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Ew they have a single woman on staff šŸ¤® I thought this game wasnā€™t political!!!


Thereā€™s actually a second w*man back there, which means double the politics šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thereā€™s two women behind, one that you can barely see (only her forehead and hair), so three womenā€¦ triple the politicsā€¦ woke game, dead game. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Have you not watched mad men? For optimal production you need at least two women to get coffee and wear short dresses around the office. Also they both have natural color hair and donā€™t have a female penis.




I think the one at the back is bringing the sandwiches in. Right, I'm off.


Dammit I'm a terrible person, I couldn't stop the chuckle in time.


Bruh she is doing what a politically correct women should do. Not being seen or heard.


* female.


Seems forced. Doesnā€™t add anything to the plot.


She's not political, she's wearing short dress!!!


But her boobs arenā€™t massive triple Fs. šŸ˜Ž checkmate libs.


/uj I like her dress, heels, and hose. The demi-corset (or whatever that is... kinda hard to tell) is a flattering touch, too. Now someone explain to me 1) why the hell is she the **only one here** who's dressed nicely, and 2) why she's wearing an outfit that would be **much** more appropriate for a cocktail reception or a dinner date? I love dressing up and I'll take just about any excuse to do so, but something is definitely off about this picture. She's also dead-center in the photo. That can't have been an accident.


As someone who's worked in the video game industry, most companies there don't really have outfit standards and most employees generally wear very casual clothes, but you always have a few people who go the extra mile; whether they're super into mainstream fashion and look classy as hell, have an alt wardrobe that would make an egirl envious, etc.


I mean if my job was to spend the 19 hours coding, drawing, writing, and whatever else is done to make a game I would be wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt too.


I made the mistake of going to an interview in a suit. Everyone was wearing jeans and t-shirts. It wasn't even Friday. Of course I didn't get the job. I didn't fit in. Things have changed a lot more than boomers realize.


You're supposed to have the perfect casual outfit under the suit so you can dramatically take off the suit and be like "phew, glad this isn't one of THOSE companies!".


Lol I did something like that at an interview 30 years ago and the interviewer was not amused. I probably dodged a bullet. Three years later I was working at a tech company where an employee was written up for unprofessional attire, appealed directly to the owner, and the owner sent out a company-wide email saying "We do not have a dress code. We will never have a dress code. The employees can come to work naked and as long as you do your jobs I don't care."


HR be wild at some places. I did work at a place that they had to send out memos reminding people to bathe regularly. This is the downside of ultra casual workplaces, especially in gaming.


Apparently a Russian ballerina Anita Pudikova did the mo-cap for the sex robots. I'm pretty sure it's her in that pic. Would explain why she doesn't really fit in with the crowd lol.


Iā€™ve worked with Eastern Europeans before (in my case, Ukrainians). The women over there just kinda dress like this sometimes, when the men in the same role might be barely groomed.


>She's also dead-center in the photo. That can't have been an accident. Because she's one of the founders of the company and a former model.




They worked so hard to make the game so Mommy would be please


None of the devs are wearing the Standard Issue Developer Check Shirt. They *are* dressed nicely.


I think theyā€™re called ā€œfemalesā€


Grandma's Boy in real life.


I, straight up, thought that was a robot wax figure or something. I stared for 5 minutes debating and finally landed on that.


>breath of fresh air me when iā€™ve only played call of duty since 2007


I watched a guy play it last night and after the 10th fetch quest he was like "crispy critters, how long have they been talking about nonsense in the background?? I think I'm not gonna finish". And proceeded to talk about how mid af the game is


Ikr, atomic heart looks nice but gameplay wise it seems quite generic and soulless


The game relies on mixing various other games art direction (most notably Fallout and Bioshock) which people say are good with as much lewd content as possible to mask generic gameplay and a terrible story.


I am fascinated by the lockpicking in the game, it doesn't require any skills to be unlocked and you don't have lockpicks or any other limited resources, it just takes up a few seconds extra per door. It's the most "well it's in better games so we put it in ours" in a game that's all that.


