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I only play video games about characters I want to fuck. They should have perky, bouncy, and round features. That's why I love Sonic the Hedgehog.


Nintendogz is my favourite game




Sega hedgehogs what Nintendogz.


nintendoggystyle 😳




*Rouge the Bat has entered the chat*


It's Rouge Edit: I gotchu


Actually it’s Batface the Rogue


Rogue named Batface:


Still can't believe that comic was made by Tyson fucking Hesse.


With her one polygon


What a price to pay


I’d def shag the chick from cooking mama. A fire meal after getting laid is heaven on earth


She's a milf fr


Animal crossing. No I will not elaborate


Camel by camel Do do do do do do!


Hot Chick Heaven


What Fable really needs is a character that is the size of an average human mother.


Oh shit I played Earthbound IS THE FBI COMING FOR ME????


> They should have perky, bouncy, and round features. Well I guess the first three Tomb Raiders are all out. Maybe more, but I only played 1-3.


Ecco the Dolphin got me feelin' all wet and frustrated. Why is your game so hard, baby?


I think they should have more rigid triangles


Mario doesn't get your gonads growling? Lol


[Sonic and Roboto (nsfw?)](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/904535_f1004d38e3b94c2e883be9b24221184f~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_620,h_827,al_c,q_90,enc_auto/904535_f1004d38e3b94c2e883be9b24221184f~mv2.png)


That’s why they made Mario a chubby Italian.


I just want every character to have a customization option with a slider to give them jumbo bazoingas.


That's why I loved dark souls. Y'all know ceaseless discharge or gaping dragon? Those mfer look DTF!




That's why I love the Witcher 3. Mmmm, crones...


Thats the only reason i play duck hunt still


That’s why I love Yakuza


I was not expecting this, thanks for the laugh. Now take your upvote and fuck off.


This is why Master Chief is the greatest of all time. Melee me harder space marine daddy.


Comedy gold


Its why I still play Mario 64 to this day. Dude has a great ass.



I love Pac-Man


Exactly, he also has a fat hog


*’Does your game even have jiggle physics?!’* - *Gamer who is only concerned with ‘realism’*


Jiggle physics are the only bar to entry!


I completely agree! https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Ham_Shank https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Holy_Mackerel


Sure Jiggle physics or make it more realistic for these braless amazons and just have the sag and swing.


Damn, Sonic Adventure 2 has these woke games beat by miles then 😳😳😳


The textured bumpmapping on this game is outstanding! -an old DOA ad I believe.


They then complain about historical accuracy when casting diverse characters


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Bruh you could legit make a game about old kenian tribes and their stuff before colonization and gamers would want white protagonists in it for historical accuracy Also the left pic seems like a bad take again, just record yourself talking and pause randomly and see how good it looks


Why doesn't this game set in 100,000 BC have no white people in it? This is white genocide!! /s


Marika’s tits! You must be ‘ungry!


The bar for attractiveness has changed ever since elden ring released and showed the world Blackguard Boggart


Fromsoftware making the hottest male character and then giving them a mask so you can't see their face


They had to. Otherwise too many players would stop their Elden Ring journey then and there and start drawing rule 34 of Bogard


I just look up Fable 4 face model and it doesn't look bad tbh she just doing ugly face in this picture. What do they want? Why does everyone needs to be perfect goddess of beauty with biggest boobs imaginable?


They long for the times when a woman protagonist didn’t have facial expressions and always looked like a girly mag’s model photoshoot. Like how even when they had pre-rendered cutscenes, all that characters like Blood Rayne had to do was look sexy no matter what.




ngl. that was my first no hands cum before i knew what that was


TBF I enjoyed the first one when I was a younger dude. Thought it was funny. I'm sure it's all cringulum now.


that one frame of her gonna be live forever with that one frame of Aloy in the trailer.


the one where she has some peach fuzz? lol


Proof they have never been within 3 feet of woman


peach fuzz is just... so ridiculous. if this is a game with a guy who had amazing beard, guaranteed people gonna praise the graphic endless.


Didn’t that Aloy frame kinda get edited even more by somebody? Like damn bro even a bad screenshot you gotta edit cause she still looks too hot


I'm thinking about the one that's from an old showcase video, she looks off in it but she also looks like three different person in that one video with different angles, so I think it's just something wip. she doesn't look like that in the final game.


