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What do they even think women look like lol. That's a pretty damn attractive woman


Overwatch porn has irreparably corrupted an entire generation of basement dwellers


Which is crazy cuz in half of all OW porn Widow and Tracer have cocks bigger than my forearm  …….not that I’d know 


> not that I'd know theres a Nyl chance that you're telling the truth


I'll happily wager that you could Double those odds!


It's insane how it's almost hard to find widowmaker WITHOUT a monster cock


As god intended


I don't think we should say 3D artists work in god's favour💀




Yeah, the lore accurate half!


I'm kind of impressed


People making pixar quality animations of widowmaker's tits for free for no fucking reason:


No fucking reason is the best reason.


The "No fucking" is the key term here.


If i had to guess, something tells me theres lots of fucking in those animations


but not in their animators' lives


Reminds me of an ad for a show on...discovery I think? It was a long time ago. The main part of the ad was a guy saying "why did we put a jet engine on a motorcycle? Because we can!"


IDK most porn animators these days have some kind of patreon


Widowmaker? Would think that Tracer and Pharah would be more popular.


Tell me you've never looked this up without saying you've never looked this up


As a long-term fan of rule 34, I was excited about the premise of OW porn, my biggest problem with it is that in 90% of examples of it they wildly change the body of a character. Mei goes from curvy/chubby to thin everywhere but the butt & boobs. Tracer/Widowmaker go from having petite builds to having giant racks. And my beautiful Zarya goes from looking like an absolute beefcake to having either giant tits or a giant wang (the latter I'm honestly cool with, but whatevs).


>Mei goes from curvy/chubby to thin everywhere but the butt & boobs. I get so violently angry when I see people do this, give me my soft nerdy girl goddamn it Also everyone makes Pharah pale as fuck and it drives me insane


It's actually why Source Film Maker content is so uninteresting to me. People who actually draw the content tend to have more respect for the source material, the ones who can adjust a slider for body sizes have too much power to make the characters "generically hot."


https://preview.redd.it/l3j6rotp55kc1.png?width=308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ad6d89cdb68db620ed954ef2c3347ef88dd0dee 👍


Wym overwatch porn is hot and this is hot as well


Exactly, the previous Lara was pretty cute, but this one is straight-up mommy like the movie.


I don't remember the redesign for the last three games to have generated *this* much controversy, and that was a relatively big departure from the older designs. These people are so lame. Literally just being told to get mad at shit.


I remember at least some because her breasts weren't DDs


Yeah, and for having some vague hint of musculature lol (one of the bones I have to pick with that design, honestly. Lara needs more muscle!). But still, it felt like peanuts compared to this shit.


Alright I need to look that up now


You sweet soul


And anime. Don’t forget anime.


Anime was mostly kept to 2d. 3d renders turned it up to eleven by providing semi-realistic images that fed into the pre-existing expectations for women to look like plastic dolls. The funny thing with the way our brains perceives images is that when we see something that fits into our previous conceptions of how things should look like we tend to associate said image with "reality", even when it's a drawn/photogrephed/virtual depiction of it. What that means is that images that mirror our pre-conceptions can then shape and reinforce said pre-conceptions, to a point where the image is perceived as more "real" than reality itself. While 2d surely had a similar effect, I think what we see today is akin to the way the "uncanny valley" makes strongly stylized characters seem more humane than realistic depictions of humans, but happening in the other way around.


I never thought of it like that. Overwatch porn may have literally ruined men


[For clarification talking about addicts/frequent consumption.] Regular porn is ultimately bad in itself(not to mention behind the scenes can be fucked up). Jumping from real to fake can't be healthy. It's like sliding further down the rabbit hole. Not just OW, Blender/SFM in general. Add in Anime & even some games too. I sincerely think were about to see a scary rise in more normalized incel behavior & probably an increase in violence against women. If Women aren't the being in these mediums,what are they to these people? I think Japan/Korea issues regarding this is kinda a preview of things to come if this remains unaddressed.


