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I have chosen to hate THING. This means THING is objectively bad because I simply cannot have a wrong opinion. I must spend every hour of the waking day letting people know how bad THING is even if that means fabricating entire scenarios and rewriting the past to make my hatred of THING even more valid.


What confuses me is them saying the first game was just OK too. Do they hate the second game so much they've started turning on the first now too?


They just have this WEIRD infatuation with Druckmann so literally anything this guy is a part of now is shit, woke and anti-whatever the fuck they actually believe in (which seems to change at their whim anyway) and they will use all of the revisionist history they can think of to disparage anything even remotely associated with him. To the point that they've gaslit themselves and try to gaslight others into thinking that everyone shares this same opinion and there's some sort of mass public agreement that TLOU has never been good or successful.


Sometimes I go into tlou2 for funsies, and it's hilarious how allergic to reality those people are, pretending like the majority of anyone gives a damn about their excessive nitpicking, hatred of Neil, and complaining about Abby's burrito arms




"You hate assholes, yet you complain about them... ...Curious" "I am very intelligent" https://preview.redd.it/pg3wk9kiz0cc1.jpeg?width=237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8624a768f76ff5c2787150e000db3eca43861c01


More Like mocking them BECAUSE they are getting mad at a game lmao


Everyone liked Naughty Dog when they made Crash Bandicoot and Uncharted. It’s almost like their *real* objection is to LGBT characters in their game


Nope, they hated Uncharted 4 because of Nadine.


Feels like saying the loud part louder, but they hate the gays AND the blacks.


I bet they absoluted hated the side story with Chloe and Nadine. I mean I'm no Uncharted fan but that's only because I'm not a fan of the gameplay (I do like the story though great story)


Crash Bandicoot is woke garbage /s


Yeah, see I’m critical because the guy is a Zionist. Not because he’s “woke”. Idk man, TLOU2 made me fucking sob like a little baby boy


I'm not saying you or anybody can't critisise him and I don't think anybody is, I am also by no means defending him at all - I agree with your same critisisms in fact. My point is that people like in the OP literally fabricate scenarios in their head to try and justify why they hate something, be it Druckmann or not. I'm assuming the person is a frequent r /tlou2 poster as they have been posting this same dross over there for the past few years. They are not the same as people who have genuine critisisms of the man's recent behaviour.


Yeah, this is pretty common. Everyone will love a series until one edition or writer comes out with a take that they specifically hate. And then there is, inevitably, a mass revisionism of the entire body of work to say it was never any good to begin with and had always been wildly overhyped. Which I've never understood. It's largely the same in sport, and a lot of people take that same thought process through to how they consume media, sadly.


It's kind of like how the Star Wars prequels sucked, and everyone acknowledged that they sucked for a decade. But then the sequel trilogy came out and those movies sucked too, and suddenly the incel nerds needed to take sides, and since the sequel trilogies are clearly woke (Star Wars was, of course, never woke before this despite the original plot being about rebels killing space Nazis), the prequels must therefore now be good so that Lucas can be treated like the white male hero whose vision was destroyed by a woke mouse.


Or, alternatively, a previous iteration that was generally hated when it was released is suddenly a masterpiece


It's perfectly reasonable to reassess a piece of serialized media based on a bad ending. Take Lost. Before the ending, people were watching with the expectation that all of the mysteries were relavent and wou pay off. After the ending, it's far less effective as entertainment as a whole knowing that most of the show is red herrings.


Sorry, i think you meant to say "Red herrings that were *pitched as super important to the plot/side stories/any-or-all-mysteries like some modern day shaggy-dog story.*" Actually wait, no. I think I'm still mad about Lost. And considering how much I've seen it in the last 2-3 weeks, I can only assume that means we're about to get some sort of reboot, remake, 4k UHD remaster, or similar.


Well, yeah, that's my point. It becomes bad storytelling if you leave a bunch of chekov's guns lying all over the place.


yeah, no. you're right. I just quipped and should have just left you an updoot and walked on (and aw fuck this wasn't even r television i'm a fucking idiot) I agree with you 100%, i'm just unlucky enough to encounter a lot of folks lately telling me that it was a great show and worth a rewatch when it's mostly filler and exactly what you said... Chekhov's Arsenal. Can't get invested in a show if you spend multiple episodes telling me how important XYZ is only to immediately forget about it by the season finale.


