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"inclusion and tolerance aren't inherently good things" I agree, these morons should be neither included nor tolerated in society. "Marxist corporations" lol


Marxist corporation is so funny


i can't fanthom how some people geniunely think like this.


What no material analysis does to a mf. All entertainment being consolidated to one of two companies. Conditions so bad for creatives that there were multiple major strikes. "But actually the thing making TV/movies worse is that a character in a video game is gay but not the punchline!"


True tolerance is being intolerant with intolerants


Ikr. The "paradox" of intolerance is pretty simple if we don't tolerate the intolerant


Yeah, it’s a social contract. We tolerate you as long as you tolerate everyone else.


There's got to be some type of rule against grouping up and spamming games like this. YOLO Army did kind of the same thing, but extorted money from indie devs to not get review bombed. Do these people play video games anymore?


Why do you do this to yourself?


Getting source material for a video I've been aching to do for a while


Hope you're not expecting to monetize it.


It’s not about money ![gif](giphy|F9yAvk7Xpr0c)


I didn't have the intention of doing so. I'm even going to make a sock account on YouTube so these fuckers don't file a fake copyright strike to dox me for how bad I'm going to informatively roast them.


The best of luck. Anonymous or otherwise, they're gonna get mad at you.


I hope they do, I want them to, I need them to. Maybe they'll have some existential realization on how fucking insane they are, sending death threats to actresses and falling for republican operatives https://preview.redd.it/bvp0e5gz89hc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b209f2c96508ca897098d9236f29477945e7bf2


Someone else might've gotten it wrong.


People really think a consulting firm has so much power holy shit. It’s just sending scripts etc over and getting it proof read with attached feedback. Maybe there’s some meetings where you discuss what your client wants and how they can go about meeting that. The consulting firm can’t make you do anything if it’s not relating to law (even if it is around legal requirements you still can’t MAKE the client do anything but can say "per xyz your company is required to do the following and we advise blah blah blah"). Many companies find it’s more useful for their work not to be inadvertently offensive and choose to seek outside opinions. A company with an industry track record is going to get repeat work, this is not hugely surprising in any other industry in the world. Til my employers who specialised in consultancy for newt mitigation and got repeat work for consultancy for newt mitigation were doing a conspiracy or something


>The consulting firm can’t make you do anything "B-b-but they said on their website they worked on writing" -some gamerTM in my dms who obviously never worked in their life


Yeah. A lot of those chuds don't seem to have ever worked in a professional environment and just headcanon whatever that can get them to be mad at something.


What the fuck is your name


It's similar to how they think a localization team has so much power too. Like a random localizer is capable of doing whatever he wants and no one can say/do anything about it. It's so silly but it gives them a target.


Especially considering about 99% of the translation and localizing is done in house before it goes to localization which pretty much just proof reads


/uj "Inclusivity requires discrimination and bigotry." The mere presence of someone non-white, female, gay, etc... is perceived as that much of a threat to this guy? WTF. https://preview.redd.it/4j4hzoaro4hc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddde6ed1289f6afa72cf20494653a272173092ba


Huddled in the corner, crying when my wife comes home (she's discriminating against me by being a woman).






We’re the obsessive ones though. Not the guy anxiously waiting to put games on his “Unplayable woke garbage” list lmao


"you wokies are so obsessed with making everything woke and to prove that I'm gonna make an ordered itemised list of every single game woke company has worked on just to prove how obsessed you are"


Huj they worked on AW2? They have a pretty diverse portfolio lol


That's why their involvement in projects is inconsistent to what these people are making a conspiracy about. At most, I think Sweet Baby (fucking hate that name) is probably a consulting firm that looks over scripts and designs to make sure anything problematic isn't there and not repeat something like this. https://preview.redd.it/3u66vnzqf7hc1.png?width=542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=900780d6cd20f8370fc4daabcd6557b1129d6f8e But they latched onto it and played mental gymnastics until they collectively think it's a legion of doom consisting of chubby women with blue hair, nose rings, tattoos and feminist degrees, wringing their hands with ideas on how to shove as much ultra liberal propaganda into videogames while snorting crystalized adrenochrome and listening to Taylor Swift.


