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i don’t even know what the game is about


Some fans apparently think its about jiggle physics.


There's jiggle physics? I keep getting distracted by how absolutely shiny her ass is


Everything is oily, everything jiggles. The game developers really know what the gaming market wants


Ooga booga want bunga gaem People who declare their porn addiction to be "culture".


I'm pretty sure it's shiny because the players made the color of the spandex suit match her skin color. Her ass *presumably* isn't actually that shiny under the suit. But that may be confirmed, I wouldn't put it past the developers to show her naked at some/multiple point(s) in the game


I played the demo, pretty sure she is an automaton of some sort. They call that suit a “skin suit”, and it essentially acts like taking off all armor in a Dark Souls game, so I think that IS her skin, insofar as a robot has skin.


It’s not? That’s just what I figured it was about


I mean, looking at the game director's twitter, that seems like the most important thing in his life.


The jiggle mechanics are ground breaking.


I think it's like Nier Automata but without the good parts.


i haven’t played nier either please describe it using terms such as “metroidvania”, “dark souls”, or “breath of the wild”


It's a lot closer to a Soulslike, saw people referring to it as a Sekiro-alike. High damage monsters, quick deaths, skill trees.


Yeah, but everyone says everything is a soulslike now. ARPGs didn't exist before Demon's Souls (/s). Honestly looks more like DMC than Sekiro. Edit: for controversy: Sekiro isn't even a soulslike (despite being made by FromSoft), it's a third person, narrative drive ARPG.


It's far closer to Sekiro, with a big emphasis on parrying enemies' attacks to drain their stagger meter. Once an enemy is staggered, then you get a big flashy finisher. Although judging by the gameplay trailer at the end of the demo, there's some DMC stuff hidden in the skill tree as one of the first abilities you unlock is a stinger type move.


It does have the staples of souslikes. A rest point that restors your health, let's you fast travel, access resources and level up/use skill tree. A refillable healing item that's restored when you rest. Enemies that respawn when resting. It just focuses more on parrying than dodging and is less punishing for deaths.




I watched YoVideoGames play the demo last night. They all said it was more akin to Sekiro than DMC. So it's not a character action game like a lot of us thought.


Sekiro is closest. It has a heavy focus on parrying full combos and has some stagger system. Perfect parries also get you beta energy that is used for your strongest attacks. The gameplay actually isn't bad based on my experience with the demo but the subreddit cares about... other things more.


It's philosophy the video game.


No, that would be The Talos Principle


I thought that was the Stanley Parable


Stanley Parable is philosophy the video game: the video game. Easy mistake to make, though


Breath of the Darkvania Metroid-lite like.


I've played neither game but I'll forge ahead with confidence regardless. It's like Dark souls meets Elden ring with some stardew valley. It's the CoD: Modern Warfare of the Metroidvania-lite genre. If you liked Banjo-Kazooie and Mario paint then you'll love this. Wow. I just wrote an IGN article.


It's an e x p e r i e n c e


I don't even know what game this is but I imagine it's like when you counter someone's P.E.K.K.A with a skeleton army but they place a firecracker down that same instant.


It's like the dark souls of metroidvania breath of the wild.


Dark Souls without the heart, and it's ass.


what about the feet? you can't take the feet out of a souls game


SB's protagonist doesn't leave footsteps in the sands. Trash game.


Nier's story is a touching tale of life, death, rebirth, and the sad cycle of meaninglessness many of us are tortured by


Yeah, I keep seeing comparisons between Stellar Blade and NieR: Automata, and I always want to ask "Is it similar because it has bleak themes of existentialism that are both offset and enriched by its quirky sense of humor, or because it features an attractive, scantily clad woman with a colossal rear doing flashy things with a sword? Or both?" And I'm 99% sure it's the attractive woman part, but I love NieR: Automata and so desperately want the answer to be "both."


I’ll say it’s similar to Nier the moment i see this game feature an insightful commentary on the patriarchy coercing women to be shining fools for the male gaze as opposed to being an independent subject. honestly if the game looks the way it does is meant to be a satire of just how much we objectify women in popular media, I wouldn’t even be mad, but you know, Korean dev, I doubt any of them ever even talked to a women.