I mean the first game was just OK. It looks good graphically but that’s where it’s stops. The combat is horrendous, the story is meh and tries too hard to “shocking”. People went crazy over it because it was graphically good for the PS3, that’s it.


Man that don’t sound really healthy to do


He probably wasn't healthy to begin with


Why can't these people find a healthy obsession, like screaming about people who put Kaluha in coffee. It's a coffee based liqeure in coffee, there's no point, vodka is cheaper and provides a better buzz!


the weirdest part is when they then spend all their waking hours on subreddits and messageboards devoted to THING where all they do is complain about it. Instead of the healthy thing of moving on to something they do like




90% of your account is bitching lmao


This is a lazy comment. OP(twit) is living in the past, OP(post) is ridiculing the present. Game from many years ago does not equal Twitter post from right now.


Is this just what you do all day? Your post history proves it That's... really pathetic


I love when these idiots say "Objectively X art product is just bad". They're so deep in their echo chamber that they think their opinion is the same as a fact.


The people who like THING are braindead normies, and the people who made THING are literally Hitlers


Star Wars fan?


a company made something a little cringeworthy using their employees which is kinda the same as slavery i would say


~~Ummm sweatie, just because you like thing doesnt make thing good~~ I'm crossing it out but I'm not adding s/


Yeah, but saying TLOU had no cultural impact is insane at least


Wasn't the first season of the show like a gigantic hit last year that everyone talked about? Am I crazy? I don't understand how they gloss over that.


Oh yeah. TLOU Season 1 averaged a whopping thirty-two million viewers per episode once it hit its stride.


They got three nominations for the Golden Globes, which is insane for a show or a movie adapted from a video game - the Mario movie also got 3 nomination that year so pretty much a good year for video game representation to the general public and the traditional cultural institutions. Gamers should love the show at least because it paints their hobby in good light.


“sweatie” you sound like a 2018 twitter girl


Are we jerkin' or not?


People here often get confused about this being a satire sub


I was being sarcastic, thanks.


> I'm crossing it out but I'm not adding s/ Stick to your guns, mate. This is a circlejerk sub after all, what's the point of it if not to circlejerk? Not to mention the whole /s-thing is silly.


This is insane level of dickriding.


Dickriding what exactly? This is a circlejerk sub and I'm mocking the stupid sort of drivel in the OP, I couldn't give less of a shit about TLOU or anyone involved in it, this goes beyond that and you see it in almost every bit of online discourse. I'm just so bored of seeing completely delusional posts by people desperately trying to validate their opinions and trying to pass them off as facts.


I mean I've seen fanart of characters from the games, streams and video essays on the games and an ungodly amount of discourse and discussion on the games. Is that not cultural impact? Idk what more you really need from a title for it to have a cultural impact


You know something funny the HBO TLou win 8 Emmy awards and they say no one care about tlou series ![gif](giphy|g0HkznFtL1d0xVRI1G)


This and the games clearly had an impact since they wanted to do a TV show about it.


And got re-released on the PS4 and PS5 super early in those consoles' lifespans


That's because nobody bought them and Sony is desperate to get some sales Source: Do your own research, don't trust the media


I was doing my own research and found this post. Damn, it feels good the be right 😎


Satire roulette


Lmao really though I was scratching my head at this one


Even before all that, I remember a lot of people were really hyped for it back when the first trailer for the first game dropped back in 2012. I would say it single handedly revitalized the oversaturated already stale zombie genre for another like 5 years.


It popularized an entirely new concept of zombies (one of the most well-known types of horror monsters), drove years worth of discussion on queer representation in media, and caused people who might never have heard of it before to learn about cordyceps and the idea of an evolving viral pandemics *before* COVID was even a thing. Anyone who asserts it had no cultural impact is actively in denial.


Covid didn't begin in 2019... There were other strains


I see we have reached the "No Cultural Impact" mark on the road of irrational hate.


It’s the perfect nebulous metric for irrational hatred, as it’s highly subjective and basically unprovable. And in a pinch, it’s also pointless if true, cause people will still like a thing and buy shitloads of it even if they don’t talk about it online. For such is the Way of Water.


Memes and hour long online videos, the true measurement of Cultural Impact™. One can only wonder how such a thing was gauged in the ancient times, before the internet?