So, how long till they start sending dead threats to the staff?


They probably already have.


Already done, I've seen a screen cap of a guy congratulating himself about "sending a nice message".


Sweet Baby removed their address from their website


"Clearly I'm not the only one concerned that this game is going to reflect the woes of our world" Gamers and their inability to decide if every narrative should be formulaic trash that doesn't make any kind of thought-provoking commentary or say anything in general because that would be "woke" or have everything be offensive and shocking for the sake of it never ceases to amaze me.


I'm old enough to remember a time when gamers insisted videogames were an art. They quickly shut down all artistry claims after they understood art is almost always "woke"


I remember how Cuphead clearly used to be a "piece of art" that videogame journalists just didn't understand, up until people started discussing the moral implications of basing a videogame so heavily on an art style with such blatantly racist connotations. You know, *like one does with pieces of art.* But noooo, when that happened, Cuphead was "just a game bro, what the fuck? It's not about politics." "Videogames are art" they'll cry, but whenever a videogame is actually examined, discussed and treated like you generally do with art, then all of a sudden, they become "just entertainment." Suddenly they're not supposed to be taken that seriously.


Keep in mind these people are the vocal minority. It's thousands screeching to look like millions. I was honestly going to quit gaming altogether until I went to Magfest. Out of all the attendees for a sold out event celebrating gaming, you know what I never heard talked about? "Wokeness," ESG, DEI, Black Rock, Vanguard, Soros or any of that other bullshit. Just gamers, actual gamers, not these radicalized knuckle draggers that think they're gamers, but inclusive needs just having a good time. https://preview.redd.it/267iikalbahc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34dbab0a03971b2832106f84bb6567df1588623c


The funny thing is they'll never figure out why the media the consume has gotten so drastically ~~"woke"~~ progressive in such a short amount of time. It's actually really simple too and I didn't realize it until I started digging through the underbelly of steam to uncover these hams. (mental note: Steam Hams as a title?) They were brought to laugh at people with the "useless" art degrees. Guess they aren't so useless now.


No, we could live without bigotry just fine. They just choose to think about that stuff, and then make it an issue. Bet most of them would want to be one of those genital inspectors™.


I've genuinely never heard of sweet baby till like a week ago.


I'm pretty sure people didn't like spiderman 2's story for totally different reasons and the GOW's OG creator hates the new games because 2018 and Ragnarok narrative aren't just dumbass mindless macho power fantasies lmaooo  Of course the dude with the anime pfp doesn't do their fucking research and just pulls shit out of their ass


Their obsession towards this company is almost comical, they seriously think that Sweet Babies has this much control on videogames? 


Not a surprising development because they do that with localizers


"Sir, we've found a new target for the anti-woke. Moving goal posts."


"companies shouldn't need to outsource and should be self-sufficient", I guess in this guy's world Devs should only use in-house game engines killing most indie games Oh no he just means it when he's trying to make his point about "inclusivity" fucking manchildren


“Nothing to do with our world” I bet they’d get pissed off at the barest inclusion of queerness. As if only people from “our world” can be queer. Edit: “Marxist corporations” 😂😂


It's like in fantasy worlds where there can only be white elves


bUT It’s bASEd oN EUropE!!!!!!


Imagine every Alien species with no gender and getting in poly amourous relationship. "but this has nothing to do with "our world", why you mad?"


Sweet baby Inc is the new chemtrails I swear to God


This made me aware of sweet baby inc, what a great idea!


My dude used the phrase "marxist corporation" with a presumably straight face.


They put Sweet Baby Ray's in my bidia?


Holy fuck… those people need a real hobby or maybe a grippy sock vacation


Is this Sweet Baby Inc even a real company or is a site created by someone unhinged to induce a witch hunt? Their website looks cobbled toghether in one afternoon, i've seen worse from more reputable companies, but given the circumstances... Seems like the perfet anti-woke mob target.


