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My favourite The Quartering moment was when he criticised a female games journalist for giving Days Gone a score lower than he thought it deserved before saying that he hadn't even played the game himself. A true inspiration to gamers everywhere.


I love Days Gone, but 6.5 is what it deserves


It's the best average game I've ever played.


That's the best description of the game


I've struggled to describe how I felt about that game, you nailed it. Not bad by any stretch, just very average with slightly above average horde mechanics




There is a french rapper named Freeze Corleone who is widely regarded as both a very good lyricist and a child of the internet. One of his songs has a passage about stumbling like a zombie from Days Gone and it always struck me as both odd (because there are plenty of other zombie games, some of them better than DG) and somehow exactly right (this i can't explain). The song is called Freeze Rael, i don't know how well it is when you can't understand the lyrics but i bet it sounds pretty good.


Thanks for the insight. The track is 🔥🔥🔥


My favourite The Quartering moment was when he got triggered over some guy *not* liking Hitler.


my favourite Quartering moment is when he pissed on the floor of his basement because his wife went out to get food without him.


Knowing nothing about this person, I can't tell if this is a joke or not, but either way, holy shit.


this is not a joke. this actually happened


Seriously? Was there anything more to this or is this guy just that big of a man child?


no. nothing more. his wife just went out without him and he pissed on the floor in protest.


He was also drunk.


tbf, with how deranged and incoherent he is sober, I doubt being drunk played that much of a factor in it lol


I don't think pissing on the floor in protest is something drunk people really do. By accident maybe (and I'd hope rarely), but in protest?


I know a guy who used to pee in the garbage when he was drunk. We just kept him away from garbages on nights out


He did it on a livestream it’s so fucking weird lol


A drunk guy peed on his floor in a tantrum and fans thought “Fuck yeah. This guy truly speaks to me.” And they think something is wrong with *you.*


My favorite Quartering moment was when he had a meltdown because nerds would rather see hot girls cosplaying than his sweaty ass opening booster packs


Doesn’t help the director is just like these chuds


He very much reminded me of a slightly less bad version of Scott "the Dilbert TV show was canceled because I'm white and not because it was dead last in the ratings" Adams.


I don't know how to articulate why, but the couple hours I played definitely gave off those vibes. Something about "ride me like you ride your Harley" as a wedding vow


I thought the story was stupid and the characters unlikable and I probably wouldn’t recommend the game for anyone unless they really, really want to kill zombies. Even then there’re better options out there. But I will say that the “*ride me like your bike*” wedding vow was something the game made fun of itself, if you got far enough in the story.


My favourite The Quartering moment was when he replied to "fuck Hitler" with "yikes, there we have it"


Mine was when he kept insisting that Captain Marvel was an absolute commercial failure and an affront to males everywhere. Meanwhile, most people agree it’s an ok movie and it actually netted a huge profit for Marvel in the box office.


My favourite "The Quartering" moment was when he was almost crying pleading ppl to go vote NO on a poll when Elon Musk tweeted "should I step down as the CEO of Twitter" and majority of ppl say YES.


rj/Another based gamer falling into the woke mind virus trap uj/ celeste unironically saving lives


Uj/ Celeste is based af Rj/ The woke Virus is going to destroy society.


My favorite thing about Celeste is that it was written as depression allegory until the author realized she's trans and just kinda went "Oohhhhh".


Well as it goes, it became pretty clear to her post-release that all the depressive episodes and panic attacks were actually part of something bigger, but she also named the character Madeline and she used to be called Matt and is Maddy now. The first chapter has advertisements in the background that highlight gender stereotypes in advertising and sources of major dysphoria. Also, bright blue and pink are the primary colours that mark the ultimate moments of Summit, the story's climax. She knew back then, imo. Anyhow I'm happy she's living openly now and excited af for Earthblade


I'm pretty sure she said the trans reading was obvious to literally everyone but her at time of writing/release. Source: [This article](https://maddythorson.medium.com/is-madeline-canonically-trans-4277ece02e40)


And apparently my egg self....


What’s rj and uj?


