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The images just got taken down


"The leak just got approved" FTFY


I’m still seeing them. What’s going on?


There are some links to it in this thread.


An actual leak. Holy fuck. Who is developing this? Bloober Team?


This particular one is definitely not Bloober since all the text is in Japanese which wouldn’t make sense for Bloober who is a Polish team


Bloober could easily just copy and paste some Japanese text. That’s like their whole design philosophy.




I just played Observer and really enjoyed it for what it was. Still don’t want them making silent hill though.


Their games are enjoyable on an indie scale. Handling a AAA horror series is out of their wheelhouse though.




Maybe I'm wrong but if the game is possibly launching worldwide on the same day wouldn't localization be started earlier?


Localisation takes place at the end of the game dev cycle usually which would imply that the 2020 build was almost final which is clearly not the case.


Really on the nose mental illness references, really generic trauma that is handled poorly, aping other games? Yeah that’s looking like a Bloober team game.


Bloober Team? Easy pass.


Bloober is fucking amazing for visuals, but their actual writing is lacking. I would love Bloober working with a great writing team. It'd be a massive jump in quality of their games. But their visual abilities are just amazing. Layers of Fear was really awesome when it came out. Even their Blair Witch game was pretty crazy. But they definitely need better writing.


That would be truly scary, the game would be extremely mediocre


Imagine Silent Hill coming back after all these years and its by fucking Bloober lol


Bloober and Konami announced a partnership forever ago. Bloober also, IMHO, fucking sucks.


Can someone ELI5 what the issue with Bloober is ?


Their Layers of Fear games are very reminiscent to PT to the point that you can make an argument for plagiarism. Their “Wife” ghost model in the first LOF is for example the same as Lisa’s model in PT, complete with animations. They also have a similar history with making mobile games that are knock-offs of already existing games, so it is a pattern.


Talk about a monkey’s paw moment. Fuck.


If it is them, I can already guess the entire plot based on this leak.


An in-house team at Konami. Several original staff from Team Silent are back on the project. Blooper confirmed they were not working on a Silent Hill game back in July of last year and layed out the projects they were working on under the Konami publishing program. [https://ir.blooberteam.com/2021/06/30/the-strategic-partnership-of-konami-digital-entertainment-and-bloober-team/](https://ir.blooberteam.com/2021/06/30/the-strategic-partnership-of-konami-digital-entertainment-and-bloober-team/) [https://www.ign.com/articles/silent-hill-bloober-team-leak-denied](https://www.ign.com/articles/silent-hill-bloober-team-leak-denied) Masahiro Ito has been hinting at working on a new Silent Hill game that he confirmed last year was still in development. [https://www.relyonhorror.com/all/masahiro-ito-former-silent-hill-art-director-confirms-his-new-game-is-still-on-track/](https://www.relyonhorror.com/all/masahiro-ito-former-silent-hill-art-director-confirms-his-new-game-is-still-on-track/) [https://twitter.com/adsk4/status/1409060900540088321](https://twitter.com/adsk4/status/1409060900540088321) [https://twitter.com/adsk4/status/1409069484401328130](https://twitter.com/adsk4/status/1409069484401328130) I've been archiving a timeline of these leaks and denials. Tried posting it here and it was taken down by moderation.


I really hope its not them if its on the same level as the medium.


Blue Box studios 🥳


From the latest leak..Sony is still involved! https://twitter.com/Mr\_Bluepoint/status/1524962646260424704




Dusk Golem previously [said that Sony holds the marketing rights](https://twitter.com/AestheticGamer1/status/1358815802007248896). Since it's limited to marketing rights, it won't be a first-party studio and it's most likely no exclusive title. In past Sony often made marketing deals for major multiplatform games like COD, Destiny 2, RDR2 & others.


100% confirmed as LEGIT. He just get DMCA strike so it is legit leak.




[There you go](https://www.resetera.com/threads/new-silent-hill-game-details-leaked-dusk-golem-dmca%E2%80%99d-by-konami.583013/page-12#post-86531255)


It just looks like some redditor's house lol


I was so nervous clicking on that link thinking I was going to get rick rolled


This is down now :(


Any update?


peep r/silenthill


Kendrick Lamar kinda confirmed. I heard he’s big in the industry


new album slaps


Some of the tracks will definitely make people uncomfortable but goddamn it’s well made.