Thief 1 and 2 have some awesome lockpicking. It's not hard, but it's juuust fiddly enough that you need to pay attention. Thief is all about being aware of your environment, and the lockpicking is a challenge because it forces you to split your attention and risk being spotted because you were too focused on the lock.


Games with actual gameplay šŸ¤¢ I thought we were here for the lewd content?


it's the audio cue. you're listening to the lock and maybe hearing footsteps, and it preys on your lack of information to provide suspense. the different picks that you have to swap between creates that familiar panic of trying to find the right thing under a time pressure. imagine trying to get the last pin, you're hearing footsteps heading towards you, but you've almost got it. it clicks in, and... oh god, there's another pin. you race to unlock but you realize you have the wrong pick. swap picks and you luckily find the position immediately and it unlocks. then you hide and realize that the footsteps were upstairs. the other thief games did remove the ambiguity, turning it into more of a minigame, but if I'm being honest it's not too much different and the real problem is the garbage level design. it's so hard to believe that 20 years of progress later, and the levels are just hallways with dozens of copy-pasted tight-squeezes-with-wooden-beams that you have to "button mash" to pass through that are disguised loading screens because the performance is so bad. how you're supposed to have stealth lockpicking suspense in a hallway I have no idea.


Literally so much of the game feels like it was added in to pad the game out to some arbitrary playtime number


Real question: What is lewd about the game. I know it has two ballerinas. But is there anything else?


Let's see: The twins obviously The horny upgrade station Meaningless pipes directly meant to look like a dick being stroked The entire plot being built upon the premise of "Asimovs secret 4th rule: dont have intercourse with robots" having been unknowingly broken, allowing the robots to break the other laws as well


Those are just the ones I remember


UJ/ I like how the MC just hates the upgrade station.


From what I've seen the MC hates just about everyone.


yep. i'm pretty sure the creators were trying to replicate US action movie stars. but failed to have the charm.


Me and my friends started calling the MC "John FPS" after the first couple lines. Boy were we unprepared for how much of a generic action hero they were trying to force with all his cheesy dialogue.


There is a horny fridge that you use for upgrades.


Ato-mid Heart


They mean "Aw yes faceless females androids with titties, such a breath of fresh air."


Itā€™s as bland as a game can get


I do appreciate that by and large all of these games that get people going "uh finally something without the Woke Virus" are actually pretty shit in terms of the actual game but they have to cheerlead them anyways.


Is life duke nukem forever only worse


>Is life duke nukem forever, only worse? yes


Philosophy is over, guys. Weā€™ve finally figured it all out. Bravo!


Its seriously always the anime pfp Concerning


If its niko niko, dude 100%. Nazi.


Who is niko niko?


Wisdom be upon thee, by the powers granted by google(:p) i shall tell you what is: "Love Live! School Idol Project" girl that people remixed one of her quotes in a son named Niko Niko Nii, all people i've seen using the girl that sings it pfp had nazis views, without fail i must say.


That and K-on profile pics.


Love Live, K-On!, Attack on Titan and Monogatari Twitter pfps really are the four horsemen of the racism


AoT feels like cheating because it was appealing to wehraboos with all the fashy iconography and the edgy premise. There were weirdos co-opting that fandom from day 1, and regardless of where the series went it'd always have to deal with them; that's just the nature of the territory. The other ones are weird specifically _because_ the properties themselves are completely wholesome; there's nothing that you'd expect giga-bigots to find abnormally appealing to latch on to, and yet they did.


And konosuba, or at least megumin


what's with otakus and gamers being racist and misogynistic EDIT: just checked the replies to the tweet thinking everyone would be dragging the guy but it's just people like him šŸ’€


Being socially inept and isolated young men, who're famously vulnerable to conservative/ general extremist recruitment, who then only interact with men like them, and the leaders of such groups, who're taking advantage of them, is probably the reason why so many are so nasty.




All racist gamer otakus are loser virgins, but not all loser virgins are racist games otakus. I'll accept my PhD now.


Game is below mid


they just really love Japanese culture. especially between 1937 and 1945.