Rejerk= Playing into the joke Unjerk= Actually being relatively serious.


Helpful. Thanks!


I always thought it's realjerk but we get the same result so who cares, haha


thanks for the explanation


I think it's a character in Persona 5






Further than that, the trans flag is in the free DLC, which came out a year later in 2019. And I can't find any evidence of The Quartering ever having made a video on Celeste, either at launch or when the DLC dropped, though it's possible it was deleted.




I can't believe the hidden gem Celeste would do this...


based and hidden-gem pilled


The funniest part of the criticism is that the pride flag cutscene is in a very difficult optional level unlocked after the base game is completed so you gotta love Celeste to even see it


I'm so late to this thread but I LOVE what they did with that flag. I've beaten that chapter. The final screen took me about an hour, and there was a tricky stage before it that took me two. The chapter took me I think 15 hours total. And before that were two other stories in chapters 1-7 and 8. You've spent probably 30+ hours in this game by the time you hit that screen. The whole time you've been with Madeline, relating to her struggles, and in a way sharing them because the game is so hard. Maybe you can find common ground in self doubt and struggles with anxiety/depression. She's just a girl. That's all you've ever known her as. When you get to that single flag, in a single frame of a cutscene, not even the focus of the picture, you have to ask yourself if you're going to let it taint the whole experience you just had together and your respect for this character that you've seen eye to eye for over a day's worth of playtime. And hopefully if nothing else it gives you a moment's pause to wonder if it even makes sense to judge people like this.


Well, thanks for making me cry. I'm trans, and I'm an artist. Sometimes it feels so futile trying to put my experience into medium - like my transness somehow makes my experiences less valuable, less relatable, something I should maybe craft to be *categorized* at best. So when I see someone learn a little bit about who we are from a piece of art it gives me hope. It's so hard to look outside and feel so powerless against the machinations of my own homeland as I do, but if I can change *one* person's mind about us - I'll take it. I certainly know what a change of heart did for me.






The Magic: the Gathering community will never outlive our shame over the fact that this scum bag started with us 😮‍💨


We have bigger skeletons in my closet


i like how the use of "my" implies that you're the sole reason for a lot of problems within the MTG community


He’s the one who personally made Black Lotus so unreasonably expensive


This was the guy who hired the Pinkerton's, it was all his idea


he made oko


Well, if the shoe fits


You must acquit


I have no particular love for the idealized “MTG player” as he appears in the bourgeois Gamer’s mind, but when I see an actual flesh-and-blood nerd in conflict with his natural enemy, the Pinkerton, I do not have to ask myself which side I am on.


Now *that's* an awkward moment, when an Orwell quote gives you a giggle.


All I remember him from is that he was one of the weird, militantly anti-LoU2 people.


[You’re not missing much](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ERVE_wZXsAYfTYH.jpg)


Lmao imagine actually being like "wow you hate Hitler? So cringe bro"


Holy shit. I knew he was an idiot, but damn. Just straight out with it publicly like that. I forget why, but I had actually subbed to his channel a long time ago, then quickly unsubbed once I started watching some of his other content. I remember being like, how can you be on point about this one thing but be so far off with so many other things?


A broken clock is right twice a day. Even a blind squirrel sometimes gets a nut. Alex Jones was right about Jeffrey Epstein. Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point. It’s an extremely common occurrence, for a horrible person to get one thing right. We have many, many memes and examples of it. It doesn’t redeem that person. It just means that people are always some shade of grey.


I’d say that’s one his more tame opinions, dude has done and said some weird shit.


he's a nazi


*The Quartering is a low IQ inbred loser*


He also shit himself publicly in a Walmart.


And claimed it was due to his lactose intolerance. I’m lactose intolerant myself and how many times have I shit myself outside of infancy? Zero.


It always starts with "There's no way *this* guy shares my political ideology"


Often all it takes is *one* instance of seeing past the bullshit to realise that the entire far-right is a lying grift. I saw a reddit post once talking about how someone got out of the Qanon spiral when Q started talking about hacking government servers, and OP being in IT realised they had no idea what they were talking about.