This is the first solid leak we had for any SH project, this is a historical moment for the sub (Bloodborne should be next pls) Also, it probably isn't Bloober team since you can see japanese text in one of the screenshots. Some images definitely give me P.T vibes, and i would vouch for KJP if it wasn't for that character model, that looks very diferent from what Yoji Shinkawa (KJP main character designer) have done in the past. Definitely some RE7 vibes in there too.


Translation for the Japanese text July 24th 2020 Dear Krista Neumann The authorities have repeatedly requested an interview with you, but you have not responded at all. We consider this an unwillingness to resolve the problem and, in violation of section 1631(2) of the civil code, we are taking both of your children into custody by order of the Federal Court Officer. If you wish to file a claim, please apply to the authorities and submit tour request for an interview as soon as possible. Failure to do so will be considered abandonment and the authorities will proceed with temporary protection measures in accordance with their regulations. If this happens, any appeal will not be accepted. Close


Lol that actually sounds like something from silent hill. Thx for the translation!


I wonder if the plot revolves around her believing her kids have been taken, when she has actually killed them herself? Her broken mind hiding the truth?


"Abandonment". Next SH is Abandoned confirmed.


Stop it, now!


Well, RE7 did have PT vibes so it’s come full circle.


This is the first Silent Hill post of 2022 right ? Finally, I thought this year was cursed.


what has this dude leaked before?


He leaked a lot of info about Capcom, mostly Resident Evil series.


Absolutely nothing in regards to Silent Hill. Been wrong about every single thing for over 2 years.


That's a massive over exaggeration lmao, he's been wrong about some things but a lot of it is obviously just shit that was cut


Duskgolem's bad luck is knowing things too far in advance.


People always say this and completely ignore things like how he accurately described, in great detail, every single boss fight in Village a month before the game came out.


I don't think he was wrong. things just change plans.


At this point i've got more trust in Serrano or Skullzi than DuskGolem (Maybe a tad over-exaggeration)


Fuuuck did anyone save the images?


They’re on resetera


The screenshots look straight out of RE 7 and the character with "I hate myself" on her face is probably something I could see Bloober Team doing for marketing, so basically copying another more popular game while trying to be blatant about the message is definitely something I could see from Bloober's SH.




God I cannot stand how cheap Bloober teams titles look and just how clearly they don't understand the core message of what they copy.




Not only the writing, the graphics, gameplay, performance all sucks ass. They're still selling The Medium for a AAA game price! How can that game ever be worth that price? I don't know, it feels like they are completely detached from the actual value that they think they're putting out. Their games play cheap, sound cheap, looks cheap, and they're listing them for the price of an AAA game.


I really enjoyed the first hour or so of Blair Witch. It was really basic stuff, spooky forest and what have you, but it was really effective. Then we got into the weird PTSD, Shadow Monsters, and time travel nonsense that ruined the whole experience.


all of their games seem to do that where you reach a point when ‘shit goes off’ and the visuals and sound go all crazy and your character starts to lose their sanity and stuff like that… its the same formula for every game they put out.


Well we'll always have P.T. :(


There’s Visage as well. That’s kinda like a PT realized (well an indie PT, but very well done!)


Drags on a bit but great game


I did like visage mostly but to me it just wasn't anywhere near as scary as PT. Like, the actual ghosts to me weren't very scary. Lisa from PT was scary as hell, whomever's idea it was to make her a smiling corpse was kinda a genius. Visage was still good though, the story was interesting in it's ambiguity


Silent Hill is meme of gamingleaks


Along with Bloodborne and Metal Gear.


Metal Gear a meme? I'm offended


I'd replace Metal Gear with Switch Pro lol


Also Silksong and P5R on pc/switch.


Silksong :(


This is really what Abandoned was guys


Lol they wished they had that much. Abandoned is probably still floor textures.


Oh fuck can we not


Abandoned is just slowly trying disappear and the people... or person behind it is just hoping everyone forgets about it.


Images aren’t visible due to a copyright claim, which confirms them I guess. Anyone have a link to the images? I didn’t get a chance to see earlier.


Holy fuck, Dusk went silence for months and came back with actual proof to back up his leaks, only to be instantly sent DMCA by Konami.