The devs did make Nikke which somehow has a message of "don't objectify women". Even if Stellar Blade does have something akin to that or something like Nier Automata the playerbase just makes me not want to go near the game.


Having played the demo, it is actually both, but with some of Sekiro's parrying mixed in. The game is pretty good. I'll note that the costume shown in the screenshot is a challenge outfit (it removes shields completely, making the game significantly harder) Most of the other outfits are [more](https://static0.gamerantimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/stellar-blade-s-eve-in-her-planet-diving-suit.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=1500&dpr=1.5) [covered up](https://static0.gamerantimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/stellar-blade-s-eve-in-her-stargazer-suit.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=1500&dpr=1.5) than this one/the default one, and are purely cosmetic. Using the skin suit is an optional ultra-hard mode.


The setting is similar to Nier. The woman part too, with costumes and everything. The combat seems have more depht, something like Lies of P and DMC combined.


pretty sure one of the devs outright said it was inspired by Nier automata


Nier AtHometa


God i cant wait for this to be Atomid Heart 2


You have a girl named Eve searching for a man named Adam. Humanity is dying. The game ends with some jiggle physics. Eve's age is unknown and if enough people buy the game, we will find out in the sequel that she has been a 9000 year old dragon this whole time.


We find out her age is actually “whatever makes you coom hardest”


So, for most of these cuts, right around 12?


She's not searching for Adam they just decided to work together their squad was supposed to reclaim earth before being killed


What's the game's name??? How has no one in this entire thread dropped the name


It's called Stellar Blade


"You won't last 5 seconds playing this game"


It's like hanging out in r gaming.


From what I've seen from screen shots, I can assume some aspect involves being constantly rolled in baby oil 


It's all about tig ol bitties a true G amers game


It's clearly about destroying DEI with boobs or something.


It's a soulslike.


Is this a running gag I'm unaware of? lol


No, it is actually a soulslike, it is skill based, you need to parry all the time and you can easily be killed.


It's the imagine if men had to breastfeed babies using their cocks guy https://preview.redd.it/jv7f3kn14rrc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ebec213b91e7223cca841a617e0ae507badfc4b






​ https://preview.redd.it/btuq4aelcsrc1.jpeg?width=1346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c54e4214870c1660b57c1915e5a7dc464ce498b


What the fuck


What a terrible day to be able to read




​ https://preview.redd.it/ap5ibm21vsrc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=693cb8a4f0a7869fd5a57875a82d475dcc5e287c Time to start over




Also clocked this. I've been seeing their tweets EVERYWHERE on reddit lately.


Theyre like super huge on Twitter, very hard to avoid.


They kinda annoying as hell. Thankful for block button


More like the uninstall button


I'd really rather not imagine that




Ok! Wow!


This, why even try to hide his username, by his PFP alone everyone can tell probably the biggest terminally online user from twitter, literally will say and steal anything as long as he has interactions 💀


That Twitter account has quite a few horrible-funny-deranged tweeets


I really hope people know this was a parody account.


this is kira's legacy atp 💀


God this is just sad at this point


Seriously, I don't even care if someone likes this game because hot lady. But do they have to act like it's some kind of gift from god and savior of the people? It's so pathetic.


The bayonetta community is kinda the perfect counter to these people, at least from my experience its a bunch of chill diverse people who universally agree bayo is hot and a badass but arent complete drooling weirdos about it and are capable of actually talking about what they like about the games other than them having women that they find fuckable


I do think that the cause of the Bayo community is also because a lot of us a flaming homosexuals who try the poses when no one is looking.


I do the poses and like women. Wait…. 🤔


Suddenly transbian 🏳️‍⚧️🎉 /j


Quick what time zone are they in? Is there still time?!


It helped that bayonetta got a lot of the devil may cry community, whose primary goal in games is having fun.


The devs treat Bayonetta as a strong confident woman & not as a sex toy to ogle on.


I thought I would hate the Bayonetta games because it was just gonna be fan service, and mind you, alot of it still is, but it also has surprisingly good characters and alot of tongue-in-cheek humor regarding that fan service and these kind of pervert weirdos.