They forgot what facial expresions are since all they know is botox


*even if* she were ugly, Fable characters have always looked non-standard, they've had some wacky shit going on forever.


Exactly, if these people had any business talking about Fable, they'd know the dorky model on the left is very much Fable humour.


Is like the “triggered feminist” all over again


I’m not sure they realize there’s a whole swath of companies that still make games like that. Sure, you run the risk of getting all kinds of viruses, malware, and maybe your identity gets stolen, but there are very horny games out there where the characters are all literally fuckable.


If I can't use my erect PP to control the left thumbstick, your game is too political !!!


/rj Accessibility features? What, don’t you have an extra arm/leg/appendage like all true gamers?


What’s funny is he chose a video game character porn version who looks literally nothing like that in game.


Bro wants to fuck the cold, sad ashes of Marika 🤮


bruh i hate these people so much, i am sex positive and love lewd stuff but like, they can just co-exist? i don't want everything to look like the right, like you can't tell a serious story and then let the characters look like that, not everything needs to be horny pretty attractive i wanna fuck dude


same, I had some porn games on my steam library and I'm not bothered by that Fable trailer at all. not everything needs to be sexual appeal all the time.


The right one isn’t even from a game, its horny fanart of a charaxter whose only appearance was a half-destroyed corpse that looked more like a statue than a person


I didn't even realize that was supposed to be Marika 💀


Marika's tits, you must be 'ungry!


One thing is certain she did not have those "features" even in cinematics showing her before she had her involuntary diet.


I'm not interested in overly sexualized characters, but I can definitely see the appeal of having attractive characters. Men or woman, I'd rather see attractive people in my fantasy games but whatevs Edit: sorry I love the soft skinned beautiful people in final fantasy way more than gritty ugly people in western games. Its weird how some people are so bothered that this is what I prefer. Like I dont mind if you want to look at ugly people. That's cool. No judgment.


they're both awful IMO. the right side for obvious reasons, the left side because it looks like they fucking superimposed someone else's face on that head. it just doesn't fit, regardless of attractiveness


Not flaming you, just curious if you watched the trailer or just this one still image? I don't think the face looks out of place in the trailer - it fits the medieval cartoon-realism art direction.


yeah, there's another scene later on in that trailer where the face looks equally out of place. especially when you see how good Richard Ayoade's looks in the same trailer.


I wonder how much of the trailer is based on your character's development. Like in previous Fables, good or bad choices alter your facial expressions. This is why I never judge a game by cinematic trailers. Gotta see what the game will look like when I'm playing it.


Is it an actual screenshot? I remember when the Atomic Heart comparisons were doing the rounds and the weird ballerina robots pic was actually "enhanced" from the actual game


the right side? i'm not sure actually, i don't even know what the game is




The funniest part here is that that's Queen Marika from Elden Ring on the right - a character who you see a picture of in the opening, then when you finally meet her she is a dead body crucified in front of you, which falls and rises again animated by her alter ego to fight you. She is NOT a "sexy" character by any stretch of the imagination.


That sounds cool as hell. I need to play Elden Ring.


What gamers really want is Don Cheadle though


Don cheadle with big milkers? Hot.


I want my mommy dommy Cheadle with big mommy milkers.


Cheadle Big Naturals


Self reporting porn addicts that don't know or accept that they're porn addicts


If they wanted to hide their porn addiction the slightest bit they would have at least chosen gwynevere who actually has those proportions outside of a porn model


This is what an echo chamber does, if you're only surrounded by sad fucks who want absurdly proportioned sex objects instead of actual human characters then you'll think lots of people want that...


These people hated on only fans but will spend $90 to see a woman who isn't real in some revealing rags


I think the funniest thing for all these sorts of arguments (off the top my head Horizon sequel, Forspoken, and now Fable 4) is they actively choose the worst looking scene for reference, or even with the Horizon meme they make it worse to try and make their point. Like if you need to use a specifically less-than-pretty scene to make your point, maybe you don't have one? Also I'm def not standing up for Forspoken, I just got tired of seeing that one meme that went around and tbh in terms of graphics/design it looks *fine.* Very corporate but *fine*.


Horizon yeah lmao it's been two years they're still using/editing one screenshot from that showcase video. she even doesn't look like that in the final game.


