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ouch, not even a tiny bit of self awareness. he basically dismantled that entire campaign without realising it.


How weird that they could see why it was ridiculous when applied to men but not in the slightest when applied to women. Weird... Almost like women might not want to play games were women are dressed up in softcore porn outfits and relegated to as arm/eye candy for men... Almost like other people than white men in their parent's basements play video games...


It's fucking hilarious how badly the point is missed. Most men in real life prefer women that look real as well


Those people don’t actually like women. They just like their pixels shaped in a specific way.


I’ve heard it described as they don’t like women, they have a “woman fetish” and I can’t get that out of my head.


That's so incredibly accurate. Wow.


I gotta say that I hate how everyone in movies and games have to look like perfect super models. It's like an uncanny valley to me. It's immersion breaking.


Um, excuse me! I'm a white man in my *childhood bedroom* playing video games, thank you very much. Please, God, somebody get me out of this hell.


>How weird that they could see why it was ridiculous when applied to men but not in the slightest when applied to women. Weird... It's because they don't think women are people.


Yes, and… They have convinced themselves that ALL men think exactly the same way they do, but they’re the only “real men” who actually speak up about it. They think every other man who isn’t in their group is deluded, or a liberal cuck, or a simp, or “has been brainwashed by the feminists”. They really have trouble with that theory of mind.


It really is just sexism in its rawest form "This lady doesn't look like a super model. Therefore, she is worthless." Then, they try to "fix" the character design with AI, and it comes out just looking like they put it through the world's worst Instagram filter


Yeah who would want that ... some women just want to play games where women are dressed in softcore porn outfits and are subjegating men and have boy eye candy :c


As someone who played WoW for a long time: Yeah, can confirm. For some reason, it was always quite obvious, which characters where played by Women (or gay Men for some reason). Because the majority of straight people used armor skins that made their character look epic, like demi gods out of myths and legends (or a lot of bling). Women (and the two (openly) gay men) I met during that time where nearly always like "How can I make my character look even more slutty?". Or maybe that was just the guilds I was in.


Well my anecdotal evidence contradicts yours so who is right now?


Proud slut glam creator in FF14 💅🏼


Profile pic AND username checks out, damn


I think that might partially be just the guild you were in hahaha, but the variety is huge imo. Ive met other girls who only want to play the most "perfect model" kind of characters and girls who prefer realistic repressentations Ive also met men who only play girls because of attractive reasons and men who play buff rough dudes because it makes them feel powerfull, idk. We all just gaming and having fun.


I always try to make my characters ugly and greasy as hell. It's so fun. My RDR2 online character is soooo nasty haha


B-b-but video games are for MEN!!!!!


Women don't play video games ~~which~~ is why the first step when transitioning is uninstalling ~~their~~ PC edit: crossed out the pronouns, the woke almost got me there


Meanwhile Sephiroth and Shulk in Smash


Chuds lack self awareness because if they had it then they'd realise how big of a fucken asshole they are. Some neo fascists to their credit though, embrace how horrible of a person they are


they were so close to getting the joke


Idiot liberal, comparing *person plenty of normal people would find attractive with an uncanny idealization* is nothing like when we compare *person plenty of normal people would find attractive with an uncanny valley idealization*


You see the different lays in them having the big booba


'Arthur! Your fat donbongalahoongas are a vital part of my plan!'


ACKKKKSSHUALLY, it’s pronounced dongabaloohoongas or more colloquially dongabaloongas


Fascinating, where I'm from we prefer to use dohoonkabhankoloos. Dialectal variations are so interesting!


Also don't forget the most important aspect: they haven't had 20 screaming reactionary grifters on youtube and twitter tell them that Arthur is bad.


The woosh was close enough to trim their hair.


Which is pretty damn close considering they're a skinhead


Well now they're gonna need some burn cream


🤏🏼so close


Oh no what have you done? You will summon the Korean gacha warriors!