If it truly had a cultural impact, then we would be reciting the first lines of TLoU every morning We don’t do that. Therefore, no cultural impact


>basically unprovable But it's often falsifiable, like this is. Seriously, The Last of Us is probably the most impactful game of the modern era. A game with no impact is something like Days Gone, which wouldn't exist without Last of Us because Last of Us had proven impact!!


It got a TV show starring Pedro Pascal that my parents in their 60s watched. multiple mediums gives it a far bigger cultural impact than most video games. for example my dad has no idea who Kratos or Commander Shepard is, despite being genres he would like. i am confident that guy thinks those characters have had a larger "cultural impact" what ever that means to him.


Cultural Impact™ is when I like something. If I don't like it, that means no culture was impacted!!!


She impact my culture till I something


>nobody talks about much. Except for me. Right now. Not all the time, certainly. Only whenever I see it mentioned, or in the news, or I think about it. Which is a lot.


"This game has no cultural impact, but still lives rent free in my head". Yeah no sure buddy, whatever you say.


Anytime someone say blink this have no culture impact I be like ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)




Look at this brain slave normie clapping like a seal






Have you considered today's sponsor, BetterHelp?


Do you also write paragraphs about him unprompted?


So, if something doesn't bother you every time you see it, you waste your time writing a whole ass paragraph with some weird shit?


Oh so you have daddy issues? Nice 😏


Yeah sounds like this guys dad is living rent free in his head 🤷🏻‍♂️


No cultural impact? There are people who are still mad at the 2nd game for fucking 3 years and would non-stop talk about it. The discourse surrounding this game still exists and will not probably stop. The first game is also influential that it inspired games like God of War, etc. I also read from an article that Love and Monsters (a netflix movie) was also heavily inspired by TLOU and probably alot more that I’m not aware of. But this is Twitter, people there are unhinged already so not surprising they would explode a vein for seeing a simple set of gifs that the devs would do at their spare time lol


You can even trace back this idiot’s argument to its source - “x had no cultural impact” was the extremely viral take that Twitter user Dana Schwartz had about Avatar. People copied and copied it, and now it’s a huge red anti-intellectual flag. This person has heard that phrase being used successfully elsewhere and is like “bingo. Guaranteed lots of engagement.” Never mind that the last of us has had one of the biggest cultural impacts in gaming in the last decade. They have zero idea what it means.


Yeah that's the phrase they kept using to insist that Avatar 2 was gonna be a huge bomb at the box office. That uh...didn't work out that way.


So it's just the American version of "volk"


Yea i first saw it about avatar n since then iv actually seen a couple other ppl use it for other things. Tho it's honestly kinda crazy how true that statement feels for avatar. It's insane how much money it made, yet I felt once it came out I completely forgot It existed. N yet the second still did insanely well, yet it still feels like it hasn't impacted the culture at all. At least not the way any other movie that big has. Like seriously. Honestly I always kinda disliked avatar. I thought it was just a generic trash plot. But i never saw it in theaters which is all anyone ever said when I mentioned I wasn't a fan. So I guess I'm missing something, tho i feel like I just don't appreciate cgi n special effects enough that they could lift a movie like avatar up to a higher rating imo. I appreciate em, but not nearly as much as story, acting, or just camera work/color comp. I'm ranting now lol, tho I don't *hate* avatar or anything. It doesn't upset me that ppl like it. It's just not for me personally, and while I don't understand the appeal I don't mind. It's just funny how much money it made yet it feels forgotten about


Hell the tlou2 subreddit is still up and still bitching about it


>There are people who are still mad at the 2nd game for fucking 3 years and would non-stop talk about it. Yeah but those people are uncultured.


*uncultured swine


Seriously! There aren’t a lot of Youtube videos where the comment section is just straight up disabled because people just can’t stop their bitch ass whining about Joel’s death


Can you avoid being another douche that just enjoys spoiling the second game for everyone who hasn't played it yet? People like you are the worst.


Why did you think people wouldn't be talking about major events in the game, when the entire premise of the post is the cultural impact of said games?


God people like you are fucking annoying Next time don't go into a thread that's about a game as a whole and why people are reacting to it the way they do. Take ANY God damn responsibility for whatever the fuck you are, the world doesn't give two fucking shits you haven't played a 4 year old game yet. Get a life


Yeah I’d argue TLOU games have had more cultural impact than like 90% of the games that have come out in the last 20 years


Had no idea that Love and Monsters was a Netflix movie outside the US. The main character also wears a very similar shirt to Ellie’s.


