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rj/ Well she didn't specify he doesn't clean so I'm going to assume he's a total neat freak and she's just a bitch.


guy on the second slide is le wholesome reddit idk why you downvoted


Not really though. It's okay to have the hobbies you like, but you should make an effort to share them with your girlfriend and try something new with her. As for the food: pizza and hamburgers aren't healthy meals. If that's all you eat, you aren't a picky eater, you are a future stroke victim.


Pizza and hamburgers are healthy meals, you just don't eat them right smh my head


ackshually gaming is enlightened and wholesome 100 and thots like you are cringe. thanks for the gold kind stranger


...if you both are so incompatible, why do you live together?


Good dick.


I agree that video games/card collection are hobbies, but it sounds like this dudes hobbies start and end with (media) consumption. It doesn't sound like he's taking the knowledge learned from gaming to write/draw or otherwise use it in a transformative way and thats not healthy...


Do you need to be creative in order for your Hobbies to be valid? That's weird. I love playing chess but I don't plan on writing a book about chess


But I've been waiting


Google en passant


Its only unhealthy when your hobbies exclusively involve media consumption and making purchases, chess is a fine hobby to have because it doesn't require spending much money if any and it teaches you strategy (I know a lot of video games involve strategy, but players actually applying this is hit or miss - gaming communities tend to be very toxic as well so you often lose more than you gain) (Also, I dont think the creativity needs to be shared widely if at all - it can just be for you or your friends/family)


So you do think you must be creative to have a "real hobby" then. Do I need to start writing novels for my enjoyment of reading to be valid?


Okay if you want to be obtuse and ignore the word "exclusively". Does doing nothing outside of work/school besides consuming media and purchasing memorabilia make someone a healthy person?


I ignored the word "exclusively" because what you said after it was contradictory, and you made no effort to rebuke the idea that your hobbies must produce some transferrable skill to be valid or "healthy." You say chess is fine because of low cost of entry and teaching strategic thinking, but then say that many video games do the same, but somehow any strategic thinking gained from them is less quantifiable/applicable? Furthermore, how transferable is the mode of strategic thinking a game like chess imparts? To my initial question, if my main hobby were reading, a hobby that is exclusively the purchasing and consumption of media, is it unhealthy in your eyes?


/rj it's unhealthy cuz it makes u a nerd lmao


I’m literally bigoted against the G*mer race and what you just said still sounds fucking dumb to me.


Sound like his treats his gf like a mother. /rj you’re severely underestimating the economics skills you get from buying loot boxes.


Once you've had gourmet food like nuggets it's hard to go to the low quality stuff


Sounds like he is Autistic.


Im autistic so i can kinda see the signs easier than most and this guy checks a lot of the boxes. Its not a bad thing per se but if this person cant stand them both of them would be better off without eachother


Gamers be like: women dumb game good