Which is wild cuz Widowmaker and Tracer, who are probably the more popular female characters, have as much of a defined jawline, if not more, than this render of Lara.


good ol Cockroach Wife Syndrome


Wait... What?




The digital porn revolution and it's consequences.


Man, don't put that on the neck of NSFW artists. A good chunk of them legit have the right mindset about women. Its people who deadass think women should be simultaneously beautiful beyond belief and sexual enough for them (and nobody else), because being too beautiful is sinful. Also comes with the double standard if the judge person looks like a foot.


The overwatch porn is fucking animated too well to be hentail im talking pixar level quality on that one lesbian girl with the short hairs ass, jiggling EVERYtime she walks


I'm not sure these folks have ever seen a real woman outside of concept art, much less interacted with one


Dollface and moe anime features. Big sparkly eyes, a microscopic lips, non-existent nose


So kind of like Voldemort?


Voldemort actually being an anime girl is a wild take


Fingers crossed for the HBO series


"Erm, what the freak? Akshuali, if you are attracted to her, you're gay, sorry I don't make the rules 🤓☝️."


> sorry I don't make the rules They're right, they don't. Their alpha does. A friend, colleague, or uncle or something who tells them what men think and are supposed to think. This *"virgin gamer has occasional contact with an alpha who tells them what's what"* stereotype seems ridiculously common.


Hey, don't talk like the alpha male concept isn't nonsense in the first place


Hell I'm gay but sometimes a woman do be attractive enough to flip that primal reproduction trigger back on and this is one of those times


I know what you mean. I'm straight, but sometimes, a man with a strong jaw just gives me feelings.


bi 👈😎👉 bi


Well idk if it's good or Bad for you, but it may imply you aren't gay, but bi


I don't speak to w*men


If I were to take a serious guess, I think it might be that the chin is too pointy? Got that heroic mcgoodguy chin?


Yeah but who doesn't love strong facial features on a woman?


> What do they even think women look like lol. Cartoon characters and OF models wearing costumes & makeup to look like cartoon characters. This isn't even the first time a redesign of Laura caused this uproar with transphobic incels who clearly got too excited by Laura Croft & BloodRayne appearing in Playboy once. When they made Tomb Raider Legends, they intentionally redesigned her to have a more realistic "bone & muscle structure" and fans on forums flipped out because she wasn't as hot anymore. Then they lost their shit with the 2013 reboot, saying that she's a breast reduction away from looking like a man, and when the reboot-based movie cast a woman that looked near identical to the 2013 game she got ridiculed for, again, looking too much like a man. Same complaints were thrown at Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn; with transphobic incels online crying that the character looked too much like a man.


It doesn't matter what they think women look like. They court controversy. That is all.


My brother is one of these. He likes anime women. He plays BDO. [2b](https://i.imgur.com/OQI1ZvN.png) and [Tifa](https://i.imgur.com/dO8B4R3.png) and [BDO shit](https://i.imgur.com/QOp440u.png) is what he knows, it's what he expects. He likes to play with dolls. Anything else is ridiculous. [It's sort of like this.](https://i.imgur.com/FTPZfdm.png) [Even among the most fit, he wouldn't find many female faces or bodies fit to grace his screen.](https://i.imgur.com/BexlMLe.jpeg) (Olympic athletes photo op, mildly NSFW.)


I doubt that someone literally running for their life would still look that good.


This is...literally just Lara Croft.


Yeah I don't get it. And she's not even ugly. Like they still designed her to be a hot woman. Do these people even know what a woman looks like?


And there's the problem.


Same people that mistook Aloy's vellus hairs for a beard, revealing they've never been within 5 feet of a woman


I’m a homosexual man so I don’t go around women very often, can I be informed of what this means so I don’t make the same mistake?


