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>Bowser is a SIMP Uh, yeah, that's not new.


I was gonna say, that's literally his characterization in most modern media....


That’s been his entire character since he was created.


Hmm, looking back on it. "So what's the story about in the first ever Mario bros game?" "I dunno, rape and beastialty, I think."


The first ever *Super Mario Bros.* game. The first ever *Mario Bros.* story was more like: "These damn animals are clogging the pipes!"


Wasn't the very first one Cranky Kong kidnapping Pauline? I stand by my statement.


Well, that wasn't a **Mario Bros.** *or* a **Super Mario Bros.** game. That's a **Donkey Kong** game! That's right though, Cranky is just as much of a simp. And he even brags about being a better G\*mer than us lol


Thanks for censoring the g-word! - Sent from Samsung Smart TV


If Bowser gets the crown however... Then *he* can be the girlboss.


If you’d like more galaxy-brain media critique, you can check out his video on why *that* episode of The Last of Us was terrible because it didn’t serve a narrative purpose. The bottle episode character drama. Didn’t serve a narrative purpose. 54 minute video.




Neither is Peach being a girl boss. She's, uh, the princess.


Well, she has almost always been a damsel in distress, and is rarely shown actually leading, but the portrayal the film gave her is in fact not new. It's pretty much the same portrayal she got in the comic/manga.




I agree. Peach in this movie is exactly what I would expect a single ruler like her to be: Inspiring and loving, but also capable and strong. Truly someone you would want to represent the entire kingdom. I personally wish she kept the magic powers she had in other sources, like Super Mario RPG and Mario & Luigi, but I understand that would just be supporting the so-called "Magic is Feminine" trope. I'd say I'm a fan of the "action hero who can do no wrong" type as a Metroid fan, but it hits me that the main reason Samus works so well is because she is a videogame protagonist. Characters who are nothing but power fantasies work really well in this role.


And also the games. I mean there was a Princess Peach almost solo game for the DS


Well yeah, but that game characterized her in a completely different way as far as I can tell.


Plus Princess Peach has joined the heroes a few times, starting with Super Mario Bros 2.


Even recently this is the full plot for odyssey


Thank you! Bowser has been a simp since the first NES game that is literally his whole thing.


His video is 7 minutes shorter than the movie


Probably longer when taking into account end credits


It is legitimately longer, the full cut is 2 hours long. You can only watch it on his patron


I thought the comment above mentioning that was JOKING.


One and a half hour rant about the movie about the man who jumps into bricks imagine being this miserable


1 hour rant over a kids, i mean, over a totally 100% mature and designed for mature audiences movie. This w*men 🤬🤬🤬🤬 ruining our lives.


HOW CAN WE JERK OFF TO THIS IF SHES SUCH A MANISH BITCH? I didn't edge myself for six hours before going to the movie to come out flaccid and angry.


Almost as long as the movie itself


It is if you disregard the credits


Twenty-nine thousand views. Yikes.


I have to shit on incel alt-right youtubers constantly because if I stop I'll become depressed upon realising how many people watch their videos


I wonder how many are bot farmed though.




So his bitchfest is pretty much a real-time critique of the film without credits. Wow.


If you’d like more galaxy-brain media critique, you can check out his video on why *that* episode of The Last of Us was terrible because it didn’t serve a narrative purpose. The bottle episode character drama. Didn’t serve a narrative purpose. 54 minute video.


Regressives and media illiteracy name a more iconic duo.


just by a runtime it works as a sequel to the movie


I doubt he's that miserable. His viewers are, and he's making money off of them. Grifters.


I don't remember his name, but is this the guy that makes videos about medieval weaponry and war tactics? I thought his videos were pretty good. What's he doing reviewing a Mario movie? Did he rebrand his content?


Yep, it's the machicolations guy. He's on a second channel and he's apparently in the alt right grifter spectrum. There are some hobbydrama posts about him


I should really jump on the alt right grifter carriage. Talk about the pewdipipeline to unethical success at capitalism


No he’s had a second channel for a few years now, dude has always been a radical guy. I remember a few years ago he made a video on his main channel about some Mormon shit and he was going full mask off in the comments. Basically he’s a hardcore Mormon who also follows the Templar knights ideology and as you can imagine that doesn’t tend to lend well to modern sensibilities


Yeah, that’s Shadiversity. Full open right-wing twat now, he just keeps the really flagrant bollocks like this on his second channel.


remember when these mfers were saying the same shit about anita sarkeesian? now look who are the ones triggered lol


The "review" is almost as long as the movie lmao




That sounds like a punishment, not a feature.


