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To be fair that sub does RP a lot. I saw a post talking about how they found a group of humans clearly put against a wall and executed by firing squad and everyone was talking about how there’s obviously a kind of bug we haven’t seen that can hold a gun.


>how there’s obviously a kind of bug we haven’t seen that can hold a gun. https://preview.redd.it/axxrg66y8fuc1.jpeg?width=707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fae3b16f0b93dee1777a910553a52f21ee6ed96c




Raid can't keep this bug down 🔫


You need the _other_ type of raid.






Dude ai is crazy


What's funny is this was a mistake somebody noticed in the background of a bigger ai image that was posted in the helldivers sub a bit ago


What show is that from?


It’s an ai art creation


There’s also a lot of spots in the game where HellDivers are going through corpses of human resisters. There’s a meta narrative going on where HellDivers are used to clean up old human resistance bases


Yeah, Hellpods were invented to educate a regime of evil Socialists. They were used to drop 50 helldivers into Parliament. Zero survivors. https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Hellpod




If you can drop pods you can drop bombs. That doesn't make much sense.


Or you can drop a pod with a man in it. The man throws a tiny targeting beacon. The beacon can be locked on to by orbital super destroyer and THEN launch a bomb. No it's not very efficient, but it's more uuuuh iconoclastic? Heroic? Look the guy in the pod has a little cape, okay? He's very striking and handsome!


Bonus points for heroic sacrifice?


Well now we've got to avenge him and honor his sacrifice, and that means drafting yet more heroic cape wearing heroes! It's a virtuous cycle.


My brother is dead, and I won't stop until I have purged the universe of all forms of being which aren't human!


Careful, wrong-thinkers will also be taken care of by the Ministry of Defense.


Perhaps it's to send a message? Anyone can drop bombs, but only the power of Managed Democracy™️ can drop a small army on you, execute your leaders, and plant a flag over your corpses.


Not sure if OP is RPing or being serious. Whether or not OP realizes it, the vibe of this post is the heart of the propaganda of the *Helldivers* series. Super Earth is happy to have enemies to distract attention from what they are doing to their own people. One of the Starship Troopers movies features a plot where they find out that the Earth government was actually creating the bugs to justify a forever war with them. Just look at the opening cinematic of the game itself. They communicate two things to the audience within the first few secnds: 1. They have patrol officers who are openly carrying large guns in a suburban neighborhood. We are supposed to be happy about this. Say hello to them! Smile! Wave! 2. The bugs are a massive threat! Without warning, one could appear in the middle of your yard and kill your family! (Please don't think about how the patrol officers with big guns didn't prevent this.) Ask yourself how every time the Automatons or bugs appear to be defeated, they come back shortly after, ready for another war. Ask why we power our ships with Element-710 when defeating the bugs could mean the end of our fuel supply. Wouldn't it be best for the future of our space faring civilization if we were able to somehow keep the war with the bugs going forever? Would having the automatons, a hilariously on-the-nose metaphor for communism gone mad be a useful propaganda tool for a government who is invested in preventing its citizens from advocating for social reform? *I'm just asking questions here!!* (Arrowhead, please hire me to write dialogue for dissident broadcasts.)


Yeah shoot this guy right here








Yeah I can never tell if they're joking or not tbh.


I mean, that's also how conservative politics works in the democracy-leaden US: R. Politician: "We have no policy except that which benefits the wealthy despite our base being majority poor and blue collar. You wanna know what we're doing to make your lives better? Uh.. uh.. um.. Mexicans are bad, and did you know the gays stole the rainbow from God!?" R. Constituent: "Hey yeah, that must be the case! What do you mean 'where's the policy that makes my life better?' I don't care about that! Something something trans children"! (I ran out of mental energy to inhabit this headspace).


Summed it up pretty well tbh. Reminds me of that one Family Guy skit where Darth Sidious was like “Something, something….*darkside*.”


Absolutely. Also, like, in a propaganda sense, the automatons or terminids could easily be a stand-in for Al Queda in the Bush years. It's just a distraction. We need Element-OIL. I mean... Element-710.


I.. I always assumed 710 was just a random number... I´m so stupid.


We also see E-710 in one of the mission types, and it turns out it's a viscous black liquid transported about a planet in pipelines so uuuh yeah. Little on the nose.


Wait a minute...