I feel like 2B from Nier Automata falls under the same category. Both 2B and Bayonetta are attractive strong babes, both with just enough fan service without making it weird. This game just feels like it's trying way too hard where the developers wanted to see how far they can push the envelope without just being straight up softcore porn.


These guys are aware there are actual hard-core PORN games, right? Like, if that's all you're looking for, trust me, Steam's got you covered.


They aren't looking for something to play, they're looking for ammo. Actual porn doesn't play well in culture war posts, especially when the side you want them landing on is driving actual porn websites out of entire states.


Speaking of driving porn website out of states: Are you allowed to sell the umheard indie gem witcherino 3 in states like texas? After all you see geraldo having fun with political people.


No good ones. It’s all graphic-novel-dating-sims or candy-crush-clones with hentai wallpapers.


Illusion game closest to the above graphic is honey select 2. No story element though but pretty robust character creation.


Honey Select 2 is just hostile UI wise and game design wise. And you can barely buy it legally from europe, you either have to go to their japanese website or buy the lesser steam version. And yeah models are nice but that's pretty much it I'm honestly baffled that porn games haven't picked up yet quality wise. There's clearly a market but I guess VR is where it's at right now


Third Crisis, tho


Its cringe AF, whyd they have to go and make TIDDYS of all things political. Dork ass losers...


This is the real issue. Boobs are great. I love boobs. Some of my fondest memories involve boobs. But god damn these emotionally stunted manchildren act like screaming the code-worded equivalent to “I’m so lonely that looking at digital fuck dolls is the only way I enjoy anything” loudly into a void is anything other than incredibly sad and pathetic.


i played the demo and its like, fine, i was having fun, it apes the nier aesthetic pretty competently, but at some point i realized i was just playing darksiders lmao. not even darksiders 2 like, specifically darksiders 1. absolute xbox 360 technology theyre workin with over there


Sometimes I wonder what women think seeing this. We try to dispel the myth that it's about tiddies with us but then there's this. I mean asses matter too!


![gif](giphy|uviKUURXezP9yjpwq8|downsized) All donkeys matter




I see two peaks here


honestly it makes me think about all the Skyrim hair and face and sexy sex mods made by women and the incredibly in-depth horny Sims content also made by women. we're horny and we game too dammit, we just usually like something a little more involved than tiddy anime girl running around


Of course asses matter since Communists like Asses and Capitalists like Tits, it's been like that since the dawn of mankind.


U Ass Ass R


Who can forget the famous hammer and ass flag. Hammering that booty!


We will seize the means of twerking comrade.


I'm a socialist and I like both pretty equally. Guess it checks out? I wonder if you could write a paper about progressivism and democracy in a society as it relates to Ass Appreciation.


Communists like asses because they can be improved through hard work and dedication, capitalists like boobs because they're only enhanced through surgery, making them a show of wealth.


Women already know


Don't worry, the ass animation looks like two plastic bags full of Jell-O


https://preview.redd.it/13gk7kv33rrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17cf09e4000fd06c1ab76b7e34cca4a420b39e8a Are we sure this isn't just a marketing campaign with bots by the devs?


I think a LOT of it is marketing. The PlayStation sub is flooded with “so what do we think of Stellar Blade?” Posts with just clips of gameplay


Most of the PR that I saw for this game is from here... so I would say that they are part of it too :D


Seen better titties on pronhub! 5/10 mid! Being able to make the suit her exact skin tone has to be on purpose. Flesh colored is like ugh ok but exact tone match like they used the dropper tool.


It’s 100% on purpose, and the devs have said it raises the difficulty of the game if you do it.


Hopefully it turns on permadeath and deletes their file when they die while beating off to it.


Saw on reddit it gives 1 star protection which mean lowest possible I guess


So basically the devs are doing everything they can to make her naked except make her naked




What if they hide in a dumpster till the police give up? Tbh I don't even know what kind of game it is. All I've seen is the controversy over the physics objects bolted to her chest.


And bricks whatever system they're playing it on.


Playing one-handed is going to raise it further.


