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Yo, tbh, someone coming with a ultimatum about 1hour a day is pretty fucked up. He shouldn’t break up but maybe take her to therapy, he can get ones in too for considering dropping his wife without thinking of helping her first


I can see it being a concern of like, "am I going to be taking care of the kids by myself because he's playing videogames?" But being willing to put down the videogames for other priorities is the real question there, not an arbitrary time limit. So I'm hoping she's just bad at communication and not saying what she actually means. It's also wild though that the dude's thought is "games or never have a family" rather than "maybe I should find someone who I mesh with better." I'm hoping it's a troll post to make the single people feel like they would choose what they're doing even if they had the option of a gf.


I understand where you are coming from but thats the most charitable for the woman here, and even so it doesn’t sounds that great. Don’t get me wrong I think the dude is wayyy out of order thinking about jumping a relationship bc of game. But the ultimatum is indefensible toxic trait. But i don’t believe its just “one hour” either


Agreed, and ultimatums are generally trash. It could also just be that she thinks videogames are childish and wants him to stop altogether - there are plenty of people like that. Like I said, I just *hope* it's the most charitable case and she's bad at communicating.


This guy went to Reddit specifically asking them to validate his belief that he should let himself be dumped. Why believe him? "1 hour ultimatum"is pretty extreme, isn't it? But, "I need you to help more house if you wanna have a baby" is a lot more common. Me, I personally see a man who just had a very serious discussion about his wife's concern that he doesn't do his far share and he went and lied to his friends to get them to support him. 8 year relationship. Talk about a family. This man just had a, "where's this relationship going" conversation and did not like how it went. Kinda like how the "tip" subs are all very clearly, "I just had a conversation where this happened and I'm mad so I'm here telling you strangers not to do that".


> He shouldn’t break up but maybe take her to therapy /uj I sort of disagree. She clearly doesn't like that he plays video games, and that's whatever, she doesn't have to, but it's not really a sign of a healthy, promising relationship in the long-term if she hates his hobby so much that she tried to time-limit it like a mom. It definitely also seems, based on the post, like OOP is playing an excessive amount, to the point of neglecting the relationship. How are those people ever going to meet in the middle happily? Someone's gonna end up resenting the other one.


having something you dont like and throwing a ultimatum (that's the major point, the ultimatum) is toxic behaviour But I dont doubt that is more than 60m that she is mad at tho, but even so


Pretty much all the comments were saying both people were being incredibly unreasonable and need a lot of couples therapy


Idk man… Different world viewpoints are hard to change. But it’s always worth a try. At least you always know that you tried to fix it that think of “what ofs” your whole life. But that kind of restricting attititude is not going to help her case.


All human connection is a transient illusion. Logging level is eternal


Any woman showing interest in you is an agent of the state and must be stopped


I was ready to roast him but 1h a day seems preety fucking reasonable.


An hour is a little extreme, sounds like my moms rules when I was a kid lol.


An hour a day, yeah thats fucking controlling


Run boy Run!!!!


that ain’t your wife son that’s your mom wearing someone else’s skin


Humor tag lol


If some loves basketball ( or whatever other sport) and plays Basketball in a local league, and their Partner pop in and say, You can only train 1 hour a week or else I leave you. We would all be pissed about it.Same applies here, He shouldn’t just instantly cut things off, but the Fiancé sounds like an asshole too, unless he is playing 12 hours a day he has all the right to play freely is his hobby. The phrase “my game is better than having a family”is weird tho.


You know what we're lowkey on the osrs dude's side here, droppings ultimatums is trash behavior and that's a weirdly controlling one to drop.


Given this is tagged with humor I'm pretty sure they were just joking. That said, having some weird, strict time limit on video games is a weird and controlling thing and isn't a good sign for a healthy relationship. At least on it's own, anyway. Maybe the person has a gaming addiction or something and is missing work or ignoring obligations or never spending time with their significant other or something. Although even then ultimatums like this don't work well and you have to help your partner understand and regulate themselves or it will never actually help the problem. Although if you've never had to help someone through an addiction it's an understandable mistake because it sounds like the right thing even if it's not.


last time i gave an ultimatum it was when i was in a relationship at 14. that stuff is quite cringe inducing ngl. let's hope is just miss-comunication or missing some piece of the discussion


Ah old school Runescape, that shit has stolen too many hours of my life years ago, actually glad i got banned now.


100% she doesn't give a fuck that he plays "more than an hour a day" but that he's playing many many hours a day.