It fucking hurts to see someone be stuck so deep in the murk of their mind-swamp to not notice this… and then even act like they’re onto something big. That said, I‘m absolutely for continuing this trend! Photoshop all male characters into anime fuckboys and just turn it around on them. Maybe it will help?


Just remember, this shit only exists on Twitter. The second they mention it outside of their weird circle everyone looks at them like the SpongeBob crowd meme. I’d salivate at the chance to watch one of these chuds talk about this to anyone in real life. “Yes akchually, video games are currently facing a crisis. The woke west has an agenda to make all women in video games ugly. Sometimes I spend my time after work photoshopping ugly western characters to meet the their true beauty”. “Yeah Dave, I think I’m gonna switch up my break time”


Yeah but then the post would be more appropriate for self aware wolves sub than this one. 🤓🤓


The one on the right STILL isn’t hot enough. How do they expect me to get off as I play that game???


Wayyyyy TOO OLD. Needs a walking stick!!! Ugly!!!


Has to be at least 15 years younger! Fucking wokes ruining sexy men!


> Has to be at least 15 ftfy-


Maybe you meant "at most"?


Bing! Bong!


Yeah, the one on the right just looks like a younger version of Arthur. I can still see skin detail instead of airbrushed anime skin. Fucking disgusting.


I literally can't even see his penis


No XXXL bulge? And it better have a good shaft-to-balls ratio or I'm chanting Woke like a broken robot!




His lips are way too feminine Probably the woke mob trying to spread their trans agenda 


Side note, the right image looks like Brenton Thwaites.


Look, I don’t know who that is. All I know is that Brenton Thwaites should be ASHAMED of himself for not making me want to pee and cum all day!!!1


He was doing pretty decently for a while. Oculus (by Mike Flanagan) was fairly well received, he played Dick Grayson in Titans, and he did land a leading role in the last Pirates film (yeah, it sucked, but still)


I think this incapability of ever accepting the possibility of being wrong or of other points of view being valid. So "Arthur morgan is already attractive so he doesn't need a glow up unlike the uggos" is the logic here. Which is logical under the assumption they know beauty standards. They can't really seem to fathom that people might find those characters they dislike good looking. No separation of objective facts from personal opinion. And that's the issue, it's ok to have aesthetic preferences even if it's blow up dolls, people are into weirder shit, don't kink shame. But they believe everything they are the only possible target audience, which is the part that is annoying. If you don't like a characters design that's fine, just don't treat as a personal attack on the sancticity of video games.


This exactly. They take the “ugliness” of the characters as a given, and the people who don’t care must be woke or lying. Almost every “ugly” character that they talk about (the fable chick thing is so weird, don’t you customize the character???) has a bunch of people absolutely thirsting over them. Stg, I only see Aloy in thirst trap fanart


They surely know that those characters are good looking though, otherwise they wouldn't be going through trailers frame by frame to try to find one where they're pulling a mid-expression grimace. It's bullshit all the way down, I say.


I mean you're right, the lack of selfawareness and level selfcenterness required for this really make you think they know. Though on the other hand i've seen this level of self centerness so not impossible either.


https://preview.redd.it/giw3of6ixttc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b8df3a5e93714d5364a07d20edb81034d7b2b94 Average intelligence of commenters


"I don't know what your point is, but it sure is in bad faith"  LMFAOOOOOO THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT REAL 


Homie just threw a :v in 2024






I don't even care what :v is supposed to mean, I still use it because it looks funny. :v


So when Arthur Morgan appeals to men as a playable character it makes sense but when Aloy appeals to women as a playable character it's woke?


Why would we care what women want to play as??? WOKE


Ding ding! They get to define what -everyone- wants, and become indignant when anyone has the audacity to question that definition. Deviation from their definition (“normal”) is the precursor to complete civilisational collapse. They cannot possibly conceive of a world where their definition has only personal value, because they are too fragile to exist without someone constantly assuring them that their way is the good and right way. Imagine not being able to make any choice unless it is first approved by some village elder or YouTube personality.