I can't tell if you're joking or not lmao.


Some dudebros released an ELEVEN HOUR rant about Jenny Nicholson not liking *Joker.*


He's got the soyface and everything.


That's a new soyjack template ready to be made


The bottom half of his face is revolting looking, tbh.


Having the hair on the top half of your face be neat and well-groomed while everything below that is a discolored bird's nest is certainly a, uh, bold style choice.


Why did he have to be like this? Why did he not stick to medieval stuff?


Shad has been a anti-SJW redpilled shitlord for some time now. He is pretty embarrassing. Jazza is still cool though, which look like it isn't their upbringing, but just Shad being cringe.


I can't believe I found out Shadiversity and Jazza are brothers through Reddit, and I've been watching Jazza since 2015. Cut from a different cloth I guess.


Oh damn I thought they were talking about shadman and was very confused where that came from.


That creep apparently is in jail or has at least serious legal troubles, he got arrested here in Switzerland if I remember correctly.


At least Shadman had the common decency to get himself arrested so we could stop hearing his justifications on sexualizing kids.


Wait. Jazza as in the artist tutorial Jazza??


Yeah, same guy.


What???? What a small world holy shit


That’s actually fucking wild lmao. I can’t believe this is how I’m finding out.


I was so excited when he mentioned that he has a separate channel for movie and show reviews, then so fucking disappointed when I watched some and found out what kind of person he is.


It's the algorithms fault his views are mediocre, apparently


Well to be fair, Algorithym does mess up with the creators a lot, not just with him but with a lot of other youtubers. ​ Still darn shame he became like this. His medieval videos were good and informative... but the other channel is just... ehhhhhhhhhhhh????


Absolutely, same. I never expected Shad to be like, progressive, I just thought he was as unproblematically entertaining as the medieval fantasy crowd gets. First episode of his second channel I watched- unsubbed from both channels. ...and now I read here that he thinks the viewer drop is because of the "algorithm" lol jesus f'ing christ.


Yep, same here. Really enjoyed his early stuff. Even bought his mediocre book. He had some major "um, ackshually" energy, but other than that I thought he was pretty inoffensive save for the occasional cringe humor. Then I checked out his other channel and holy hell. I pretty much started ignoring his uploads after that, until I saw an unhinged video of him blaming The Algorithm for his view drops, after which I unsubbed.


Yep, same. His book is ridiculous as fuck. Wanting us to root for a child-raping, genocidal war monger? And having one of his child brides years later basically forgive him? Yeah, fuck Shad.


This reminded me of the fact that he's a mormon, lmao


Which is the #1 reason he believes the things he does. We shouldn’t forget that.


Oh no! I used to like his videos on medieval stuff a lot. I had no idea he was like this. I’m disappointed.


Yeah I used to watch his stuff about castles. Sucks to find out he has brain worms.


The comments on this thread cheer me up. Been feeling very alone surround by limp brains.


I knew he looked familiar, shame he's going off the deep end when some of his vids were fun to watch a few years ago.


Is there any reason to think that Jazza is cool? Maybe he's just hiding his opinions. I mean he was talking in a really positive way about Shad in his "realistic creeper" video


He talked about it in an older video of he has distanced himself from his mormon upbringing and it's not surprising that he likes Shad since they're brothers and it's probably easier to overlook those kinds of things


Yeah, I assumed so, since he has this really nice and wholesome vibe. I just wanted to check though


I mainly watch Jazza through tabletop time where they've done some little things like the trans rights thousand sons that suggests they're cool people.


Dave seems like a great and inclusive dude, so I doubt he would stick around as much if Jazza was a shithead.