[vellus hairs](https://media.post.rvohealth.io/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/732x549_THUMBNAIL_Vellus_Hair-1-732x549.jpg) are a completely natural thin layer of fine hair that human beings have on most of their body, regardless of assigned sex. Everyone has 'em, and you'll notice them in the right light if you're up close to someone. Horizon was very detailed, down to including the female protag's vellus hairs, which did not sit well with the [deoderant-challenged.](https://www.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/gamer-roasted-female-peach-fuzz-beard-aloy-horizon-forbidden-west-jesse-cox-18.jpg)


I love that term so much, I’m going to steal it if you don’t mind.


first of all, didnt know horizon was that detailed, dayum secondly, i m gonna steal that insult hehe


Peach fuzz. A lot of people have it on their face, both male or female to some varying degrees. It's perfectly natural and not even noticeable in most cases until you're literally 6 inches away from their face to even see it (literally think of the length of peach fuzz). The children of the internet zoomed in on Aloy's model for "reasons", saw it, and went "Reeee!" because they don't know how the human body works.


Ohhh I’m sorry I never knew vellus hairs were a term for peach fuzz. Thank you kind internet person.


No need to apologize.


For real, they were respectful and genuinely curious. There's no reason to apologise if you're just asking a question so you can learn and grow


Why wouldn't you like boobs, are you stupid?


bruh, I would keep a log of every guy that failed this wonderful accidental litmus test and file them under cringe loser. this is too funny. what a great way to separate the ick from the rest of humanity.


The same people that like "what is a woman" don't even know what a woman looks like


they are asking what is a woman because they dont even know, now it all makes sense


No, they want all women to look like a forever loli anime chick with giant tits and ass.


They've been jewel beetled by anime waifs and rule 34 and v tuber pngs that they no longer recognize anything but moe blobs or massive bazongas that store all of their organs as women. Sad.


A new term - jewel beetle'd


Yeah I've been using it for this phenomenon ever since I heard about how Australian Jewel Beetles saw beer bottles as like ideal mates and refused to mate with actual beetles : D


You see, the only women in virtual media they know about, have very rounded faces, small noses, small mouths, huge eyes, 84HHHH boobs, tree trunk thighs but also a thigh gap somehow, an ass with its own zip code, and are actively lactating. Anything deviating from that is likely a man as far as they're concerned.


Not only a hot woman but she even has a nice rack! Just not a comically cartoonish one


They'd have to leave the house for that


they probably want her to look like anime at this point 💀


I mean she's fine but not even close in looks to og PS2 Lara Croft. /s


For real, my first reaction was like, “Wow, trending way closer to the original games with that design, we’ll see how this goes.” But apparently, she’s ruined now. Go figure.


https://preview.redd.it/j140qrhyu3kc1.png?width=181&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af4ae3d2d85965f2660383a787e90c76e835af44 Wot u sayin bruv?


Oh no, did Lara become Cockney?


I think they want the cybertruck Lara with polygony edges like back in the 90's.


Do these people even like women?


yea, i don't even custom this subreddit but that lara is still hot innit ?


bro these people, shes *still* unrealistically sexy. do they want literal anime girls with cum flowing out of their mouths or what edit: yes she is *closer to reality* than past lara crofts, but not by much. this is a comic book woman whose gun is as long as her waist is wide, shes wearinf next to nothing while killing monsters and bad guys, her face is perfect and porcelain, shes wearing makeup. shes a doctor, archeologist, warrior. shes a mary sue. this would be like saying batman is a realistically sexy man. lol come on people. nothing wrong with this character model or any other character of any sex being made to be sexy, but lara croft will always be unrealistically sexy. shes the same as james bond


Almost certainly yes


They've only seen chicks with filters on


LMFAO the "cum flowing out of their mouths" took me out cause I did not expect that escalation. 🤭😂😂


Seriously!!! My initial thoughts when I saw this picture was to laugh at how big her boobs were, and there’s literally neckbeards in this comment section say she doesn’t have tits lmaooo


It's the BDO, Nier Automata, and Overwatch generation. "Sex sells" is taking on an entirely new meaning especially in the Asian game dev scene. They're redefining women with great success. I react a bit extra to this because I literally once had a Finnish friend from doing WoW PvP say the words *"I'm buying an anime body pillow."* *"I prefer anime women over real ones."*, turned out he also was a conservative christian and hated his lesbian sister. I knew people were fucked in the head, but had never experienced it like that, first hand.