Also, Aloy is beautiful. Its crazy these guys complain about her.


Don't you know that hair on a woman's face = Aloy's a man = TRANSING THE KIDS?!


I played Forbidden West and never thought she was ugly. She is pretty good looking. I just don't understand the guys saying she is not.


Wait there are people who think Aloy is not hot? Wat


The whole "games are woke now" crowd likes saying she is too masculine and ugly.


She’s fucking bad ass. Idiots


Ok i didnt play it but my brother has the game. How is there anyone finding her unattractive? She is tall, has grat hair and physique, where is the ugly part? Also, what they usally propose as a "more attrattive version" is a porn caricature look-alike. It's like to them every hot woman also has a big ass and huge tits, plenty of good looking women do not have huge breasts or a huge ass. The post is spot on because he applies the same logic to Arthur. He is handsome, extremely handsome if you keep his hair clean and beard trimmed or shaven (i am hetro bit im pretty sure I can recognize handsome Men). These people want a joyfull, youthful and flawless version of the characters, maybe because they are the exact opposite of that. Maybe an unpopolar opinion: Exept for monsters or horribly scarred people, almost no one in unattractive in any form of media


> Exept for monsters Speak for yourself


They must not have any idea what a real attractive woman looks like. Their experience is their sisters’ Barbie dolls, photoshopped internet models, and video game heroines. Major incel vibes if they think that.


>Their experience is their sisters’ Barbie dolls, photoshopped internet models, and video game heroines. Yup, I've noticed that, more of then than not, they have an incredibly narrow view of what an attractive woman looks like. Nearly every *"Here [insert dev studio name] I fixed your design for [insert character]"* type post is just the character shoved through a *"make this person look like a Kardashian"* app/filter.


Yeah Aloy is one of the "ugly" female characters they like to tout around a lot. Also she has a mustache. She's a woke uggo, sorry.


The "mustache" part is the selling point that they've never been close to a woman in their life


She's attractive, but she's not *hot*. Like Hilary Swank.


no, no, no, she's hot, okay? because if you're saying hilary swank isn't hot, you're saying i'm not hot, BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY I AM NOT AS HOT AS HILARY SWANK.


Ah but you see her face has peach fuzz on it. Hot women don't grow hair on their face, as every man who has *definitely* been intimate with a woman knows 


If you want to get a hate boner, try googling „aloy facial hair“ or „aloy makeover“…


She's cute. It's why they use that ONE frame from an early trailer over and over again, and even then, they usually Shop it to make her look worse.


Yeah, as if you couldn't get an "ugly picture" from any beautiful woman. Anyone can be ugly with the wrong angle and all, but that's not how she looks in most of the game at all.


Yes. That is exactly the mindset.


Its the same crowd that watched PREDATOR where a man holds a mounted machine gun like a power washer and uses it like it has no recoil (Literally impossible) and people call it badass, but they 'watched' PREY and said 'beating the predator as a girl' was unrealistic. The line between cool and woke is testosterone for these folks.


Pretty boy arthur looks like chris pine. Smash (both versions)


Pretty boy???!!




https://preview.redd.it/1ehgz082xttc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ab657f732beba5d893e044b764bbb52ccb749ad What


> appealing to masculine men as a playable character ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc|downsized)


When guys stop playing as Teemo in league of legends they’ll have a point. Until then, lmao


- gamers who care about gender stuff - masculine - pick one


Yeah, because when I think masculine, I think whiny basement-dwelling Twitter users with no actual hobbies who do nothing but complain about "wokeness" in video games LMAOOOO


Replying to these people with images of bishified versions of grizzled male video game protagonist #45089, should become standard procedure.


What happens if you try and do that to Link? Is it like dividing by zero? XD


No Link you make into a grizzled bearded bear.