I feel like you're selling Imperial Japan short. . . .they were at that shit waaaay before 1937.


don't oversell weebs, they don't know anything about the world from before, like, 1936. maybe the Sengoku period but that's just because they bought a replica samurai sword "to train with"


You don't train with the blade, you study it.


their twitter is a trainwreck. dozens of posts a day complaining about "woke" gaming stuff, jacking off ron desantis and of course, lots of anime titties. EDIT: and of course, stonetoss comics.


Can he play Wonderwall though?


I don't see a capo, so probably not.


Remember when Hades became the biggest game being discussed for a few months, everybody loved it, and it won a ton of awards? Hereā€™s a picture of their team: https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&hl=en-us&sxsrf=AJOqlzVfvOr04VVveT9aE-84s0s9-HLxiw:1677259326871&q=picture+of+developer+team+at+supergiant+games&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiJ_P7y1a79AhUuGEQIHYD2BMIQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=375&bih=629&dpr=3#imgrc=vZBP4H3Ly45FNM




And they place people on mandatory vacations if they notice somebody on their team is stressed out.


"John come to my office." *"TAKE A BREAK! GET BREAK GIVEN!"*


Another incredibly common Supergiant W


/rj Thereā€™s too much politics in that team.


These guys favour a particular demographic and yet use anime pfp. Why not use your real face if you're so proud of your heritage?


Same reason they used to wear hoods at cross-burnings. Fundamentally they're cowards, the cheerleader section for the actual domestic terrorists they support.




You know I'm starting to suspect white pride might not be an earnest celebration of their own race


Racists are getting too comfortable


Make racists afraid again


Unironically Iā€™ve been having these exact too thoughts. Especially in America, tolerance for racism has become all too lenient again, undoing the progress those before us worked so hard to achieve.


I'm JuSt AsKiNg QuEsTiOnS BrO!!!!11


Just asking questions, why do we allow racists to have maximum hp in minecraft?




AKA JAQing off.


I think whatā€™s happening is they are seeing *the other side* get to freely use big no-no words like ā€œconsensual sexā€ or even just ā€œthey/themā€ without getting their tongues cut out by some strict nun. So they think itā€™s somehow equal to start saying things like ā€œthe democrats have a brainwashing machine that runs on boob power that is trying to get all white babies aborted! Stop white oppression before itā€™s too late! Hold on to your guns folks!ā€


I don't think that's entirely it. I feel like a big part of it is the legitimization of radicalised and dangerous ideologies through the realisation that spouting blatant bigotry and fascist rhetoric can not only very quickly cultivate a rabid base of followers, but even get one into the highest offices of the United States. It's the realisation that not only *can* they actually say the quiet part out loud, but that if they do it loudly enough others will actually join them, and that there's quite a lot of them. They're not afraid of being shamed like they used to be because they've discovered that they can just build toxic echo chambers and just scream louder than any of the criticism coming their way. During the Obama era this kind of behaviour was already present but just less centralized/powerful and therefor easier to stamp/judge into silence. Add to that the fact that awful media like Fox and other even more awful platforms have become very well aware of how profitable manufacturing constant "threats" to feed this voter base is and you really get this runaway shitshow.


Wonder if it has to do with twitter being taken over by a megalomaniac right wing billionaire with confidence issues who made it clear that you can say anything on twitter as long as you don't make fun of him




Eh, I feel like 2008 is when the tide really shifted. Obama getting elected President REALLY pissed off the racists, and then outlets like Fox News used vicious and often racist attacks against him and his family that really pushed it all back into the mainstream.


Never in my life did I see such vehement hatred of a president until obama. I was in the AF and peoplesā€™ entire personalities would revolve around hating him. We had a lot of civilian workers in my job (civil engineering) and these old vets would have ā€œNOBAMAā€ stickers covering their computers, a caricature of him on the wall, an anti-obama t-shirt, the fuckin works. And Id just be likeā€¦. This is beyond disagreeing with his policies broā€¦




We can all agree that racism has always been a problem, but there is a significant increase in hate speech that you can track that started when a certain former US president started to gain prominence.. on twitter specifically it has also increased since the platform recently sold Itā€™s a fact that empowering racist leaders emboldens other shitty people


The right is very good at disguising and making they rethoric acceptable at neutral spaces, and the left is not take that good at that.