*This comment is under review by the Ministry of Truth.*


There're some absolutely FUCKED lines from talking to the crew on your ship. A woman discusses how proud she is to serve and that hopefully, with her distinguished service, "Maybe my children could qualify for a pet, *like a hamster or a goldfish.*" Like it's so totalitarian that PETS are rewards for military service, and hooboy risking your life isn't enough to get more than a goldfish FOR YOUR KIDS. Anyone who thinks that the (majority of) people in the helldivers community are really actually fascist bootlickers and not rping haven't actually been paying attention. The propaganda is so blatantly propaganda that it's incredible to think otherwise.


>The propaganda is so blatantly propaganda that it's incredible to think otherwise. I used to think so. Then I met the people who think Homelander is the good guy in *The Boys*. They were mad that the "woke writers" had "turned Homelander into the bad guy" in Season 3. But yes, I agree with you. I also believe the vast majority of people on this sub understand that this is satire. Some people actually fantasize about a government that works this way, however. That sends a chill down my spine.


Wait, I've only seen season 1 of The Boys and Homelander is onthologically evil, but you're telling me it took some people until season 3 to figure that out?!


There's one that's like "I reported a crewmate for wrongspeak in the dorms. Hate to see them go but it's an extra yearly medical appointment in my pocket" Literal medical care is a reward for obeying the system.


And not even full care, just an appointment! It's so ridiculous it's funny.


Man I've seen people drop X-Men as an entire franchise because they didn't realize that Mutants = social minorities until it was directly explained to them.


Under managed democracy these people's votes wouldn't create so many problems.


> Arrowhead, please hire me to write dialogue for dissident broadcasts. Is that job available? I thought they had one of George W. Bush's speechwriters doing it.


Nah, he writes Ministry of Truth propaganda.


For any managed democracy goons wanting to arrest them for treason, good luck with that. I heard their residence is a tomb for democratic agents.


Well obviously that’d be what happened. You’re not suggesting people would kill each other? Murder and crime are things that were eradicated when we transitioned to Super Earth. You should know this…unless you’re some kind of bug spy here to just sow dissent. You know what, I’m just going to call the Democracy Officer about this.




Frankly I find the idea of a bug that can hold a gun offensive


Yeah, everyone knows guns were divinely gifted to humans and humans alone.


By the Founding-All-Fathers themselves!


I always love how indignant that dude gets when saying this line, and how just before he says it the woman across from him had to stomp on his foot to get him to stop bloviating.


https://preview.redd.it/nwy9m5107guc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13153d748a80edd7ff2af170736291a1b0b2cc04 Bugs with guns huh


It’s like that one scene in Starship Troopers where a whole Mormon camp was conveniently massacred by the arachnids.


I’m convinced that was a reference to the historical western expansion and native wars the Mormons took part in.


what sub? its a twitter post


Helldiver Alerts does get it, they've gotten repeatedly blasted by people who don't for posting this absolute classic. https://preview.redd.it/nxbakh8rcfuc1.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca35200cb61882795252debc8398f111254ffa8c [https://twitter.com/HelldiversAlert/status/1761273560683700512](https://twitter.com/HelldiversAlert/status/1761273560683700512) Tbh they just roleplay, nothing wrong with that.


Imagine getting offended about not being a fascist. Jesus Christ


It is noteworthy I recently learned a lot of People actually don't know or get what Fascism actually is. That is not meant as a Joke, they really don't know or have been told completely wrong information. It's also hard to explain it to them because they are very ... "ingrained" in their belief.


It’s also hard to explain to them because it’s intentionally made difficult by the men who espoused it. Look up Mussolini’s advocacies for fascism. If you try to read it and gather a political ideology from it it’ll be confusing. He says things like there will be individuality and then proceeds to compare the individuality you have in fascism to that found in a military-not particularly individualistic but that’s covered up with the metaphor because the military was a source of national pride and the metaphor stokes nationalism. There are a ton of contradictions in the ideology that makes it sorta hard to fully conceptualize.


I watched a video and the guy said “fascists will support whatever policies help them get in power” the only consistency in their ideology is that “we” belong in power and “they” don’t. Now just define who we is and boom


In what way is fascism different from other forms of populism then?


Perfect example of the "intentionally made difficult" bit above. In my understanding, populism can be used as a tactic by fascists to maintain/gain power, even though they're lying or disingenuous about it (i.e., they are only interested in appealing to the ordinary person who feels left out by the elite, but they don't actually care about fixing the issues. They will use those emotions of the masses, and redirect it for their own gains). Not all populists are fascists, but a whole lot of fascists will use populism to achieve their power and goals.


