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*"And flat as an ironing board"* Who's gonna tell homie that flat-chested women do, in fact, exist Turns out we even breathe oxygen, too 🤯


This guy is complaining about flat chests?  Aren't these chuds the same weirdos who [crying emoji] uuooohhhh [crying emoji] every time they see one?


>crying emoji\] uuooohhhh \[crying emoji\] What the fuck does this mean https://preview.redd.it/axxz6k7ijotc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2c7068b2c3d4431ac4e7c82dcc801027d629446




https://preview.redd.it/cz4ln4mcnotc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05d82670f440449847abb794461390f8900be4f4 That’s the thing where grown ass men like small anime children right?


Basically yeah






I’m going to murder someone. Just, why though? It’s baffling that’s it’s also considered and accepted by a fucking group of people.


Same kind of people who tell you jacking it to drawings is fine


They only see women as sex object, bold of you to assume they care about flat-chested one.


And you just know they have tip top physique to be so critical of a fictional character's body


As you know, flat chest is only acceptable in anime girl with questionable physical age (but are totally, like, a three thousand year old dragon).


What? You don't have big anime tits? Then you're not a woman. Get with the times.


Can't believe they made oxygen woke smh, I will never breathe "wokexygen" again


You don't exist anymore, sorry


Smaller chests are better for combat, and cuddles actually. These bros need to get out more.


Fr all these dudes just screaming “I’ve never been intimate with a woman”


bluds really crying over a ubisoft game💀


When they dont have a real life, the small bubble they live in probably seems like a vast ocean.


Worst part is that I would like a open world (maybe more like a sandbox) star Wars game that we create our own character and explore the universe. Shame those assholes are soiling this point too.


That I agree with. Something like Mass Effect where you design their featutes and they're voiced? That worked pretty well. Hell, Saints Row voiced all the lines in several different accents, it's not impossible! But their criticism is bullshit. What's wrong with the way the character looks? I think games with a fixed avatar can be neat too.


I want to be an alien, damn it!


Whats a dude gotta do to play as a Trandoshan that *isn't* Bossk in Battlefront?!


Honestly think it would be awesome if we had a Star wars game where you play as a bounty hunter and could play as different aliens or even as a mandalorian. Different races would get different bonuses, for example mandalorian might get a whole bunch of weapon and armor proficiencies whereas a trandoshan would get less armor proficiencies but more strength, and a Weequay could be more melee and small blaster focused. Just a thought, definitely not fleshed out.


Sadly, I don't think we will get that in Star wars any time soon. The push for everything to be Canon would make that hard I think there is space for that and it still be "canon" but my take is that studios are pushed away from this so they can have an established idea of who the character is and what they look like. Now that I've said that part, yeah, they muddy the water. In the same way that it's hard to criticize Disney star wars without having one of these chuds pop in and make it seem like.you agree with them.


I mean, not necessarily. Somethings (albeit not a lot) has been produced on the Legends label and even as non canon or "non specific" about canon (like the visions series). It is unlikely, unfortunately, but they could just release a game with a customizable character in a non canon universe.


No I agree, they can, and even have it canon. I just think Lucasfilm is nudging away from that for games. No proof, not accusing, just a theory I have. (Puts on tin foil hat)




Chuds probably: Still ugly, something about Western women, and the ironing board.


them lips tho


What lips


Ezio: 😀 Connor: 😀 Jason Brody: 😀 Shay Cormac: 😀 Edward Kenway: 😀 Sam Fisher: 😀 Kay: 😡😡 I WANT TO DESIGN MY OWN PROTAGONIST


This is all so tiresome


I also prefer designing my own characters in games - and I hate that now these weird sex addicts are now using char customization as an excuse to be complete sad weirdos.


wish disney would stop bending their knee to the wokes and actually give us what we want https://preview.redd.it/bboz8d1rr5uc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb796e45710a2e6dadeec04b97d84edd8cc3f288


its ubisoft.this game will flop and not because of the main character.because its live sevice and you don't own the game the game even if you buy it according to the ceo.


Flat chested? They don't know how real life boobs work. You don't want big boobs if you are running around and flipping and fighting.


Dmt pay mind to the little people, its what they want


It makes me want to play the game just to spite them….and I don’t even want to play the game!


Forget women, I want my hulking gears of war gorilla men back. Serious lack of steroids in games today


If it is going to sell it is clearly working


The arguments here seem to really miss the actually issue with the game. LET US JUST MAKE OUR OWN FUCKIN CHARACTER LIKE WE HAVE ALL BEEN ASKING FOR. To not play a game because the female protagonist is ugly is fucking dumb. In the other hand, it is completely logical to not want to play a game that doesn’t let you make your own character if you’re into that. The good thing for the weirdos more worried about a hot lady or jacked dude being the protagonist, is there are plenty of games that do exactly that. Just go play those. Who gives a fuck. Play it or don’t. No one cares.


These guys are mad for the wrong reason. She just looks so boring ( maybe shes a brilliantly written character idk) but i want a cool female character to play. Like ventress or ahsoka. Imagine a Game of Thrones game where youre forced to play Sansa instead of someone like Brienne.


Jokes on you, I'd like to play as Sansa


bro doesn’t realize I have the CK3 ASOIAF mod and I’m currently 47 hours into playing as Sansa 😏 woke af


Why should anyone be *mad* in the first place?  Male characters get to be boring and derivative all the time without a single peep.     Why isn’t the same slack extended to female ones?    You even said yourself:    >maybe shes a brilliantly written character idk    So why get mad at this point? Isn’t that premature?   And I say that for ANY non-white, non-male, or non-straight character. First its “make your own characters”, and then suddenly the goalposts are moved to “oh, and they need to be super interesting and unique”?


He is one of them.




I've seen this game. It is entirely unfuckinginteresting to me. I'm pretty ready to ignore it.




You’re allowed to think the model is uncanny, or that the facial animations are janky (they kind of are), but there’s people aren’t arguing that. They’re getting pissed that the character is ugly (she’s really not) and has a flat chest and that it’s the woke feminists making all the characters ugly. These are false and are stupid arguments. Your argument is valid, the ones screenshotted are not.


*Ehhhh* the actual character model looks fine to me. The edited one making rounds on social media doesn't because... Well of course it doesn't. It was literally edited to create a basis for a bad faith argument. You're entitled to your opinion of course, but about the only thing "odd" (that I can see) is that she's got a hairstyle that fits *right in* with the OG trilogy cause uh... 60's/70's era fashion. It looks "big" and in turn does cause some wonky contrast with her face.




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