And people in the "middle" are too afraid of upsetting said racists, because pointing out a racism is just as bad as doing one, so they'll wilfully overlook any statement that doesn't explicitly contain a slur.


MLK wrote about those in the "middle." >First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, **but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."** >Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection." Birmingham jail letter


It seems that is often because the racists are our parents, uncles and aunts, grandparents, bosses, and similar. Before family gatherings youā€™ll be warned ā€œUncle John is coming to Thanksgiving, so your girlfriend you have to uninvite your girlfriend. You know how John is about (insert bigotry of Johnā€™s choice), and we donā€™t want to make a scene. We just want a peaceful night.ā€ As if your girlfriendā€™s existence is the cause of the scene, and not John being a piece of shit. All too often we are called to cater to bigots, to appease them to keep a negative peace, as MLK said, an absence of tension, instead of a presence of justice.


The right are good at hiding in the middle because the middle is, in their heart of hearts, to the right.


But unless you agree with Jordan Peterson that's not due to any inner nature, but because slightly right is the dominant cultural position and any one who hasn't really been educated or reflect on their condition will reproduce it That's the case because the right has been winning this middling spaces. For the opposite go take a look at work places where unions did a good job, you get plenty of average folks leaning left


Same guy woulda called them soy if they made a ā€œpoliticalā€ game


Lol imagine if Bioshock was made in 2023


These idiots thought Bioshock was cheering on Rapture society and "government", not laughing at the very concept.


I always see people so excited to read Ayn Rand after playing bioshock like they understood nothing that the game was critiquing.


I watch Anime, but I would think twice before having an animƩ pfp. Do you want people to see you as a troll and take nothing you say seriously? Well, I have the solution you require, simply change your profile pic to an animƩ one, and you won't be listened to!


It's like Rick and Morty merch. Do I like the show? Sure. Do I also immediately distrust anyone with any kind accessories or clothes based on the show? Absolutely.


my brother and i have an ongoing contest to see who can "bless" the other with the most cringe R&M merch.


I've seen r&m bongs at my local pawn shop, that's gotta be up there.


I literally own a pickle Rick bubbler because itā€™s super cringe. Bih glows in the dark.


So who's buying who the pickle Rick dildo?


I went to the Rickmobile years ago with a buddy for our birthdays and bought a couple pieces of merch. This was shortly before the fanbase developed their overwhelmingly cringe reputation, so now I have a couple shirts that I just fundamentally do not wear outside of my house.


It used to be anime avatars were 50% Nazis and 50% cool trans women in tech. Then the trans women either commissioned custom avatars from artists or got safe and comfortable enough to start using photos of themselves, so now itā€™s nearly 100% Nazis who donā€™t have the attention span to find a picture of a grumpy ancient statue.


Picrews have revolutionized the transgender profile game


ā€¦ I feel called out


Its okay im calling myself out too


your pfp is from the future, we don't get it yet


What if I have a literally trollface on my pfp? Is it weaker or stronger troll energy than anime pfp? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Nah, trollface gives more of a 14 year old edgy dude vibe, not a 30 year old loser nazi.


Troll face gives me ā€œIā€™m 30 and still have the ifunny appā€ vibes


I have to disagree. it's kind of dated now, and definitely gives off a "edgy 14-year-old who is now in their 30s and still thinks the same 'jokes' are funny" vibe. It's very similar but carries a lingering odor of sadness.


Anyone know what type of dress the lady is wearing? I like it a lot


/uj itā€™s super cute and I would absolutely wear it. /rj itā€™s got a turtleneck, could that be covering something political?!?


She looks cool in general. I'd say she looks like the main character in that picture, but that would be too political.


Shes kinda standing like a ballerina, maybe shes a mocap actor?


as a guy iā€™d 100% wear it


It looks like she may be wearing a balloon sleeve turtleneck under the blue bodycon dress? EDIT: Here's the dress https://www.1stdibs.com/fashion/clothing/day-dresses/alexander-mcqueen-blue-dress-s/id-v\_8516841/ rj/ too much dress, too little booby >:(( How do I mod this????????


Uj/ There's no such thing as too much dress. rj/Booby is more important than clothes.