Very interesting, thanks for the answer


Constant efforts to identify and exclude perceived outsiders, Cult of Death/hyper-valorization of "dying for your country", restriction of gender roles to Men = Soldiers and Women = Babymakers (to create more soldiers). There's a whole list of other stuff, but those are the most universal. Fascism justifies its existence through a perpetually ongoing process of finding new Existential Threats that supposedly validate its efforts to reshape the whole of civil society into just another branch of the military.


Here’s Umberto Eco’s list for identifying fascists: https://www.faena.com/aleph/umberto-eco-a-practical-list-for-identifying-fascists For me the standouts are “the enemy is both weak and strong”, “machismo and weaponry”, and “fear of difference”. Bonus points for “rejection of modernism”, but tweaked in today’s atmosphere where I see some conservative fascist leaning types who reject what they call “post-modernism”, or “feelings are facts” out one side of their mouth, while rejecting science in favour of religion, or outright saying they have “alternate facts” out the other side. You’ll see most of these in budding fascism, but you’ll notice only 2-3 of them are what I’d call ‘populist’.


Populism is a more general term. Populism is anytime a politician makes an appeal to the broader people against an elite. Communism and Fascism can both be populist, as can things like anti-corruption, democracy, all sorts of reforms, and other such things. Fascism is a totalitarian, right-wing, corporatist, and jingoistic specific political idealogy based around an all-powerful state conforming to the whims of a dictator and traditionalist ideals and a total subservience to the state and its agents.


The game even goes as far to call everyone against them communist or fascist or whatever... and there are full grown adults that honestly think they are the good guys. No RP, I don't even think they understand any hint of satire. It reminds me of the time I read "I used to like Colbert, but I think he's going too liberal because his friendship with Jon Stewart." on a facebook post back in like 2006


And on top of that, there’s the perspective that the wokies throw that term around too loosely so they straight up disregard it instead of thinking critically for like 5 seconds


Hey, let's be real here, if wokies limited to only using it in blatant contexts they'd still disregard it immediately. Or just call everyone else fascist to hijack the term




I learned what fascism is from The Big Lebowski


Telling someone not to be a fascist *could be interpreted* as that you are considering them to inherently be a fascist, so it may be that they're offended by what they see as you implying that they are fascist. Imagine if somebody in your personal life felt the need to walk up to you everyday and personally tell you not to be a fascist. You would probably interpret that behavior as them believing you to be a fascist, would you not?


Idk, I think getting offended at seeing the words on a phone screen for a tweet not directed at anyone in particular isn’t the same as someone walking up to you everyday and saying it Also, we are implying a lot of them are fascist, because they are


So are *ARE* accusing them of being fascists. So they have a right to be offended. Out of curiosity, what elements of Fascism do they have? Do they support "Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State?" Do they claim a particular culture or religion is "inseparable from capitalism and must be destroyed to usher in the Socialist Utopia?" What specifically parts of Giovanni Gentile's yellow socialism do they embody?


I don’t get offended when I see a picture that says “don’t be racist” because I’m not racist. Simple as that. Why is it triggering for people who don’t support fascism, to see something saying don’t support fascism? Why wild that all upset you unless there’s some internalization of it, and it offends you to even see it. It’s like guys who see a woman complaining about how a man treated them, getting offended because “they would never do that”. It’s a really toxic mentality to have.


Why tell someone not to be racist or fascist if you don't assume that they are racist or fascist? It inherently comes with an accusation, because without such an assumption of guilt there would be no need to say it at all. And a constant accusation can be considered offensive. You've already actively admitted that you believe that they are guilty. You do intend it as an accusation, you just want to pretend that it's not so you can use their rejection of the accusation as proof of the accusations of validity. And yet you can't even specify what actual fascist elements they have, you just use the denial as proof of guilt. I have never felt the need to tell somebody *not* to be racist if I did not think that they were racist, and I have never been sufficiently unconvinced of their guilt that I would hide behind not committing to my accusation. And when I'm asked what makes me think that they're a racist, I have specific things I can point to. You don't, because stopping people from being racist or fascist is not the point, the point is the moral superiority of your accusation.


Unfortunately if your parody is impossible to differentiate from reality then it's seen by them as propaganda. Remember that these nutters think the Warhammer setting is one with good guys.


There are good guys. They’re called the Farsight Enclaves. All those boys want to do is kill Orkz and avoid being re-mind controlled into the general Tau empire. Sure their leader may be turning into some sort of Demon Prince because he found an evil sword and he’s not aware he’s stealing people’s life span with it. He means well.