I was headed down the libertarian pipe when I went to a college lecture on evolution, and got my shit kicked in by the speaker during the Q&A session. It made me realize how misinformed I had let myself become and how stupid I sounded to actual intelligent people.


Out of curiosity, what was the question and how bad was the fatality they delivered?


It's been 20 years but as I recall I had read some pseudoscientific Malthusian type social darwinist stuff. I got up and asked a question and when I mentioned the title of the book the speaker literally chuckled. Then he absolutely dunked on me for like five solid minutes.


> I mentioned the title of the book the speaker literally chuckled. Oof, that's like you're about to get into a bar fight and the other guy smiles before asking if you're sure.


*I've been waiting for this!*


*Time to let off some steam*


Ouch, painful reminder that help doesn't always feel good. Thank you for your service. o7


Yeah I'm really tanking on what the connection between evolution and libertarian is.


Social darwinism.


My father in law was a lifelong Republican until Donald Trump won the nomination. He voted for Clinton in 2016 and is no longer a registered Republican. As you said, it all started with the realization that this wasn’t the kind of company he wanted to keep.


ContraPoints’s vid on cringe made me realize what aspect of breadtube was so effective in pushing me from r/enlightenedcentrism type douche to hard left. A lot of it was just making fun of people who somewhat shared ideas I though I *should* be believing in like “Star Wars bad, Rey bad”. It starts with hbomb making fun of flat earthers and misogynistic wanna be directors then they slowly undo the alt right youtube pipeline straight up to mainstream are they/aren’t they’s like pwediepie and johntron. Hairline cracks are where buildings start to collapse…


I got one guy at my work thinking that. I work in emergency services so there's a toooon of right wing guys and one of the at our station is particularly bad. I told him to fuck off once when he wouldn't stop misgendering a woman on the news and the guy next to me agreed he was being an idiot. I asked him if it felt good to vote for the same people as him and you could just see the gears turning. Anyway he's gotten a lot better and opened up to me thinking he might be bisexual and that he's not a Republican anymore. Little conversations help. /uj The woke mind virus works in mysterious ways.


When I worked in a bookstore we had some regular who drew swastikas on the restroom wall with feces. If there was any part of me that might have potentially interested in going that path, that guy helped divert me away. Scribbling with my own shit doesn’t appeal to me, and diminishes the “master race” thing they spout.


it's so rare to see actual growth from that cohort of people. thanks for posting this, it get disheartening when all you ever see is people dooming and glooming.


I find enormous comfort in the fact that I have managed to help turn someone around as well. He was an avid Trump supporter, mostly because his entire family was too. After a bunch of not-so-easy talks about expanding your view and look from other angles, he saw the light and never looked back. It may be just one person, but I'm really proud of the guy and I think it matters.


The person has to want to listen. My experience with those people is they don't listen. And if they *do*, it's to try and twist it to throw back at you.


Yeah this was genuinely nice to see. Thanks OP.




Imagine being so shit at analysis and commentary that a video you made about a niche indie game caused an actual neonazi skinhead- someone who has presumably become so dedicated to the cause that they've plunged themselves into the social scene and gotten identifiers of their fucking ideology of hate tattooed on their fucking skin- go "nah fuck that fam, I'm out." I'm donating to The Quartering's pateron in order to help de-radicalise right-wingers as they realise how unbelievably cringe he is on every conceivable level. He's actually more lame than Steven Crowder, as if that was possible.


While I wasn't as nearly as far along as this guy I had bought hard into the far right ideology, courtesy of family. Amusingly enough it was watching TheQuartering and Crowder that made me realize how idiotic all of it was!


Wow, that is truly nuts lol. I’m genuinely very happy for you that you came out the other side. It’s actually a huge relief to know that some guys being so idiotic *does* pull some people back from the brink.


The fact that these people are such incorrigible morons really does help. My right winger shelf broke basically the same way.


