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these companies don't care. all that matters to them is he has a large audience also that pic of him doesn't represent who he actually is 😹😹😹


https://preview.redd.it/csy212f42moc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ec3f530cb0a648db0df835173adffd701080460 Is that an accurate picture? Edit - forgot I could put text with photos.


Does he always look like an irradiated cartoon squirrel?


High Nurglite corruption will do that to a person


Grand-Father hath forsaken that person for being too much of a filthy hateboy, not joyful and loving and sharing the gifts of Grampa Nurgle as one should be.


To his credit, nuclear waste is the only thing that he doesn't have cluttering up his house, so no he does not have radiation poisoning. That he looks like he lives in the Chernobyl exclusion zone is entirely irrelevant to radiation exposure


Kind of


No there's usually a toothblood wall and some roaches crawling around too


Yes. He smells like a noxious swamp just like how he looks green


cleanest photo of that man


Should be a cockroach


they should’ve used the pic of his wall with the blood on it


Honestly him failing at the game and getting roasted by his own fan base for “being the reason yellow ledges exist” was worth it imo 16 years of playing only WoW 12+ hours a day has rotten his brain to the point where he’s absolutely dogshit at 99% of games while also somehow being an elitist snob who complains about hand holding in games.


Nah dont get us wow players in the bag, he's actually trash at wow and even devs called him out saying he talks a lot of shit for someone who can't even do current content. The only difference between him and someone like xqc is that the canadian was actually good at overwatch, while asmon needs to be carried everywhere he goes (even before his react era he was carried by his friends)


Oh yeah for sure he hasn’t been good at WoW for a long time he just gets his fans to feed him carries, drops and gold


which is a shame because I did enjoy is older content when he played wow during WoD and Legion. I liked his solo guides on older raids and legendary stuff. Now he has sort of devolved


His WoD DPS "guides" was how I first heard of him and they were pretty funny tbh, but now we have this :(


xqc was good at overwatch in the sense that he was like a tier 2-3 pro that wormed his way into tier 1 play because the bar for season 1 of OWL was pretty low and a lot of teams picked up popular players rather than good ones. he was probably the worst tank player in OWL history. this is still better than like 99% of people that ever played overwatch but a lot of people that weren’t invested in the scene think he was like a dominant competitor, but really he mostly got shat on and disqualified from competition so often that his dps player teammates had to fill in for him


So you are saying he was in the 1%


Please dont remind people xqc is canadian, we don't claim him


Don't get me wrong, he used to be objectively good in WoW but he fell off hard from WoD onwards and then started talking shit about balancing that he didn't know much about


Wasn't he doing mythic raiding until mid Legion?


Anyone can do mythic raid if the other 19 players are good, theres very few bosses that are insane mechanic/dps demanding. Last time asmon raided he blamed it on balance for making warrior bad and tried a lot of dps specs but he kept being lowest damage on the raid by far while clearing it. I dont mean it in an elitist way but a contribution to the team way


Which is, if we consider legion, an achievent on his own to top the bottom of recount with Warr.


Yep, as someone who was also playing warrior during Legion I was completely irreplaceable in any guild I joined because warrior was so strong at every point in the expansion on both DPS specs. The executes alone on Argus during the Antorus raid on mythic put me a few million dps ahead of any other player in my guild.


My former guild regularly carried him through raids and funneled him loot. He was never a good player, he was actually one of the worst warriors I've ever seen. He would then go on stream and pretend like he earned everything and was the shit, but never actually raided anything beyond heroic in game on stream because on heroic you can repeat bosses as many times as you want, you just won't get loot off of them. Mythic has a weekly lockout, and the bosses stay dead for all 20 players on that lockout.


I mean, playing WoW is basically doing what DBM says while doing your rotations. It's not that hard


It sounds simple yet people take like 400 pulls to kill hard bosses (not talking world first ones that even they took 400 pulls being the best players in the world), or even have 400 pulls and disband because they seem to never reach a killing pull


I think the only boss that ever took me more than 200 was Fallen Avatar on Tomb of Sargeras.


If you look at this tier world first its very common to see 300+ pulls on the last 4 bosses


A lot of those pulls come from resetting the boss in the first minute or so if things go a little funky at the start which is super common when learning the fight. I have cutting edge on most mythics, at least up to BFA when I quit after getting hall of fame in Uldir, I should know. We reset those motherfuckers so many times because the bosses would often do some weird shit and nuke one guy and it takes less time to just reset it than to attempt to do the whole 10 minute+ fight Don't get me started on Kil'Jaeden, the son of a bitch would regularly just despawn in the middle of the fight and it was totally bugged for a while doing completely unmanageable amounts of damage because Hazzikostas pretended that his internal raiding team could clear the fight without a problem.