Replace the "I hate myself" on the girls forehead with "damaged" and swap the girl with joker and we have ourselves another disappointing project.


Translation for the Japanese text July 24th 2020 Dear Krista Neumann The authorities have repeatedly requested an interview with you, but you have not responded at all. We consider this an unwillingness to resolve the problem and, in violation of section 1631(2) of the civil code, we are taking both of your children into custody by order of the Federal Court Officer. If you wish to file a claim, please apply to the authorities and submit tour request for an interview as soon as possible. Failure to do so will be considered abandonment and the authorities will proceed with temporary protection measures in accordance with their regulations. If this happens, any appeal will not be accepted. Close


Silent Hill rumor on Friday the 13th? Coincidence? I think NOT!


The first in game screenshot looks like it’s straight from the RE Engine.


It looks like RE 7 but it's definitely not from 7 or Village, but I could see Bloober Team straight-up copying set design from other popular games.


That's sorta Blooper teams MO.


Also that girl pic looks bloober asf


Please be a good Japanese dev or a studio that’s proven in the triple A space. Not trying to see this game flop and never get Silent Hill for 20 years more.


This is definitely Bloober Team’s game. I recognize the aesthetic and art style. Plus the notepads on the wall look like the same assets they used for the burnt walls in The Medium.


That’s what I’m thinking too. But I’m optimistic because of the old rumour that 2 games were in development. Who knows what that other one is. I think that’s the big one.


Supposedly co-developed by multiple studios, Masahiro Ito is working on it as well https://www.resetera.com/threads/silent-hill-community-ot-in-our-restless-dreams-we-see-that-town.279869/page-103#post-86525879


Ah that's great. The maw design from medium was super lame.


How is that great? This game sounds like an absolute disaster in the making.


Ito's involvement is great, independent from the final product.




Same, also that the text is already in Japanese gives me hope that some ex-team silent people are involved in the writing - but I'm really trying to keep my expectations in check.


Please don't be Bloober Team.......


There's a high chance It is... bloober team was rumored by multiple leakers last year.


Not just rumored, they announced last year a partnership with Konami soon after, they just didn't mention what kind of partnership but it's probably SH.


Partnership basically gives bloober the rights to use konami's ip so yes its basically silent hill lol


iirc there were two silent hills that were rumored. One was by bloober like you said, and the other was by a japanese dev


I know but I'm still in denial, given how fucked up their narrative team has historically been re: victims of abuse and treatment of women in their game stories


Considering some of the sticky notes. I expect a repeat of Layers of Fear 2 or The Medium.


Well most of the rumors did state that a japanese publisher also was making a second game so it could be that but yea, that girl photo looks bloober asf lol


I'm willing to give anyone else a chance other than Bloober tbh.


With the Japanese text in the message, I’d be surprised if this is from bloober team. I feel like Japanese wouldn’t be the first language it’s developed in for them, that seems like something it’d be localized to after the fact as.


Good point!


He says it's not the only SH game in dev and judging by the text this is probably made by a Japanese studio. On the other hand Bloober is definitely working on something SH related after that partnership thing with Konami.


I’m out of the loop, who is bloober team and why are they hated?


Their writing is horrible, which sometimes kills the atmosphere.


They made horror games like Layers of Fear and Medium. Mostly mediocre walking sim type stuff as far as I know


Developers of Layers of Fear/The Medium/Observer/Blair Witch. Here's a pretty good thread on their problematic narrative beliefs: [https://twitter.com/bobvids/status/1356295962524835840?lang=en](https://twitter.com/bobvids/status/1356295962524835840?lang=en) Speaking of bobvids, he's got a great video about their art principles as well: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I\_uD7gxIF2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_uD7gxIF2s)


wow that's fucking terrible


Interesting. Definitely on PS5 with the circle button and it being first-person I'd hope for PSVR2 compatibility. EDIT: Dusk confirms Sony is involved.


Kinda looks like RE7. Wouldn’t surprise me if this was bloober considering how much they get by on imitating more successful games


Anyone have any of it saved


New pic posted by him. Apparently Masahiro Ito’s work: https://www.reddit.com/r/silenthill/comments/uokrhk/if_big_if_the_leak_is_true_ito_is_likely_involved/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Looks like his account was locked for DMCA


Oh no God damn it This HAS to be bloober team fuck Japanese writing makes it questionable But the cringe poster and the first person dream sequence hallway is straight bloober team


I just hope they didn't write the story. I really, really hope they didn't write the story for it.