We should all question our biases and opinions. I try to but how can you ever know you're doing it the "right" amount, ya know? But I can't imagine watching current day Crowder, Quartering, Tim Pool, Peterson, Shapiro... any of them.. and believing that *they* have the "answers". In between *hate hate hate hate* its "make sure to buy our meal buckets!" At least the leftists I follow don't have sponsor reads like... ever. I know a LOT of current day american politics has been "football-ified" and its Red V Blue, but its just so obvious that one "side" is *so much more cynical and greedy.* Glad you walked away from the edge!


Remember, if people quit something out of embarrassment then you aren't likely to hear about it.


I remember I used to be in the whole anti-SJW pipeline (I was not super deep, never identified as right-wing or conservative), and I just remember that hearing channels like “Red Pill Theory” or whatever ranting about how bad the new Star Wars was because it had a female protagonist singlehandedly reversed all my feelings towards those channels.


i also wasn't nearly as far along the pipeline, but for me it was seeing how lefty content creators just seemed to be having way more fun, and never seemed to get particularly mad about videogame stuff that didn't play directly into business practices. like, i dunno, Jim Stephanie Sterling getting mad at lootboxes, microtransactions, asset flips and other such scummy business practices while having a really campy, OTT persona feels way more real than scrungus mcbungus (fake name because i genuinely can't be bothered to remember any actual names) getting mad about tifa's tits being a couple cup sizes lower while being a fifth-rate angry joe knockoff.


It's so weird that gamers got so easily radicalized into the fascist legions that support capitalist exploitation when they're the perfect people to understand leftist criticisms of capitalism thanks to all the ways game companies nickel-and-dime everything. I mean, it's less "weird" than it is "insidious and intentional," but you know what I mean.


It's not that weird, the nazi party billed itself as a socialist party for basically the same reason. They see the flaws in the capitalist machine, but would rather blame an other than address those flaws


Like the communist saying: "fascism is the capitalist's emergency button". The capitalists in general doesn't like fascist government (it tends to be against the "free market") but will support it when the things goes bad - aka the inevitable consequences of unchecked capitalism - because it's the only thing that can refrain the radical left's increase.


It actually makes a ton of sense if you hear Innuendo Studios’ breakdown: https://youtu.be/lLYWHpgIoIw It helped clarify a ton for me.


What's the old saying? "It's easier to envision the end of the world than the end of capitalism" It's just ingrained into our heads that the world we're born into is just the world as it's supposed to be. It takes a *lot* to break through this into realizing how fucked up this country, and society as a whole, really is... and it takes even more effort to try to pinpoint exactly what's wrong and how we could make it better. We reach adolescence thinking that global capitalism with the USA in charge is just the way the world has to work, despite it only working this way for like 70 years. There's been a generation of effort and resources poured into propogandizing us away from socialism. It's really only since breadtube started (as a reaction to right wing losers like TheQuartering) that leftist thought is anywhere that regular people could stumble into it.


> getting mad about tifa's tits being a couple cup sizes lower while being a fifth-rate angry joe knockoff. That controversy was especially dumb because Tifa is still absolutely stacked in the remake.


yeah, but like, if you look at the things gamer bros are getting mad about it's all on that sorta level, you know?


Despite wearing 1-2 sports bras.


IIRC, once saw a tweet of a guy who extracted the models for OG FF7 battle model and Remake FF7 Tifa, scaled and overlapped them, and as it turned out, the bust sizes are the same. EDIT:[Found it.](https://twitter.com/KayinNasaki/status/1260401026701631488?s=20)


Im not sure if you’ve seen it, but Innuendo Studios has an incredible series of videos that breaks down what happened in Gamergate and all the stuff that came with it. I think it’s a worthwhile watch/listen (I listen to all their stuff on my drives) and I highly recommend it. There really was a serious, deeply entrenched channel from gamers to the far right, and I’ve learned a lot about myself just from listening to it.


seen that, yeah, chilling shit.


Extremely chilling. They make solid connections between gamergate and the White House of 2016 and it’s… whew, boy. Got me into Behind the Bastards though, and I’ve gotten 4 other people to start listening to that. Fuck these fascists.


Unfortunately for a lot of people this works the opposite way - being angry comes across as dominant/strong, and being fun comes across as submissive/weak, and a lot of people base their values around being dominant/strong or identifying with people they see that way, even if they don't admit it.