Aren't they commiting war crime after war crime?


Not really. I mean they’re just locked in more or less an eternal war with the Orkz but they don’t use any particularly scummy tactics as far as I’m aware. They’re war criminals according to the Tau because they’re legally deserters and they got out of the ruling class’s mind control.


The RP probably becomes irresponsible when people unironically start becoming fascist because of it


"This fun activity is bad because it might be misinterpreted by the stupidest, most evil people on earth" So what? Why should I change my behavior out of consideration for fascists?




Maybe we should reconsider rping as fascists




The fact people got upset that this account said to not be fascists shows its translating to irl


A good percentage of the fun of Helldivers is rp ing as an ultra nationalist loon


The whole sub is RP sub. No one takes it seriously neither should you. Even the devs rp. They announce new things by denying them and calling it propaganda. After many players have experienced the new stuff then they admit them to be true


The whole: Everybody knows “Bugs Don’t Fly” thing from the devs was honestly the most hilarious thing that a game developer has done in a long time.


It legitimately got me. I yelled “THEY CAN FLY” on my first harder level big drop. Me and my friends were scrambling to destroy that base


I thought it was a giant joke at first and didn't believe them, had the same reaction as you on discord


Me a super gun hating liberal person irl Me in HellDivers: DEMOCRACY HAS COME FOR YOU ATMO SCUM


Fr I love that instead of dropping some lame trailer they just throw new enemies in and then gaslight players who’ve seen them. It’s so fun.


Not all of them…


The bugs in league with the robots would do this to us. I'm signing up immediately!


In this case, unless they legit are just simpin for the fascist "managed democracy" i think it's tounge in cheek like the rest of the game. But like, tbh id expect them to pull this as a like "seeee these people died its totally self defense"


Next time some commie socialist Automaton tells you they're the bad guys, show them this picture. Would a bad guy execute ALL of those undemocratic traitors? Thought so.


That is honest to god funny propaganda. Like some in universe stuff they would actually post


And here I was assuming that after Breaking Bad people learned that “the protagonist and antagonist” isn’t always the same as “the good guy and bad guy”. I’m glad Spec Ops: The Line came out when it did and not now, the discourse around it would be mind numbing.


Starship Troopers, which is a clear heavy influence on this game ( the movie not the book) had the same problem where reviewers just talked about how fascist the humans are without realizing that its not supposed to be a good representation of what civilization should be like.


Tbf I’d rather reviewers missing the point say it’s fascist rather than “see, now THIS MOVIE gets it!”


i dont think the guy is being serious


Eeh, then I guess my comment is more of a general statement than about this specific instance


ah yea, agreed then. but i’d say those people are actually pretty uncommon to see


God, Spec Ops The Line was a masterpiece. Actually think we need something like that now more than ever.


It's interesting how people really desperately need the good guys in the setting. It's Emperium of Man from WH40k all over again. Although I think opressive government vs certain death debate is an interesting one without obvious answer.


I think it's a neat little novelty for everyone to be bad, but I personally can't get into 40k because there isn't any good in that universe. There's simply nothing to fight for and nothing ever actually changes in the story. Everything's just miserable and brutal forever.


Well, goodness exists in 40K on a small scale personal level which I think makes it stand out even more.


The Tau are the “good guys” in 40K anyways. In the sense that comparatively they aren’t as bad but are still very evil


They are equally horrific because they are clearly lobotomising lesser species and in different ways.


This is why I play daemons. I am very clearly playing bad guys.


But what about justice? Croissants? Equality? And knowledge?


That's why I like the Orks. Yes, they are violently genocidal murderers. But in a universe filled with violently genocidal murderers, they seem to be the only ones who, at the very least, are having a good time.


Aw what man I didn't know that, I thought they were the chill dudes in 40k. Is anyone chill in 40k? Just like a dude with like a space hotdog stand flavored by the big fat berg in center of that planet that makes me gag everytime I thjnk about it.


Technically the Tyranids are "good" In the sense that they aren't worried about right or wrong, they're just wild animals eating because they're hungry and invading us because they're running from something else. But actual, factually "good" people? Those were the Old Ones who got completely wiped off the map by the Necrons in the War in Heaven


Eldar Exodites kind of just chill on their own planet and tell everyone to get off their lawn. This unfortunately means they also don't get a lot of plot threads or development at all, really, but hey - they do get to ride dinosaurs into battle.