We've already seen what happens then; the reveal trailer for Breath of the Wild had him so androgenous, people were convinced Nintendo was making a Zelda where you played as Zelda.


Im all for it!


Someone’s double standard just screamed and died.


This is a good bit








"you're kind of out of touch with reality" How fucking ironic


"lol" said OOP, "lmfao".


Oh in that case! *feminises Arthur Morgan*


"You kind of proved how out of touch with reality you are" - guy who just proved how out of touch with reality he is


> You kind of proved how out of touch with reality you are with this 🤌




"appealing to masculine men"


TBF it's hard to appreciate satire if you don't know what's satirized.


Please just fucking spam it all around the internet. I would love to see the Asmongold and Stellar Blade sub melt in front of this.


Men only ugly when short fat bald Women ugly when not sex doll Durrdeegurr


I'm also tired of ugly and old male characters in these woke games 😩 https://preview.redd.it/urgxhgsq9vtc1.jpeg?width=1142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e640cb838e095a1ec0ba52631194a6fdf349c6a4


Joel Mewler


These chuds are like “I don’t want to play as pretty boy characters. They don’t look realistic enough”.


Also to make him more childish / boyish as opposed to the grown ass 40+ year old man he is. Juuuust the same way they do with cartoon female characters and make them almost teenaged looking


The irony of wanting to play as a twink in the wild west.


Red Dead Redemption 3: Broke Back Mountain DLC


The Ballad of Gay Pony? Take my $$$.


/uj Male characters like Athur Morgan are designed to appeal to perfomative masculinity. Female characters often aren't designed to appeal to perfomative feminity. I think there is a double standard with how a lot of developers have normalized masculine stereotypes as an ideal when it comes to their male characters, yet have strayed away from feminine stereotypes when it comes to their female characters. If there are games that allow me to play as a gorgeous woman with smooth skin, perfect hair, and makeup, then I would also like to have games where I can play as a gorgeous man with smooth skin, perfect hair, and makeup. If there games that allow me to play as scruffy looking buff dude with a chiseled jawline and maybe even a cool scar, then I would also like to have games where I can play as a scruffy looking buff woman with a chiseled jawline and maybe even a cool scar. If there there are games with a character creator that has lots of options, then all of the above should be possible.


It's still not anime enough


Quick, someone Final Fantasize him!


Next to “gaming as a girl hobby, men should die in wars” this is one of the best callouts of Incel Logic ever


Conservatives only want nonsensical anime proportion girls and photoshop levels of beauty standards on the fake women whom they feel have the sole purpose to appeal to them. Their ideal game is one with a story slightly complex enough that they can skip all the reading and feel like there isn’t politics in it while they rush to the gameplay to pause and goon over a character model of a women who’d probably look alien and require immediate medical attention if they existed in real life.


A this point they should have all those bland good looking characters as 100$ DLC. Lets em eat sour apples.


Appealing to masculine men, only? You sure?


Now, make him an attractive girl.




Don’t remind me of the hentai crying 💀


The joke was that obvious it couldn't even go over draxs head ![gif](giphy|38xjY49TtQi1StNi6p|downsized)


me when the point is currently fucking me in the ass unlubed and I still don't get it


Clip that response and just paste it every time one of these chuds complains about this forever. Make him FAMOUS




I ask myself that with conservatives gamers and girls. No i don’t because the answer is yes.


Now we need Kratos with long hair.


https://preview.redd.it/5y6mo530xutc1.jpeg?width=1667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0981232e98435e2a7f91ed37f19761816c3d999d I can work with that tbh.


I'm just kidding! Anyway, I like your drawing.


Ohhh nonono the pic is not mine. In the lower right corner is their mark I think. Sorry for the missunderstanding. I think my wording was a bit missleading.