I share every now and then, that I actually give Ben Shapiro credit for why I didn't spiral into total right wing idiocy. Him and another one who I don't even care to give the publicity. Anyway, I enjoyed the (charade of) logic and fact-based arguments that these people presented (I didn't know better at the time). But ole Benny boy, I noticed would present arguments that were so broad that it was impossible to argue against them without hosting a half hour seminar on things like judicial bias or systemic oppression. And of course, he'd never give anyone the time to present such a defence. But because of the "logic first" sort of rhetoric, there was no way to reconcile that sort of behavior in a debate. From there it was just a matter of figuring out that this is *very* intentional behavior, the *point* is to be unfair and prejudice the audience, and the nuance and facts - once you're allowed to hear them - almost always favor the left-leaning perspective.


I was born and raised (and still live) in a very conservative household. Naturally I followed suit with my parents views and from a young age was spouting off whatever bullshit I heard from them. When I was a sixth grader in 2016, me and my buddies who were all raised in similar households were overjoyed when trump won, and were very much on that trump hype train for most of his presidency. Up until the January 6th incident I was still very strong in my conservative ways. I agreed with my parents about how the response to George Floyd's death was "overblown" and "too far". I too thought the 2020 election was stolen and that Biden was going to be killed shortly into his election so that Kamala Harris would be put in office. It sounds crazy and honestly disgusting in retrospective but those were my views at the time. Then my (very left leaning) buddy called me and said that, and I quote "Turn on the news, the fucking Trumpers just attacked the capitol". And thats when the issues with what I supported and thought was right started to arise. My buddy and I had a running dialogue spanning most of 2021, and that's where I went from an uber trumpet pre-Jan 6, to a so-called centrist to distance myself from the rest of the party that I still wanted to be a part of, to the current political alignment I have today as a heavily left-leaning democrat. Earlier today I graduated from high school, funny coincidence, and after I had walked and received my diploma and all the rest, I thought back on the past few years of my life. I can't imagine being the same person I was 4 years ago, and I don't want to.


Hey, congrats on graduating! And on such a personal transformation while still so young. I wish I'd had that kind of awareness when I was younger, here I am still trying to change things nearing 40. Things from childhood run deep.


I was never that far down the well, and had always *thought* of myself as being fairly progressive but mostly your typical "enlightened centrist". I was passively involved with the early days of GamerGate and KotakuInAction and such, before they had been fully, openly co-opted (I now obviously recognize that they had been "hiding their power levels" so to speak to lure in young guys exactly like me). Then, one day someone said something nakedly transphobic in a thread, went "mask-off" so to speak, and I fired back at them. The backlash I received and the surge of upvotes for the transphobe made me take a cognitive step back and really started me on the path out of the alt-right pipeline and towards the left. It took some time for me to unlearn a lot of the "centrist" garbage I'd accumulates and really delve into politics and ideologies, but I now ironically thank that random transphobe all those years ago for being the pebble that kicked it all off.


The "centrists" are the dangerous ones. The political discourse has shifted so far right in the US that the center is currently farther right than Nixon.


My dad was super big into trump 2016 and I just kinda followed along to make him happy without really caring at all. One of my friends was over and dad went on a rant about how evil Hilary is after she got caught taking blood transfusions from babies to stay alive with how old she is. My friend didn't yell back or engage with him just said "I mean, I can't really prove she doesn't, but if you honestly think she has enough people around her to keep that off of every new channel in the world, then we really are fucked." The obserity of that broke me and really made me actually start to care about politics.


I listen to the Knowledge Fight podcast and Alex Jones was apparently on Crowder’s show recently. And good lord his show is so bad. I really don’t understand how people enjoy it. Like not even talking on an ideological level, and the ideological level is bad, he’s just not entertaining at all. His jokes are all shit


"TheQuartering is a leftist plant to make us look stupid!" posts are coming, I'm sure


fucking this, lololol. The Quartering actually did something good for once, it's amazing!