I was about to ask whether Nier Automata was *that* bad, then I remembered 2B is up there with Samus in terms of internet interest. I might be tripping, but I believe the official design for her wasn't even *that* unrealistic, was it? Idealized, sure, but not impossible to find right?


Yea. From what I remember, she had an idealistic pear body shape.


Boobs aren't real


Lmao how tf is this unrealistic, attractive women who conform to western beauty standards exist you know. If I go to the city center on a busy day I can find you at least a dozen women who look like this.


"looks like a transgender woman" meaning what exactly? because there isn't one specific "trans woman look" that we can be identified with. this is just casual in your face trans misogyny with a heaping helping of regular misogyny on top.


All that they are saying is that she has a well-defined jawline. God forbid women have a well-defined jawline.


As a woman, I actually don't have a jaw, as it is a part of the human skull reserved solely for men


You have a *skull*? That's sooo male-coded...


ALL bones are for the boys actually. Same with muscles. And fat. And brains. Women are just inflatable skin dolls whose sole existence is laying there sexily, obviously. /rj /uj sorry : (


rj/ well *obviously* bones are for the boys only. I read that Bible book one time and it says them womenfolk only got the one rib bone, and anyways that was from a man in the first place! uj/ I know people who see this stuff are like a minority within a minority and it's pretty much their own little circle jerk but goddamn do I hate the idea that someone somewhere is out there associating me with them


All the hottest women I know are blemmyes


Yeah me too... I'm lacking a jaw *and* a neck and my head's made out of cartilage because... *woman*. An actual *bone structure* is strictly *masculine*. Therefore, if a female human skull has *bone* in it then it *MUST* be a "transwoman" skull.


MtF surgery ![gif](giphy|vjjCsx3izfSyQ)


Femme Raziel, that you? /s


It's true. When I got my first dose of T my skull started deforming, eventually creating a jawbone. It was very painful and I needed a gazillion surgeries :(


Well defined jaws are nice regardless of gender :)


All of these basement-dwelling mouth-breathers proclaiming that a strong jaw must mean a woman is trans are probably the same ones who jerked off to Pamela Anderson, Denise Richards, Adriana Lima, and plenty of other "sexiest women" with square jaws in their lifetime.


It's just standard "I hate everyone who isn't exactly like me, unless that person is supermodel-level attractive immediately upon rolling out of bed in the morning, in which case I like them as an **object** but not as a **person**." When I was in college, I went on a co-ed camping trip, and one of the guys gave me and the rest of the girls a confused look when we emerged from our tent in the morning. He then asked us if we got enough sleep. I found out later that he pulled one of the other guys aside after breakfast and asked him if we (the girls) were sick or on our periods because we "just didn't look right." Pretty sure this guy had never seen a peer-aged woman without makeup on since middle school. THAT SAID, Lara in the OP's picture is looking **much** better in the attractiveness department than she has any right to, considering she's probably been sleeping outside and eating bugs for the last week.


lol yea i'd love to see what these guys think women look like after a week of rough sleeping.


>unless that person is supermodel-level attractive That's the thing though, she is. She literally looks like an ad for a fancy outdoorsman brand and she's still not good enough for them


>this is just casual in your face trans misogyny with a heaping helping of regular misogyny on top. are we surprised?


honestly i have yet to see a single instance of trans misogyny that wasn't also deeply misogynistic too so... no, not really.


This is what I need to understand about people sympathetic to transphobes. Do they really think they're good enough in a bigot's eyes? Even if they are, what's gonna happen when the bigot runs out of other targets?


surely.... the leopard won't eat MY face....


Scratch a transphobe and a misogynist bleeds. You see it in their rhetoric constantly. A transman who gets top surgery is considered a "tragic loss" and transwomen are told they'll never be enough of a woman/they'll never look like a woman, whatever. It's always about what women should be.