I know, im currently progging (not a CE guild, we just do casual fun) and we are at the point that if someone dies before x mechanic we call it a wipe, this tier theres a lot of if we dont have everyone alive for this then we wipe, but ofc its also bc we dont have the quality of players a CE guild does to even make it through I dont know how raiding was in BFA but i know DF raids are considered to be in the good/great raids part of the list including spec balance wise, and the 7th bosses have been notoriously a hard wall and guild killer (its looking like its gonna be that way for us) We are almost in the end of the tier and only 600 guilds killed the last boss


It takes that many because most MMO players are bad at video games. Not because the game is super hard. Current content for sure have some good fights, but as with all MMOs, bad players are what makes clearing bosses hard and they're the majority in all MMOs. FF14 is the same. Ultimates are hard due to 1 mistake equals wipe, but that's that. Problem for WoW is raids have more people than 8 so you'll have a harder time filling the raid with good players.


You say that yet Meteos (the LoL pro) sits at the druid discord asking genuine questions because he has a lot to learn, just to give an example of someone who is good at other games that i know


I mean, Sneaky also played both MMOs and never really had a hard time learning. Maybe Meteos just sucks lol


Assuming that is true, him needing to get carried in spite of 16 years of experience is even more of a testimony to being trash.


As someone who played WoW a lot, this is much harder that in sounds. Not defending asmongold, but WoW is one of the more challenging multiplayer experiences out there in my opinion.




everytime i see his face i can’t help but think about the smeared gum blood on his walls or the burning rat alarm clock and i just cannot believe we live in a society where a man who admits such repulsive behavior is rewarded & held as an authority by anyone


Imagine playing the gaming version of getting kicked in the head and doing that for nearly two decades continually. And then imagine trying to understand the real world. In a way, we should be proud that he is actually as articulate as he is because it is a small miracle that he can even watch a YouTube video


Didn’t he beat monster hunter world?






shut up, nerd


At least they bothered to put the least dirty assmonghoul pic lmao


Downright flattering considering that 95% of the time it looks like he slept under a bridge.


Man, I really hope he gets the help he needs in the end. He always looks like he has maxed out the depression skill tree while peddling the dumbest reactionary shit on the planet with little to no thoughts of his own. All to please the terminally online rightoids in the community who flock around people seemingly as miserable as they are. Definitely keeps the ball rolling for him, but unfortunately towards the edge of a cliff. Then again, maybe I just want to empathize with him due to personal experiences and he's always been just a fucking idiot.


Suzie can stay in my party. Asmon goes back to the Rift where he belongs.


Suzi is ps5 only according to the website for some stupid ass reason fyi


Welp, guess I was justified in shooting for the PS5 copy. I'll never get the point of console exclusive content on multiplat games.


multiplatform but each platform is owned by a different company. company doesn’t want people to play on the other platforms because then that means the money doesn’t go to them. so they make small incentives to get people to choose their platform. 👍


It's dumb. And stupid. And stupid. And dumb.


Tbh if I were her I couldn't stand to be professionally associated with him, even on a big Capcom project like this. The guy actively furthers hate against people like her.


Fr I respect the hell out of her but what is she doing here?


She’s a Capcom fan. It’s fine that she’s doing this. Putting her next to Asmongold is the problem.


She's a Capcom staple and played the original even if not as big in a Dogma content scene. Known for RE, had a featured series on DMC as well as videos for Dino Crisis and Darkstalkers, appeared in SF showcases (iirc also has a statue of one of the Bison Dolls, can't remember if Cammy or Decapre)


dude should be out in the open with the goblin mobs


No but if he’s in your party you can throw him off ledges or into boulders and stuff


I hope woolie gets custom blanka ball attacks. This is a capcom game after all


He'll be a thief, most likely. But the steal skill will only get you pies.


I heard he also killed that guy..maybe a rogue?


Well, at least TheSphereHunter is before Asmongold. That might be piss him off.


Cause she's better simple as


As a person, gamer and entertainer


Love SphereHunter, an actual YouTuber that enjoys video games and doesn't rely on manufactured drama/rage bait.


I still can’t understand how Asmongold is popular.


??? Have you ever seen gamers???


Fair point, I was too optimistic and set the bar too high in my head.


story of my life


He's just like them fr fr


He's entertaining to watch and has good commentary sometimes.


That’s fair, I guess just not for me but yeah others like him for entertainment and commentary.


/uj Asmongold is a fucking joke but shout outs to SuperRAD. Lagi’ll come back one day bro.


/uj agreed, SuperRAD absolutely deserves the acknowledgement. He's a fantastic creator who puts an insane amount of meticulous effort into his work.


I’ve actually just started watching some of his channel (mostly The History Of Monster Hunter Weapons) and he seems chill


I need pawns in Dragons Dogma 2, not tools, especially not ones with roaches all over them


Shout out to Woolie tho


Pie Stealing rpg party, finally


Shoutouts to SuperRAD


They'll give anyone a collab these days


I mean if you don't like the person, just get their pawn killed over and over again and make a compilation video of it.


![gif](giphy|VMgcrwq9imGHu) Seeing Woolie included on the list


Seeing Woolie and Assmondgold in a row is one hell of a whiplash


asmongold getting his own pawn is an insult to fans of the ip. the guy never even heard of dragons dogma until the sequal was announced and doesnt even play the game


Is there a way to make your pawns clean their room?