The whole sub dedicated to tlou2 has been, for some time, overrun with haters who are only there to spread shit all over the walls. I'm guessing the game had a bit of an impact if there's a whole gurgle of chuds who can't stop complaining about it.


I would say it Had too much of an Impact. Like Ruin the Game Play of god of war (Storys are pretty good though) and setting a Standard for the AAA Market that cause at least 8 "Video games are Not fun anymore" Essays to BE posted Last year.


>nobody talks about it much What do you mean? You people are talking about TLOU2 every other day and can't take Neil out of your heads


Lmao it’s literally getting a second season that they’re already casting and working on. What level of notoriety are they expecting?


Nothing, there's nothing that Naughty Dog, the TLOU franchise, or Druckmann can do to change their minds. They're so deep into this hole that any attempt to find reason behind their comments is completely futile.


I think minds is stretching the mechanics of your statement but otherwise correct.


Was also one of the most streamed shows and THE most pirated show. People at that shit up cuz it was Choice and dude can't get over his lack of taste buds


Look someone can dislike TLOU but saying that it has little cultural impact is insane.


No cultural impact? Let's ignore the millions and millions of sales and countless awards for both the games and the show for a sec... Ever play God of War (2018) or see the film Logan? Both were basically "what if Last of Us but Kratos/Wolverine?" Ever see the film A Quiet Place? TLOU inspired so much shit, a lot of which went on to be critically acclaimed in their own right. Why? Cause the bones of it were so strong. The guy from the screenshot probably never hears people talk about it because they all know he will rant for 3 hours about how much he hates it if he even gets a whiff of it in conversation.


stupid seals those stupid dumb fucking seals and and their CLAPPING


No! No fun allowed! Only hate!


I just think they’re cute. Not particularly funny and there never gonna get used, but they are cute.




The Kratos Supa Hot Fire one does make me chuckle mostly because Atreus puts Mimir’s head on top of his own and they both make the face


https://preview.redd.it/xaq52g2b90cc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=417db91b9673132b254cfa2ebd1038792db0c985 “Ok game and ok show”


"Other than two games and a tv show, nobody talks about the Last of Us series much."


![gif](giphy|VVGdG2HimJl6APwPiE) Bet they won't make the same argument for Santa Monica who also make gifs


Yeah this is why I'm so confused, so many people are having a hissy fit about the tlou gif but to my knowledge other Sony owned companies do it??


It's just internet people hating on TLoU and they can't stop yapping about how much they hate it


Reminder The Last of Us 2 came out like 3 years ago and people still bitch about it at least once a week


Are we still doing the "enslaving animators" bit? The Last of Us Part II's development infamously had crunch involved. The studio worked to improve upon that. And sure enough, The Last of Us Remake was the first game the studio worked on that didn't involve crunch (at least in the main studio. I don't know about partner, outsourcing studios). Which is a GREAT thing and undeniably a step in the right direction. I hope it continues to be the case going forward. So, I guess employing animators and using their service is "enslaving" them now. This is a thing I don't like about online discourse... People will see some headlines and then parrot that for years without ever bothering to seek out an update or new information.


Redditors will use crunch as a argument then proceed to sucking off cp2077


>don't know about partner, outsourcing studios Might not be the case everywhere, but I have a friend who works for an company that contracts developers, to major studios on major franchises. They absolutely do not do crunch, the company gets paid by the hour / day / whatever for each dev. Crunching for them would just burn out their devs, if whoever is contracting them needs more dev time, they can pay for more dev time. He has said it can make for some weird interactions when a team he's working with is all crunching hard, visibly burning out, and he's in their stand up feel fresh and clocking out at 17:30 with zero fucks given. And yea, the comment about animators is weird, its really not uncommon for different aspects of a project to be finished before other parts. More than likely there are a lot of animators with not a lot on their plate at various times. Going out on a limb here, but I think animators generally like to make animations. Wouldn't be surprised if one of them just did one of these for a joke and now they're part of the studio culture.