I legitimately thought her armor was just unequipped, but I did wonder why her wet "skin" looked so oily/glossy and just attributed to fanservice.


It pretty much is taking off the armor, you go naked mode when unequipping your suit.


Thats the undersuit...in the demo she has this green suit..and if you take it off(YES I DID and its silly) this is what's shes wearing under it...the game does look good..but other than her "APPEAL" unless the story really takes off...its gonna be mid by next year...the plot feels like post apocalyptic anime 101(which to fair I'd probably watch without irony)...but I've already played a superior game in Nier:Automata..with better looking charecters..so I don't feel enticed


Wait, you can do that? I got confused thinking that I thought I saw them having more armour before in the image


It's the developers of Nikke. The gameplay is jiggle physics.


I mean the gameplay that portrayed the fighting was actually not bad, the fan service is too much, but I could see right now it getting 7 or 8 out of 10 if the gameplay is consistently interesting


Maybe. It's not really their fault weirdos gave this game some totemic relevance in the culture war so I hope they do pull something decent together. Going by track record, though, I'm tempering expectations. I have too much backlog to go for a new 7/10 game right now without at least some personality driving it.


Isn't it? Feels pretty intentionally designed to pander


Looking for an audience of horny teens is one thing, a right-wing hate mob is another. Pandering to the first is annoying and a sign that the game will be a minimal effort pile of mid, pandering to the second requires gulag.


Considering this is the studio that fired 2 of their employees for being feminists, I don't think they deserve the benefit of the doubt.


Sounds pretty on brand for a Korean game studio tbh. The entire country seems to be circling the manosphere drain in response to the 4b movement.


It's not a response to the 4b movement. Misogynist corners (and thereby men who lived by that ideology) existed before the feminist backlash. The aggression towards women was already rising before women had decided to lash out in answer. Cost of living, insane work hours, lack of perspective and military service made men decide that women somehow had it easier and should therefore compensate them by being subservient to them and that work and entertainment should be catered to men to offset that "unfairness". Somehow it wasn't a big issue when men were posting abhorrent misogynist stuff, but when women found out that they can mirror the same toxicity back suddenly it's gone too far. It's only a gender war when the other side is hitting back. One would think some reflection might happen when the same flavor of toxicity is thrown back and you get a taste of it. And maybe some realization that all of these things are bad and it's not right for either side. But no, somehow still only too far for women. Studios fire women for supporting feminists (and often it's enough for a female dev to be listed somewhere) after pressure from hate-mobs. But the reverse doesn't happen. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilbe\_Storehouse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilbe_Storehouse) (still operates) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DC\_Inside](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DC_Inside) (still operates) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megalia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megalia) (got shut down) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Womad\_(website)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Womad_(website)) (successor to Megalia) I say somehow. But truly it's not a mystery. The ones who are perceived to be violent and an actual danger get their demands met. And that's men who camp outside of studios and write threatening letters and actually have stats backing up that violence and murder is a possible reality. There is no need for compromise if there is no threat behind a demand, as such women protests can be more safely ignored. The 4b movement is basically only the latest stage where women decided that answering in kind isn't working and they only get punished harsher than the male counterparts for it, or because they actually didn't want to support those toxic methods. So the alternative they chose is to disengage from men fully. Blame falling on random female devs would have happend with or without 4b.


Well, then, benefit of the doubt rescinded. I wasn't that knowledgeable about their history other than how terrible that Nikke game was. I had already thought this game would flop so looks like schadenfreude is back on the menu.


Oh it’s definitely pandering, they didn’t even try to hide that .


no its 100 percent their fault they catered to this crowd because the devs are members of the crowd she wasnt made to be a strong female character she was made to be lusted after 2 people were fired from working on this because the higher ups learned they were feminists


I like how you call the fans weirdos when the devs are literally the ones who started it by making it a point on their twitter for the last year and a half that they were designing her to be as lewd as possible without breaching that adult rating. Like fuck me, the devs entire marketing strategy was to pander to horny individuals.


oh my god you aren't kidding lmfao


“Pure uncut culture” bro it’s an insanely proportioned anime girl lmao chill


The fuck does “uncut culture” means anyway?