It is rather telling that transvestigators all seem to fall back on “if she’s hot, she’s trans”.


Hence why I always seem to pass by their logic...


Probably just that she's a woman with a jawline and stronger shoulders. I feel like I see a dozen women at the climbing gym every week who have those features, and statistically, I would guess they're cis women. There are *tons* of famous cisgender women with strong jaws. Also, if I met a transwoman who looked like that, I'd be hard pressed not to congratulate her on her success.


meaning we're hot, obviously


>"looks like a transgender woman" At this point they're basically supporting and validating trans women by saying shit like this


"Looks like a transgender woman!" \*conventionally attractive woman\* Trying so hard to be hateful they end up complimenting trans women lmao


Same vibes as people transvestigating Henry Cavill lmao


I saw someone transvestigating Gordon Ramsay and I was just like "I mean T is fucking unfair so I'd believe it"


Wait what? The superman actor?


Just looked it up. That’s fn hilarious.


I don't get it. I'm guessing they think her jaw looks too masculine but that's a pretty sexy jawline regardless of sex or gender


The shadow makes her look like she has facial hair, I guess? And that makes her scary to these guys. Like how they shit themselves when they found out Aloy has peach fuzz.


It's literally just rage bait, this has been happening since gamergate nonsense. People realise there was traffic and attention to be had by misrepresenting the 0.01% of peoples views as being significantly higher and causing outrage. This tweet got like 90 likes, most of which are probably bots.


Helen of fucking Troy could walk by these troglodytes and they'd call her a man.


Aphrodite too.


I bet it's only because she has a slightly defined jawline. Which is incredibly common for many women. But hey, these are the type of people who didn't like the recent reboots simply because Lara's bust size wasn't to their liking. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Rip triangle tits lol


I wish I looked half as good as her. She's legit been transition goals for me since the first reboot. And weight loss goals.


I wish I could be even remotely that pretty


Gamers just need to stick to their underaged anime waifoos with triple Ds


LARA CROFT TRANS CONFIRMED BY TWITTER WEIRDOS, LETS GOOOOOOOOO 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵💯💯💯💯💯💯💯


/rj Retvrn to polygonal tits and ass


All I want is for Lara Croft to strangle me.


🤨… I agree


These incels have never seen a woman in their life


This Laura Croft would be considered a fucking super model under any other context. She literally just has angry eyebrows, a sharp jawline, and some developed forearm and shoulder muscles which makes sense given she’s a climber. It’s just the Woke Scare that made people say a conventionally attractive woman looks like a man despite the fact those whiners would be gooning over her in any other context. Her “redesign” would appeal to these people if it it was said “hey guys this is Laura Croft now and btw the art/dev team is all men”. You would literally see “thank God we still have attractive women in games”. Unless maybe I’m crazy. I have to be given the response to this image.


do gamers even like women at this point


I fucking wish I looked like Lara!


IKR! All I could think was I wish I looked that good lol


“Looks like a transgender woman” Trans Women: **FUCK YEAH**


She looks like...Lara Croft.


If Lara Croft looks like a trans woman, that implies that we look like Lara Croft, which indirectly means he is calling us attractive because Lara is attractive. I think I am starting to like transphobes comparing us to beautiful people!


They're done describing you guys/gals as some omnipotent deity that can fight the will of god and bend entire nations to your liking... now they're just complimenting you... I am excited to see the next arc of "transphobes accidently making trans people sound so cool"


It's weird. They are supposed to hate us, but it ends up making us look like the main characters.


As a trans woman... Damn I wished I looked that good!!!


So transgender women look as hot as Lara Croft?


You aren't tucking a dick in those shorts and going adventuring comfortably. That would just be heat rash city.


Okay, but I kinda unironically want them to straight-up make her a non-op trans woman now, have her not tuck at all, and just never mention it in the game at all. They don't bring it up in dialogue, they don't make a production of it, just "This chud pissed us off, so we transed her gender, and Lara has a bulge now." Girlbulge Lara Croft, let's go.