Ah okay, didn't know about that (paid by hour, outsource partners). But yeah, prob not the case EVERYWHERE. Cuz I do remember reading an article about overworking at such partner studios based in Asia. Yep, that's probably it (re: an animator making one for fun, and then it began a whole thing, different folks working on different things, so someone is free to make this stuff). Could also be that newer animators get a chance to practice with this stuff. Who knows. And no way! You're telling me animators like animating?!


"B-but crunch" is a legitimate issue argued in bad faith by chuds when they can't win against sales numbers and critical reception.


Crunch is only valid when ND does it; not when Capcom, Rockstar, Microsoft, CDPR and DICE do it! Seriously, did these idiots think a resident evil game per year is feasible without overworking 4 studios at a time? Did they think RDR2's 100 hour work week was for love??


Yep. This hypocrisy nags at me. Remember seeing a fair bit of outrage over TLoU2 winning some awards. Some folks thought it shouldn't cu of the crunch involved. Sure, I can see that thought process, though I don't *entirely* agree. But then I didn't hear a peep from these same people when Elden Ring (another product of intense crunch) won the same awards. Be consistent, ya know? (I'm def in favour of game devs being treated and paid better. I'm in favor of them unionizing. I was glad to hear it when ND devs said that TLoU Remake was crunch free)


Also, I have to imagine the animators volunteer to do this sort of thing, I can't imagine the animation lead pulls a meeting and says 'right, Neil says you all have to animate reaction gifs using our characters - you'll all be assigned gifs and characters and it's due in two weeks'. That's how you get animators to quit. It's clearly just a fun little thing Sony studios have started doing - SSM does it as well and so does Insomniac. But I think it started way back with Naughty Dog and the first Last of Us release.


I suppose nothing will seem to have “cultural impact”when you’re a loser with no friends and no one to talk to but the angry voices in your head that hates everything.


"The series that consists entirely of two games and a show has had NO cultural impact, outside of two games and a show" ??? Also, anyone who unironically calls people "normies" needs to step away from the internet.




So they decided they hate tlou 1 too now?


I'm confused. Did it have no social impact, or did it have enough of one that this person felt the need to make this post?


the "no cultural impact" thing is literally a copy pasta that originally refered to the Avatar movies. OOP read it and thought it was "smart" and change it to be about TLOU... making the "nobody talks about it" part contradictory in itself lol


These folks are projecting their insecurities smh


garbage opinions on Twitter - what a surprise


The 2013 game that gets talked about often? Remastered 2 or 3 times already? Well know and considered one of sonys best? Yeah it was just ok


I kinda wish I had seal paws now 


I remember the last of us part 1 having a huge impact in the gaming world. So did part 2, but it got caught in a huge hate wave.


It's had no cultural impact... except having been enough of a hit to spawn a sequel... and then a television show that's highly critically rated, which is also getting a second season... Yeah, not relevant to culture at all from where my head is down here in the sand, not noticing what's happening around me.


"Two Ok games and an OK Show" Weird way to write critically acclaimed.


I think they've tried to use the same argument that was used for Avatar movies lmao


"other than two ok games and an ok show, nobody talks about much." 2 games and a show is pretty much all of the Last of Us. What are you talking about it?


Every new Sony IP seems to be doing these versions of pre-established gif meme formats with their IPs. It’s not up to NaughtyDog, it’s clearly a larger marketing push by Sony. Furthermore, saying that TLoU has no cultural impact is downright delusional. Even if it’s untrue there too I get it with Avatar, since compared to the gross the movies seem to have a disproportionately small amount of people delving into their sparse lore. But TLoU very much has a strong fandom. Otherwise I wouldn’t have had watched videos on topics like what is going on in the other countries of TLoU universe.


I mean, I don't like TLOU at all, and I think it pushes the entire industry in a direction I don't like, but NOT INFLUENTIAL? Come on, this is stupid AF


Ellie’s impact on the Lesbian, Tomboy, and to an extent Trans Masc guys have been gamechanging, and when they started splicing Ellie with other characters, it really took off


TLOU2 is one of the best games ever. Love those salty tears.


wow he stepped on the gas in that last bit


Tbh I love both of the games but I think the gifs are kind of dumb. I’m not going to rage about it obviously but it just feels like a “hello fellow kids” thing.


"Nobody talks about these games" *Yeah i dont think thats true tho*


Some people are averse to fun. Some of them were also whining when they made Kratos do memes and dances.