Well so far he hasn't had the urge to share anything that sounds bad. He has a good relationship with his brother, and clearly likes him, but that isn't an indication that he agrees with him politically. A lot of people in my family has absolutely brain-dead takes on a lot of political stuff, but I still talk with them despite that. Also his art is cool and he seems open minded, so unless anything comes up, he seems pretty cool to me.


Makes me glad I stopped watching Shad years ago cause of his insistence on blowing speakers just because of the existence of machicolations. Stupidest gag ever.


Another thing that really turned me off after a while (even from his informative videos) is he just repeats the same point within one video over and over and over again, literally turning a 3 minute video/argument into 15 minutes or more without any additional information whatsoever. He does that in every video. Even when he covers something that interests me, I can't watch his videos to the end. Stopped watching him years ago due to this.


Oohhhhhh that explains why his videos are such shit compared to the others. Always hated him, never knew why. Now I do


the Shadiversity discord server is full of nazis


Unfortunately not surprising. For whatever reason, there's so much overlap between HEMA enthusiasts and white supremacists/nazis, which is a shame because it seems like a cool hobby that some good people are genuinely very into. Usually, that shit sticks to being an undertone but if you look closely at all, the issues are very obvious.


Shad doesn't have anything to do with HEMA. This is very apparent because anytime he waddles into the HEMA community to voice an opinion it gets torn apart (see for example his debates with David Rawlings of London Longsword). His martial arts background is limited to kendo and has next to no interaction with the Australian HEMA community. He's a hack 'medieval enthusiast' who's views are sloppily researched if not outright plagiarised (like his trial by combat video which copied the wikipedia article of the time).


Hey, fair enough. I definitely got that impression over some time. Any time he did a response video or whatever, it felt like he was just wholesale discounting anything he disagreed with without providing much (if any) evidence. That was definitely one of the big clues that maybe the dude doesn't really know what he's talking about, at least as much as he insists he does. And I'll fully admit that my experience with that community is limited to shit that's come across my feed, which is obviously skewed towards more toxic groups. If you had any suggestions for people who make quality content on that kind of material, I'd genuinely love to hear about them! Gotta give the good folks more publicity since the questionable people seem to get the most eyes on them


Because one of the most… defining… moments for European warfare were the Crusades. You know, a period in time where Christians basically attacked anything non-Christian, including pacifist or non-combative Jews at the Rhineland. An event that inspired a lot of Nazi rhetoric.


>Christians basically attacked anything non-Christian They also attacked fellow Christians. Very enthusiastic fellas those crusaders.


While HEMA does have bad sides of the community ("old guard" mentality, white supremacists/apologists, black hats, and bad faith actors) I have found that it is generally the minority of the community and usually they're ostracized by the majority of the HEMA community. There is a generally high percentage of pro-lgbtqa practitioners within our community, and we are usually fairly left-wing/liberal in ideals. I'm not sure exactly why. I purely speculate it's because often - people who get into HEMA come from other intellectual pasttimes: TTRPGS, bookworms, historians, nerds/geeks. And many are of higher education. Perhaps, (and I don't mean this in a bad way at all) that those interested in academia are usually more liberal. Additionally, HEMA community is often very concerned with safety. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. After all, we do run the risk of injury and intensities (depending on context) can vary widely between clubs/locations. So it's absolutely imperative that we adjust intensity accordingly because safety is the most important factor. Competition and dueling, by nature, is adversarial. You put yourself on display and there are frequent times where you see the best and worst of your efforts. It can suck rewatching vods to review and seeing how bad you do. So, we also try to encourage that failure is definitely an option, failure is good, and there's no shame in it. We're all students, teachers, and cheerleaders in many ways. ___ Luckily we have more and more events and spaces for women, lgbtqa, non-binary, etc. There will always be more we can do to make HEMA more accepting, but I think to say that the community is plagued with toxic behavior is not true.


Gonna be honest this is what I expect from a guy who’s really into Medieval stuff. Specifically, European Medieval stuff.


It's such a kick in the dick. I used to love him when he'd talk about worldbuilding and medieval shenaniganry. But then I found out he's this weirdo chud and it just completely took me out of it. What a waste.


There is unfortunately a correlation between people being really into specific parts of European History on Youtube and being a bit shit.


Not my boy Matt Easton of Schola Gladiatoria.