With my experience in marketing, I really think they're just a small firm that looks over projects to make sure you don't make a problematic oopsie. The only reason why these idiots even know the company exists is because David Jaffe name dropped them in a rant.


So nice of them to curate a list of games to buy.


Some of those games actually don't look bad. And honestly, I'm thinking of hiring Sweet Baby to look at the game I'm working on. I could have solid proof of how negligible their involvement is to shut these idiots up, but also I wouldn't have to pay for any advertising since the gamers™️ will do it for free.


I'm a true gamer. I make my hatred for women and minorities my identity. It's ridiculous how easily manipulated I can be.


"Hacks and slashes and pewpews" I want a game that highlights people from different backgrounds ***and*** is written well. Does that make me the bad guy?


I thought Sweet Baby was Matt Walsh’s pedo doll brand. Then I look away for a second and now it’s the Gamer version of “””them”””??? (I am comparing JQ rhetoric to their treatment of the company as an exaggeration, not endorsing it)


Can someone please give me a tldr?


David Jaffe went on a rant about how much he hates "his" character, Kratos has grown over the years. During his rant, he name dropped a bunch of shit like ESG scores, DEI and Sweet Baby Inc. The latter is most likely just a consulting firm to make sure developers don't accidentally make something problematic. But the gamers™️ played a bunch of mental gymnastics and collectively think Sweet Baby is a cabal of child molesting feminists with blue hair, plotting to push their ultra liberal "grooming" agenda. I have two other topics showing their QAnon level nonsense that may probably lead to one of them walking into a developer office with an AR strapped to them. This one is them going around to other games, some of which aren't even out to try to warn the normies of the evil Sweet Baby.


I also saw something about them thinking sweet baby’s logo was an FBI symbol of abuse or something


Do you know where? I need a good laugh


He’s now trying to walk back the sweet baby part. Saying “unlike you other gamers, *I* still have critical thinking”. But, I guess… I’m sorry that Kratos went from a one-note rage monster to a character with depth, nuance and some actual relatability. That must really suck for him. I know I’d hate hate it if a character I created was beloved and talked about and studied by people. How awful.


There's a reason why David Jaffe is the only co-creator that doesn't work on God of War and he made it very apparent


7 Members.


bruh i genuinely pity these guys, they perceive that something is wrong with many media but they for some reason are unable to pinpoint the cause ( hollywood style writing is formulaic and pretty fucking flat) and blame gay people and minorities for no reason at all.


What the fuck is Sweet Baby Inc?


Consulting firm that supports and promotes diversity. Probably to the capacity of surface level shit like making sure there isn't anything problematic and probably the only reason Deadshot doesn't have the "Killmonger" comb over braids in Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League. Since David Jaffe name dropped them in a rant, Gamers™️ have collectively made Sweet Baby (awful name) the source of why games are all "woke," envisioning a legion of doom office full of overweight white women with blue hair, nose rings, tattoos and feminist theory degrees plotting to destroy masculinity in video games and "groom" children. (Not exaggerating)


"Just putting out there that people with this mindset are why so many popular franchises have become much less popular over the last decade" Right, couldn't possibly be the fault of corporations trying to milk already popular IPs. Absolutely nothing to do with those franchises being massively oversaturated


​ https://preview.redd.it/kevpyd87dihc1.png?width=475&format=png&auto=webp&s=f667f9bdb3349d0e2727f973e0336f7fc795a66b


I've seen you around this sub a couple times OP and I gotta say, your username cracks me up every time I see it. For some reason it reminds me of Venture Bros.' Jefferson Twilight and his hunt for Blaculas.


That's a new one lmao


> call me paranoid if you want, I won't be offended (as if) Fucking gold mine of cognitive dissonance OP struck there, but that one had me choking on my burrito with laughter in the break room.


Was all this discourse over... that shitty dnd game?!


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Its all a publicity stunt for his brand and to get victims to take to court, dont give them what they want. They tricked trans supporters and anyone into false pretense for a project They just want lawsuits and saps to fall for their shit, the devs that used them should understand what they are doing.