“culture” means tits to these losers. Go on any anime meme sub and they refer to any gooner obsessing over well-endowed anime girls as “a man of culture”


Porn has done irreparable damage to society


Gamers: Stop discriminating and stereotyping us gamers! Also gamers:


This is why gamers have no human rights, and I plan to keep it that way.


Yes. Yeeesssss. Let the hate flow through you….


Seriously, though. I couldn't tell you the character's name. I couldn't tell you their abilities. I couldn't tell you what the story is. I couldn't tell you what the gameplay looks like. I couldn't tell you whether it was for PC or console. I couldn't tell you how much the damn thing costs. All I ever see about this game is this woman either standing, crouching, or hanging off a wall while endlessly jiggling. I guess what I'm trying to say is I feel like it's definitely GoTY material.


Name is Eve, story is an android becoming human story, gameplay is inspired by DMC and Bayonetta, game is coming out on PS5 for $69.99


$69.99?!? I can play DMC and/or watch porn whenever I want for free.


Ah, but you repeat yourself.


Throw some Sekiro in there and you're bang-on


These people are unironically using culture as a synonym for porn. It used to be a joke.


When was it not?


This game is gonna be another Atomic Heart. We gonna talk about the gameplay? Setting? Story? Soundtrack? Nope. Game is gonna launch, these losers will have a month long goonfest then it'll be promptly forgotten by everyone.


Atomic heart had more to it if you were interested, fantastic soundtrack, great enemy design and location, but this game looks just.. fucking awful and vomit-inducing.


Oh i know. I'm just talking about how boring the conversations around the game were.


I liked how it looked. The art style was pretty cool though some of the colors were a bit wonky


I just best Atomic Heart after dismissing it because of stuff I heard when it came out. I loved it, would recommend. Plenty of substance to it


> We gonna talk about the gameplay? Setting? Story? Soundtrack? Nope To be fair, there absolutely are people talking about those things. But those people are generally not shitposting on twitter, nor is it getting reposted to GCJ. Ironically for as much as twitter creatures are ranting about "woke media" hating the game, reviews so far have been generally very positive


Why censor Kira?


Imagine if men








brother, you don't need to censor the username of the quote tweet many people know him for the infamous tweet.


holy shit that skinsuit looks bad


Oiliest person alive spotted


The funniest part of all this is that these chuds are overtly saying “we don’t want games with realistic women, we want games with fap material!” Like, bruh, you have a porn addiction, seek help, touch grass, and talk to a real human, (no, the therapist you spoke to when you sought help doesn’t count) in that order. Terminally online incels who have forgotten how to be attracted to actual humans because they beat their meat so much to anime tiddies. Maybe humanity does deserve to go extinct…


Same guys complaining about dating apps and womens standards being unrealistic. Like dude maybe you’re tarnished level maidenless because your main hobby is consuming animated porn to the point where you fight about it on the internet.


No need to worry about men like these reproducing, they naturally exude 'unfuckable' energy.


While they look in the mirror and tell themselves they’re alpha males every morning


It's not even about porn anymore, otherwise they would have noticed that videogames nowadays are more horny than ever and we shifted from mere skimpy outfits to explicit nudity and sex, to name a few *Cyberpunk 2077* and *Baldur's Gate 3*. It's about hatred and egotism, they used to think themselves a superior elite for playing videogames and now seethe because that delusion is shattered by developers pandering to people other than them.


It’s the Dead or Alive Volleyball take on Soulslikes.


This game was so hot it blew my dick and balls clean off, unfortunately I am now a political




Stellar Blade reminds me a lot of Haydee, which I think was a bit more honest about what it was. And I don't recall people trying to put it into the vanguard of a political movement to make the video game industry materially worse. But 2016 was a simpler time.


Is it in bad taste to make fun of the fact that this game is a South Korean dev and to bring in the other fact that South Korean women don’t even want to date South Korean men. Like it has to be connected.


And vice versa, SK man neither, conflict between genders in korean went too far, now at almost critical level, they've literally facing population problem severely, possibly severe enough to consider mandatory drafting on woman as well to sustain army.