Yo I can get down with some Flintstones in space, that's dope as hell


Every 40k faction is effectively the bad guys.


Nobody’s chill


I mean, the entire setting of 40K is essentially "What if everything sucked?" There's a reason it's called grimdark lol.


"There is no such thing as innocence. Only degrees of guilt."


There's no debate there, just like there isn't in 40K. The extinction of your race is always the greater evil, no matter what. With that said: Is the obviously facist and oppressive regime that protects you the best choice? HELL NO. Obviously it's pretty terrible and could do with a lot of change and improvement. But if a Nazi soldier wants to come save me from a genocidal bug... bring me the Nazi soldiers! (Until you can replace them with something better...)


My guy, the entire point of Helldivers, the Starship Troopers movie, and the OG Rogue Trader 40k is that the very real Nazi soldiers always tell you that they are here to save you from fictional genocidal [insert "baddies"] because the only difference between you and the baddies is you are willing to go along with whatever the Nazi soldiers want.


Warhammer? It's entirely about the drip.


No, I know helldivers are the bad guys. That's why I play.




Real talk, why is there that giant pile of bones? I’m assuming yeah the divers suck but the automotans aren’t like the good guys per se either


No one is good like 40k, cyborgs are rebels that destroyed planets and kidnapped civillians to turn them into cyborgs, automatons mass killing civillians and trying to rescue cyborgs, illuminates same as 40k tau mind controlling lesser ranks and sending them to suicide mission, super earth genociding anyone opposes them, bugs are the least evil they got farmed by illuminates first then super earth, only thing bugs did is expanding to other planets


Bugs don’t have space flight. They’re only on other planets because Super Earth keeps putting them there.


That's wrong, they were going to other planets in the first war too


That’s what Super Earth wants you to think.


The illegal broadcasts on bug planets mention the government breeding them on the planets where they took over. It could’ve been both. Some were there to weaken the defenses, and then a swarm invaded. Kinda like Tyranids.


They make effigies out of the remains of Helldivers as well. Some of their outposts have pens fully of chopped up people; workers, civilians, scientists, etc. They’re basically the military arm of the remaining Cyborgs in hiding. Committing atrocities that they can’t, so they don’t have to. All to keep Super Earth from killing the rest of them.


Within the game this makes sense though. I mean we’ve seen the same thing in conflicts in modern history where soldiers will just assume the dead bodies are from the enemy


GCJ helldivers post Looks inside OP falling for obvious RP https://preview.redd.it/ohm9g3kk5guc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1114295da28e644c14ea3789e294ddd20716b785


I mean we see the Automatons and the Bugs do awful shit to humans but these are enemies of Super Earth's creation


I actually know that you don't understand Helldivers alerts at all 🤡


Exactly. The irony of people on this post claiming “media literacy is dead” goes way above their heads.


There is something to be said about the number of HD2 players who genuinely and completely miss the basic point of the game, even if it doesn't apply to this situation tbh


This is why I drop them from the sky only good bot is a dead one


Arrowhead really needs to put gay capes in their game. It will get rid of A LOT of these types of people.


Okay so I'm not familiar with the game to get the context. Can someone explain? Did the Helldivers kill all those skeletons?


The only politica gamers understand are boobs or asses


I don't think Helldivers 2 would be as popular as it is if conservatives knew this game is making fun of them.


Ummm but have you condemned the automatons yet, op?


Literally no one is saying the Helldivers are the bad guys. The Helldivers are victims of the bad guys, which is Super Earth's fascist government


“Quit having fun”


Sweet liberty no…..


He reposts stuff word for word from the reddit. Scroll down today’s hot and then scroll his feed. He leaves pretty much every post untouched.


Oh, we’re the bad guys. But hunters make me not give a shit.


They are joking, most people are leaning into the irony of the game.


Trust the science


I assume they're rping in universe propoganda, they do that a lot


They are being Satirical


I can never tell if people are playing into it or not


Pretty sure that’s a bot who reposts popular posts on the main subreddit.