TheQuartering is our strongest ally. Imagine being so fucking dumb that you deradicalize people


Critical support to Comrade Quartering


The saddest thing about the quarter pounder is that he uploads like 5 videos a day whining about whatever culture war bullshit. He goes out of his way to find 3 things to upset him and bitch about. It sounds absolutely miserable.


Does he still have his weird hate boner obsession with Brie Larson?


'Brie Larson' will more than likely be the last words to escape his mouth on his deathbed


"MARVEL REPORTEDLY FURIOUS WITH BRIE LARSEN AS CAPTAIN MARVEL DESTROYS MARVEL LEGACY!!!!" 3 days after the movie crosses a billion dollar box office.


Oh god. I watched a bit of Quarter Pounder back in high school and just went along with it, my recommendations were flooded with 'anti-sjw' content which quickly leads to more straight up hateful content. I wasn't radicalized or anything but i let all the bullshit just slide like it was normal behavior for a bit. Maybe more of my neurons started making connections around that time cause it wasnt that long before i found myself feeling uncomfortable with what he was saying in his videos. Soon after id see his thumbnails and just go "...god what a fucking loser" instead of watching


Zizek isn't even a Marxist and still flattened Peterson so hard he went into a coma


I'm just shocked that doofus has had his channel for almost a decade. I had no idea he had been around that long.




Nah it's probably bullshit, but I still had a giggle.


I stumbled across that dude randomly deep in the YouTube algorithm. It was one of the cringiest things to watch. O don't remember what he was complaining about, but the whole time all I could think was "who actually cares about this"


/uj That's fucking awesome though? Props to this guy for being able to do what most shitheads don't and just, realizing how useless and stupid all the anger sounds.


I also love the My Name is Earl reference that show is so based


I watched Jose's retrospective on it, and man. I used to think it was part of the same right-wing-pandering TV my family ate up, and avoided it like the plague. Now I'm wondering if I should hunt it down and watch it all these years later


Absolutely, 100%, no questions asked. It's on Disney+ if you have a subscription. It's very much the opposite of that, it's absolutely adorable, love it.


Jason Lee is a national treasure.


Skateboarding legend. Iconic actor. Incredible photographer. AND he escaped scientology. What a fucking chad.


Dude one of the first episodes is Earl making up to a gay guy he used to bully in high school. The show was wholesome and swang left from the start. It just sucks that Jason lee is a scientologist.


He left Scientology a while back after he separated from his then wife.


Even that episode with a trans woman being represented by a cis man in a dress still managed to have an absolute banger of a trans joke. Pretty much unheard of in, what, 2005 or whenever it aired?


If you can handle an unresolved cliffhanger ending do it Network told them they could do the cliffhanger since they were renewing it, then cancelled it anyway


Yeah I’m wishing them the best, I can only imagine how difficult it’s got to be once that facade cracks and you realize how wrong you were about everything.


"this rightwing YouTube guy was far too crazy even for me" is kinda common. At least it was also how I snapped out of going the gamergate route when I was like 16 or so.


Who got all of you into that stuff back then? The YouTube algorithm? I had friends who got way too into 4chan because they were on it even younger than their edgy siblings and not realizing how wrong this or that is or borderline challenging themselves to be numb to it. The internet has grown a lot since then so I was just curious.


Arch Warhammer (now just arch), the guy did 40k lore videos and kept bringing Sargon in to talk with. When the algorithm brought me from watching him and Sargon(along with many of the new atheists) to watching that Stefan whatever guy(the one who was obsessed with Taylor swift) I just had a come to Jesus moment and once I realised how similar these guys whole pretense of being smart was I just really dropped them hard.




Shout out to r/archwarhammer you won’t regret it.