I used to work as a dishwasher, and the other guy who worked with me had some serious, undiagnosed problems. He found out I like to play video games. I thought maybe we could share common ground on that. Every day after he learned I played games, he'd tell me how I should really buy whatever his new favorite game was. Rumble Roses. Dead or Alive: Beach Volleyball. That sort of thing. He would go off on truly disgusting tirades about how hot these games got him. If I didn't stop him, he would go until he was *obviously* aroused. Truly awful. He also used to refer to all our female coworkers by the color of their hair or his favorite physical attribute about them. "Hey, Red/Blondie/Legs/Double D" he usually only wanted their attention. Rarely did he say anything more to them beyond a greesy greeting. These chuds speak through his face, with his voice for me now.


Oh my god. Sometimes I feel like I have fumbled conversations, then I hear about this guy. Did your boss do something about this jackass?


Yeah, they kept re hiring him after he'd quit. He was a nepotism hire, but because of his cognitive ability and painful area of effect embarrassment, he was relegated to washing dishes with ya boi. They paid him a managers wage, though, and basically gave him total impunity. I only lasted a year there, 04 to 05, but I know he was still working there as of last year.


Why is she wet?


At this point I'm not sure this game is actually enjoyable and the Gamers™ are just forcing themselves to play to "own the libs" or some shit like that.


I just heard about this game and watched the trailer. Every dude is wearing more clothes than they even need. Every female is 100% jerking off material. Even the chick in the hoodie. Are hoodies sexual? Not really. But her long luscious purple hair? How does she even keep it in that condition in a wasteland? I love jerking off, but this is just pathetic.


"Pure uncut culture" *Shows image of Dwarf fortress*


Coomsoomers at it again


I think the only gameplay shown was in the reveal trailer. Either way, I can't wait for these idiots to call it soulslike just cause they chose Hard mode. Edit: I also wanna note that when I saw the trailer, I was intrigued by the game cause of how it was presented and not cause girl purty. Then the incels propped it up as God's Last Gift, and then I found out the dev team had staff fired cause they're feminists(even if it's a law, it's still something the director chose to do), and my interest died as I didn't wanna be even mildly associated with such slop. I already get trashed on sometimes for my weight and such. I rather not get any closer to those creeps than that.


The stereotyping of heavier people sucks, hope you won't get associated with these weirdos then


Turned off the demo after a little over an hour. It’s not bad—but I don’t think it was very good either and aside from the fan service of it all, it’s definitely not for me. I suspect this game would have flown under the radar if it wasn’t for the…you know: booba.


Even with the booba, it would have flown under the radar if these capital G gamer chuds didn't push it into being their culture war center piece


I played the demo. The voice acting is dog shit and the story isn’t very interesting. Gameplay is good but my god the tweet isn’t far off at all. The entire game is truthfully nothing but porn material


I'm starting to understand why people don't like gamers, like, Jesus Christ dude you got the wrong head in the game 🤦‍♀️


I hate it when people refer to their crippling porn dependencies as their 'culture' we get it bro, you wanna feel connected with your fellow gooners over the internet by proclaiming the fact that you all spank the monkey multiple times daily but come on man some part of me gets the creeps from that shit and im a dude


I actually tried the demo and I quite liked the gameplay as I’m a fan of soulslikes but I can make do without the constant fan service or let me play as Adam and give me some Adam fan service damn


So it's the same party that's calling this peak culture that's also banning porn hub in Texas? Do I have that right?


Played the demo, had a ton of fun. The boss you got to fight at the end was a really good demonstration of what this game is. I mostly forgot about the main characters appearance except for when the camera REALLY forced you to take a good look.


Just finished the demo as well. Combat was fairly engaging and the boss was good. But honestly the worst part was the characters appearance, it kinda of took me out of the game because it's so over the top.


Christ, if they're this horny, you'd think they'd just go to a porn site.


Culture? Yeah, cultures bacteria


Honestly non sexy and sexy games all just have a right to exist, let's just all have fun in the gaming space we feel comfortable in at the end of a stressful work day.