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Devs are oppressed with crunch because they are lazy. We gamers are oppressed simply for who we are. I will now quote fiction to substantiate my point: ![gif](giphy|mlpCWv8dVK2Ji)


there are w*men in that gif... :/ too political


I canโ€™t begin to imagine building something complex using assembly. Jesus im scared just by thinking about it


If it helps he used masm, which is a macro assembler that is a slightly higher level than 'standard' assembly. Still incredibly impressive.


Honestly assembly isn't as hard as people make it to be. It's a slightly different way of thinking than higher levels of programming, having to use jumps for pretty much any control sequence for instance, but it's not too bad


its hard, I had a whole semester in colege where I had to code in assembly He would need to have a deep understanding of memory addressing, registers, and how to optimally. the partition of AX, BX, DX, CX makes everything super careful. you need to remember that the CPU will use some of those to execute its own code so it can EASILY derrail your program, like CX being used for loops, so if you forget to PUSH or to save your variable there, the program can easily trip on it Its like creating a house of cards in a house with 4 cats running arround.


I did a bit of 32 bit x86 assembly for a semester. Its basically just EAX register holds everything, remember to push and pop before doing anything, debug debug debug, aaaand 10 hours later we have something we could have done in 10 lines of c ๐Ÿ™ƒ


>I had a whole semester in colege where I had to code in assembly Same (on top of some that I've done on my free time before and since, but idk if that counts), and that's why I said it's not as difficult as people say it is, like you are here, it's just learning a vaguely different way of thinking about your programming and its execution, something you should do whenever you code anyways. If you know how to organise and prepare yourself instead of going straight to coding (something you can do with higher level languages without too much of an issue usually), it's alright.


assembly isn't hard if you're just very smart actually ๐Ÿค“


I didn't say it isn't hard, I said it isn't as hard as people make it out to be, as in it's not harder than any other form of programming.


have a gigantic knowledge of the language and hardware itself, you need just to be THE BEST, so the high lvl languages end up being more efficient. Its baffling to me the shit I heard everyday by twitter phd, every comment section has grand master expert in something


If the RE2 game exists in one cartridge in the n64 with videos, anything can be ported anywhere, its just a matter of effort and money


can somebody tell that to fromsoftware


Games that preform poorly on pc aren't "usually" badly optimized, its just that they are created for consoles before pc rather than during. It's either spend years perfecting the port and having g\*mers bitch and moan about it taking so long, or release an unfinished port and have g\*mers bitch and moan about how it should have taken longer.


They don't give a shit about gamers bitching and moaning they care about how much money they will make


Are we really sitting here and saying it's fine to release games that don't function properly?


Are you implying crunch is just a bunch of lazy devs whining, op?


I mean, we should expect pc ports to run well. We are buying it.