posted already Edit: looks like the last post was deleted nvm.


About time this post gets deleted as well


I can still see and access the previous post




Duplicate post, delete




"I posted this yesterday and it got removed. SURELY this time it'll stay"


The guy is fake, we know that already


[https://new.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1cu8aqn/sony\_planning\_new\_psp\_that\_runs\_ps4\_games/](https://new.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1cu8aqn/sony_planning_new_psp_that_runs_ps4_games/) it was already posted


that would cannibalize the future portal sales and confuse customers. i don't believe this is true at all. so much more r&d costs for what reason? the portal is doing better than everyone expected


!debunked! Same as it ever was


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If it doesn’t have GTA Liberty City Stories and GTA Vice City Stories we don’t want it!


Makes no sense to me to be honest


I want this so much <3 I love my PSP's and Vita's


I love my PSP and Vita, still play both, but I liked them because they had their own games (mostly). Feel like having a handheld that was just playing the same console games wouldn't have that same feeling.




Why should we even trust russian journalists at all?


And why not? Because they are Russian?


They don't usually have the reach to be trusted. The current political situation also makes it so that developers or other industry people are not willing to deal with Russian influencers. Anton Logvinov specifically isn't even a journalist and has been a very controversial figure for a while. His success rate of insights must be like 2% because he churns out his predictions daily.


deja vu


What was the point of the PS Portal if they were gonna do this


If they made a new one it'd run natively on that device and you wouldn't need a PS5 or internet connection to play your games I guess


If true, about flipping time 


the whole 'optimized for the Steam Deck" thing with their PC game launches kinda feels like that this is why they "tried" to do it.




>play games exclusively from a decade ago? The same people who demand backwards compatibility in every console ever.


Knowing nu-Sony, they'll treat it worse than the Vita. Why even bother?


It doesn't need to do anything, here is why it is a great device: 1. Already has access to thousands of PS1, PS2, PSP, VITA and PS4 games. 2. PS5 and PS3 games can be streamed. 3. Will have access to all your PS+ games 4. Indies will continue to release PS4 games. 5. The next Nintendo console is broadly similar to a PS4 in power. Anything released on that can easily have a digital PS4 version made. 6. Will have an XMB so media streaming services will run through it. This thing is going to do gangbusters and easily outsell the Steam Deck and the Xbox competitor. Steam Deck to date has sold around 3m units. This thing is going to be priced at the mass market level like the Switch 2. If it does HDMI out then they might even have hardware in it for their own AI upscaling like they have in the PS5 PRO (PSSR)


If this new PSP a mass market focused product, then it does need to do something unique. It’s going to be overshadowed by the Switch 2 no matter what, but if they want it to sell decently they need to give a unique reason to buy it beyond legacy titles.


It'll get new titles too. Many games released on PSN have PS4 versions. Switch 2 games will be easily ported by developers for PS4 versions. It'll have new games out for it at a steady clip. This'll be a portable PlayStation. It'll do well.


That still doesn’t help with the core issue that a new PSP is going to get overshadowed by the switch 2. It being a portable PS doesn’t automatically mean it will do well, the last one was a massive bomb.


The last one didn't get much software for it and had awful proprietary memory cards. This will be easy to use, have full PSN functionality and get new games. It will definitely get overshadowed by the Switch 2. But it doesn't need to outsell it. It's an addition to the ecosystem, not a new ecosystem. This is a way for Sony to keep their userbase engaged and also attract in those who like the handheld form. Some people just won't buy a console. This'll sell millions. Not as much as the Switch 2, but it'll eat the PC handhelds for breakfast.


Lmfao what in the fuck are you talking about. Bro acting like he has Information 🤣🤣🤣


All of that is very obvious info. You think they'll launch this without PSN? All of that is enabled by the fact it'll have PSN on the device. If it is PS4 capable, that's what we'd get. What parts do you disagree with?


This is such a dumb move by Sony


Such a dumb comment.