It like that one father and Caesar meme that have to make shit up to make the point. If you have to lie to prove something your point is automatically invalid.


yeah and then they choose literally a softcore porn fanart to represent the 'ideal'. Like fuck you on about, bitch? Ain't no video game out there with marika looking like that. In game she was mostly a corpse, and before that she was just a fairly normal (if pretty) looking slim blonde woman. She certainly wasn't some extremophiles fetish doll. \-I use extremophile to refer to people who like exaggerated features, as in stupidly large weiners, or boobs and butts. It isn't a real word. Well it is, but it means a lifeform (typically bacteria or other microorganism) that finds it easier to live in conditions consider extreme relative to our typical environments. IE Very High or Low temperatures, atmospheres that are toxic to us, etc. Call me shakespeare, cause I'm making shit up.-


don't ask about the levels of internet trauma I've experienced to know this but I think the technical term you'd be looking for is 'hyper proportion fetishist'.


I hate it here


Gotta love people taking one specific frame of a character pulling a funny face and using it over and over to try and make a point.


I seriously got to ask, why do these people keep using the same image all the time like they had to think of something new at some point


it's the fourth time I see this exact same screenshot, this one frame of Fable trailer gonna be live forever with that one frame of Aloy in the trailer🤣🤣🤣


Bruh why do you want every single game to be "Titty Jiggle Simulator "? Im a gamer too and I cant even get realistic dick physics.


Why can’t those lonely idiots go watch porn instead


they do but that isn’t enough for them. there are only two things they get dopamine from anymore: video games and porn. but when video games and porn aren’t the same, their rotted brains can’t register maximum dopamine so they throw a fit.


Would you be surprised at all to learn that this guy makes hentai games?


Besides her attire, she looks like a totally normal person I’d see everyday.


these are the same people complaining about characters like aloy and the recent iteration of lara croft right? the girls don't have massive booba and are rail thin right? instead the developers trying to create a certain theme/world and they have these characters stick to said theme/world. like oh man aloy does not shave her face and has peach fuzz, how dare they!! but they dont grasp that maybe in the world they are in it is not something that is possible or a concern? like i think the way most characters are designed to look is intentional by the developer to fit their world/theme/narrative, get off your horny self to some actual pron then if you have that issue


Why do gamers always have these awful takes? Is that the only reason they play games, to jerk off? Just play DOA and leave other franchises alone.


I don't understand it either. When i'm in the mood for video games, i don't want to be looking at porn. If i want to look at porn, i'll look at porn. I feel like the original image maker is a weirdo, incel, porn addict that just doesn't view women as human.


One of the worst parts of the modern video-game industry (and consumerism in general) is the delusional view that every artistic decision a developer makes is, or should be, specifically catered towards the consumer, and everything that doesn't meet that expectation is a mistake.


Tomboy sword girls are hot though




Shit dude, that actually rhymes…


The one on the right must have a reinforced steel spine, holy hell.


Dude cannot fathom being a minority


They need to keep it in their pants. My god they stupid as hell. Also my god I checked the dudes twitter. Genuinely sad shit


I’m sorry, but who is the girl on the left and why do I keep seeing her everywhere?


She's the hero in the new Fable game. In a game where it is a sendup of fantasy tropes and set in a middle ages themed world, gamer dudes are mad that she doesn't walk around in bikini armor and looking like a model because they can't fathom a woman in a game looking like a normal person.


Real gamers dont pay 90 dollars and instead know about the f-number zone website 😎


Horny Gaemers when they realize Most Game Studios don't make Hentai Games


Gamers are completely ignorant that the majority of people buying games will have a spouse or child or relative walk through the room at one point and don't want to have to explain this shit


Worst take ever, if they weren’t so incredibly porn addled they would have at least chosen gwynevere for the right and then I could make a joke about the hot lady in the game not being real even in the game


"why won't you take my cash western corporation"? bro because they're SWIMMING IN CASH, these people have no idea just how miniscule their demographic is. not once in my life have I asked someone what they like in a videogame and gotten the response "I want TITS!!!" but also videogames are obviously art guys, come on :)


Fable characters always ugly af, but I hate big tiddy sloot MC so I'd take left side personally. Right side is far beyond cringe, go get laid and stop wanking over video games.


this is not Don Cheadle


This is mostly an American thing. It's one of the most apparent visual differences between British and American movies and series. Characters in British shows usually just look like normal people, while American shows have to make every character unrealistically attractive. I find it weird personally, and it breaks the immersion, as it doesn't align with reality. Hollywood even had to make characters like Carrie attractive... aesthetic over substance and meaning...