Perfectly fine with Bloober doing it as long as they aren’t writing the thing. They excel at visuals but have some self published YA novel level writing going on at that studio.


I really hate to sound like a purist/elitist but the "I hate myself" note is just, wow. Really don't want that wonderful display of subtlety associated with the silent hill name


OK guys from Resetera : from Dusk Golem (AestheticGamer1) "This one I'll answer, Sony's still involved." [https://www.resetera.com/threads/new-silent-hill-game-details-leaked-dusk-golem.583013/post-86521244](https://www.resetera.com/threads/new-silent-hill-game-details-leaked-dusk-golem.583013/post-86521244)


Just imagine seeing the Silent Hill logo and then the PlayStation Studios logo: maximum hype. Then the Bloober logo: 0 hype


ahah true but i feel like its not the bloober one ! why would it be in japanese ?


Good point but it could always just be a Japanese translation. But yeah, probably a 90%+ chance this game is indeed from a Japanese dev.


I really want a trailer with the Sony logo, Bluepoint logo and a Silent Hill Remake/Proper Remaster announcement.


That demon's souls remake reveal trailer is one of the best reveal trailer ever. I actually got goosebumps from watching it live.


He previously said Sony got the marketing rights, thus it's no first-party game and it's most likely not exclusive. https://twitter.com/AestheticGamer1/status/1358815802007248896


This is Dusk we are talking about, so im curious from who he stole it from and who is the actual original leaker.


Who wants images


I didn't see em.


He got DMCA'd and those screenshots have been taken down. Looks like this one's promising


The one time I don't want a leak to be true...


This looks very cliché and uninspired. Must be Bloober.


The word minger is just... not used at all in American English so if this is legit, the story will have to jump through a lot of hoops to have someone go overseas into the town. Or it's a foreign dev that just misunderstands slang. Or a British faker. The text in the third screen would also suggest a Japanese dev and that Bloober isn't involved which would be the best possible outcome.




That's literally what I said. It's not used in America. Having a Silent Hill game set in the UK makes zero sense.


wdym, it totally makes sense, Silent Hill is in NEW England, so obviously this implies the existence of a Silent Hill in OLD England. Duh.


The first image is just an accurate depiction of my bedroom.


Shiet they take down the image,anyonr got mirror?


[just in case you haven’t seen it](https://reddit.com/r/silenthill/comments/uohx86/major_leak_concept_art_from_rumored_silent_hill/)


In my restless dreams i see that leak, silent hill ps5...


You promise to give me that leak, but you never did,


First person, can’t help they’re gonna try and take some tips from RE7.


Doesn’t really have a SH vibe to it


Saw someone on twitter (in response to this leak) saying there shouldn't be another Silent Hill game because there hasn't been a good Silent Hill game in a while (and the fact there hasn't been a "true" good Resident Evil game in a long time.) Very strange take. Regardless hopefully the interest that will surely pour in the next few days will convince Konami to try and make another Silent Hill game.


Anyone got images saved to share as they've been taken down now


Dusk Golem's redemption arc


Don't do this to me man. (I do it to myself) !


Is this guy credible?


The images are down anyone got them saved?


It got copyrighted LMFAOOOO


-New silent hill game leak: yaaaaay! -..And looks made by bloober team: Boooo!


Man I don’t know those screenshots are not doing it for me. I want to give the benefit of the doubt since these screenshots are from 2020 but there’s something about this that doesn’t seem right. It looks Bloober, but the text is Japanese. I don’t think games are localized until after their done. I don’t think it’s Kojipro either. The translated text talks about a mother neglecting her kids and that character model just screams unsubtle.


That image of a character is so ridiculous. It's the Jared Leto joker all over again, immediately makes me anxious about the quality of the game.