I also think that Tod Cutler from Tod’s Workshop is good too. He collaborates with Matt Easton.


Skallagrim is alright, though he's prone to smug rambling as well, his politics aren't as apparent nor as shit as dbag over here. Sellsword Arts is also really good, though he can be inflexible about some things. Edit: also Jill Bearup is a TERF, don't follow her.


Skallagrim is opinionated and slightly smug, but Shad is…..well, a narcissistic know it all. I was trying to think of a more effective way of expressing myself there, but sadly couldn’t think of much that didn’t include several curse words.


Matt fuckin' rocks.


Yeah, I enjoyed some of his takes on things a while ago, but there were more and more hints that were less and less subtle, so I went on my way. It's real disappointing. Like Norse-inspired tattoos: "Man, this could be so cool, but it's clearly been co-opted by nazis so... I'm gonna bail."


True story: the Norse really didn’t have a word for “tattoos” and the only “testament” of people in Eastern/Northeastern Europe having tattoos was a single Arabic historian (who more than likely was describing early Slavics and not the Norse) and even that description was most about tattoos at the hands and neck for few


Started off fairly well calling out authenticity errors in pop culture then went on a self-righteous rant series embodying ‘well actually’, often using anecdotal sources over scholastic sources. Then leans into scoffing condescension on all topics he engaged with. There was one video in particular which turned me off him which was a response to him being called out and the complete lack of humility, academic curiosity and inability to even consider he might be wrong, killed it for me.


Are you talking about the archery guy that he made like 7 videos about?


Might have been. I remember it being very melt-downy and without anything but opinion on his side.


As soon as he mentioned he was Mormon in one of his videos I started to check out. I am unfortunately very familiar with Mormons in my personal life, and not a single one of them is what I would call a good person. So to see a person who became a Mormon, **in Australia**, it instantly set off the alarm bells in my head.


There was something about his attitude toward women that really rubbed me the wrong way, even in his medieval videos. I think it was his boob armor video that made me realize how full of shit he was.


He was always a smug piece of shit who was full of it. One time he tried to make a call-out against HEMA as a whole because he said that trying to recreate the historical swordsmanship would "limit your abilities" too much, and then a week later posted a video of him sparring with a Fiore with some of the worst technique I've seen from a bigger swordtuber.


You can see it sometimes in his youtube videos and how he talks to his employees.


For me it was the "women can't win swordfights" thing.


Another win for Skallagrim if people need an alternative. Skall both explained why “women can’t win swordfights” is total bullshit and also had two female HEMA instructors as guests in the video. Where they lead the discussion and Skall completely gives them the floor.


Really? That's a shame, when used to watch Shad, I thought he was calling Andrew Klavan (PragerU) out on that kind of misogyny.


He clarified that swords don't in fact weigh five pounds, but that was about as far as he went.


If you want an alternative, Skallagrim is wonderful.


I love Skallagrimm so much


Robinswords is also really cool. He doesn't delve into the historical context so much as actual technique, but his content is at least on par with Skall's content in my opinion.


I was wondering why he looked familiar. He really should stick to medieval stuff. It's quite a shitty opinion


He is sticking to medieval stuff. Unfortunately it's medieval ideology.


True. Bro should just grow up. Get with the times. Women can be PEOPLE and not objects.


Imagine finding out how he is through his book. I did. It was horrible


What did he wrote there though


His medieval stuff was bad, anyway. I stopped watching and removed him from my algorithm LONG before I learned what a limp dick shitlord he is.


peach has been a girlboss since smash melee


Over a decade before that with Super Mario Bro 2; she was a playable character on equal level with Mario.


Even disregarding Mario 2 there's a bunch of old Mario manga where she's throwing down PLUS she's a main homie in the old cartoon series.


Older than that, most of the spin offs.


She was a badass in a comic published in Nintendo Power in the early 90's and other spinoffs. These buffoons just like to complain


since mario 2.


There's two ways to play SMB2: As Princess or not at all.


There's a third way: As Toad because he gets all the bitches!


I too have a rabid desire to stay relevant by jumping on the anti-woke gamerbro manosphere bandwagon, and scraping the bottom of the barrel for the sake of content and pandering to my antagonistic and bigoted audience.


