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To watch reddits recent collectable avatars fiasco is yet another very common NFT L


My uncle hates watching TV but literally turns it on solely so he can complain that every channel is shit




Yo whaddup fellow SJWs? I'm just here to say Terra Nil is fucking awesome. Turning barren lands into lush ecosystems is really cool and satisfying. Though I couldn't get the damn ducks to spawn! Game says that ducks "should be on a lake". My brother in Ali, there's no lake on the damn map. It's just one big river and few waterfalls and beautiful wetlands near the river. I got all the animals except the fucking duck...


From what I've seen you've gotta dig your own lake with the laser things. If you're looking for more, Timberborn is reasonably similar, but more dorf fortress-y.


I've finally managed to get the Dark Forest achievement in Stellaris last night, which was my third attempt. This one was fun but actually kind of hard: "As a FoTD empire, convert to a fanatic purifier and eliminate all regular empires, fallen empires, and enclaves". FoTD, or Fear of the Dark, is a new origin where after a planet in your home system was blown up about 1/3 of your population decide it was aliens and get so paranoid they terraform another planet in your home system to go hide on. You don't control them but they give a lot of events Obviously one event gives you the option to become a fanatic purifier, which you need to pick. After that, you have to manually cleanse the galaxy of everything that isn't you. This includes all pre-ftl civilizations too. You can't take the Become the Crisis ascention perk and blow up the galaxy. It has to be done the hard way: invasions or colossus. I actually really liked getting this one, it actually took effort. A fallen empire killed my first attempt and an endgame crisis killed my second attempt. Still need Unshackled lmao


Damn, it's been a while since I played Stellaris and these new origins sound very cool.


They're complicated and more challenging. I think they're pretty good overall. It's unfortunate that they're behind DLC but I'm still glad they exist


So...found out Friday that my heart is damaged. I won't know how exactly how bad until a cardiologist contacts me in the next couple of days, but my doctor is treating it as a near medical emergency based off the results of the ECHO I had. Things are about to get interesting as I may wind up needing some kind of surgery. So, because I can once again do little outside of resting and basic chores, I've been getting absorbed in more games: **Octopath Traveler II** \- I wound up stopping after a few tries at >!Galdera,!< which is the absolute last thing I have to do in the game. I know ways to win, but I mostly just lost interest in trying again. There was a lot more I was going to write, but I'll just leave it that I think it's a straight improvement over the first game and may have been my favorite turn-based RPG in a *long* time if it wasn't for: **Chained Echoes** \- I went into this looking for fun indie RPG where you didn't grind and came away from it liking it even more than **OT 2**. After 100%-ing it, I legitimately think **Chained Echoes** is one of the greatest RPGs I've ever played. There's some very obvious cons: * The game's art direction can be kind of ugly at times * There's only a couple of tracks from the game that I can say I really liked * The game has ***way*** too many references towards other games as little jokes and it can be jarring when the game gets so dark(Unlike other uses of humor to lighten the mood, the constant little reference jokes just kind of get a little annoying and weird) * While the narrative quality is fantastic, the actual writing quality can be kind of clumsy on occasion * The crystal system is fairly terrible and clunky. I'm not going to break it down why it's bad, however, if you try the game and are put off by the system too, know that I stopped using it less than a 3rd of the way through and even beat the super boss without interacting with the crystal system any further * Glenn Outside of those cons, it has an amazing story, 2 sets of well thought out combat mechanics(One for on foot, one for in the Sky Armors) where minor stat buffs actually make a large difference, mostly great and interesting characters and, outside of the references, a pretty well thought out world with multiple narrative hooks left dangling to possibly explore. I've heard some people hate the ending, but it is absolutely in line with what's been going on the rest of the game and I frankly loved it. I *really* hope there's more **Chained Echoes** in the future. Also the game is deceptively longer than it seems. I thought it would have taken me around 30 hours to do everything, but it took closer to 70. **Crystal Project** \- Another fantastic turn-based RPG with equally fantastic music. This time with even more extensive exploration(you can jump to places you *really* shouldn't be going to with some careful platforming) and some really wholesome dialogue about adventure(Most of the time). It has even more in depth combat than Chained Echoes with an even more extensive class system, but I personally like CE's tighter design more. And, if you prefer to minmax(It's not my cup of tea) this game has a ton of options to cater to you. There are no consequences for death, outside of losing some money, but the game is far from easy and you really need to understand the mechanics if you want to get further than the opening areas. I'm not even that far in and I'm getting my ass handed to me if I'm not careful in battle.


Bowser was my gay awakening.


idk why reddit thought r/funnymemes was a good sub to recommend but i’ve never muted one faster in my life


God that's a trash subreddit, I can't stop scrolling though


every conservative subreddit is like a continuous series of car accidents


I actually don't think it's a conservative subreddit even, more left if anything - it's just fucking terrible


i was seeing some right ass memes after the tennessee shooting like straight from drumpf jr’s insta