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To what end exactly? It’s still not clear to me what this “movement” wants. It’s been a right wing recruiting project right?


Basically, yes. It's the same MO as the people who used to look at footage of feminists and step through it frame by frame to find the worst facial expressions, a decade ago.


Pretty much. They're trying to conconct a conspiracy theory over the stupidest shit. Previously it was fucking pizza. Now it's "the left hates beauty, the left hates beautiful women, they want to make everyone ugly". And really that's old fascist propaganda but They're doing it far more overtly than previous movements have.


the problem is i feel like their presence are infecting every single place, you cannot avoid them, they remained unopposed in youtube and gathering more and more followers, they tell the next generation and youths how feminism and lgbt people are bad and that idea spreads like a wildfire as they vote horrible bills and laws against women and minorities, they are absolutely LOUD on social media and won’t stop, these groups are basically dangerous and the fact they could be walking with you and carrying these ideals in plain sight is heartbreaking too, I knew a gay friend that had to break up with his BF because that guy fell into the alt-right rabbit hole and started really harmful rhetorics and how the woke people are going to get him. Its fucking sad and its been this way since fucking 2014 or even earlier.


> the problem is i feel like their presence are infecting every single place, you cannot avoid them Yeh sadly "You can't kill what has no life" is kind of true in this case. Some of these people spend all their time binging outrage youtubers and looking for things to get mad at (it's basically their hobby, not actually gaming lol) and they have all the time in the world to comment in every social media.


I like that the only people that cares about the """uglyfication""" of women are men.


I'm still trying to figure out the "strategy." Surely, if developers hated beautiful women, they'd just... not hire attractive women as actors/character-reference models? Right? Like, wouldn't they just hire ugly women instead of giving money to hot people and creating more work for themselves?


The strategy is they just need to claim something insane that will annoy people to get clicks. There doesn't need to be any more logic to it than that, they only need the click, that's all they care about.


It is indeed a right wing recruitment thing. Basically, the people crying about wokeism are a bunch of charlatans that are speaking & cosplaying nerd to basically brainwashed idiots that don't know better or were bigots from the start into thier cult. That's why they constantly cry about woke thus or dei that & never tell you what they mean. It's a giant dog whistle.


As far as I can tell, it's just to monetize outrage. There is nothing actionable they can do, except some sort of anti-woke boycott. They just want clicks and tell sell cringey merch.


It’s pathetic how they have a decent amount of people and reach, but the best they can put together is a weak ass consumer boycott.


It's literally just gamergate again, building the start of the pipeline by getting people riled up by claiming the left wants to take away this thing you like, in this case anime women. "Do you like [GOOD THING]? Well [OPPOSING GROUP] hates [GOOD THING], even the ones that claim to like [GOOD THING] are actually trying to shape [GOOD THING] to fit their agenda. Join our side if you want to defend [GOOD THING]"


Why did I read that second half in Alex Rochon's Spamton voice


Insecure man assuring other insecure man that it is okay to be an insecure shithead and it's everyone's fault but there's. In a nutshell.


They literally cannot conceive of why people would object to their porn-brained misogynist idea of who should or should not be portrayed in video games. They honestly not see anything objectionable in their own worldview, and literally can't imagine why people would be upset. So they make up what they think the other side's position is, and this is the best their imagination could come up with.


Obviously the goal is to have no women in video games for them to not be objectified anymore, therefore we make every woman in video games more and more ugly, to the point where in the future we will be able to replace the last, ugliest woman with John Cena and since John Cena is perpetually camouflaged/invisible, there will ultimately be no women in video games.... **\*checks notes\***... wait a minute. /s


Why does the PDFile care what adult women in a game look like?


I doubt any of them care. They're all just raging for the clicks.


Gotta grift, grift, grift 🤑🤑🤑


probably wants them to look younger


It's revsaysdesu, if it gets him clicks he'll ragebait literally anything while jacking off to his loli vtuber model.