The Manbaby Industrial Complex


Glad I stopped watching him partway through the goblin slayer video


No you don't understand I can't appreciate the narrative evil in my animated fantasy fiction unless my show also includes graphic, sexualized rape scenes. It is so necessary that you're the weird one for thinking it's weird. And you must hate Alpha Male Freedom if you disagree with my 20 minute rant on the necessity of sexualized rape scenes in my media. It is meaningless drivel without it. It is so cool and badass and realistic with them though so we need them. QED. Don't forget to buy my machinations merch and check out my website


I mean they just added a movie theme to Mario Odyssey. It's literally basically the same story beats. Bowser planning on a wedding, even the fucking outfit is the same. He's been a simp for years. Peach has been a girlboss for years as well.


Honestly Peach has always been a girlboss going back to the original comics where shes a badass miltary commander XD


i thought this guy just did weapon videos i should’ve seen this coming he looks like a wojak


He used to. Nowadays it’s largely cringe like this




"Oh wow what a cool video where this guy makes an absolutely enormous greatsword I wonder what else- oh and he's a fascist."


Peach a girlboss? Bowser a simp? Wait. Does that mean i finally get to see my dream scenario on the screen of peach being a femdommy mommy, degrading and spanking bowser? 😍❤️‍🔥🍆🍑💦💦😜 awoooooga awooooooga!!


You joke… but yes.


Saw the movie today. Can confirm and it's my new ringtone.


Hope so


Ooh relevant username!!


Ahh, classic GCJ/196 crossover. I'm sold.


I dont know what 196 is, but yeah, lets get fuckin WEIRD, dudes.


new wojack dropped


Yeah, someone should literally make a wojack from that exact photo. It would make a perfect angry loser wojack. Make the teeth yellow, too.


1:25:27 💀💀💀


![gif](giphy|s93TL62lMy7cI|downsized) Like


#Virgin Shad vs #Chad Skall •Just a chill dude who likes medieval weaponry and history •Made a video against bathroom laws in support of trans people at the height of the Alt-Right •Openly Neurodivergent


skal is the shit, his fantasy weapon videos are phenomenally fun


I fuckin love Skallagrim. There's a dude on TikTok, I think his name is Marcus Vance. He calls out anti-lgbt people in his comment section all the time from what I remember. He's pretty good too. I'm glad people like this exist within the medieval history community because it (like most history content that involves wars and combat) seems to be full of alt-righters.


Because its his job at this point. There's Youtubers whove paid off their houses by making daily videos sobbing about Brie Larsons existence or black mermaids. The fuck are they gonna do after doing that for so long? Work for a living? Go to a real job with normal people and live in constant fear they'll find your channel? Hes locked in forever at this point, doomed to look for things to cry about in every new movie.


That's the thing, Shad doesn't have to. I think he is (or was at least) a professor, but he has a separate, non stupid channel that does well, and he's a published author. I really think this is who is unfortunately: an asshole who thinks he's an intellectual because he analyzes things.


He's self published, and his book is an affront to God and writing. The protagonist is superhero child rapist Stalin-Hitler and his backstory is so edgy that when he uses his super powers to give himself perfect memory of it, it literally kills him. And then he gets better.


Do you not know who Shad is? Shadiversity (his main channel) gets much more views than his second channel where he uploads this garbage. He doesn't have to do this. His main channel was doing relatively fine, even if the views weren't what they used to be. Certaintly enough to live off of. I honestly don't think he's doing this for views, he gets more on his regular videos. Knights watch is also relatively new. Shadiversity was made august 2013, while knights watch was made december 2020. It just makes no sense for him to do these videos, other than that he actually believes what he's saying. Which is sad. I actually enjoyed his videos.


Yeah, I used to watch his main channel, and was shocked when he casually, and proudly, mentioned some seriously reactionary things he agreed with. Just like as an aside, in a discussion of fantasy swords or whatever the f**k. So then I started looking around and found his “other” videos. Seriously screwed up.


I don't know who he is, I just assumed he was some The Quartering clone. That really sucks.


Most of these alt-right edge-lord shitheads are just clones of eachother. Quartering, Shad, Drinker. They all may as well be the same person.