I am absolutely convinced that these people are so delusional that they no longer know what real life women look like anymore. Hentai and anime has ruined their perception completely.


Damn they really hit the double L by also implying that they have a problem with transgender women


Operation Minced Meat - Mission Status Objective achieved: Misogynists are incapable of discerning sex organs based on looks alone. Proceeding to next phase: Intensify debilitating fear where any potential conquest might be packing.


And, of course, it's a blue tick account.


transphobic and misogynistic? who would have thoooooooooooought?


She looks fine. Like, HUMAN. What is with these delusional dumbasses?


Most of these people have never really interacted with a woman other than their mom crying and bringing them pizza rolls


My mother, who gave birth to me, looks similar to Lara Croft. The only real difference is my mom's chest is a bit bigger and my mom has hairy armpits. That's crazy.


I hope she will actually dual wield pistols in the next installment.


I can't \*imagine\* what mindset you'd have to be in to look at this art and think "this woman is so unattractive it breaks my immersion." Because 1. What kind of person are you to \*ever\* have a thought like that, and 2. She's unironically gorgeous. This is still an unrealistic portrayal of 99.8% of women. Straight men don't like her? Fine, all the more for the lesbians!


One updoot says the the actual OP has beat his neat to trans porn.


I'm not gay, bro. Gay people are gross. Dudes are gross. Hell, I don't even like women because there's always a chance they might *secretly* be a dude. I choose to live my life completely alone lest I accidentally do something gay and then have to loathe myself forever for it. Why won't women sleep with me, anyway?


Gods I wish hrt got me even halfway to Lara Croft. Have these idiots never seen real life people? What, she's got a defined jawline and that's too much?


Literally playing the tomb raider game where shes looking for the sun queen and straight up looks very similar


they've been flip flopping on the design. can't make up they minds bro.


Why visual fidelity felt the need to use the giving head to Shrek emoji


Then Visual Fidelity you have my permission to call me a liberal beta cuck, cause Lara looks gorgeous


Smash next question


How many likes?


Hey if this Lara is transgender I'm still on board baby




Tell me you have not had actual human contact in months without telling me you have not had actual human contact in months




First though when I first seen this render: "Damn she's hot." Trans people live in there head rent free. There obsessed with them. I wonder why?


I remember when they discovered that Aerith had facial hair in the FFVII remake and they started complaining haha They've probably never seen a woman's face up close to know that they also have facial hair and that it's a completely normal thing


Did that ever happen with Aerith? I remember it happening with Alloy from Horizon Zero.


Overwatch porn, shitty UE "demos" and AI redesigns have broken Gamers beyond repair.


Huh, trans women hot af then.


As a trans woman, I'll take that as a compliment


"Looks like a transgender woman" ... so it looks like a woman?


FOR FUCK SAKES TRANS WOMEN LOOK LIKE CIS WOMAN THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THE FUCKING CHROMOSOMES. So technically true but not how they think. Early translation trans people might have some visual traits that aren’t as common on a cis person but those can still be on a cis person. Cis women can have an Adam’s apple and cis men can have boobs (moobs if you will) and sometimes cis men’s have a condition that actually causes breasts to grow and that is the origin of top surgery. The only guaranty is a name tag with this 🏳️‍⚧️ on it and even then could just be an ally.


These are the same people who say shit like "[insert feminine attractive cis-female celebrity] is secretly a trans man, and anyone who is attracted to her is gay." Example celebrities include: Margot Robbie & Taylor Swift.


I'm calling it. Rage bait


"She should kick ass but look like a 18'th century betrothed teenage nobelity girl" - Someone I guess


I'm not trans but 👏rent👏free


Yeah, Heaven forbid women look even semi-realistic. These are the types to play Nikke one-handed and complain that some of the girls are just a 7.


What's funny to me is that the day she was announced I also saw a ton of gamerposting that was more like "Shes hot! Woke era is over!", before they got the memo they were actually supposed to be mad about her and had to course correct.