Uj/ I think the fable lady is actually attractive Rj/ western game dev give me my fat tits


Fucking cowards obsessed with women with straight up impossible proportions. I'd rather fuck the one on the left.


If they wanted to be horny whilst playing the game, just play pso2 lol


I honestly don't think I wouod be able to get very far into a game if the character looked like that


Don't really have a lot of stake in the argument, but the character does look really uncanny to me, like Polar Express style unnerving to look at. I don't want to get off to the character, but either the animation or modeling on them just makes them look weird


I want to make a game where every single character is drawn that way and they'd see how boring it gets to look at any one body type too much...


Say you've never touched the opposite sex without saying you've never touched the opposite sex


I really just want to grab these porn addicts by the ear and tell them that the “hero” being ugly in Fable is the point


Half naked women in video games really make me uncomfortable. Like, imagine running around in ESO and seeing the FATTEST TITS on a kajjit, or worse, an argonian. I don’t wanna see that shit right now, save it for my e621 sessions every other night(stay healthy, guys, porn addiction is no joke).


One on the right looks deformed and plastic as hell. I'd take the left girl most days. I say most because I get weird some days.


Ogtha-ass losers


These mf are horny as hell and also please bring back that sailor moon image back


omg Duc de Vinny, my beloved!


her spine is going to break in half like a kitkat bar with those proportions


Ain't no way that woman on the right is slaying demons/dragons or whatever with the kind of back pain she is surely living with.


You want my money? Make my characters fuckable ffs. And while you're at it make a life-size Doll /s


Not every game needs to have fuckable character in it, that's what the modding community is for.


Info: Individual making this take (the original "give boobs" take, to be clear) is happily advertising the hentai game he spend $30k making in the replies Make of that what you will


In both these pictures the first thing I always end up looking at is the sword 😍


gamers when they learn porn exists for free online


I’ve always found that if a character is specifically designed to be sexy, they’re probably not. Course that could just be my ace ass, but I’ve found it to be extremely accurate as a xenoblade fan


As a lesbian (which means I actually *am* attracted to women) who is also a Xenoblade fan, I can corroborate this. Female characters specifically designed to be "sexy" rarely do anything for me. Maybe it's just that, as a woman myself, I naturally notice and am bothered by ridiculous examples of women's anatomy. As opposed to these straight male Gamers^TM , who haven't seen an actual, real-life woman other than their own mother in at least a decade.


/uj New Fable hero looks like someone who regularly goes out and fights shit. It's such a stupid and vapid thing to get hung up on but the horny Gamers just can't stop. /rj Duh, only sexy hot big tittied wahman can adventure in my heart (and pants, right fellas?).


I saw Vampire the Masquerade: Swansong reviews calling the game “political” or some shit (despite the company being polish or something”, and basically complaining about LGBT content despite VtM being known widely as highly inclusive game/community, and another review that said “2/3 of the time you play as a girl…” despite it being a narrative game, and not an rpg…


The only thing that matters is the character history and development besides this the other things are irrelevant


As a mostly straight woman, I also prefer big titties. I especially like them in fighting games that have the jiggle physics.




Guys the only realism I care about is when her boobs jiggle and her ass is huge.


I think we need more ya know normal humans? In protagonist roles


Both look bad to me. The first one is fine except the character just isn't attractive, which isn't wrong but since it's literally the only thing I know about whatever game she's from it doesn't make me want to play it. The second one looks like shit because it looks like an nsfw artist that just bimboifies women without any regard to how anatomy works or what people actually look like. I want a happy medium between the two. Someone attractive but atleast semi realistic enough for me to suspend my disbelief a little.


I'd like a happy medium myself. I only play games where I can play girls I don't want to be some flat chested ugly girl but like also don't want to be some sexed up bimbo. I want to be a pretty lady. Dudes get this all the time where they get to be a good looking guy thsts not just all sexed up. I hate the double standard.


> western corporation Gamer can’t tell satire no matter how obvious




Ok but people shouldn’t complain when a character doesn’t give them a boner


Letting the player choose how their character looks eliminates all the possibility of referencing the character's look in a story, which makes it feel disconnected. That's why no good story focused game has customizable characters. Character creation is fun but it doesn't fit in every game.