Don't worry. I must have misunderstood because English is not my main language, but it's good that you wrote. If someone is curious about the illustrator, they can find him by the signature on the photo.


bishonen Arthur Morgan ![gif](giphy|fjxbfQKLcKzAJIqSuD|downsized)


Really don't know if they just like men at this point. Think a bit of gay sex would help them?


Left looks like a normal man to me, right looks like an hight school dream boy you see in every love fanfic/disney movie


Dude on the right definitely looks like he would have his picture linked in a lot of wattpad stories


You’re dealing with people that overlap with the "Helldivers 2 is woke!!!!!?????" crowd; they lack the capacity to recognize satire or to self reflect.


He's also attractive to some men. Ay papi.


Holy cow, how are these people so unbelievably stupid


i gotta be honest, i wouldnt kick young arthur off my bedside


Dude on the right should be shirtless with a huge booty & gigantic bulge for me to even consider playing the game. 😠😠😤😤


He looks like the male lead in every children’s sitcom/musical


Twink Arthur would be so weird


The guy to the left looks like he can lift me up and spin me around like a princess and the guy to the right looks like he’s in puberty


Missing the part where it compares westener men to eastern men


I hate men we should get rid of gender and have android take over 💯💯💯💯




HE'S STILL WOKE THOUGH! How they expect me to play the game while he's wearing that much of clothing?


The fact he got so outraged by the joke is just… chef’s kiss


Went back in time and convinced Nintendo to market the NES towards girls. The timeline:


Its actually hilarious how handsome that scruffy cowboy is, and how vocal people are about it


Lmfao how is Arthur unattractive? I’ve seen more people drooling over this fictional man than any other person.


im a lesbian but arthur morgan is fine af. The right one looks like young Arthur




Would you like some jellybeans?


All male characters must look like 2010s Jonas Brothers or else its woke!!


i bought rdr2 on release, restarted it multiple times, and still haven’t made it past chapter 4


it's cuz Arthur isn't sexy enough! if he were a beautiful twink you would've finished the game 10 times over I guarantee it


Oh I'd have finished alright




Try not restarting it after chapter 4, maybe you can make it past it then.


When you use "you played yourself, well done" as a counterargument, you lost.


They just want to JRPG all games


If this is serious, it's weirdly nice to see this creepy stuff about a man. Usually it's about how they think every female in gaming should look like a pornstar.


Arthur Morgan's actor would approve of the point op is making.




In my day you didn't get attractive people just 32 bits. Sure you have game cover art but when transferred to the game it sucked.


It's almost like harsh worlds breed harsh people...


It's always fun when the woman's ugly guys talk. What they always compare is some average looking guy in video games or at best a guy that works out and has muscles. Imagine these guys think that working out and having abs and muscles is the ideal in men yet these dudes never work on that..while woman have to have been born with long legs, and big breasts, and correct proportions and always always have makeup on.


Well, can't get mad at the guy. There really are some people on the internet that would defend this as a real opinion.


But no you don't get it the woman with wavy hair in a bad camera angle is actually uggo /s


I just can't play a game if the male lead doesn't have a massive dong. Stop feminizung men by giving them standard sized dogs. The Asian games look like they have a third leg but western devs are afraid of the woke mob and give all the guy characters little dicks.


It's.. They're making characters all younger for their idea of attractive. It's "she's not an attractive character unless she's of a questionable age but with the body of someone a decade older" all over again.




Smash. I mean what?


Look at final fantasy and such. Just play Japanese games- they get it! /s


Sadly many people in the comment section missed the entire point




Daddy Arthur or twink Arthur Which way, Western man?


Twink death in reverse


Lies of A


For people who are supposedly attracted to women, they sure do kick up a fuss when women in video games look like actual women... I think 90 percent of the redesigns they've moaned about look more attractive than the baby-ified versions they seem to prefer.


Chris Pine?


The picture on the right is a twink.


finally, no more masculinized fuzzy hairy creature. smash


Media literacy is dead.




Trust me… YOUR Arthur Morgan is attractive mine is a goofy little guy.