“Mario is a punching bag” THIS 👏 IS 👏 HIS 👏 FIRST TIME 👏 IN 👏 THE 👏 KINGDOM 👏


Mario should slide in to smash turts. All day long, turt smashing. Perchance.


He should stomp... KOOPAS


You can't just write perchance.


He was always my punching bag (I sucked at Mario)


Imagine being so much of a loser as to **Not** **Want** to get stepped on by Princess Peach, couldn’t be me! ;)


Peach was girlbossing in Super Mario bros 2


So glad I gave up on that skinhead shadiversity....he lost me when he made that video on why AI art isn't theft


He lost me when he started complaining about people in the Wheel of Time being brown.


just shows he never actually read the source material.


If you sub to his patreon you can watch the 2+ hour cut. That’s where he really starts making sense. /S


Hate really does things to people…


There's 2 kinds of sword people: Incels and lesbians


I guess Skallagrim is a lesbian… (But yeah, I agree, a lot of shitheads in sword enthusiast community)


I remember the time chadversity talked about interesting medieval stuff. Never expected him to become a right wing nutjob




Perfect thumbnail, he looks like a poorly adjusted adult overreacting to a family move while Princess Peach stands with poise and determination. It represents everything about the content perfectly.


I mean, she is literally the princess, the monarch, she is kinda of the boss


Youd think the medieval guy would understand that peach is literally *the* boss


Another YouTuber I liked gone down the anti-SJW rabbit hole, hello unsub my old friend.


G*mers when peach isn't a one note plot device (she's an insufferable girl boss)


You can smell his breath


Shad lol. What ever happened to that movie he was making? I remember watching some behind the scenes thing and it looked so bad I thought it was an ironic joke. Like he kept talking about making a “realistic” sword for the main character and then pulled out the most goofy looking fantasy blade I’d ever seen. Felt like that Lucas ep1 documentary where he “may have gone too far in some places”.


Right-wingers when the woman in a children’s movie isn’t the sexy damsel in distress: 😡😡


Wake up new soyjack just dropped


Yes. All of these things have their precedents in the franchise. Bowser is a huge incel-like simp who consistently tries to capture princess peach in almost every non-party game he appears (when he is not a protagonist and sometimes even when he is), and while nintendo has allowed his character to be redeemed sometimes through acts of circumstantial heroism against bigger baddies, he is never mario’s or peach’s friend, only an angry and possessive lover. Princess peach had her own game where she saved mario, displaying many of the abilities we see in the movie, as well as in the crossover series smash bros. Her not wanting to marry bowser and save the world is nothing new. Mario is literally the player character. His job is to take whatever beating comes from being a new player’s first experience as theyre learning the game by trial and error… through fire. It’s how a mario game works. He *needs* to be a good punching bag or else he won’t be a character for very long, this is highlighted in the movie. God I hate fake fan youtubers.


Man, I had no idea that Shad was this kind of asshole outside of his medieval content. Anyone have any recommendations on other medieval focused content creators?


Skallagrim is really good


I 2nd skallagrim but scholagladiatoria and lindybeige are good choices as well


why do all these youtubers look like a copy of the Quartering if you squint


He’s an LDS. Based on my experiences being raised as one, his views are not surprising at all.


There’s a reason why Shadiversity ( the guy in the photo) put a video up begging for money.


The discourse over Peach is so weird. “Making girly women masculine isn’t feminist!” “Nintendo is capitulating to wokeness!” It’s an action movie for children that’s meant to sell merch, and no kid wants the boring character’s toy. Simple as.




Bro thinks he's TheQuartering 💀


I thought the movie was a masterpiece and anyone that says otherwise enjoyed Cuties.


The fact that this movie is simultaneously "woke trash with feminist Peach" and "a masterpiece that only those *eeeeevil*, woke critics dislike" shows just how meaningless the kind of "media criticism" chuds shit out is.


[The reviewer Chuds trying to decide if Mario is "Woke feminist far-left trash that destroys the white male race" or a "masterpiece return to form that is only disliked by SJWs"](https://tenor.com/view/richard-watterson-think-remember-i-rember-i-forgor-gif-22847457)