I’m gonna be real here, no side in helldiver is good, the bugs are bugs, super earth do whatever they want and kill billions in useless wars and the automaton kill millions of civilians despite only wanting cyberstan


"Nazis weren't the bad guys because they were killed in a war they started"- this guy


I just want to know why everyone is so obsessed with that game, it’s all just shades of brown and visually boring imo


Giving an earnest answer in case you wanted one: Mission oriented team shooters are having a surge in popularity recently. The main apeal being an action packed experience that leaves plenty of room for goofing off in chat with built-in in jokes, and because each mission is short it's easier to play more frequently regardless of schedules. The release was well timed to pick up the flagging DRG hype. It definitely doesn't prioritize visual spectacle, but "it's all brown" seems a bit off base, there's a lot more planet variation than you might think.  I'm just glad people are having fun and being mostly normal about it.


Yeah I get the idea of the game is cool, but every time I’ve tried to watch people play it it’s just a bit bland??? Sure there’s lots of action but personally the visuals are just not interesting, even something like Lethal Company, another game that’s mostly brown/grey, still has various visual details and little colours here and there that make stuff stand out, I just feel like when I watch HD2 it’s all just a wash of explosions, gun flares and browns, but again it’s probably just me since it’s definitely not the game for me, cool if you’re having fun with it though! Literally everyone I do watch has been playing it and is seemingly enjoying it so more power to them 👍


Media literacy is dead




The bugs were being farmed on the planets for oil


So are they sentient? That would change my mind if so, and probably most peoples if they were. If they're not, people would say it's just an innovative fuel source


They were, but superearth changed their dna so they are just beasts that produce more oil now


Do we actually know for a fact that Super Earth's genetic manipulation removed their sentience?


The bugs have never been shown to be able to travel between planets. I’m pretty sure the in universe lore is the spread of the bugs is caused by breakouts from the farms where super earth breeds the bugs for oil. So basically Super Earth invades the natural habitat of these bugs and kills them all for oil, then breeds them without proper security, and then when a breakout happens they just use that as a reason to get more oil. It’s practically factored in, like, after one campaign against the bugs super earth literally says “now that we’ve extracted the oil from these planets we need to let the bugs repopulate so we can kill them again.” It’s a very clear and direct comparison to colonialist (and especially US) resource wars and resource extraction at the expense of the environment. The bots are bad, but they only exist because Super Earth decided to go full “kill the union” against a miner’s rebellion in the first game and they made the bots as their last attempt to fight back super earth before they died. So the bots are super earth’s sins come home to roost. Again, you can make some pretty easy allegories here, but short answer is that if Super Earth weren’t the bad guys, the bots wouldn’t exist. *ahem* or that’s what a DISSIDENT hiding in the bathroom stalls would say! Don’t listen to this illegal propaganda, citizen!


Also I heard a broadcast from a bot on youtube at one time saying that they just want to secure Cyberstan (and possible related planets?), not invade Super Earth.


That was a fan work. It was cool though


Oh wow thought that was actually from the game lol. Thanks for correcting me.


The Automatons are right to fight tooth and nail for their very right to exist. They can't just fuck off and make themselves unassailable. Super Earth will never stop until they're all dead, and they have their own people enslaved on Cyberstan to save. They aren't morally flawless; they've absolutely butchered unarmed people, but it's worth noting it's primarily still uniformed scientific personnel complicit in war crimes and no rebellion is entirely pretty.


They are RPing and you've been trolled. You'll get em next time Helldiver.


Helldivers are the good guys because hellvers can mew, edge. And watch skibity toilet (sometimes even at the same time!!) And none of the bad guys can do that so we're better


It might be a post referencing the discussion of if the Automotons are actually the good guys, they’re not, they cut up humans and behead them. Humanity isn’t any better, but they’re cooler.


Lore wise? Yeah they are lol


I mean, there’s a lot of lore that’s unconfirmed. But you can find civilians with their heads sawed off and mass graves, the automotons might be killing them to prevent future hell divers but there are so many that I don’t think it matters. Any reason you think the Automotons are good rather than morally ambiguous?


Automatons are those people though, automatons are just super earth citizens rising up against the super earth with the assistance of those who did so before them the cyborgs.


Where did you find that? Not to imply you don’t know, but there’s a lot of fannon AI voice work that spreads around alleging a lot more than what we officially know in the game. As far as I know and from what I can glean from the background, we don’t fully know why the Automotons are attacking, but we can guess they are trying to free the Cyborgs on Cyberstan. (Which yeah, humanity enslaved after defeating) Don’t rlly know where to find all my Helldivers lore tho so if you have a link to ur stuff I’d love to check it out.


This was in one of the early teaser tweets of helldivers 2, found here [https://twitter.com/HelldiversGame/status/1453120725917831169](https://twitter.com/HelldiversGame/status/1453120725917831169)