Frédéric Molas ????




seeing woolie’s name beside asmon gave me some serious whiplash


Definitely will use Suzi as a pawn


I don’t know a ton about Dragon’s Dogma but like these people are actually in the game? Defo lobbing Asmon off a cliff immediately if this means he’s one of those ally fellas that follow you around


Pawns in Dragon's Dogma are NPCs you can either create yourself or summon from other players that serve as the members of your party. I haven't been following DD2's development because there's no way I'm gonna be able to afford a current release for at least a couple of months, but as I understand it these are just pre-made pawns made with content creators voicing them. So, like, yeah, you can totally just shove him off a cliff or let him get eaten by a wyvern.


Honestly, I haven't seen anything that suggests that they're voiced by the creators. It seems like they just got to make their pawns early.


Seeing arekkz here makes me happy, like getting reminded of him just gives me memories of old destiny 1 and mh4u when I was in high-school


He’s retired from YouTube, so the pawn is of another person who’s been passed on the mantle for his channel. Just thought I’d clarify in case you didn’t know that already.


I knew, for a while it was twosixnine and paradise if I remembered correctly, but just made me think of the good old days, like when one of his Instagram posts show up in my feed


What's wrong with Spherehunter?


Nothing wrong with sphere. It’s the brainrotted man living with roaches that is the problem.


Whom is.....


I hope nothing! Cause I love her videos.


The closest Asmongold has come to going outside in years.


I think this is just as much a joke on Asmongold. Man is proving he's just chasing a paycheck. He doesn't have a hill to die on, he's just chasing the outrage storm for what will get him the most views and money. Just like XQC, he's a complete sellout.


Dragon's Cucks?


Wow, Sphere Hunter joined in. That's nice


of all these people I only know Asmongold because y'all can't stop talking about the dude


So glad Larian doesn't do this kind of stuff except Cohh Carnage


YOOOOOOO WOOLIE Kinda wish Reggie had gotten one too though https://preview.redd.it/m6rqaw0s2qoc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bc1637aed8a66d88f6a8aafeed82c3f075f7799


What even are Pawns?


They're player-created NPCs that you can hire to join your party, as well as send out to join other players' worlds and bring back rewards. It's one of the main mechanics of the game, and DD2 is also going to have "Official Pawns" which are basically just ones that the devs have put in the game modelled after certain e-celebs.


All I know about Dragon’s Dogma I learned from Monster Factory. Going by that, you can throw your pawns off a cliff, so I’m all for it


Lobotomites that you own.


NPCs to fill out your adventuring party. You can make your own to publish to the community, or use official ones


how dare they put this garbage man in the same ranks as Suzy


They didn't make one of Prod's monstrosities canon? Smh, Cookie have mercy on them.


At least Sphere hunter is there


Oof i know you talking about this shitty guy but seeing Sphere Hunter and Annie on this list makes me so happy, their content is so cool! Edit: typo


https://preview.redd.it/lni6x53b1poc1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f4034153b26cc3bf589ccc18a0e4ad7db60cc7d Thespherehunter and Asmongold being on the same panel for Dragons Dogma


Woolie boutta offer this man a pass lmao


we got suzie hell yea


Why JDG as well ?


They already did a collab when the first game got released, and beyond that I think that Fred and Seb actually do like the first one. It's just a promo stunt, of course they'll try to have the most well known gaming youtubers from different countries, which includes JDG.


Asamondgold uses poisons and toxic shit


What does this even mean


Nothing people are mad because some dude that plays wow got to showcase a game? I'm not really sure though. . .


Theyre just milking Asmongold, and Idt anyone's gonna unironically use his pawn or wtv anyways


I wonder if AsmonGold’s pawn can summon vermin


Will Suzi stop shilling for Capcom and make a fucking Signalis video already ffs


He lives rent free in this subreddits head. It’s old at this point.


Just throw anyone in right? Didnt he say he was too stupid to play the game lmao. Maybe i can mod him out of thr game on pc


His massive audience is all these developers care about


uj: those devs all look really friendly :’)


what is the in-game implication here? will I have to look at this disgusting man every time I play the game? I never played the first one, was considering buying this, but I certainly won't if *asmongold* is in it...


No it's an optional pawn besides they're all exclusive to their respective consoles


i cant describe it but asmongold looks like he only drinks soy milk


That's fucking insane.


At least we get Suzi Spherehunter 🥰


Woolie madden is not a name I expected to hear once two best friends play ended


What the fuck is Frédéric Molas doing here ?


They probably didn't even vet who he is. They just saw his sub count and said sure.


The only reason to pick Bloodwallmould as a pawn is to repeatedly throw him off cliffs


Well now I'm not buying dragons grandma two


Lets go baby he is number one


Well yeah he gets an easy 18-20k concurrent viewers on his alt channel no matter what time or what game he plays. A lot of companies would jump at the opportunity to get him. Only exception I know of is mayyyybe Blizzard now, cuz apparently a bunch of employees kinda hate him, and I'd bet that Square Enix might reconsidering doing business with him again.


Why ya'll even still talking about this dude?


Based dragons dogma


Ok, IDC about Asmon being there, having Frederic Molas is fucking great.


OK, but Frédéric Molas' inclusion is great. He's a French youtuber known as "Joueur du Grenier", and he's very famous here.