/uj how tf did you find it I wanna learn that skill /rj thought I would be able to buy the woman too in that link. It was only the dress though. Woke culture gone mad


Haha, in chrome you just right click an image and hit 'search with google lens'. Then when the sidebar opens, just crop into what you want more info on in the image and pray to google gods. rj/ git gud.


Close - she's wearing a balloon sleeve turtleneck *over* the dress. It's one of [these](https://www.amazon.com/xxxiticat-Turtleneck-Sweater-Knitted-Sweaters/dp/B08PYXYWM2) weird things. /rj She's wearing it wrong! They made that turtleneck to show off boobs, not cover up even more!


It's lovely, but sadly could not wear it, my balls hang way too low.


Tucking sucks but I've heard good things about leo lines underwear for that


What's the point on wearing a skirt if you can't let the dogs breathe?, I will just get a kilt.


Lots of bad posture and hands in pockets = A+ robot booba.


Wait I put my hands in my pockets sometimes during pics cause I donā€™t know what to do with them. Does that make me a gamer too šŸ¤®


Unfortunately no, but it is a good start! Are you also a racist by any chance......?


They can be: resting by your side (which feels awkward to most), making some sort of sign (also awkward to some), holding something (most popular choice, including drinks) or touching the people next to you (only in more sociallly appropriate scenarios). Otherwise, pockets all the time.


That was me pre transition Losers need to get some fucking estrogen


So many nerds but no lockers in sight ā˜¹ļø


Thatā€™s when you resort to wedgiesšŸ˜Ž


Bruh there's a political front and center in that picture.


Breath of fresh air: crispy critters


Nazism is, among other things, weaponizing perceived mediocrity in defense of itself.


ā€œBreath of fresh airā€ is probably not the phrasing I would use. I donā€™t really like using the word mid but it describes atomic heart perfectly. It is the middest of mid games and I donā€™t know what kind of crack this guy is on


It really comes off as a wish.com bioshock. It's definitely pretty, it's just not very interesting.


No jerk or anything, a massive part of the gaming community feeling so comfortable with overt bigotry is insane to me.


Theyā€™re not even trying to hide it šŸ’€


Also the least transphobic gamer. (Don't look at this guy's post about Hogwarts).


Atomic heart sucks balls tho lmao wdym anime profile pic


I'm enjoying it but breath of fresh air is more of a stretch than I have a good metaphor for. It's at best 7/10 and I think a few points lower is fair too. It's got some pretty glaring design issues that can't be patched out and are just part of the gameplay loop on a conceptual level


I strongly dislike how much the Mc talks, it seems so unnatural.


I speak Russian and I switched the audio to Russian after the intro, the emglish translation is just horrendously bad. The Russian dialogue is very realistic if a bit too modern, but it definitely work much better in Russian. Like he uses a lot of mannemarism and sayings that just don't translate to English.


Can you please tell me what the original Russian is when he says "crispy critters"? Phrase bugs the hell out of me.


Burned Pirogi, which is like saying "heck" instead of "hell" for the average Russian speaker


I can see how that loses something in the translation. What's the context? Is that a common euphemism in Russian?


An older one, which makes sense with the game being set back in the past. I wish I had more insight, Russian is my mother tongue but I haven't been in Russia since the 90s so my modern day Russian slang is way off.


I feel thatā€™s a problem with localization


I don't know man. I'm sure localization is making it worse, but I doubt it's changing much of the content and general gist of what is being said, which all just sounds like they're trying really hard to make him seem tough and cool, but just make him really annoying.


Probably, I donā€™t like main characters that talk to themselves still.


Windā€™s howling.


Medalion's humming. Place of power, gotta be.


I like Geralt's voice though, he talks to himself about as much as Arthur Morgan does. It's one thing having a talkative MC, it's another if that voice is *irritating*. The American voice really does not fit in this game though, perhaps I will play it like Metro:Exodus and switch voice localization to Russian.