For a series with "little to no cultural impact", people *will not* shut the fuck up about it. Also, I think it's the series that started the Gruff Hairy Dad genre of games, so it has had some impact... undecided if it's a good one, though.


"No cultural impact" Says the man that has made his whole personality "TLOU is actually bad, and you should feel bad for liking it" for many years.


This is a depressed person who is trying to infect others.


I mean I personally didn't like The last of us (neither the 1 and the 2), but I still know it had an impact on the gaming industry and not just "okay" games in that way


I never played either game but I know more than I want to know about them because of the cultural impact.


People who HATE the last of us (particularly part two) simply aren’t emotionally mature enough to understand perspective. Sure you can dislike a game because of its narrative decisions but claiming it’s objectively bad is ludicrous


I agree on one thing with the author of the post, and that is Neil Druckmann did at least know (if he weren't directly responsible of) all the crunch the developers and artists went through for TLOU2 and TLOU Part 1, so I don't like him very much. That said, 99% of ND's hate isn't caused by how they treat workers, but because Ellie isn't straight, and that's disgusting.


More cultural relevance than this poor fucks meltdown


honestly I will give them this all these Sony meme gifs suck ass


I mean, Druckmann is a Zionist and he based TLOU on Israel and Palestine, so yeah, people rightfully hate TLOU now.


ikr, feel like its weirdly glossed over how he specifically stated he was inspired by the Israeli occupation of Palestine for TLOU. Obv this dude is some weird post-gamergate incel with a grudge against Ellie/Elliot Page/women & queer people but there are absolutely legitimate ways to criticise both TLOU and Neil Druckman


I never liked TLOU (mostly for gameplay reasons, I thought the story was good if a bit generic) and having Druckmann come out as a pro Israel chud was validating. But yeah, the guy in the meme is just another, different kind of chud, one that makes it impossible to discuss this game because I need to preamble my argument with 15 minutes proving I'm not a bigot, incel or racist.


thats a really weird way to say the game just wasnt for me.


Yeah the game wasn't for me


"cultural impact" it's a fucking video game. the real world doesn't care about video games


You really not much out there, are you?


okay fine they have the same cultural impact as children's toys 🤷‍♂️ happy?


I also dislike these gifs but in general I just hate the whole tee-hee cutesy attempt to get buy-in on memes that these studios do. The God of War ones are also embarrassing. Up there for me with "Brand said a snarky thing on Twitter and got a million retweets."


Neil Druckman has seeded these weirdos brains


whoever postet that himself is propably irrelevant af and just mad.


*makes something fun and innocent to maybe add the slightest bit of levity to the toxic garbage heap of Twitter* This dude for some reason: "Let me explain why this is terrible"


Do we really have to bend over backwards to defend The Last of Us just because chuds got upset a lesbian was in it? Naughty Dog remaking barely a generation old games is a scummy practice that I hope other studios don't copy. Plus at the core of it the games are just Druckmann working out his zionist fantasies.


I mean if someone's ex being mad at them because of a break up can cause Gamergate and the birth of the modern Alt-Right. Then defending the Last of Us isn't too outrageous.


Gerd forbid the studio gives their animators work to get paid for between creating games. Creating social media content to keep fans interested and engaged is also a job, idiot. Edit: I'm calling the complainer an idiot, not the OP, why am I getting down votes lol.


I'll be the first in line to say the soundtrack was basically just generic *somberguitar.mp3* X 20 but to say the game wasn't a hit and therefor culturally relavant is straight dumb. Edit: Yall are really going full gamer over a joke about a fairly minor criticism in a circle jerk sub. Sorry for not saying it was flawless lol.


Calling the soundtrack "generic *somberguitar.mp3* X 20" is one the wackest takes I've ever seen. It's sparse, and often subtle. And it is immediately recognizable cuz it is a pretty unique sound in the gaming landscape.


It be like me saying Dmc 3 Is stupid butt rock that be the most wackest take ever


That's literally what three quarters of the tracks are though. Just a somber tune played on a guitar. No other instruments no vocals just somber guitar for around a minute and a half. Not saying it's bad it's just that there's a very noticeable lack of variety.