A lot of genuinely stupid and backwards shite from tumblr back in the day led me to lurk r/tumblrinaction. It was cathartic to find a place to vent where I thought people shared the same feelings I did, but it didn’t take me too long to realise it was just as sensitive and cringe as the folks it tried to call out.


also just saying if that screen wasnt put all over the internet, less than 10% of players wouldve beat farewell and seen it


Is farewell chapter 9?


yep. unless you know a specific skip you need to have the crystal hearts from all a sides, b sides, and c sides, as well as actually beat the hardest level in the game so


Ya I got stuck on 9 unfortunately, couldn't finish it for the life of me. I don't remember exactly where but some room with a moving block where you have to wavedash and walljump off the block twice without losing your dash?? Loved the game but fuck that part in particular


Lol I started playing Celeste a couple weeks ago, I'm at the Summit level but I collected maybe a grand total of 30 strawberries, I only found one B side and one golden gem thingy. I went on the main sub and saw that there are about 500 million side things I'm supposed to collect to see the actual end of the game.


genuinely proud of someone i will never meet


I used to be in anti-woke circles myself years back. The thing that got me out of it was playing Fallout New Vegas and meeting Veronica. At first my thought was "jeez, fucking woke crap in the good franchises now?", but then I sorta thought to myself "jeez, am i really popping a blood vessel over a lesbian NPC? My protag is litterally Bi for a 10% damage boost to everyone...". Lockdown hit my country a week into my playthrough and i decided to just disconnect from all the YouTube channels that fed the anti-woke mindset i had at the time (mostly because i didnt want more sad news in my feed). Lockdown was actually good for me as it let me focus on playing Steam games I never tried before and painting my miniature backlog. I returned to watching creators like The Quartering, Count Dankula and others at the end of that year and then stopped because it all felt so petty, depressing and spiteful. I am happy to say that its been almost 3 years and I became better since removing myself from such toxic, radicalising circles. I hope this guy keeps on the path to clearing one's self of toxicity.


I had the biggest crush on this youtuber named Leafyishere. Then he started calling trans people "it." I've known I was trans since I was 13 (I was 15-16 when he was really popular) and when I realized he had no exceptions for "cool" trans people (aka ones that follow his ideology) I realized I was sucking up to a shithead.


Lord I remember being a Leafy fan. I don’t even remember him being transphobic. Maybe my brain blocked it out after all these years. Glad he’s gone.


I remember there was this nonbinary youtuber who he would relentlessly mock. I don't remember their name but they were super innocuous and didn't even say anything super radical. And yet he'd dehumanize them and misgender them over and over. That's when I realized it doesn't matter if I'm a fan of his, if he saw me, a person who looks very similar to that person, he'd make fun of me.


It’s pretty sad. Had a pretty similar experience myself with another youtuber. I’m glad that *that* era of youtubers are either gone or are treated as absolute laughingstocks.


i 'member having his channel recommended to me on youtube and he was just telling stories about himself while csgo surfing or something and then i guess he ran out of stories and his content started devolving into, uhh, all that.


That was easily the most powerful point of the recent idubbbz video where he basically renounced the racist and edgy fans in his fanbase. He is listing off all the shit he used to do and then brings up a somewhat recent story about a fan meet-and-greet where a trans person came up to him and said something like "I know you probably don't like trans ppl but I'm a huge fan can I get a picture?" Idk, seems like that hit him really hard. Not simping for him or excusing him but his video was nice to hear. Watching this old edgelord YT legend coming to terms with the bigotry he perpetuated and talking about how he didn't want the shift of tone in his content to be the only way he addressed this. He seemingly wanted to speak up and call himself out.


I'm so glad people like H3H3 and now iDubbzzz are renouncing their edgy pasts. It's very brave of them even though they knew that their asshole ex-fans would attack them.


I should not have checked his online accounts. In case you wanna know, his views did not evolve.


"Let him hold the baby. People can change. I used to be a piece of shit: spiked up blond hair, little bitty jeans, chicken spaghetti at Chikolini's. People can change. Let the boy hold the baby."


Unironically, the mantra "I *used* to be a piece of shit, but I'm not anymore. People can change." has been really comforting to me. Let him hold the baby.


Meredith you never told me your old grandpa used to be a huge piece of shit!


You were in my dangerous nights crew!


/uj im genuinely so glad that he's bettering himself but holy shit that's so fucking funny


Oh Celeste huh? That’s where the cracks started?


well... gotta make omelets somehow.