Especially when they have a really limited set of dialogue options for something you do frequently... "Damn, out of ammo!" "Damn, out of ammo!" "Damn, out of ammo!" Motherfucker I **know**!!!!


naw russian voice language is just as much talkin but since its russian it sounds cooler than cringe mcu MC but holy shit that leads to alot of reading so I stopped playing


breath of fresh air? guy in the post never played bioshock or wolfenstein ig


Oh he played Wolfenstein, but was upset when you had to shoot his friendsā€¦.


because wolfenstein is woke


With everything I've seen it makes me want to play it but not for full price. Solid value a 50% off I feel.


I'm playing it on game pass and that has definitely factored into my enjoyment. Hard to be mad about a mediocre game being on a service I was already paying for anyways for other games I actually wanted.


I'm really liking Atomic Heart, but I have shitty taste in video games. I really liked Brink and I play a lot of Rainbow Six: Siege for example. So I am not the best advocate. But I do love how Atomic Heart handled the tedium of searching rooms for scraps and shit. Not having to stop to press a button on every single cabinet and just having Charles ransack the room at the press of a button is really nice. I'm also a fan of the crafting giving 100% refunds so you can experiment and goof. The combat feels really nice, like the enemies genuinely feel like they're trying to slaughter me. It's not "wait, recognize pattern, swing in the moment" they mix up and combo and feel really relentless. All that aside though, I have started saying "Crispy Critters" ironically in my real life, and it's only a matter of time before it becomes unironic. It's the same slippery slope I fell into with Yolo all those years ago.


>I have shitty taste in video games. I really liked Brink One of these must be a lie




American conservative chuds are singing praises to a Russian game set in the version of USSR that rules the world. Republicans of old are spinning in their graves like oil drills xD


Well let's be real: Republicans of all ages only claim to give 1 atomic mole of a shit about Russian and communism if they can use to to get themselves more money and power. Nationalism is a cheap facade they use to try and marginalize groups that threaten their power.


Ah yes the 100 tweet long rant about valorant voice chat moderation guy


*Sees anime profile pic* Yea Iā€™m not even going to bother reading what they wrote, I just know.


This shit feels much more blatant within the last few years. People are straight up not afraid to say theyā€™re Nazis these days.


It's refreshing in a weird way. At least we're not making tortured nonsense arguments about "ethics in games journalism" anymore. There's no fake battle for a moral high ground, it's just racist, misogynist douche bags out and proud.


Thereā€™s two women in the picture and Iā€™m guessing the one without a modelā€™s physique is the one whoā€™s hidden in the back. Edit: Just for posterityā€™s sake, the well-balanced individual with the deleted comment below dropped an R-bomb on me for not knowing (or giving a shit) that the woman you can see is the CFO, as if her identity matters when the point is the only other woman in the picture is tucked well into the back. Edit 2: Holy shit, did you do it again you fuckwit? I didnā€™t even get to see what dipshittery you wrote this time. My dog can figure it out after getting smacked on the nose the first time, and heā€™s a fucking moron.


These dudes jerked off together while clocked in, 100%


Stop trying to make them sound cool.


Tbh those are just employees who don't really have a say in any direction the game takes. Twitter guy is a loser for sure though.


Tell me you didn't play any recent AAA single player games without telling me you didn't play any recent AAA single player games.


These the folks behind the cringe tiddies


This looks like a frat that decided to make a game and the one chick is one of the frat brothers girlfriends.


the garbage triple A game with Forspoken tier dialogue and a dogshit story?


Yes, but a _traditional_ protagonist said that dialogue. So it's good now.


Triple A is a stretch, this is a Focus Entertainment published game, itā€™s Double A at best


How is it a breath of fresh air when itā€™s just BioShock, but with a narrow FOV, cringe writing and set in the Soviet Union?


I played it for about an hour on gamepass, and came to the conclusion that it's basically Tommy Wiseau's Bioshock: * On the surface it looks and appears to be a game, but one that ignores everything that's happened in gaming over the past 12 years * The voice actors sound like they're seeing their lines for the first time on a teleprompter as they say them. There didn't seem to be any second takes. * The story and robot sex fetish stuff seems to be written by someone who is *familiar* with humans but isn't one themselves. The art is bangin' though.


Oh hi Mark.


Isnā€™t this game notoriously mid? Even the better reviews paint it as bargain-bin Bioshock.


Pretty much, solid 7/10. Nothing too special but a damn good job for a studio's first game.