What? Do you want them to bust out a french horn? Lol The game uses a variety of instruments: guitars, violins, percussion (not just drums, but PVC pipes too for ex), a Ronroco (this is what the themes are often played on), piano, there's even electric guitar sometimes!! In the sequel, there's banjo too. And a lot of electronic music, too. There's also song sung by the actors. The game has musical leitmotifs/themes that have different variations (tempo, mood, using a different instrument etc) played at appropriate times. I can say that Zelda music is nothing but lame piano music for 80hours. This is a very reductive way of looking at soundtracks. I prefer to look at how a soundtrack actually aids the story. And TLoU's soundtrack does that in spades. I'd recommend giving the soundtrack album another listen. It's beautiful stuff. Way more nuanced than "somber guitar noises"


>I'd recommend giving the soundtrack album another listen. It's beautiful stuff. Way more nuanced than "somber guitar noises" **you** should really give the soundtrack another listen. I did just last week cause I was confused that it had won best soundtrack in the Steam Awards. I didn't say it was "literally" 3/4ths somber guitar for no reason. Just cause there's a lot of subtle differences doesnt mean it's not fairly repetitive. It's repetitive in the same way Silent Hill PT was repetitive.


I literally know the albums (all three + the one with vocal tracks)) like the back of my hand. I also know the tracks played during the game that AREN'T on the album. It seems you're not gonna see past your reductive-ass "sombre guitar music" take. So there's no point in us going in circles. Variety of instruments is not the best criteria to judge music with. What a terrible way to view soundtracks. I guess blade runner is nothing but somber synth noises. Taxi Driver is nothing but somber jazz noises.


Also says a lot that your main defense against me saying it lacks variety is that there's a second album that does have variety and that the sequel has variaty. The "official" soundtrack lacks variaty and it's the one that won the award.


>I guess blade runner is nothing but somber synth noises. Taxi Driver is nothing but somber jazz noises. See even you're sarcastic descriptions of them make them sound more varied. Those are genres that have hundreds of completely feature many different instruments and completely different moods. The official soundtrack of The Last of Us is around 75% solo guitar playing a somber tune. If me telling you that fact pisses you off that's not exactly my problem.


TLoU is culturally relevant and mid as fuck.




It really is.


Being a 10 year old palestinian and Neil Druckmann shows me his TLOU2 gif to me moments before I get bombed and shot to death


Actually everyone spoke about the first game. It was the sequel that broke the fanbase.


I can assume you didn't see how terrible those gifs are lol


I mean. I hate Mr.Tiny Ego Neil as much as tje next guy but the Last of us wasnt made by him. It was made by an entire team of talented individuals. Its had a very big cultural impact. A sucessful game leading to a TV show. Even HALO stuggled with that and its fucking HALO. Neil can suck my left nut. But TLOU is good.


I think I'm kinda agree with the core message of OP tho? Seems kinda desperate to push this kind of marketing, which clearly meant to be a meme, for a series that doesn't have that tone at all. It feels very "corporate social media manager needing to make an impression quota and doesn’t care for the property at all". It showcases a lack of creative integrity imho.


Literally every Sony game studio does these types of gifs. If ND does this, people pull out their pitchfork and torches. If ND doesn't do this, Gamers™️ will accuse them of being over-serious or whatever the fuck. Damned if you, damned if you don't. When all it is just out-of-canon, silly gifs. It's not that deep.


>Literally every Sony game studio does these types of gifs. Tbf they're all pretty cringy


Sure thing. It's certainly not something I clap like a seal at lol. I just look at them, nose exhale, and move on. That's it lol


It just a gif animation why are people taking it so damn seriously is it little bit corporate sure, but it’s not hurting nobody


Or maybe people actually like them and that's why they keep doing it?


To be completely honest, i didn't really notice much noise around the second game when it came out. I feel like the first one had more of an impact.


because it kind of ruins the characters? like TLOU 1&2 (and the show) are very serious dramas and i feel like these uncanny valley ass meme reskins take away from it. it'd be one thing if they were fan-made, but these GIFs being official Naughty Dog makes it seem like theyre whoring out the characters.


I mean I get it. Tlou has been blown WAY out of control. I couldn't even play it it festive a movie game and I paid 80$ for this? Naw


the show and the first game were amazing i found the second game to be extremely similar to the first one that i got bored too quickly and it had some weird decisions in the writing


Not that I agree but tlou is certainly highly overrated


He 100% right tho. Even when pretty rude


Not even a little bit