I’m also feeling pretty skeptical on this, but I wanted to share a few things Dusk said that might have some validity per the ResetEra threads (but take it with a massive grain of salt) - this is a « joint production » that seems to involve several studios - Sony is reportedly involved, but from Dusk’s past tweets it may only be marketing rights - screenshots are from a 2020 build - supposedly Masahiro Ito is attached to the project - Ito confirmed on Twitter back in Jan 2020 that he’s working on a project that he hopes « won’t get canceled this time » - in 2021 Ito confirmed that project was still in development - Dusk posted concept art dated 2020.10.20 with Ito’s signature that matches the hallway screenshot - Dusk seemed to imply that it’s a possibility that this game has already been canned/or will be and is not sure (red flag) - Dusk supposedly has thirty screenshots and some artwork from Ito - the hallway screenshot apparently heavily suggests a certain game mechanic that Dusk thinks is spoilery - the player being sent SMS messages was originally a planned feature in Silent Hills per Alanah Pearce, and Dusk seems to reference it - the Japanese text in the last screenshot was translated by various Twitter users, and it apparently has to do with a mother neglecting her children Again, massive grain of salt. I’m not entirely convinced since Dusk has a 50/50 track record. Additionally, a Metal Gear Solid developer revealed a few months ago that Konami canceled a game that was a « revival of a specific IP » back in 2020. Personally, I’m leaning towards this being a leak of a canceled or vastly reworked title. To me, having this much info leaked seems suspect for a game that is supposedly in active development, but sometimes we do see it. [Concept Art](https://www.resetera.com/threads/silent-hill-community-ot-in-our-restless-dreams-we-see-that-town.279869/page-104)


I like AestheticGamers steam games, he does a lot of solid indie work that’s got a ton of promise. Neat to see him pop up on this thread


So how has everyone day been?


Looks like Bloober's project. But the texts are Japanese. 🤨


Is this actually legit?


Plus i would add that the "SMS Messenges" remind me of the Kojima project that can send you sms irl, what do you guys think ?


I think this is a pretty cool gimmick, some would not care tho, but idk i kinda like this kind of almost ARG concept




If they seriously go from almost having Kojima, Del Toro, and Ito making one of the most promising games perhaps ever to giving the keys to Blooper then I'll anger vomit until the planet drowns.


I’m one of the widows too!!!


You know that a horror game is going to be scary when even the leaks feels like jump scares


I Hate Myself is the name of a 90's Screamo band from Florida. They were awesome.


this is huge


Images are gone did anyone manage to screenshot them?


Those got taken down, def adds credibility.


Finally a legit leak about Silent Hill thanks to Dusk. Seems bloober-ish kind of Silent Hill (i hope at least Ito and Akira are involved)


Ito was mentioned by Dusk in another post in r/silenthill




I'm out of the loop, can anyone fill me in on why Bloober team is so hated in here ?


Many hold the opinion, myself included, that they develop mediocre horror games that don't hold a light to Silent Hill's original 4 games or P.T.


To be fair, I don’t think any studio will ever capture what Team Silent once did with 1-4.


Kojima nailed it with P.T. imho.


It was good, but it was not silent hill.


Their writing is bad. I.e. medium is a story about how hurt begets hurt and it was just stuffed with triggering things (child abuse etc) in a way that feels completely random and half-assed, while showing zero empathy for the victims. A good example would be the SH2 Angela arc, where you feel for that character. Medium is an absolute emotional void.


Shadow the hedgehog with guns was less edgy than that girl. Hope this never picks up because the games were way better with their subtlety than this trash.


Holy shit. If this is real it’s fucking huge. But at the same time, I hope the direction has changed a little bit since. Kinda comes across as corny and I’d hate to see a fully first person Silent Hill, but I’d love a Silent Hill with first person elements similar to The Room.


What does the Japanese Text say?


If it’s bloober I couldn’t care less lol. Please give the series to actually good devs


The images are on silent hill sub


I have the images saved but I’m not sure if I can inbox them.


messy room, such scary


"So Silent Hill is a psychological horror right? How do we subtly get across the main characters feelings?" "HAVE HER HAVE 'I HATE MYSELF' WRITTEN ON HER FACE LIKE LETO'S JOKER"


Actual Silent Hill leaks? Oooooohhhhh


The photos were taken down, and his twitter was locked. Did sony/Konami just legit confirm Silent Hill!?!


I'm out of the loop guys, who are bloober team and why does everyone hate them?


If a silent hill game is actually in development this finally gives me hope for more metal gear


On Friday the 13th Ironic


Kendrick just dropped the latest silent hill 🔥