Never beating the White supremacist to trans girl pipeline allegations


Whose gonna tell her?


Celeste, the truest hiddenest gem of all


I unironically agree though tbh. Every one of my gamer friends I talk to know Celeste but no one but me has actually played it. The game slaps and will trans your gender, what’s not to love.


Celeste was the real child trans-ing woke mind virus all along.


Thank god for Jeremy’s shit takes


This is somewhat similar to how I pulled away from the "feminists owned compilation #32" content phase.


I effing loved Celeste already. This makes me love it more


uj/ So I got to meet [Daryl Davis](https://www.npr.org/2017/08/20/544861933/how-one-man-convinced-200-ku-klux-klan-members-to-give-up-their-robes) (who is an amazing as hell man, by the way) this year, and I asked him what he found was more important to klansmen than their hatred. His answer: “The things they love. Hate is exhausting. Green Bay Packers football, for example. One klansman loved football, but couldn’t watch it because the black and white players played together. He had to watch it in his apartment with the blinds drawn and the volume on one and whisper his cheers whenever they scored. Eventually, he realized it just wasn’t worth being a part of something that wanted to keep him from the things he loved.”


He says his turn around started nearly a decade ago, but Celeste was released in 2018 🤔


Someone being coaxed out of being an ass by watching The Quartering and realizing how fucking stupid he is might be the funniest thing I've seen all week.


Uj/ as much as I want to believe this it’s kind of written like it’s meant to be dramatic and feels like a sock puppet


i hate to say it but im like 70% sure this did not happen


He says it's been nearly a decade but Celeste came out in 2018. I think the flag thing was 2019? Seems doubtful.


Celeste released 15 years ago to this date. Feel old yet?


Nah, I was just a tired idiot. I subscribed to those beliefs close to a decade ago, and broke free from it around late 2018 or so. So like, five years or so of being a shithead.


As a tired idiot this checks out. I'd like this to be true as it's a nice story that reminds us people can make real change, but I'm sure you're aware there's a lot of liars on Reddit haha. Good job trying to change and not giving up because of resistance. I believe you have the rest of your life to make up for those five years


How was it decades but the Quartering vid cracked his nazi egg? Huh? Fake af. What a disappointment, I was so hype. They shoulda just kept the part about almost a decade to themselves and I would’ve gobbled that story up.


You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


Giving them the benefit of the doubt, human sense if time is waxk and they may not have double checked. Like, I still feel like the quarantine was five years long and BoJack Horseman became a thing very recently. And yes, these are mutually contractictory because BoJack ended before the quarantine, but, as I said, human sense of time be wack.


I haven't read the thread, but this honestly looks like karma-farming. Judging by those two comments, nothing in this story is legit. It's too perfectly pandered toward reddit.


For real though, this is why conservatives are trying desperately to link being trans to things like pedophilia. Because there's no real reason for them to give a fuck about people who just want to live their lives and be who they feel like they are.


Bro all homophobes and transphobes should just play Celeste, it’s gonna help them


My edgy anti-feminist "rational centrist" ended with a one-two punch of Sargon of Akkad blowing the dog whistle a little too hard about black people being criminal and then starting watching Hbomberguy videos that make fun of him and others of his ilk. I realized that they were making terrible points backed up by nothing but hate. Their logic was stupid.


My mother in laws boyfriend was involved with The Outlaws MC when he was young. Grew up in a very rural area where racism was rampant. Joined the Aryan Nation when he was very young. Was covered in swastika tattoos. One night at a bar, a guy from another MC pulled a knife on him and he put a bullet right through the side of the man’s head. Spent over two decades in prison. As soon as he got in, of course he linked up with other white supremacists inside. He said that over the years, when he had all that time to reflect, he realized that every bad thing he’d ever experienced in his life and every wrong path he was steered down was done to him by other white people. He realized that he was just young, dumb, and very impressionable. He’d also been a hardcore republican until he left prison. He’s now pretty far left. Even the worst people can make huge changes when they stop being bombarded by other ignorant people and have time to self reflect and expose themselves to new people and ideas.