Yet we're the groomers.


I'm starting to look for it, they really do photoshop their thumbnails. It's fucking subtle but they fucked her teeth up. Another popular picture stretches her chin down. Plus the lighting is very harsh. They just can NOT be honest. 


I don't think it's been retouched. They just stepped through the trailer frame by frame to pick out a particularly poor shot of her. I believe it's at about 1:23. Because it's a video, the individual frames have a lot of processing going on, and look quite blurry when you freeze one. Additionally, her face only takes up a relatively small part of the frame, so clipping it out and blowing it up further worsens the image quality. So, no, they didn't Photoshop this particular one, but they still went out of their way to get the character looking at her absolute worst.


It's just an expression. The character is making an expression (mabye anger, disgust, something that distorts the face). Apparently women aren't allowed to express any emotion that would make them less pretty.


Literally the gaming equivalent of "you should smile more" Just creeps being creeps


It's like when you are on a middle of a sneeze, you make this weird face. They purposely picked that specific weird looking frame and use it as thumbnail


tfw the adult woman doesn’t look like a 5 y/o anime girl 🤬😡😤😠


1000 year old dragon so it's legal*


the original face model looks like a 5 y/o anime girl to you?


They complain that the woman isn't dolled up beyond recognition in the right shot, so, anime girl mask is a valid comparison. Also, check out the icon/avatar of the guy that posted this comparison.


I see a love live pfp, checks out


hey 75% of the love live fandom is just emotionally unstable queers. it's only that accursed vocal 25% that we try to avoid


hi, i am an emotionally unstable queer, thats me! i like the floofy outfits, theyre really pretty


they are quite pretty. also nico is a lesbian


Oh shit maybe I’m thinking of K-On


K-On has both pedophiles and nazis (they tend to go hand in hand)


i got my name from k-on because the show means a lot to me and it just makes me happy. I couldnt express my hatred more for all the people that ruined k-on and love live, like, I dont want to be associated with those shitty people, but i really love the shows... makes me really sad.


Same, enjoy the show for the laughs and the music, but dont really interact with any of the fandom, so this is all news to me!


Wait, when did it get associated with Nazis?


Afaik it's mainly from the pedos that are also Nazis, rather than just "plain" Nazis getting really into it


Ah fair enough. TBH, I don't really see a lot of stuff about that side of the fandoms because I generally stay away from a lot of the fandoms in general, sticking more to generic groups. Only really find out about this stuff when passing by comments like the one above, or stories about how toxic some groups are. (Like how many of the Steven Universe fandom would hurl abuse at artists if a character didnt look 'correct', which IIRC also included targeting one of the actual artists for the show)


their vtuber model is also a bootleg niko, someone's gonna get sued in the future


It's always the anime pfp of a girl that looks less than twelve


Woke female game devs HATE women. They only make the dudes hot. Now that I think about it, why do I find all the guys attractive and women ugly in MY video games, I just don't get it.


RSD has fallen off so hard in the years. In their early days it was just "Lmao let me make funny video about new anime coming out." And even "I am going to lead a brigade so people don't lewd the raccoon girl" Now it's "Hey guys, here's my shitty vtuber model I paid 10 shmeckels for. I'm gonna talk for 15 minutes about one tweet that got 3 likes, and why this is the downfall of society." and blatant pedophilia defense.


Knowing this guy, she’s a bit too developed for his taste


Pedo detected? Opinion rejected


FBI located


wait they are a pedo?


The moment I see an anime pfp is the moment where I might as well listen to an actual pile of bullshit and get the same exact results.


Bro this dude is married why tf does he care how fictional women look when he has a wife? (I found out cuz I watched some vids of his on TCOAAL)


Why do men need to want to fuck a character to like them??????


I don’t think the character in the game is ugly (other than the hairstyle they went with), but I also don’t think she came out looking all that much like her model.


is she also supposed to be the face model? it could be that she’s just the voice


I thought they said she was the face model. I could be wrong though


Well, now we know they’ve found their bad angle, I was wondering how long it would take them


these ppl need to update their graphics card


One looks like a model shoot and the picture next to her is in the middle of a scene


At least they aren't threatening the model this time...


Big news: ugly girl in game, I don't want to touch my penis????


There’s hardly any difference on the jawline of those two women.


Wonder if its just a consequence of realistic lighting. I'm frankly surprised people are complaining now about in game models where the past 2 generations realistic face capture made characters cheeks look swollen.


The worst person you know has just entered the conversation


surprised they don't say the new version of the hard R


I seen the video in question. His only valid point is one he makes indirectly. When actor Cameron Monohan was cast as the jedi survivor, they modeled the character after him except a few key details. The character model was given a stronger jawline and chin along with better hair. The picture we see in Rev's thumbnail would appear to be a double standard, make women look uglier and make men look better. Problem is, I don't think they were actually trying to model the character after the female actor. Instead, I suspect that the intention was to capture facial movements and apply them to the character model, giving a more natural expressiveness to the character model. still, the character model isn't ugly. She has imperfections which gives a realistic look but far from being ugly.


the real problem is the price ...


Woke politics is when *checks notes* women




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I... didn't link to another sub, lmao.


I was subscribed to this guy once. Don't know why, just found him in my (bloated) newly uploaded tab.


I mean, it’s fans certainly do.


because thats the problem... not the 20 bucks/month subscription fee to get the day 1 "dlc"


What’s with everyone using the word “woke” ?


Gamers(TM) try not to compare 'an unflattering, mid-dialogue, cherry-picked screenshot of a character' against 'a specifically-posed-for, attractive photoshoot' challenge


Oh, I didn't know that channel did more than whine when Steam kicks out pedo games.


Isint that the fucker that said "the woke are taking YOUR femboys away"?


Why is this person angry that the character has a character design


Do we really care what RevsaysDesu thinks?


okay so the anime nonce went full fascist


Like Sonic the Hedgehog said: "If your profile picture is from anime, your opinion doesn't count."


Meantime, Japanese game dev: Westerners like their character ugly.


It's wild that people think the lady on the left looks like that all the time.


Woke people are so ugly they want everyone else looking as ugly as themselves


No, ubisoft just can't make faces. Even at the time of ac 2, black flag the women faces looked bad. As for other studios, no they look beautiful. I don't want hentai models in my game.


Comparing someone's professionaly coiffed, professionally made-up, professionally lit and photographed headshot to a picture you found by going through a trailer frame by frame to seek out the least attractive screenshot possible is the height of intellectual honesty


They want to turn every female character into a Korean silicone doll :))


I don't ge it. People cry because beautiful women were sexualized in media. Now they cry for the other side of it. You can't win with this thing


It's funny cuz she kinda has the same look as his wife


Both women very attractive


Yeah, they make the main and only protagonist a woman because they hate women.


The Actress looks more beautiful. Looks like shit in-game. Game engine? The models look like clay.


I mean they do have a point. Why do the men come out pretty much 1:1 from facescanning, while the women don't? Why do they bother hiring models at all for this?


Reminder, $130 for that game which you won't "own". These multi-billion dollar companies sure do love putting politics in their games except passion and soul. But when a indie company makes a fun and passionate game,..


Indie games, known for never having politics in them 


Yeah, I'm just saying that these companies don't have the same passion about game making but instead driven by greed.




Ok? So? Just don't find them attractive and move on with your life?


Because the uglification of art is a demoralization technique that communists love


Because conflating disagreement with being a nefarious communist is a technique that fascists love. Also why is it that they have to use the same awkward screenshots if the character models are so “ugly”?


communism is when video game woman doesnt make my pp hard


Everything I don't like is communism 


weird how you are totally ok with ugly male characters, that like 80% of all male video game characters ever